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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)

Markov was naping at the top of the Lodge,he was having a nice nap till he hears odd whoosh sounds...like wind but were little louder and aswell some voices,sitting up and streaching he would yawn gaping his sharp jaw wide,looking around he would Notice a woman with a...elk? wait was that a elk? Oh yep it was a elk,seem she was one of those...Um...Nature magick...Thinger...Things....whatever he dint know much of magick but fire Itself,standing up he would look at them from the top of the roof,looking around...there were not mcuh around the village as most left,with a shrug eh felt Little talktive after he talk to the small Fey,....he felt better Honestly talking to some one maybe that was what he was missing? meh,walking to he side of the roof he would ake a step foward and fall on his feet on the ground,do to his weight he did make a Preaty loud landing,streaching out he would say.

"Well hello there *Yawn*....sorry....You woke me up.....you must be a one of them wood Race right? sorry...dont have the best memory"he sayd as he would rolle his shulder,he would look at her and cross his arms looking around....he had to say he really needed to learn some important things like...i dont know RACES...idiot

Sky was deeply concentrated on the air magic. She went back and forth with Roark, discussing different techniques to increase the strength of the wind magic. Suddenly, it felt as if the whole Earth shook. Sky whipped around, shooting her small wind ball at the large red drake that landed behind her. She stumbled, falling backwards into Roark from the surprise. She quickly stood, listening to him stammer on about what she was...or what he thought she was. Her eyes snapped up at him, her chest puffing out. "I am a wood elf" she said, her nostrils flaring. She studied the large drake. "A pleasure mighty one" she said, lowering her hands. "Sorry for...shooting you" she stammered, touching Roark's back for security. The drake was large...huge actually. She was dumb for attempting to argue with one.

Markov stood there as soon he saw the small ball of wind he would ot even flintch....was a small one no Biggy,as he would hear her say she was a wood Fey he would nod...Haaaa Ok Ok wooden Fey remember that....dont forget surely he wont,hearing her excuse herself for shooting a air sphear at him,he gave a slight chuckle and would wave one arm saying "No Biggy was a small one its fine....and plesure to meet you to ven gein"He said in Draken launghage that ment "wind One" he would give a slight nod and a more well Fix smile....his smile was more of a showing fangs but now his lips were right to make a smile....yea he has been learning but he is still the Grumpy drake you all know he is just in a good mood.

"....why dose everyone here have such interesting Pets?....you have a...elk...correct me if wrong...there was some one esle with a Tiger i think and im stuck with my lazy snake here..wish i had one like you guys"he said Pointing at his horns as the white snake was sill Coild around him,he shook his head as why do they get the Interesting pets and he keeps such a lazy snake do he has to admit she dose help her wen his mood is down...ALOT

Sky watched the drake ramble on. For such a big guy he was a pretty big goof ball. His fangs glistened as he smiled. It was an awkward...toothy smile...but still a smile. She covered her mouth as she tried not to laugh at him. He was well equipped and was large, even for a drake. With one glance she could tell he was a worthy opponent, and ally. As he begun to make mention of pets, Sky stroked Roark's fur. The small white elk was very nervous with the large drake around. He hid a bit behind Sky. Sky continued to reassure him via telepathy that it would be ok. "I believe a snake is a worthy companion" Sky said. "She is quite beautiful" Sky cooed. Since she was from the wood, all animals she felt connected to. She eyed the drake, running a finger over her chin to study him. "Your snake could come in handy sir..." she said, not knowing his name. "I am Sky" she said balling her hand into a fist, placing it over her heart, and bowing her head. "This is Roark" she said, gently stroking the young elk's ear.
He would hear her and nod giving that smile as yes she is a Good companion only to calm him down and well help him not go like a ape without his banana and yes she was a beuty a albino snake,he has been with her long and well without her he would be angry most of the time,Reaching up his head he would Unie her and have her in his hand....she was limp look...dead...do she was ok she was just a Very Lazy snake,with 2 Fingers he would hold her up and wigle her as she just acts like a pasta...."Yea.....Very....Handy"he said rolling his eyes....those this white pice of pasta Look handy to you? well In a personality level yes anything else was a Big no....as he did she would wake up and amidiatly Coil itself around Markovs arm,she hiss and look at the Fey and hiss again...yep she was saying hi.

