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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)

< @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy >

Sky..? Like that place where the clouds are? That is a pretty name. I... I am Roark. Slowly, the younger one stepped forward. I am to be your... mount, I suppose. I-I think I am a little small now, but please don't leave me! The elk whined. Suddenly, Sky would notice the older was gone. No trace anywhere... except for its mind voice.

Take care of him, Sky... and Half-Dune Perala... look forward to meeting the brothers. They have been quite interested in you.
Perala shrank back when the creature spoke to her as well. She held her book up to her face to hide her surprise.

"B-brothers...?" she whispered, looking around for the source of the voice. But it was gone before she could respond.

Well, that was another mark in her journal. She scrawled "meeting the brothers?" in the margins of her journal before stepping away from Roark and Sky. They'd need some time to bond, she supposed. @The Mythic Dragon @FlawlezFalcon

And as she left, she bumped into that drake-kin from earlier. She peered up at him from over the top of her book. He wasn't too much taller than her (compared to the other drakes she'd met), but he was still pretty intimidating. But he was trying his best to not seem quite so. She had to give him that.

"Half-breeds, they call us?" she said questioningly with a bit of a scowl. "That makes us sound like mongrels! I've always described myself as half-dune on my father's side." @bourgeoisiemustache
< @Kirito Kei @Daimao >

Before the Mayor could answer, a messenger burst in with three guards, swords drawn. "Mayor Ritarick! These are not the same people! These are the men who were at Halmast! We are here to protect-"

"No need, son. Even if these are not the same people, to have survived that guild is reason enough for me to give them a chance." He waved them away, and they left reluctantly. He then turned to Kyou. "I am still willing to give you the aid, as called for in this contract. However, I must insist you prove to me that you deserve it."

"As for that guild, they are named the Bloody Hounds. They field only humans and a variety of weapons.As I believe you saw, they command vast numbers and tend to swarm their enemies to oblivion. But I think that they are weak of mind. You kill the leader, and they will likely fall apart. Last we heard, they were in a cave just north of your new village. I will send my son with you, so you can rest after you finish. He will bring word back, and then we will send our supplies."

"Do you have any more questions, or objections?"
The walk to the village was a peaceful one, it enabled Leo to relax even more. When he got to the village with a few others of his comrades, he was quick to disappear into the marketplace. As he walked and observed all of the stalls he smiled to himself, he remembered Saber, the fox and the wolf cub playing back at the lodge. Leo thought it was incredibly cute but of course, kept that to himself. "I should buy Saber some toys or something... things to keep him occupied whilst I'm out.. He's probably sat back at the lodge bored out of his mind" He scratched his head and sighed, he didn't want to leave Saber back home but he thought it was the safest thing to do. The villagers probably wouldn't like the idea of a tiger cub roaming their streets.

Eventually he came across a stall that sold all kinds of plushies and other pet like toys. The person behind the stall looked at Leo, he seemed quite weirdened out by the fact that a warrior was at a toy stall. Leo looked at the person behind the stall and gave him an awkward smile, and then said "Um, could I have one of those, those, and those please?" He took the necessary coin out of his pocket and handed them to the stall keeper, and put the items in a bag and handed it to Leo, who nodded thanks and went on his way.

"God dammit... That was awful.. I can't believe I actually went to a toy store.. So much for not getting all soft.." Leo sighed as he continued to roam the market. Eventually he got to a stall that was near a strange alley, he wa about to buy something when he looked up and saw a woman, green eyed with long red hair. Leo blinked at the sight and then watched as a hand went over her mouth and pulled her into the alley. Hastily Leo dismissed his purchase and ran to the alley, his hands wrapped around the hilts of his katana swords. Leo knew nobody else saw it. When he finally reached the alley, what he saw shocked him massively. As well as anger him greatly.

@The Mythic Dragon
When the messenger and the three guards burst in, Kyou didn't even flinch. 'I knew it was too good to be true.'

"I am still willing to give you the aid, as called for in this contract. However, I must insist you prove to me that you deserve it."

'Ah, now we're talking. I'll finally have a chance to prove the worth of me and my guild.'

"As for that guild, they are named the
Bloody Hounds. They field only humans and a variety of weapons.As I believe you saw, they command vast numbers and tend to swarm their enemies to oblivion. But I think that they are weak of mind. You kill the leader, and they will likely fall apart. Last we heard, they were in a cave just north of your new village. I will send my son with you, so you can rest after you finish. He will bring word back, and then we will send our supplies."

