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Fantasy MHA


New Member
Yup, pretty much just a MHA roleplay with OC's. Obviously, not canon. For example (and just an example), we could make Asui a guy if we're bored.

1. Discord
2. Only a couple sentences per post required
3. Post often. At the very VERY MINIMUM, once per hour. I'm on summer break, so I have time.
4. No nekospeak/neko OC's (Nekospeak= ":333 OwO whuts dat Mistew Jon? Homwuk???? :3333"! I'm sorry, I just can't deal with that.

If you're interested, let me know. My Discord in Lox#3162 and, if I wasn't clear enough, Discord is where we will actually do the rp.
i mean i dont have alot of info of mha
Not a problem. Honestly, not a hard concept for roleplaying the setting.

There are high school students with powers. 80% Of the world has a sort of power like them. They train these powers and fight evil.
Thats the basis of our plot, which is the basic setting of mha. And thats all you really need to know.
Hi I know this is superrr late, but I'm really into mha at the moment... Um if you're still interested I'd be willing.

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