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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (RP Thread)

Sky stood, her back popping as she did so. It made her release a long and much needed sigh. She rolled her neck and ankles before finally feeling prepared to move. As Vala mentioned Kyou, she eyed the man she had blushed too. Sky's eyebrow lifted as she looked over the man. It surprised her Vala would chose him, but she could understand why the snow fey had an interest. "Let's go to the river" she said, needing to go outside and get out of the stuffy lodge. She moved past the group, not making eye contact with any of them. She smiled as her bare feet hit the grass outside. She moved her toes through the soft grass and sighed again. Vala led her to the river and Sky immediately walked in, clothes and all. Everything was covered in blood it seemed.

First, Sky washed her clothes while they were still on. There wasn't much in the way of clothing, but she wanted to make sure it was all off. After she was satisfied with her clothes, she took them off and threw them to the grass. She let her body sink into the water, watching the blood flow off her body and dye the water around her red. Sky went completely underwater, feeling her hair flow freely as the hardened blood was released. She slowly drifted back up, keeping her head the only thing above water. "Amin n'rangwa edanea" (I don't understand these humans) she muttered to herself as she relaxed in the water.

Vala watched her cousin as she bathed, playing in the water a bit. "Tiaman destro l'ora'e. Jiam'n kokor'a devr'o, Kilor..." (Humans are hard to understand, yes, but once you've been with them for a while, you start to get a feel for how they think. I was a slave for so long, I only knew pain and hatred. It didn't help that that 'man' I had to call master would force himself on me every damn night...)

"Hior tala. Jo'kurrin kala'a commore ta sh'an..." (So believe me when I tell you these people are different. They may not know it, but their hearts are all similar. For one reason or another, they wish to do good. And with this group, they can do so... better than they could alone. They all have goodness and light in them. I hope you will join us, Cousin.)
Aias watched as the others passed the paper around, signing it and introducing themselves. Then his sister ran off to take a bath with the other fey girl, leaving the contract on the table. Looking at everyone who had signed it already, he sighed internally. Vala would probably want him to join, but even if she didn't he had to keep an eye on her regardless. Uncrossing his arms, Aias grabbed the contract, quickly reading the other names, before signing his own. "Aias Herwraek. I will be joining your band of fools."
Sky listened to Vala make her speech to defend those making an alliance. She stared at the clouds above her, debating on signing the paper. I came here for a reason...this is just a tad different. That is ok she thought. "Amin weera" (I agree) she said, looking over at Vala. Her clothes seemed dry, so Sky emerged from the water. She carefully put her clothes back on, causing them to wet a bit again. She looped her hair behind her a bit, so it would not stick to her face. "Let us return" she nodded to Vala.
"You know, Kyou, we sill need a name. We cannot have awesome battle cries without it, and bad guys won't be fearing us if there is no name to fear!"

Kyou brought a hand up to his chin as he began to think of a name. From what he had seen so far, these people's morals were a bit shaky at the least, but none of them would do anything like harming a child. 'On second thought, the assassin would probably do it if you paid him enough coin...'

Kyou watched as Vala rushed over to the other fey, who was just waking up. He causally listened to their conversation. He was especially interested in the sentence that was said in a foreign language.
'That sentence had my name in it. I wonder what she said...'

"Aias Herwraek. I will be joining your band of fools."

As the two fey left to bathe, Kyou walked over to Aias and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm happy you'll be joining us..." Kyou then realized who he was talking to and noticed the death stare that Aias was giving him. He slowly removed his hand from his shoulder. "Alright then! I've decided on a name! It's something that's a bit ambiguous but has lots of meaning behind it!"