As soon she introduce herself Markov would nod and would say "
Markov solotov miss sky and Roark"he said as he would point at the white snake coild around his arm and would say "This is Pixy say hello"he said as the snake would hang her head upside down and Hiss as she swings side to side,markov noded a few times and said "Yep she is saying hello indeed"


Leo watched as the man ran away through the crowds of people, pushing through a geoup of guards, alerting them to the situation, some chased after the brute whilst the others remained approached Leo and the girl. Leo's explanation as to what happened was blunt put across bluntly but it included everything that had happened, after all. It was the mans fault.

When the guards left, he turned to check if the woman was alright, turns out she was clinging onto him. He looked at her for a bit and then looked away and down at his armour. "Damn... I got some blood on it." When the girl offered to go back to the village after seeing Leo's emblem, which was tied as a broach of sorts to connect the cloth over his right shoulder to the armour, he nodded. "You're more than welcome. I'll introduce you to the others when we get back as well, also I'm sure there is a spare room for you as well so you should be all good."

Suddenly, the girl grabbed onto Leo's hand and took him to a small house, her house. She introduced herself as Keira to which Leo replied with "I'm Leo" and waited for her to gather her stuff. She then called out "Kitten", Leo was confused at first but when he saw the tiger cub with the bow on it's head he nearly melted. Leo looked at Keira and said, "I have a tiger cub back at the village, his names Saber, I'm sure they'll be great friends" Leo smiled at Keira, "Of course she won't be a problem, no need to worry there!"

@The Mythic Dragon
Sky chuckled as she watched Markov moving his snake around. As soon as he introduced himself and the snake, it made her laugh out loud. She held her stomach with her right hand, and covered her mouth with the left.

"I am sorry...her personality just amuses me" she chuckled. "A pleasure, mighty one Markov and elegant one Pixy" she said, wiping her eye a bit from a loose tear that formed from her laughter. "What brought you to this place?" she asked, motioning widely as if mentioning all of it. "I didn't think drake's would be interested in coming to a human town" she said, sitting down on the steps of the lodge.

< @snowy raven @Kirito Kei @Daimao @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy @Whisker @Calibutcher @Yonsisac @Fezzes @LeSoraAmari @Macbeth >

[Feel free to wrap up your current interactions, if you want]

Eventually, Vala, Kyou, Reith and Aias headed back to the city gate, with the mayors son Tom in tow. There they met Leo, who was waiting with a woman and another white tiger cub, this one with a pink bow on its head. As the two groups met, the woman's eyes fell in Kyou and her eyes went wide.

"H-hello, sir! My name is Keira, and I was hoping I could join your guild as a cook, please?" Either Leo had described Kyou, or his new responsibility had changed his air and bearing, making him seem like a leader. "Oh, and this is Kitten. Leo said she wouldn't be a problem..."

Before Kyou could speak up, Vala jumped and squealed with glee. "A cook? You're definitely welcome. You'll be dealing with me a lot, as I am the hunter of our guild."

And so they left Yunich, grabbing Aedas on their way out and returning about 8 at night. It was probably too late to do much good, so everyone went to sleep.


The next day, after everyone had gone about their daily business, Vala went around and gathered every member of the guild into the lodge.

"First of all, everyone," Vala pointed to the new tall snow fey. "This is.. Reith, and he will be joining us as an Ascended Phoenix. In addition, we have a cook now! Her name is Keira, and that tiger she is holding is named Kitten! Let's all be nice to her, 'Kay?"

Leo would notice saber sitting at his feet, eyes fixed on Kitten.

"And finally, we have our first contract! Our leader Kyou will now give you the details!"

