[Megalopolis V.2.0] Episode 2: School Daze

The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
-School Daze-

(Faculty: Arieson Hashon:Computer Teacher, Darison Reloam & Maka Crystal: Gym Teachers)

(Students: Oliver Sparkes, Mekita Mitsuki)

(Other: Canary)

It’s been a week since the mayor got shot and it’s still the talk, or whispers if you will, no one wants to talk about it outloud considering that everyone is frightened. Most students are not coming back to school for the next few days and even teachers have requested extra leave, for that matter many other city services had been slow returning to work. The start of the New Year had been heavily tarnished with the shooting and the violence that had erupted in the aftermath and now people were still trying to come to terms with it all. Not even half the school is present and others have silently protested the fact that the school is still open during these depressing times.

The more cheerful staff and students thought that the student body and the city could use some cheering up, classes will be a bit lighter than usual and anyone who wanted could pitch in to make this year’s prom and championship game the best it has ever been in the history of the city. They would sell tickets to the citizens and possibly have a parade, centering the celebration around the idea of ‘new beginnings’. To energize the student body, and quite possibly the more reluctant members of the faculty, a pep rally is called in the gymnasium complex and the cheerleading team show off, with their usual flair, their love for their school. The school football team’s quarterback and the handful of team members in attendance this morning are on hand to offer their support and to help drive the school forward.

The principal, Dr. Parker, raises his hands to draw attention to himself, “Fellow faculty members, students, welcome back to school! Now I know that the past few days have been scary, what with all the troubles around New Years. But today is a new day, and I want you all to know that here at Kent Clark High School, we shall strive to put those times behind us and move onward and upward toward a brighter tomorrow. You students, you are the future of this city, the politicians, the sportsmen and women, the actors and the actresses, and you shall move beyond these times of strife and disharmony between peoples to sculpt the city and possibly even the rest of the world. This year, we shall strive to uphold Mayor Wilder’s belief that Metahumans and humans can coexist peacefully. We shall welcome new students in the new year and draw them into the family that is KCHS and together, together, we shall all build the bright future that we all deserve. Thank you everyone, and let’s have a big cheer for our team, the Supermen!”

Computer teacher

Aries watched the principal and smiled, Maybe there will be some thing good come from all of this.... She past by Daris and smiled to him, "Ready to teach?" He shrugged and they parted. She headed to the classroom she was assigned. She made sure to have the assignments passed out, computers on, and the lesson on the board. Nothing to do but wait now....

Gym Teacher

Daris walked down the hallway, heading towards the locker rooms. He passed by Aries who asked him, "Ready to teach?" He shrugged, not sure if he was or wasn't. He sighed as he walked into his office, Another slow day... Depressed kids.... He looked over his chart of activities, wondering what fun he could prepare.

Swim teacher

Maka walked to the the swimming pool court. She sat down and stared at the water. Such a wonderful yet powerful thing.... Water can be peaceful yet a silent killer. She sighed and went over some drills to herself. She did some stretches and started the drills, "One and two and three and four...."
Mekita just walked out of the gymnasium with her friend's they were talking about the major they walked down the hall and some of them turned then they said see you later .so they walked and mekita and her best friend walked into class we sit next to the window as her teacher started writing onn the board we took notes .when she would stop to talk mekita just looked out the window and thought about her mother and what she would be doing. Then she heard a voice "mekita,mekita!" It was her friend then she turned the bell had rang so she picked up her folder s and they went to lunch .Mekita got her lunch card out of her poker of her black cardagunand scandal it.
Gulliver Small

Alright, Gully. I'm prolly gonna be in town for a couple hours with your mom and Mister Persimmon after, you know, what happened at Christmas. So it's just gonna be you and Sally til about lunch, but you got your hour planner and you got your map. If you get lost, just ask a teacher or someone for directions. And if you get too worried, remember you are the biggest boy there and you can handle anything that comes your way. Okay?”, Morna sighed as she pulled up outside Kent Clark High and looked into the back seat.

Gulliver was sat there, backpack and laptop case beside him and Sally obediently curled up in the footwell. He'd fretted for weeks about changing schools, especially in January not September, like it was supposed to be, but Dr. Parker had been very supportive, encouraging them to come see the school and get acquainted with the staff. That had gone a long way with settling Gulliver's nerves, both that and Dr. Parker's assurance that Sally could come into school with Gulliver. And so, here he was. A ten-year-old in high school. Seriously? But it was for his own good, the Elementary schools were too below his level of education and if he wasn't sufficiently challenged then he would simply refuse to work, fall behind and start flunking again.