Kyou took the pen and wrote 'Ascension of the Phoenix'
Sky walked back to the lodge with some guidance from Vala. She stood outside the door for a second, eyeing the structure of the building and really making sure she was ready to join a group of people she had no knowledge of. Fae will take care of fae. I will just keep a close eye on them she thought, pushing the door open just as the one Vala had mentioned announced the name of the group. She winced a bit at it, but it wasn't her decision. She looked at the paper near her. Gently, she wrote her name. It was elegantly written with lots of swirls and embellishments. She looked to the one that was the assumed commander. She balled a fist and placed it over her heart. With a small bow of her head she said "I'narr en gothrim glinuva nuin I'anor". She stopped, realizing he couldn't understand elvish. She thought for a second and repeated "The bones of our enemies with gleam in the sun" she nodded gently.
< @bourgeoisiemustache @snowy raven @Kirito Kei @Daimao @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy @Whisker @Calibutcher @Yonsisac @Fezzes @LeSoraAmari Also @Macbeth >

Vala jumped for joy at Kyou's choice of name, and grabbed the box, passing an emblem out to the members of the new guild. They could be used as clasps, pins, whatever worked for them. She then returned to Kyou, still holding the box.

"Now, that's done! Next thing we need to do is get some supplies, perhaps some people to help with the village. There is a town just across the lake, about 2 hours journey. I think that at the very least, our commander should go and announce our formation, and show the mayor the contract. Beyond that, we may be able to find supplies and professionals... if we're lucky, there may even be a carpenter or something!"

"Of course, there is stuff we can still do here. We can clean a bit, maybe find some workable items. If nothing else, we can get some food from hunting, fishing and gathering... there might even be something in the windmill... (@Yonsisac Hint)


[ This part is for whoever chooses to go to the village. @Kirito Kei must go, and I am assuming @LeSoraAmari is also going. Anyone who stays at the village is free to do as they wish ]

The walk was pleasant. Not too hot, with a nice breeze that carried the scent of the lake and trees. It was maybe 3 in the afternoon when the party arrived. The guards took a look at Vala, and drew their swords.

"You! You are that bastard's slave-girl! Don't tell me he's planning to attack here again!" One of the guards says. Vala doesn't even flinch. "I have no idea where my former master is, or what he is planning. I come now bearing better news. The village down the way has finally been claimed! The Ascension of the Phoenix has been founded! Tell the mayor!"

The guards jump a little, and call for a messenger, who they whisper to and send off running. "Proceed. A messenger will come find you when the mayor is ready. Welcome to Yunich... Ascended Phoenix" The bow and allow the party inside, staring at the emblem on Kyou reverently.

This town was a bustling marketplace, shops of all kinds lining the streets, and stands everywhere. Vala turned and addressed the group. "Okay, I think we should split up and find different supplies! This emblem will carry plenty of weight here, so people should be friendly to you, maybe even give discounts!" She proceeded to give each member a small bag with 100 Gold coins.

< @LeSoraAmari >

As Leo wandered the market, he would notice a young woman, green eyed with long red hair, walking down the way. Suddenly, as she walked by an ally, a hand was put over her mouth, and she was dragged in. It seemed no-one else had seen it happen.
Kyou was exited at the idea of recruiting more people for the town. He also wanted to go get a weapon. After all, he did lose his dagger back at the last fight.

"You! You are that bastard's slave-girl! Don't tell me he's planning to attack here again!"

'Hmm, more and more questions keep getting raised about Vala's past. I must remember to question her about it at some point.'

For the first time ever, Kyou didn't draw his blade when faced with a potentially hostile situation. Maybe it was because he had just became the leader of a mercenary guild. Or maybe it was because Aias was with him and he would probably slice anyone who got close to Vala. Either way, he surprised himself.

As the guards bowed, Kyou stepped back slightly, surprised by the odd gesture. Soon, a smug grin filled his face. 'Feels nice to be openly respected by the guards for once...'

Kyou, had known the guards of the various kingdoms very well. He would often get caught stealing various things, he never got caught though. The confrontation always resulted in a chase with Kyou getting away. In a strange way, the guards of the major cites sort of respected Kyou. He was just a kid trying to survive on the street after all.

Buying things wasn't really Kyou's style, everything he ever owned (except for his sword), was stolen. He only ever spent money on day to day living, and even then he was prone to 'taking more than what he paid for'.

'I have to get rid of that habit. After all, I am the leader of a mercenary guild now...'

"Okay, I think we should split up and find different supplies! This emblem will carry plenty of weight here, so people should be friendly to you, maybe even give discounts!"