[ @Kirito Kei That's your cue! ]
As everyone spilled into the lodge, Kyou sat where had had previously slept. When everyone was present and quiet, Kyou would begin his briefing.

"Ok everyone, so here's the deal. I'm happy to say that our first job will be to eliminate the guild known as the 'Bloody Hounds'. This is the same group that attacked us yesterday at Halmast. From what I learned, their ranks consist of all humans and they have been known to keep slaves. They have a variety of weapons and, as all of you have probably noticed by now, they fight using swarm tactics and can be incredibly hard to beat when attacked head-on. It is for this reason that I have devised a plan that should get this job done with as little bloodshed from our side, as possible. They have a cave that is located to the north of this Village. We know next to nothing about this cave, so me and William, our scout, will scope out the area right before we attack. However, for now our groups will be broken up into two squads. There will be the 'Direct Squad' and the 'Indirect Squad'. It will be the Direct Squad's duty to make as much noise and bloodshed as possible at the front of the cave and possibly the outside. This will effectively draw all attention to them, and redirect any opposition from the Indirect Squad. The Indirect Squad's job will be to infiltrate the cave, and take out any opposition along the way. As most of you will have probably already guessed, the Direct Squad will face the most opposition and have to be capable of holding its own against hordes of enemies. It is for this reason that I selected Aedan, Markov, Kalryn, William, Perala, and Leo to be in this squad. Aedan and Markov for obvious reasons, Kalryn for his magic, and William because of his high mobility. Leo will be the squad leader, all of you are to listen to him should anything unexpected happens. Perala, I already know that you do not wish to kill anyone, and I intend to respect that wish. The only reason you are in this squad is so that you can communicate to the other group using your wilder abilities. We will be using two of Kalryn's wolfs, (of course, if he agrees) to exchange messages between the two squads. The Indirect Squads main objective is to infiltrate the cave and take out any lingering opposition. They will have to stay undetected for as long as possible for this plan to be effective. After the Direct Squad has inevitably been overrun, they will retreat to the Indirect group for support. It is up to Leo to decide this moment. The Direct Squad cannot fallback too soon, because that may hinder the Indirect Squad, and not too late, because they will probably die. The Indirect group will consist of Myself, Reith, Amaya, Sky, Derzol, Aias, and Vala. I will act as the sub leader, while Sky uses her wilder abilities for communication. After both squads are together, we will make the final push for the leader. We'll take him out, make a hasty exit, then mission accomplished! Sound good everyone? This is my first time doing something like this, so don't be afraid to share any suggestions, complains, or concerns."
Before the next day

Sky stretched, feeling a bit weary from the day. "I am sorry, Markov, it appears I am in need of rest" she smiled, giving a small bow and headlining into the lodge. Roark's hooves thudding against the wooden floor loudly as they made their way to a small cot that Sky had woken on that morning. "Good night white knight" she cooed to the small elk. She placed her hand gently on Roark's head, stroking his head until she slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next day

Wake Sky! The sun is up! Let us play! came the ringing voice of Roark. Sky jolted away, feeling the rough tongue of Roark on her face. Sky pushed his face gently away, her eye lids heavy with sleep. Good morning feisty one she joked, kissing Roark's forehead. Vala was talking...why was she talking so loud. Sky rubbed her head, standing and listening to her back pop. Her hands reached to the roof, feeling her body relax and awaken for the day. After a large yawn, Sky walked over to the forming group. She eyed the new fey that stood before them. There sure are a bunch of snow fey she thought. Those are the really pale ones right? came Roark's voice. She forget he could hear her thoughts. She smiled to him yes, the large pale ones she joked. She eyed the small tiger, the cook, the new fey, and Vala as she introduced them all. The one that Vala liked, the commander, began to speak. She listened, leaning against the wall as she did. He was speaking of groups...guilds...fighting...and then he said her name. Sky's head shot up. She was going to be a communicator...she tilted her head. She had never considered herself to fight in a stealth like group. Sky nodded to herself, she could easily do it. Using vines to mute....communicating between groups....and didn't he say they were in a cave? Her eyes gleamed with excitement. Oh, I do hope to be able to call on a cave wyrm to call on she thought excitedly. She had fought side by side with many creatures, but was only blessed to see a cave wyrm once.