Before he was accepted at KCHS, he'd been given a raft of tests and homework to assess which classes he would cope with and, as expected, he was moved straight into the upper Math and Computer Science classes with Remedial English and History. Everything else ranged between those extremes. He also had weekly appointments with the school councillor to assess how he was coping with the pace of life in High School. When Morna had asked him how he'd felt about his first day, he'd looked at her calmly and told her he was fine, but she had grave worries about not being with him. Now he was unfastening his seatbelt and climbing out of the car. He pulled his backpack onto his shoulders and fidgeted it back and forward, trying to settle the unfamiliar weight of the new books on his back. This done, he grabbed his laptop and tapped his thigh. Sally hopped out of the car and wandered around, sniffing the air and the ground with interest. Gulliver was about to close the door when he paused and clambered back in, hurriedly.

What's wrong, Gully?”, Morna asked, suddenly worried that he'd decided he couldn't go without her. Please, Gully, any day but today. I don't want to take you into court!

I forgot something.”, he replied, his voice flat and secretive.

He crawled across the back seat until he was leaning through the gap in the front seats.

Here.”, he said, and held out a hand.

Morna took what he'd offered her and opened her hand. Within was an intricately painted figurine about two inches tall.

It's Captain Stern. He has the Traits Heroic Bravery and Legend Amongst Mortals. That means he's never afraid, not when being attacked by scary people or even when he's all alone and people always know he's a hero and a Champion. You should keep him with you today, just in case you need to borrow his Traits.

Morna smiled and reached around to hug his neck, “You're a champion too, you know, Gully? You should keep Captain Stern with you just in case you need his traits.

That's okay, I have my limited edition Captain Stern whose power armor is fully extended. It makes him taller and super-strong.”, he replied, wriggling out of her arms, “I have to go, or I'll be late.

Okay, Gully. You have fun today.

He closed the car door, closed never slammed, and stood well back from the curb. Morna pulled away and saw him watching her drive away, before turning and heading to the school building.

As Gulliver lead Sally to the school, there was a man with long blonde hair in a ponytail wearing a blue overall and a type of jacket that skiers wear sweeping grit onto the walk to the school. He paused in his work and leaned on the broom he was using.

Yer a bit young t' be goin' t' high school, aren't ya?”, the man asked, his face open and a genuine friendly smile on his face.

Morna had told him 'don't speak with strangers unless they are people of authority'. This man was obviously a janitor. He obviously worked for the school. The school was an official institution of learning in Megalopolis. Therefore, by that logic, this janitor was a person of authority.

Yes, my body is too young, but my mind is far in advance of my age. My parents and Morna and the educational psychologist thought it would be best for my educational development for me to attend high school early. I have to go, I'm late for my first class.”, Gulliver replied before entering the school building.

He went inside and instantly was perplexed. This wasn't the entrance on his map. The rooms either side of him did not match the numbered rooms on his map. In fact, there were no numbers on the doors to the room, only names of the teachers. Gulliver felt the scream starting to well up under his ribs as he desperately leafed through his hour planner, searching for his schedule.

“0900: Computer Science. Computer Laboratory 2. Miss A. Hashon.”, it showed him, highlighted in yellow since that color was what he associated with happiness.

Computer Laboratory 2? All Gulliver could see was 'Mr. Murray', 'Mrs. Alexander', 'Dr. McKeighen' and others. He walked along the corridor, his eyes casting left and right desperately. He reached an intersection and was confronted with four almost identical-looking corridors, all lined with doors and lockers. They all looked the same. Gulliver started to panic. His watch bleeped: 0900. He was late for class!! He let out a long low whine of frustration and fear, echoed by Sally. She could feel his distress and anguish and she wanted to reassure him. Tears were welling in the corners of his eyes and his scream was rising into his heart. Still Sally wanted his attention, she licked his fingers and whined again. Gulliver could not think, could not understand. He was not in the right place, he was late. He felt himself starting to lose control, and he grew half an inch. His class had started and he was not there! Another half inch, then an inch more.

Master Gulliver Small?”, a woman's voice spoke from behind him, making him spin around in surprise.