Kyou put his hand to his chin. 'Hmm, The Bloody Hounds, the same group we fought yesterday. A typical insertion could work. Get in the cave, terminate the leader, then leave. Yes, this could work. Compensation seems to be fine. He's even willing to send a messenger so we have to do less footwork...'

Kyou stood up from his seat. "Well, seems like a easy enough job. We'll do it. Besides, we have a personal score to settle with that guild anyway."
Aias smiled slightly, extremely slightly, when Kyou mentioned having a personal score to settle with the Bloody Hounds. Those were the bastards that had been using his sister as a slave. Aias definitely had a score to settle with them. Who gave a shit if they had a ton of members. He'd kill them all himself if he had to. No one hurts his sister and gets off unscathed. Hell, no one hurts his sister and gets off alive. This job was going to be fun.
< @LeSoraAmari >

The woman was pushed up against the wall, a knife pushed to her throat as the man who ripped off her jacket as Leo turned the corner. On his left shoulder (the one facing him) was a tattoo of a hound with bloody fangs. The woman was teary eyed, and suddenly they both saw Leo. "What!? You?" The man grinned "Oohh, the boss is gonna love this!" He says, brandishing his knife and advancing on Leo...

[Wound him greatly, but don't kill him. Take off an arm, or such]

< @Kirito Kei @Daimao @Macbeth >

The mayor nodded, and showed them out.

"That went well!" Vala said, cheerful as always "Now, where do we go..." She paused, wide-eyed, and pointed into the crowd. There was yet another Snow Fey, and he was walking towards them "Is that... Reijika!?"

[ @Macbeth that's your cue! ]

< @Yonsisac >

The windmill was much the same, but the building was whole, and there was a bit more. There were seeds in some jars on a shelf, and a full set of tools, as well as a bag of rice. The mill was working, as well

[ FOUND: 5 jars of seeds (Types {Unknown as of now} Wheat, carrot, barley, hops, potato , Hoe, Shovel, bag of Rice ]
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"Well it's not like we're the most accepted in society," he chuckled. "Half breed is probably one of the nicer words they use to describe us." He glanced at his clawed fingers before stuffing them quickly into his pockets. "But I'm happy you have the courage to identify yourself as that. Frankly, you're the only half breed that I've seen who isn't somebody's servant or slave. Maybe I haven't traveled enough to find a haven for people like us, but maybe that is just the way it is." He paused. "Do you... Where are you from? Did you have any problems with the humans in your area?"

Sky beamed at the beautiful elk known as Roark. "Yes, like the blue stuff above". She held her hand out, watching as the girl left. She looked back at the small elk. "Sometimes the smallest are the mightiest of warriors" she cooed, her head tilting to look at the small elk. (gtg for now)
@The Mythic Dragon

Leo was angry. In fact, angry was an understatement. He was so angry at the fact that a brute such as this man would terrify an innocent girl like this, not to mention violating her and putting a knife to her throat. She was helpless. Leo caught a glimpse of the mans tattoo and then stared right into the mans eyes, "Oh? You know me? But please, don't speak to me. Or I'll cut off your tongue and watch you choke on the blood you bastard." He stood there as the man began to advance on him. Leo quickly looked at the woman and smiled at her, just to let her know that she was now safe. Leo dropped the shopping bag and drew his two blades.

When the man came close he jumoed up in the air and kicked him square in the face, breaking his nose and sending him flying into a wall, he then charged at him and cut off his left arm and then kicked him to the ground and pointed his right sword towards the mans neck. The mans screams and wails of pain could be heard throughout the village, Leo then looked up at the teary eyed woman. "Did he hurt you? Are you okay?.."


Takes note of mans tattoo, (could be important you never know)

Limbless man screams in pain lol
Markov would gather what he saw in his sight on one area well place and gatherd,as he did he would take Notes of what he saw,and each count of what,once he was done he would nod and would make sure everything is place well so wen they comeback everything was on plain sight.walkig back to the Lodge he would reach the quil they used and with a crap of paper nearby he would write down,the list of grains and aswell the unknown seed,he reach his Pocke and remember the one he got and would,place it under were he wrote unknown seed so they could see,aswell aside from that he wrote down what he found in the smithy,so it can be put to use,with a nod and the list done he would leave it on the table and would walk out,so wen they comeback they know what is here for use.

After he did he left a Note and left,and made his way up to the cealing were his blade was and aswell were he spended his night with a yawn he would close his eyes and have a little nap.