Willlima listened to Kyou's plan as he finished attaching the new emblem to his chest piece, William was proud to wear the new Emblem and wanted everyone to be able to see it. William looked up at the mention of his name to first be a scout. "good" He thought something I know how to do well. Upon also hearing he would be in the direct group and would have to face A large group of enemies he frowned slightly. He knew he could do it. however he still had a bad taste in his mouth from the last encounter with that group. He used his unfortunate feelings to get himself angry. Angry enough to want to go and fight them anyway. This time he would be ready and he would hold nothing back. William finished attaching the emblem and donned his chest piece once again. He stood up grabbed his sword staff and Addressing Kyou "I am ready to go when you are for our scouting mission." He gave a slight nod as he said so. He thought of the payback he was going to get on those Bloody Hounds as they called himself, He placed one of his fist in his Palms and cracked his Knuckles, a bad habit he had after doing so he grabbed his sword staff again and waited for Kyou to be ready to go.
Leo was glad when he heard the news of the guild going on their first contract, he looked around at everyone, he felt that with the mix of people here, they could accomplish anything. Leo listened to Kyou, the leader of the guild, speak about the contract. His demeanour went cold when he heard the name 'Bloody Hounds'. Leo looked at Keira and nodded, he was glad to finally be able to out them all to the sword, it was the only thing they deserved. Death. And nothing more. The lives they had damaged were quite clearly beyond counting, and the fact that they use slaves to do their day-to-day tasks and dirty work appalled him. They even beat them for god sakes.

Leo looked down at his feet to see Saber sitting there, he picked him up and put him in his lap and began to pet him as Kyou explained his plan, and announced the squads. "Leo will be the Squad leader." When he heard those words he mentally sighed, he was never one to lead, and the idea of people getting hurt under his leadership made him nervous and worried, but at least he got to lead a squad that were tasked with making as much noise as possible. Leo smiled as he looked at Kyou, "Alright, we'll make sure to leave some for the indirect squad to kill." He then stood up and held Saber in his arms, outring him on the floor next to Kitten and Keira and said, "You will have to stay here.. But don't worry, Keira will look after you.. Oh and I bought toys for you so you'll be occupied, they're in my room." Leo smiled to Saber and then began to think. "I can't believe I'm talking to a cat... Dammit, Saber is going to make me soft.." Leo then again looked at Kyou and said, "The plan sounds good. When are we heading out?" As he said that he drew his left katana and began to sharpen it. He then spoke to himself, "I wonder if I'll see that guy from Yunich again... Perhaps I can take off his other arm this time.."

@Kirito Kei
(Sorry preaty Busy now so short post)

Mark was leaning agains a wall as he hears...hehe Obviuse Job! with a thoothy grin he would nod and would raise his hand as he had a question "Am i allowd to keep atleast one skull on the wall?"He ask- wait was he asking if he could keep a skull of a warrior he has slain on the wall?? why the hell he whants some mens skull on the wall!? do you cant blame him i mean 27 years of Brutality...thinks about it that would surely make some one Brutal as him and do he was More Proud of his Post in this mission abble to kill as many as he whant....with no restriction...No shackles and just do it as he wishes! yes....yes best thing ever! do he was not gona get cocky and would retreat if needed,he maybe full of bloodlust wen he whants to fight but still knows wen to retreat or not.and this was a MISSION not some walk in the park so seriuse time!
Perala's stomach was lurching as she heard the plan. This was going to be a bloody fight, for sure, especially with Markov part of this group. She was glad their leader was respecting her wishes to not kill anyone...also, where did all these animals come from? It made her wonder where her animal went - oh, there she was, sticking her head in a window and whinnying loudly, eager to get on the road for whatever bloody fight was about to come.

'Ruru should've been the mercenary, not me,' Perala thought to herself (getting a loud, grumpy whinny in response - Ruru heard that!) as she looked to Leo.