Kyou nodded and went to the nearest weapons dealer. "Can't lead if I'm dead, right?" He mumbled to himself as he went. "First things first, get a new weapon, then deal with the supplies for the town."

"I was thinking two silvers at the most," Perala replied snidely, reaching out to grasp the drake-man's hand and give it a short squeeze. "Perala Polypora."

Maybe being cocky like this around these experienced warriors was a bad idea. They could all easily crush her with one hand. But if she faked her confidence enough, surely it'd become real.

He was a half-breed like herself, she noticed. It was strange meeting another one, even if he was drake-kin...she'd been rather isolated growing up and only just began her journey into the outside world.

"Was your mother or your father human?" she asked bluntly. Maybe it was rude to be so upfront about this thing, she didn't know. But she was curious about the man.
Before leaving to go to town, Aias stabbed a hole in the top of the emblem with his sword and strung a small chain (that he just so happened to have in one of his multiple hidden pockets) through the hole, hanging it from his neck.


Aias spent the walk at the back of the group, watching the others. Specifically Kyou and Vala. Upon arrival to the village, Aias narrowed his eyes at the guards, snarling slightly and halfway drawing his sword when they brandished their own blades at his sister. Fortunately for the guards, Vala's words cause them to stand down, and his sword is re-sheathed and his snarl disappears. As he passes by the guards on his way into the town, he gives them a glare that promises death should they do that again. Aias's attention is returned to Vala when she addresses the group.

"Okay, I think we should split up and find different supplies! This emblem will carry plenty of weight here, so people should be friendly to you, maybe even give discounts!" She says, and Aias is mildly surprised when she plops a bag of 100 gold coins into his, and everyone else's, hand.

'Just where-,' he began to wonder, before deciding that he probably didn't want to know and actually didn't care where the gold had come from. Aias knew exactly what he was going to buy first, and it seemed that Kyou had the same idea, as they both went to the same weapon dealer. Browsing the goods, Aias picked up a dagger, inspecting it closely.

"Congratulations on your promotion...leader," He says to Kyou, as he tests the sharpness of the blade with his finger. "You earned my vote when you saved my sister," he continues, giving the blade a few experimental slashes through the air. "I thank you for that, but you have yet to earn my respect." He tossed the dagger in the air, letting it perform two full rotations before snatching it out of the air by the grip and slashing it through the air towards Kyou, stopping it just millimeters from his nose. "Make sure not to get any of us killed," he said calmly, eyes still inspecting the weapons on the table. "Especially not Vala." With those words, Aias looked at Kyou for the first time since they arrived at the dealer. Aias's dark eyes seemed to stare into Kyou's soul, and the look in said eyes, along with the tone of his voice, promised painful retribution should anything happen to Vala. Removing the dagger from Kyou's face, he placed it on the table on front of him, along with two more that were identical to the first one. "How much for all three?" he asked, directing his deadly gaze to the dealer.

< @The Mythic Dragon >
Sky decided to stay back at the lodge. She was sore from their previous fight and she wanted to get acquainted with the area. She watched as a few of them left, feeling a small bit of relief lift from her. Her hair was drying out by now and she tied it up so she could adventure. As she stepped outside, she took a deep breath of air. The town air was different from the wood air. She missed the woodlands. The craving to walk overtook her and she begun to adventure. It was almost as if she were a small child again. She hummed to herself, picked up leaves and rocks, and danced along the road. It didn't take long until she was back at the river in which she bathed. It feeds into a lake Vala's voice echoed in her head. Curiosity flared in her as she began to follow the river.

As she followed the river's path, a small frog leapt out in front of her. "Vendui'!" she cheered, greeting the creature. It looked at it for a second, then leapt into the river. "Good idea!" she cheered, diving in after it. The river's current was strong, but not strong enough to overtake her. Sky floated, her face to the sky, down the river, humming to herself as she went.
As Kyou browsed the blades, he was surprised when Aias initiated conversation. However, Kyou became slightly nervous when Aias started inspecting a sharp dagger. Kyou stayed silent, simple listening as he looked for his own weapon.