Dear Phonix....Phoniex? Im not sure how you write it

After my search around here i did came across a few Items Of use

In the windmill i thus found the following

5 jars of seeds of unknown source,Wheat,some carrot,barley,hops,a few potatos ,a Hoe,a Shovel and a bag of Rice

as of thus the smith i have found usefull materials aswell as followd

a Hammer, a few Tongs,5 steel ingots,5 iron ore,3 silver ores,a jar of carbon and 10 pairs of handles aswell handguards are all salvageable

Regarding the forge if its fix and place back togheather i would be abble to work around here and maybe be abble to craft for us,sharpen our wepons and give use to theas Items,if posible i would like to request the forge being repaird as i would gladly work in this metal and hammer.

Yours Truly:


The people of the town flowed around the tall, brilliantly pale creature in their midst like a stream around a stone, curious only for a few fleeting moments before they continued on past with their own lives, forgotten in an instant. His expression was unreadable as he stared up at the manor before him. It was a somewhat impressive building, but the Snow Fey had not come here to admire the architecture.

He blinked, looking back down to the people around him, face after face, clear for a moment then blurred back together into obscurity.


He recognised no one. No one recognised him.


Unfolding his arms from his chest, icily pale fingers briefly brushed the smooth hilt of a long, elegant dagger at his hip as he began walking. Where was he going? In truth, even he wasn't sure. Yet that mattered little to him.

It didn't take much time at all before the Fey suddenly focused upon the figure, accompanied by two others, pointing at him from a distance. White eyes, iridescent and ghostly, looked straight back. Her appearance rang a faint, dusty bell in the dark recesses of his mind. And his.

Her lips moved, yet he didn't hear her words. She was drowned out by the lilting hum of his thoughts, the hum of the crowd, and the sudden burning want to completely ignore these strangers that he knew too well and run. Yet he did no such thing. He slowed to a standstill, still a fair distance away, eyes locked. He was trying to remember something, but he didn't know what.

Something in him was telling him to move, to run, towards them or away, he didn't know or care, yet all he could do was stare, frozen where he stood as he felt something crack slightly in his mind.

I know these people.

(@The Mythic Dragon, @Daimao & @Kirito Kei. Sup.)
< @Yonsisac >

[Wake up when you want to, or wait until the mission begins]

< @FlawlezFalcon >

Do... do you really think so? I'd be happy for you to ride me into battle... once I grow up, of course! Where are we going?

< @LeSoraAmari >

"D-damn you! The Bloody Hounds will never forgive any of you! You are going to die!" The man yells, running off and pushing through a group of guards, half of whom run after him, the other half walking up to Leo. "Are you okay, Ma'am? Sir? What happened?"

Once Leo gave a decent enough explanation, the guards nodded and moved away, and Leo would notice that the woman was clinging on him. "Thank you, sir! I noticed your emblem! Do you need a cook down at your village? I-I I am a decent cook, I think! Please, can I come with you? I've always wanted to cook for important people!"

[should Leo agree]

The woman takes his hand and walks down the way, leading Leo to a small house. "I just need to gather some stuff, would you come in, please?" The house was clean, and there were toys similar to what Leo had just bought. "My name is Keira!" She said, gathering small jars of herbs, spices and cookware, as well as some books, stuffing them in a bag she threw over her shoulder. "Kitten! Come out!"

A white tiger cub, about the size of Saber, perhaps a bit smaller, walked out of the shadows, with a pink ribbon on its head. It was carrying a small ball in its mouth. "This is Kitten. I found her on the side of the road one day. She's really friendly, and don't need all those toys... just that ball. But she can carry that. She... won't be a problem, will she?"

Sky continued to talk to Roark, her soul beaming with excitement. As she walked, flowers began to grow around her and the elk's feet. Sky was going on and on about this, that, and the other. Eventually, they made it back to the lodge. Her mount twitched a bit, looking at the lodge. Sky didn't want to go back to the lodge, she hadn't really spoken to anyone but Vala. Sky gently rested her hand on the back of Roark, suddenly developing a new way to comfort herself. When will the others be back...she thought, looking towards where the lake would be. Vala had said the town was two hours away...Sky turned to look at the lodge again and decided she was going to sit outside and practice some of her wild magic.

Sky gently caressed Roark's face, feeling his soft snout. She backed up, looking at a nearby bush. "Ok...let's try working with wind..." she muttered, forming her hands to look like she was holding a small ball. She rotated her hands around the invisible ball before pushing it out roughly. A few seconds after, the bush began to shake. "Oh! Good! I can blow off the enemy's hat..." she muttered, biting her lip. She balled her hand up again, forming the air ball again. This time she attempted to make it bigger. After pushing it again, the bush moved a bit harder.
As for what Aedan was doing during all of this ... Well, let us just say that the warrior was acquainting himself with the local area. Though he was a native of Virnon and knew most places like the back of his hand, this area was new and absolutely strange to him. He would lead his horses on a trek through the woods around the area before finally locating the town where Kyou and the others had gone. Though he remained thoroughly unimpressed by the setting, the wounded warrior would make his way to the local tavern and plop himself down.