"Nice to meet you, boss," she said in an almost apathetic tone, trying her best to hide her anxiety. @LeSoraAmari
Aias watched the briefing silently, slightly nodding his head as Kyou spoke. Indirect squad. Infiltrate. Kill shit. Sounded easy enough. Absentmindedly, Aiaas unsheathed one of his daggers, tossing it up and down in the air as Kyou droned on. He couldn't wait to bloody his blades on these "Bloody Hounds" bastards.
< @snowy raven @Kirito Kei @Daimao @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy @Whisker @Calibutcher @Yonsisac @Fezzes @LeSoraAmari @Macbeth >

About noon, the Ascended Phoenixes packed up and moved north, towards the spot indicated by the Mayor. As they topped a rise, they saw the cave. It was dug into the side of a large hill. William and Kyou then snuck off to scout as Tom collected Ruru and Ajax, moving off to hide in the trees.

The entrance was unhidden, and guarded by a group of ten men. There also seemed to be an alarm bell at the opening. As they got closer, they noticed a number of smaller openings, perhaps hidden exits. The terrain outside the cave was a flat plain, up until the rise they had come from, as if the Direct squad was to be fighting in a bowl. In the distance were a number of patrols, perhaps three, of five men each.

< @Fezzes >

Kalryn had reluctantly agreed to allow the teams to use his wolves, on the condition that they come back to him alive. Athaulf, the male, would stay with the direct squad, Keiyan, the female, would go with the Indirect squad.

[ @Kirito Kei - Give out orders. Afterwards, I will wait for a majority post before moving on ]
After Kyou checked both of his blades and threw up his hood, him along with everyone else, traveled to the location of the cave.

'Hmm, seems like we already have the height advantage. Maybe someone who is good with ranged attacks can stay up here and provide support...' After Kyou had seen everything there was to see, he traveled back to the rest of the group.

"It seems like there are three patrols with each consisting of five men. Leo, its up to you rather or not you take them down before you begin your initial assault. The terrain outside the cave is flat, then is rises towards our current position. My suggestion: have someone stay up here that is good with ranged attacks and cover everyone else. As soon as that alarm is rung, the Indirect Squad will move in. We will be entering through one of the small side exits. Sounds good everyone?"

Kyou and the Indirect Squad took position to the side and began their wait. As soon as that alarm was rung, they would make a brake for one of the exits. 'Let's hope this goes well...'
"Well," he said and smiled down at her horse. "Not really. I specialize in poisons. Where I come from, I guess, animals are for eating not for talking to. But she's cute. I like her."

He stayed and petted the horse until finally he waved goodbye and went out to scope out the area. It was picturesque, almost like a watercolor painting. Durzol was never an artistic person but he felt an intense urge to just sit and watch and look at the scenery. Maybe he was getting old.

He kept away from the town and from all other forms of contact until late at night when he returned to the lodge and found mostly everyone sleeping. He found himself a corner and pulled his cloak around him to conserve heat. He was used to sleeping in awkward positions from many years on the road but right now the only thing he really wished for was an inn with a good bed, a good book and a large mug of mead. Closing his eyes, he let sleep envelop him.


The next morning he woke up at the crack of dawn and prepared his poisons. He went outside because making them in an enclosed space would cause breathing problems for everybody else. He took out his tools and his vials of poisons from the knapsack he kept tied tightly at his waist. He had a set of about twenty poisons that he made from plants and his scales. The most dangerous poisons were his scale poisons and so he tied a handkerchief around his mouth as to not breathe in the poisonous stench that emanated as he picked away at a scale on his arm. A single scale could paralyze a fully grown human and a small drake. Mixing it with other poisonous plants in the area would create a deadly toxin that could kill in seconds.

Careful not to spill any on his human skin he prepared his poisons and dipped his tools in them. His trusty stiletto knife he coated with the scale poison and his set of smaller daggers he covered in the less toxic mixtures from plants. Once he was finished, he put is poisons back in his pouch and the knives in a special belt that hung around his waist. He washed his hands in the creek and went back inside.