"Congratulations on your promotion...leader," "You earned my vote when you saved my sister,"

'Hmm, this is the first time Aias has shown some friendliness towards me. Almost seems too good to be true...'

Kyou was in the middle of inspecting a sword that was similar to his own, when Aias performed a swipe that nearly took his nose off!

'Yep, too good to be true...'

"Make sure not to get any of us killed," "Especially not Vala."

Kyou exhaled as Aias took the blade away from his face. 'I really have to get used to his showings of hostility. All in good time...' He sat his sword on the table as well.

Kyou exhaled yet again and asked the shop keeper "And how much for this?"
@The Mythic Dragon

Perala had opted to stay at the lodge after placing her medallion deep in the pockets of her cloak; she wasn't sure if she was comfortable wearing this badge so soon. she felt rather anxious and needed to be alone for a moment...

Yeah, she should have been looking for food or other miscellaneous supplies, but Perala found it more comfortable to settle up against a large oak tree and pull a large tome out of her satchel, cracking it open to where she had left off. It'd been a while since she read this. Her ears could pick up the sound of a rushing river nearby, and the birds were tweeting about merrily. It was comforting.

"Red incaps for frostbite..." she murmured, running her finger down a list of various plants and mushrooms that could be turned into potions. That could be useful. But red incaps only grew around volcanic areas.

Her head snapped up when she heard a sudden yell and the splashing of someone hitting the water. Oh no, oh no, did someone fall in?! Hurriedly gathering her books she followed the sound of the water to see a fey @FlawlezFalcon splashing about merrily in the water. she breathed out a sigh of relief. Okay, she wasn't drowning, but this girl looked familiar.

"Oh yeah," she said to herself, sitting on the ground. She offered her horse to this wood fey to get the snow fey to safety. She still wasn't sure if that had been a good decision since it forced her to make the choice of becoming a mercenary or getting killed. But both feys were healed and seemed content now, and that was all that really mattered.
Sky was smiling to herself as she floated. Her ears picked up some noise. She looked up and saw the girl who had offered her the horse. Sky was feeling like herself again, a cheery and nature loving wood fey. She waved towards the girl, her clothes and hair soaked again. "Come swimming!" she cheered, swimming up the current towards the girl. There were books in the girl's arms which told Sky a lot about her already. As she swam closer, she suddenly felt a presence. It was something that was a familiar presence, but new all together. It was watching her. Her soul seemed to hum with excitement. Sky looked around wildly but didn't see what was causing the disturbance. Using her wild magic, she gently extended her mind and let Do you wish to speak to me? extend out to any living creature nearby, including the book worm before her. She turned her head back to the girl and walked up on shore. She held out a hand and tilted her head, a smile spread across her face. "Swim?" she asked. @Witchy
< @FlawlezFalcon @Witchy >

In response to Sky's calls, a large, white elk trotted up from the trees, regarding the Fey with eyes that spoke of intelligence.

Quite excitable, aren't we, Sky Malekikoera, child of Librom? And who is this? A half-dune? He has not yet had the honour of meeting you. The elks mind-voice was a song of age and wisdom. Was it waiting for them..?

< @Daimao @Kirito Kei >

The shopkeep stood at the counter, watching their exchange with disinterest. When asked about the prices, he shrugged. "Ten gold for the sword, three each for the..." Suddenly, he saw the necklace around Aias' neck, and the clasp on Kyou's cloak. "Oh, my lords, no! I apologize! I'd give them to you for free, but I do need the money... ah, 5 gold for the lot, my lords. That is as far down as I can go!" The shopkeep was shaking, but it didn't seem to be out of fear, but out of pure excitement.

When the pair walked out of the shop, Vala was there, beaming. "The mayor is ready to see us, Kyou. He was only going to see you, but I insisted that he allow your bodyguards in with you." She gave a blushing smile, and went to one side of Kyou. "Brother, stay on his other side, and make sure you look like you are protecting him."

Vala led the way to a small mansion. A butler greeted them, and led them to a meeting hall with a small round table. The mayor was a bit stocky, with silver hair betraying his age. "Sit down, please, lord Kyou." When he did, the mayor smiled. "Thank you. I am George Ritarick, mayor of Yunich. This accord was reached many years ago, when my father led this village. But it is still valid. We will give you any aid you require, within reason, as payment for saving us all those years ago."