She was tall, but then all adults were tall, but she seemed bigger without being taller than most. She moved with a graceful, authoritative stride that covered the distance from where he'd heard her voice to where she now stood beside him in a moment. She was wearing a patterned dress of an antiquated style and she had her hair fashioned in a manner like the women on the old movies Mom watched. Thinking back, he'd seen similar clothes worn by the women in the Sherlock Holmes movie he'd watched. He liked Sherlock Holmes, he was clever and methodical and intelligent. Sherlock Holmes was confident, too. Never afraid.


Gulliver shook himself out of his reverie and nodded, “Yes, miss. I am Gulliver Small, and I am late for Computer Science in Computer Laboratory 2 with Miss A. Hashon. And this is Sally, she's my dog.

Indeed,”, the lady replied, looking between Gulliver and Sally, “fortunately, the morning classes have been delayed in light of the poor turnout amongst the students and the distressing events that occurred over the New Year's celebrations. I am Doctor Fairbanks and I have the pleasure of being the school nurse.

Hello, Dr. Fairbanks. I'm late and I don't know where Computer Laboratory 2 is.”, Gulliver responded, fidgeting nervously.

The school nurse was nice, but Gulliver wanted to find Computer Laboratory 2 and start his lesson with Miss A. Hashon.

Of course you don't, my dear child. You have the wrong map. No matter, I shall take you to your first class.

Thank you, Dr. Fairbanks. I don't want to miss too much of my lesson with Miss A. Hashon.

She turned and offered her hand to him, but he did not take it. He still found it difficult to hold even Morna's hand. He trailed behind the nurse, losing his extra two inches of height as he saw computer terminals through classroom windows.

Here you are, Master Small. Computer Laboratory 2. I shall send someone at the end of the period to take you to your next class. Good day, Master Small.”, she said, tersely before turning and going back the way she'd brought him.

Gulliver looked through the glass of the door and saw that the class was only just arriving itself. He could see older teenagers chatting and moving around the room, picking terminals to sit at. He entered and took a seat in the middle of the front row, Sally curling contentedly at his feet.

Miss A. Hashon was young-looking with red-streaked brown hair and what looked like fox ears. Gulliver took Captain Stern out of his pocket and set him down by the side of his terminal. He then turned on the computer and frowned as he watched it run through the start-up diagnostics.

This version of the OS is beyond obsolete. He cancelled the start-up process and rebooted. As the boot options came up, he smoothly bypassed the standard processes and began coding a new boot sequence, one that included the more recent updates to the OS.

Location: computer class

Aries noticed the last of her students coming in, a dog following him. Ah... The advance student that i was foretold of.... She cleared her throat and clapped her hands with a smile, "Good morning students. I'm Miss Hashon, your teacher.And today is good news. We are getting new computers today!" She smiled brightly at them as they muttered, "So lets turn these off so we can get the new ones in...." As she spoke, a delivery man appeared. She had bought the new computers herself, thanks to an old friend. She signed the papers and within a few minutes the old computers were gone and new ones in their place. She smiled to them, "Lets turn these on and get started. Today we are going to create our own website...." She heard some of the guys snicker, "....which will be monitored by me. If i think its not appropriate, i will delete it...." She walked by each student, showing them the sheets on the tables, "You may chose from the following on the sheet. Base your website on one of the subjects." She smiled and watched them as they began typing. She sat down, her tail swaying. She wore a red shirt with a black vest, navy boot cut jeans, and black biker boots. Her ears twitched, listening to the students and her eyes looking at all the assignments being created on hers. If she saw something that wasn't approving, she deleted it and the student would groaned miserably.

Location: gym

Daris sighed and walked to the gym's basketball court. He started shooting baskets, getting himself warmed up while waiting for his students. Not many are going to show up today..... Nobody likes gym in these standards.... He sighed and sat down, looking around the gym. He never taught kids before, especially teens. He started going through some of the equipment.

Location: school's pool

Maka dove into the pool and started swimming laps. The water was comforting and she smiled to herself. Such loveliness i find in water.... Hope no students come in and take me by surprise.... She giggled to herself and swam a couple more laps.
----- Oliver Sparkes -----

----- Thunder Bird -----

----- Location: High School Field -----

[story]Oliver was relaxing on the fields in the back of the school, gazing upwards into the sky, in his hand a small metallic orb. Slowly the orb was rolled around in his hand, and passed between the two of them. As this occurred small blue sparks could be seen between Oliver’s flesh and the coat of the orb, however, to Oliver he was experiencing something that no one else could ever experience, a feeling unique only to him. Each time the orb touched his skin, he could feel a tingling sensation which echoed through his body, the sparks created against the magnet echoed out in bright blue rings, concatenating from the point of origin until his vision is flooded by strange, waving blue lines, each line seemed to act differently than the next, disobeying the laws of physics’, distorted by the magnetic presence.[/story]