He mulled around for a while until he heard Vala calling them all over. She introduced two new people and Durzol smiled his (hopefully) least scary smile. She then motioned Kyou over and he began to address the group. He talked about a new mission and how they would be splitting up into two teams. Durzol was glad to be in the indirect team, as attacking from the shadows was his specialty.

They left around noon and Durzol kept to the back of the group, watching and prepared to jump and attack if he noticed anyone following them. Luckily, there were no incidents and they reached the base without a problem. They took position and began the wait for the bell to ring.

"Let's hope this goes well..." Kyou mumbled quietly and Durzol flashed him a quick, toothy grin.

"Don't worry," he said quietly. "Killing from the shadows is easy."


- Durzol is waiting to enter with the Indirect squad
William walked up to Leo with the look of determination on his face. "Leo I have a request or perhaps a bit of a suggestion as well." William had been thinking about there previous engagement with the Bloody hounds and while he was mostly thinking about it because he was hungry for payback he realized something and it gave him a plan of sorts. "I'm requesting to hang back for 30 seconds from the Direct group's attack." William paused for a moment he didn't know how Leo would react. "My reason being because of the style of attack the Bloody Hounds use. Our main group will storm in and attack but before long I bet they will surround us like last time. But I bet no one will be watching there backs then. I can then use that opportunity to charge in take out as many as I can unexpectedly and open a hole for everyone else to use so we can break away from the group when we need to." William hoped leo would approve the plan though he really wasn't sure what he thought of it. @LeSoraAmari
Perala peered down at the cave, squeezing her hands around her staff.

"Taking out the guards seems like a good idea, but...if we take out the guards, wouldn't those inside get suspicious? I certainly would if there were bodies all over my front yard."

She felt rather useless; was really only there to communicate with the other team. Communicate...communicate...that was it!

"I have an idea. It's crazy and it might not work. But if it does, it could gain us some 'allies,' in a way," she said, looking to Leo and Kyou. "Have any of you heard of cordyceps? It's a fungus takes control of the brain of a host..."

She scratched her chin. "In its natural state, it only affects insects...but with a wilder's assistance, it could control a vertebrate...hypothetically, I mean...."

She shrank back, drumming her fingers against her staff. "B-but I don't know if that would work! I-it's just a suggestion...h-having the guards under our control would give us an advantage, even if we don't make them fight and die on our behalf."

Not only that, she wasn't sure if she could control a cordyceps to such a degree. Especially if she had to control it between fifteen men.

@Kirito Kei @LeSoraAmari

After hearing Perala's idea, Kyou's eyes lit up with excitement. "This isn't really my choice, since I gave Leo leadership of this group, but if you managed to pull that off, that would give us a severe advantage. If you manage to take control over one of the patrols, we would have initaily have both numbers and surprise on our side."

As Kyou began to walk away to join the Indirect Squad, he looked back and said "For a little one, you are extremely resourceful..."
@Kirito Kei @LeSoraAmari

Perala flushed a bit, both flattered and a little irritated.

"I'm 24," she said bluntly to Kyou, turning back to look at Leo. "What do you think...? I-I think I can do it...."

She looked down at the guards. "I'd have to get close to them to spread the spores, though..."
Leo stood there as he observed the enemy patrols outside of the cave. He listened to everyone speak of their ideas. Firstly, Leo turned to Kyou, who recommended someone who was good with ranged attacks stay on high ground to cover the rest of the direct group. "That seems wise, but the only problem with that is the possibility of them being ambushed. We know how those Bloody Hounds work, but truthfully, we don't know how many of them there are. The person who stayed up here could get ambushed and probably wouldn't stand a chance on their own." He scratched his head, he was probably overreacting slightly but he was just concerned. "But, I'm sure if the right person was up to the task then it would run smoothly." He turned to Kalryn and smiled at him, they fought together at Halmast so he knew he was capable. "Do you think you could use your Willcasting to cover the rest of us with ranged attacks, or would you have to be at a closer range?" @Kirito Kei @Fezzes

After that, he turned to William, who requesting he hanged back from the group for thirty seconds. Leo wasn't keen on the idea but gave it some thought, and he was optimistic about it. "Well I'd say that's fine. With fewer of us in there they wouldn't expect you to roll in and take more out, If you could turn the element of surprise to your favour then that idea would work even more."