"5 gold to the man who gets me drink."

There was a shocked silence around the tavern and then a scurrying of footsteps as the waitresses and workers hurried to get him his due.

Ah ... finally ... I've been waiting for this part for awhile ...

Aedan slammed his five gold down on the table and happily accepted his cup when the first man arrived bearing some ale. With a satisfied grunt, he would drain the glass before tossing it over his shoulder.

Another .... and some stew, too!

Ah boy, the tavern workers were going to have a long day in front of them keeping that guy fed.
Aias looked in the direction that Vala was pointing, and his inky black eyes locked onto the ghostly white eyes of the other Snow Fey. Walking forward, Aias left Kyou's side and began pushing his way through the crowd; an easy feat due to his stature. Approaching the other Snow Fey, Aias grabbed him by the arm. "Come with us. We have some things to talk about," Aias said, the tone of his voice leaving no room for argument as he practically dragged the Snow Fey back over to Kyou and Vala, not giving him a chance to respond.

< @The Mythic Dragon @Macbeth >
< @Whisker >

About half-an-hour into his feast, a man about as burly as Aedas himself sat across from him. "I saw that emblem of yours. You're part of that new guild, yes? I have a proposition for ya." He slammed his elbow onto the table. "You beat me in an arm wrestle, and I speak to my boys about building you a brewery. It seems like you'll need it."

< @Kirito Kei @Daimao @Macbeth >

Vala was jumping for joy as Aias walked over with a second Snow Fey much taller than her. "Kyou, this is my other brother, Reijika! I thought I'd never get to see any of my family again, and here are my two older brothers, right here! Reijika, what news from home? How are mother and father? The twins? I have been gone so long! What's happened?"
Kyou surprisingly looked at Rejika. 'She has another brother? Next thing I know, mother and father will be jumping out of the cake with the sister...'

Perala leaned on her staff.

"Please don't call me a half breed," she insisted with a vague sort of shrug. "I was raised with humans. My family was very close. My grandparents wouldn't abandon their daughter even if she did marry a fey. So I was lucky in that regard."

She shrugged again, looking at the ground. "My father never said it, but I always got the feeling he was ostracized from his village for marrying a human. He didn't tell me anything about his family. Sure, he told us about dune fey culture, but I haven't a clue where he's from."

She smiled slightly. "Sorry for rambling. I don't have many people to talk to, except for--"

DID SOMEONE CALL FOR RURU? Ruru mentally called to Perala as she galloped between the trees to stand at her master's side, snorting and bumping her snout against Perala's face, demanding pats. Perala obliged, scruffing up the small horse's mane.

"Not me," she said in an undertone to the horse. "It was that wood fey."


Perala giggled, covering her mouth and looking at Durzol. "Are you a wilder? Can you hear her?"
He knew he should have run when the tall Snow Fey approached him. Yet for some reason, he didn't.

His sounded distant and strange, yet he understood. All he could do was follow him numbly. The Fey girl was stood before him; she seemed excited to see him there, as he heard her speak a name he had not heard for a long time.

Who was that?

His face never changed, only watched, his eyes empty.

..It was me.

Suddenly, it became unbearable. Unbearable to see her face, her happy, unknowing face, the feeling of the other Fey's grip on his arm, the slow but unstoppable cracking of what he'd believed over so many years.

They aren't real.

He quickly jerked his arm away, stepping back from them.

"My name is Reith."

He said it softly, yet inside he clung to the words like a drowning man.

How could she not know?

So many years. So many years, yet looking at them there, he couldn't bear it. It was too much.

Aias and Vala are dead.

He took another step back and turned, already walking away.

< @Kirito Kei @Daimao @Macbeth >

"Reijika!" Vala runs in front of her brother, stopping him in his tracks. "Reijika, It's me, it's Vala! Look, you don't have to be worried about me anymore! I am free now! Kyou saved me from those men! Please, what's wrong? You couldn't forget me! Right?"
Kyou simply watched, but didn't meddle. This was obviously a family matter and he decided not to get involved unless he had to.
< @FlawlezFalcon >

You know, my Dad once told me that, if you are weak at something, it can still be used in the proper way. Like, you could shift the wind to hide your scent from predators. And if you wanted to use that to attack... maybe throwing wind like blades? That may be simple enough for you to do... N-not that I am saying you're dumb, to need something simple... it was just a suggestion, please don't make me leave!

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