"However, I must ask a favour of you. You see, there is this mercenary band who seems to have become bandits, and they have been attacking us. That bodyguard of yours was with them. Don't worry, I hold no grudge. She could have killed my son, but she didn't... I saw her get beat for it... anyway, I would ask that you take care of them, please. It is not just us, word has spread that they caused a commotion down in Halmast. They were beaten back somehow by a small group of soldiers from what I have heard. You may want to see if you can find those men... they might be quite an asset."

After that, he was silent, awaiting the words of Kyou.
After reasiving the medalion and reasiving the name of there Guild,he would sigh and let them go he rather stay around cleaning the place and well that smithy shop aswell...better get it clean and those tools can be used for Scrap and maybe unrusted and smelted for some metal once the Forge is up and running if they get it up,and aswell like they mention windmill there were some sacks of seed and could work for Ratians here "I will clean around he place and get work around the place"he said a he would get the Badge and would pin it in his Right shulder were look nice for him,Noding he would walk outside and toward the smith shop,seeing the place if they were gona get this place back on its feet they better get cleaning,walking inside and seeing all the scrap and mess he would clap his hands once and say "Lets get this started"

As he said that for self encuragement he would begine to clean up Picking up some of the rusted tools and Throwing them outside in a Pile,aswell outdoored but still Uder a Roof was the heart of the Forge,was dead Fire and empty,beside it was a Preaty thin but wide Stone rectangule Gap that seem to be fill with water to cool down the heat of the blade wen Forging....he wonderd if there was a anvile,he has not seen one,aside from that the forge was missing its @The Mythic Dragon

(Can ya suplie me with things that could be found? rusted or not
xD )
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< @Yonsisac >

Ignoring the fact that the entire building was burnt to a shell, there was a lot that was unusable... but there were some good things as well. A thin layer of rust around on the floor may be a clue as to what happened to the anvil. The smith's hammer and tongs were on the floor, rusted but salvageable. There were also a few ingots of what looked like steel, as well as some raw ores and other components to weapons.

[ Hammer, Tongs, 5 steel ingots, 5 iron ore, 3 silver ore, a jar of carbon and 10 pairs of handles and handguards are all salvageable ]
After wordlessly paying for both Kyou and himself, Aias took all three daggers and put them in separate sheaths; one at the back of his waist, one on the hip opposite of his sword, and one in a hidden sheath within the folds of his armor. Then walking out of the shop with Kyou, they ran into Vala. It appeared the mayor was ready to see them.

"Brother, stay on his other side, and make sure you look like you are protecting him," Val said as she stood on Kyou's other side, blushing at the man. Aias said nothing about the blush, however, and took his position at Kyou's side. It wasn't his first time as a bodyguard, so Aias would have no trouble pretending to be one. Upon their arrival at the mayor's mansion, Aias glanced at their surroundings, quickly analyzing them. Internally, he grimaced at the lavish furnishings. Exuberant displays of one's wealth were not in Aias's taste. However, externally, Aias showed no emotion, and stood stone-faced next to Kyou's chair, keeping an eye on their surroundings, and a hand near the grip of his sword.

< @The Mythic Dragon >
Sky felt the voice that spoke in her head as if it were a part of her. It seemed to shake her soul itself. She slowly turned, seeing the white elk standing nearby. Her breath caught in her lungs as she froze. It felt like time itself stopped. She could feel her heart quicken, her blood pulsing in her ears. He knew her name...how?! Suddenly, her mouth was dry. She felt parched and overwhelmed by the beautiful of the giant white elk. Sky couldn't stop staring into the gentle but intelligent eyes that she was lucky enough to have grace her. Vendui' Poikaer she said telepathically. She couldn't move so she gave the image of her bowing before the great beast. (Hello mighty one) What is the reason to have such a magnificent creature of the wood greet such a humble servant of the vine? she asked humbly. @The Mythic Dragon
< @FlawlezFalcon >

There is no need to be nervous, Sky. He has been watching you... and he is proud. But you must be wary, for the youngest approaches... and you will be tested. You mustn't let it break you, or the Ascended Phoenixes... or all may be lost. His mind voice was serious, like he was instructing his Calfs on the dangers of the world. You are all destined to be known... but how is up to you. Then, his mind voice smiled. I have a companion for you... if you would like. Roark! Come out!