After that, Leo then turned to Perala listening to her concern which actually, made a lot of sense. "That's true, it wouldn't be long until they figure out that something's up, but that's what we want. We need to make as much noise as possible, divert all the attention to us. If we can do this we'll have to hold out until the alarm rings and then the indirect squad will flow in, they won't see them coming. It'll be great". Perala then began to speak about her idea, Leo listened carefully. Leo chuckled slightly, "As a matter of fact, I have. The alchemist back in Kimel was experimenting with Cordyceps at one point, until he got forced to stop said experiments." Leo sighed, speaking of Kimel he wanted to go back to visit at one point. When Perala explained her idea Leo nodded, "That would gove us a huge advantage, if you think you can do it then go ahead, we'll cover youto make sure you don't get attacked." With that, Leo drew both of his katanas, ready to descend to the ground.


"So, Kalryn will be positioned on high ground in order to cover us with ranged attacks (should he agree) whilst the rest of us go down and engage with one of the patrols, preferably the one nearest to the cave first. William will hang back and wait until we engage so that he can also engage, taking out as many as he can while they are too busy handling us. Perala will attempt to use cordyceps on one of the patrols to gain control over them, we should try that first. Sounds good?"
< @Witchy >

With her plan approved, Perala melts into the trees, moving on the top of the ridge until she was above one of the patrols. She could hear them talking about their last haul. It seemed that after they ran everyone out of Halmast, they proceeded to loot the place, stealing food, gold and goods, even taking a few slaves. There was no hint of remorse in their voices, only laughter.
Perala swallowed nervously as she inspected her to-be prey. The plan seemed a lot scarier now that it was in action! But, she said she'd do it, so she'd do it. she slid down the ledge to get to the camp. Her frightened shaking was incredibly convincing; probably because she was scared out of her wits. But she had a crazy idea.

"E-excuse me, sir...?" she said timidly to a guard, her voice as small and childish as possible. "I'm...I'm lost, I'm trying to find my mother..."

The guard scratched his chin and looked over to one of his buddies. "Yeah, yeah, I think we got a dune bitch in the back, don't we?"

Perala gave a little squeak as the man suddenly picked her up by her robes, grabbing the staff. "Let's get you back to your mommy, okay?" he hissed with a smirk.

Perala's eyes widened; well, there goes the sweet and innocent child plan. It was time to get the real plan into action before she was kidnapped and turned into a slave!

"STOP, STOP, PLEASE! LET ME GO!" she yelled, thrashing as much as possible; the invisible spores she had hidden in her sleeves flying every which way as another guard rushed to help his associate control the screaming guard. He had taken her staff away - oh, even better, there were all sorts of fun spores in there she could use to her advantage. It wasn't hard for the two men to grab her by the arms and drag her into their base, shackling her arms and legs and throwing her into a dark cell. Two infected for sure, she could tell, and with the trail of spores she left behind who knew how many would get infected as well?

Using all of her might, she made the spores inside the men grow, freezing them in their tracks as it crept through their veins and into their brains. Even as she controlled these men, she felt other hounds around her becoming infected as well. Biting her lip, she guided her puppets back outside. she forced one to raise his hand and make the "OK" sign to everyone on the ridge, and made the other man hold up five fingers - Perala had successfully infected five men and infiltrated their base. Although it was difficult to control her fungus as well as use her other wilder abilities, she managed to send a weak message to the others by forcing one of the men to say in an incredibly unnatural and robotic sounding voice, "WE HAVE CAPTURED THE DUNE. I PLACED HER IN CELL THREE, BLOCK C."

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