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Fantasy Mercenaries of Deretor (Fun Chat Thread)


Outside the Lodge, in the village

@Kirito Kei

You are the player leader. Do you want to do briefings, or have me Do them?

If you want, I could give you the briefing content, and then you can write it out?

What do you want to do?
Hey @Daimao, are you planning on replying here? Because I've just realised what time it is and I seriously need some sleep, so I'll be signing out for tonight if that's ok with everyone :)
Oh, and guess what, everybody? Guess who killed your parents/incited a riot against your family/ETC.?


Keep in mind that I will most likely push to the mission 12 my time (MST) and we may have to continue the scene in parallel
Nyeh, sure, I'm currently a bit too tired to fuss over that right now @3@

I'm on GMT. Guh.

Anyways, goodnights, loyal subjects :3
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]If you want, I could give you the briefing content, and then you can write it out?

I like that idea.
Hmmm well ok then xD You can do anything needed to continue so its fine by me i will post now

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