A younger white elk came out timidly from the trees, hiding behind what could only be his father. H-hello... his mind-voice spoke of youth, and all that state entails.
"Oh, my lords, no! I apologize! I'd give them to you for free, but I do need the money... ah, 5 gold for the lot, my lords. That is as far down as I can go!"

Kyou looked at the shopkeep with wide eyes as Aias paid him. "Um... ok. Thanks for your business..."

Clearly, Kyou wasn't used to being shown this kind of affection, or any for that matter. The clasp on his cloak must have carried more weight that he had expected. Kyou took the sword and put it in his second sheath, the one on his left side. He looked at his right side to make sure 'Averet' was still there.

As Kyou and Aias walked back, they were intercepted by Vala.

"The mayor is ready to see us, Kyou. He was only going to see you, but I insisted that he allow your bodyguards in with you."

'I have bodyguards now? This day just keeps getting more and more strange by the second.'

"No, that isn't necessary-" But before Kyou could even finish his thought, he was interrupted by Vala.

"Brother, stay on his other side, and make sure you look like you are protecting him."

'Well, it seems like there's no changing her mind. I guess I'll role with it...'

As Vala led they way to the mayor, Kyou couldn't help but to think what had been done in the past that gave this symbol so much power. 'Must've been something great to warrant discounts such as the ones earlier.'

As soon as Kyou entered the small mansion, a small bit of nostalgia hit him. He had only herd of places such as this from his mother. She would often tell wild stories of how she stole from the wealthiest of nobles and how she plundered the entire country side. It was weird to think that Kyou wasn't actually there to do the same thing.

As Kyou sat in the terrible colored chair he listened to the mayor with deep intent.

"Thank you. I am George Ritarick, mayor of Yunich. This accord was reached many years ago, when my father led this village. But it is still valid. We will give you any aid you require, within reason, as payment for saving us all those years ago."

'Again with the past glories...' It was really starting to anger Kyou that people only respected him for the things that people before him had done.

"However, I must ask a favour of you. You see, there is this mercenary band who seems to have become bandits, and they have been attacking us. That bodyguard of yours was with them. Don't worry, I hold no grudge. She could have killed my son, but she didn't... I saw her get beat for it... anyway, I would ask that you take care of them, please. It is not just us, word has spread that they caused a commotion down in Halmast. They were beaten back somehow by a small group of soldiers from what I have heard. You may want to see if you can find those men... they might be quite an asset."

After this, Kyou looked at Vala with a worried look. 'I really have to find some time to ask her about her past!'

Kyou took a deep breath before he spoke. His mind reverted to the time when his mother would often give him public speech lessons. It sounds weird, but it was extremely helpful when dealing with guards and conning people into doing what you wanted. However, Kyou didn't want to do that to this man. He seemed like a nice enough sort.

Kyou smiled at the mention of more men.

"Before we discus this further have a few questions. Firstly, this mercenary band, do they have a name? What are there numbers? What weapons do they possess..." These were all questions that would decide the fighting style that Kyou's group would have to use in order to stop the threat. It was just like what his father used to say 'Mankind's greatest tool is their adaption.' Kyou then realized that there was non-humans in his mercenary band as well. 'They're close enough...'
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As Markov search he would look and Notice the place was to the shell...well um....he...dint notice....do well still can be used Nomater what,seeing a few Ingots were here and aswell Ores he would nod to himself and look around for some way to store them,as he did he would finde a rather Old crate that was open and the wooden lid was still there,noding he would start Picking theas Usefull Materials he would place them inside the crate,First the Ingots,the Ores,then the hammer and Tongh,the handles and Finally the jar of carbon that will be the source of new Life to this dead Forge,with a nod he would close the old crate and Push it Beside the dead Heart of the Forge so it was always in sight wen they came here,with a sigh he Imagens this dead Forge Once again Burning would be splendad....he dose rerember his father doing the same but in a Lava Forge back in the Mountains! even for him as a drake could not stand the heat in there! do compared to that lava forge this is Nothing.He just imagens this Forge once again Burning,...well ot like...it happend that it Burn to the ground...You know what i mean.

with a Positive nod he would walk out streching and Giving a small yawn as he makes his way toward the mill to do the same and get stuff ready and clean,as that is what will keep them fed with ratians and aswell food...do mark was more of a meat person if he had to eat....green stuff he will do he dosent like it much,wen he reaches the mill he would begine doing the same,collecting anything usefull and aswell making sure its clean.

@The Mythic Dragon

(Same xD and well will keep the things markov found in his CS so we dont lose or forget)
Sky listened to the gorgeous elk. Her eyes taking him in as best she could. As he mentioned the Ascended Phoenixes, she was at first confused. Then she remembered it was the group she had allianced with. As he made mention of how they were destined to be known, her heart fluttered. She felt better now that she knew she could trust them...well to an extent. She wrung her hands together as she thought, but her mind was interrupted by the beast calling loudly to someone name Roark. Slowly, a smaller, but just a beautiful, white elk. He seemed nervous. Sky collapsed to her knees, her awe of the two creatures was overwhelming. "Hello young one" she said outloud, looking at the small elk. Love instantly pouring from her. He came up to about her chest and his horns were just beginning to grow. Sky hugged herself as she started at Roark. I am Sky she said to him.
She shook his hand warmly and Durzol felt happiness bloom in his chest. A handshake was droll to everyday people, but to Durzol, who that sign of affection had been denied to time and time again, it was priceless. Half breed were the pariahs in this world and those who did not fit in were deemed unworthy of even the most basic kindness. From slaves to half breeds, there always needed to be someone who was less than somebody else. It was just the way the world worked.

"Was your mother or your father human?" she asked him and he was taken aback momentarily. But he recovered quickly and smiled.

"My mother," he said quietly, not wanting the others to hear. "But she passed away. She was a good woman..."

They stood around for a moment more before the crowd dispersed. Perala went her way and Durzol returned to the shadows. He wanted to make friends but he wasn't sure how to act around her. They were both human, so should he appeal to her human side? But then again, they were both different races in a way. Although united by oppression they were as different as water to earth.

Durzol loitered around, gathering the confidence to talk again. She had left to go outside a couple minutes ago to check on the other Fay but she had opted to stay at the lodge. He left the lodge quietly and saw her sitting by the stream. He walked over, trying his best to not slink close to the darkness and be as approachable as possible.

"So," he said awkwardly and fidgeted with his cloak's fabric. "Uh, I was wondering... You're a half breed as well?"


- Durzol has finally worked up the confidence to talk

Perala shuddered when she felt Sky's @FlawlezFalcon voice echo in her ears and through the minds of every other living being within the proximity. She could speak with animals as well, but she wasn't so 'loud' about it...animals needed their privacy too. Ruru reminded her of that daily, nagging at her to 'get out of my head' whenever Perala would 'speak' to her.

"S-swim? No thanks," she said hurriedly, pulling back from the river's edge and clutching her book. "I should really..."

But then that great white elk stepped from the shadows, speaking plainly through her mind as though he was whispering in her ear. She winced again, taking a few steps back, but she couldn't keep her eyes off the elk. He was magnificent, no doubt about that, and had a kindly, wise aura about him, and spoke as a human, not like the less complex common animals she'd ever spoken to....she'd never see something like this again!

Hastily dropping to her knees, she flipped to a blank page in her book, cradling it in her lap as she put a piece of charcoal to the paper. She hesitated; this creature seemed too...ethereal. Difficult, nay, impossible to capture in picture form. But she could write down her experience and the time of day when this happened, as well as details about the creature and his calf. A journal, of sorts, was beginning.

((@bourgeoisiemustache i'll get to durzol in a second!! let's say this thing with sky and her elk is happening earlier, then durzol comes up to perala after sky and her baby go off somewhere (assuming they'll go off somewhere.) I did not plan this right!))

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