[story]The wind was very soft and gentle, and a ringing noise could be heard coming from the school as classes were supposed to begin, but Oliver did not get up to go to class, he stayed where he was, content. The smooth surface of the ball was too inviting to pass up. Slowly Oliver moved the ball close to his head, then bringing it away constantly, slowly, steadily. As the ball got closer, the waves became brighter, his thoughts felt like they wiggled around inside of his head, and sounds becomes muffled and muted. As the ball grew father away, the waves turned darker, and everything felt painfully bland.[/story]

[story]Some people might refer to this as an addiction that he suffers from, but Oliver doesn’t see that. The magnets don’t harm him do they? It’s just simple pleasure, a euphoric feeling induced by it. Though, Oliver doesn’t make it obvious to others he has a slight reliance on magnets, as they might claim it to be just what it isn’t, an addiction. Only one person might even know anything about his magnetic attraction, probably one of his better friends, Canary. It was a strange name, though it was his nickname. Oliver didn’t remember what Canary’s real name was, but it didn’t matter, he always called him by Canary anyway.[/story]

[story]Oliver put the magnet to the side briefly to clear his vision; each blade of grass in the wind shuffled, and generated energy, which he could see as blue lines. He saw waves of blue echoing as far as he could see, and over the horizon? Black, nothing but empty blackness. However, Oliver knew that was where the High School was, the building was generating energy for him to see, at least, not from here. However, a faded blue humanoid figure started to appear from the blackness, someone was coming out over towards him, possibly Canary.[/story]
Reagan Hemsley

The Pool

The smell of chlorine assailed Reagan's senses. She disliked the smell of chlorine but at this hour it was probably empty in here. Big empty rooms always gave her a bit of a cathartic joy. Like the entire purpose of this place was to hold just her. It was weird, but then again, she was apparently weird. Taking a quick look around to make sure nobody saw her, Reagan slipped under the bleachers.

It was dark and overly humid in here. It felt secure. Opening up the pack Tim had gave her, she set up a little nest of things she had found throughout the day so far. It was horrible being back in school and to have a few minutes to be back how it was. It was priceless.

She shifted and felt the small needle in her ankle. They said she wouldn't feel it and that it would give her a normal life. Liars. All adults were liars and they always just had their own agenda. Screw them.

She takes a pen, pressing it to her skin and trying to slide it down inside of the anklet. She felt the needle that they put in her to regulate her powers for 'safety'. Pushing against it, she involuntarily yelped as the shock hit her.


Her voice carries across the pool and bounces off the tile walls.

The pool

Maka heard the yell and quietly got out off the pool. Her feet didn't make a sound as she walked to the bleachers. She took her towel onto her shoulders and looked under the bleachers to see a girl. "Oh... I didn't know there were any students in here...." She noticed the girl was trying to take something off her ankle. "And what exactly are you doing....?" Using her water abilities, Maka dried herself, even her hair. It looked like she had never been swimming in the first place. She smiled the the girl, "Why don't you come out from there and we talk....? I'm Miss Maka Crystal, the swim coach..."
Reagan Hemsley


Reagan didn't even hear her get out of the pool, let alone walk up to her. Without thinking, she pushes away from the intruder. Her body backed up against the wall before she realized what she was doing. She calms down. This is just another of the people that try to have their way. A teacher too. Brainwashing everyone to do what they want.

"I'm not skipping class or anything. I have a right to be in here too." She withdraws into herself, only now noticing the woman wasn't dripping wet anymore. "I'm not in swimming so you don't have authority over me in here."

She wished the anklet was gone. She'd go on the wall and just be spray paint or something. They'd never get her off this time. She'd find a museum that hadn't heard of her and vanish into ancient Rome or maybe Paris...

"I'm fine. Just go away" Her voice was flat and harsh.

School's pool

Maka paused and before the student could do anything, she blocked the left and right side of her with water. "Hold on.... Why such an attitude? You do have a right to be here, even if you're not in my class....." She noticed the ankle thing again, "Is that what is bothering you....?" She was trying to as nice as possible without seeming to be one of authority. I just want to help..... She kept the water walls up, using all of the pool's water to make them thick.
Reagan Hemsley

The walls of water answered her question on why she was dry already. This lady was like her, a meta. She figured it was common enough in this city but still, she couldn't help feeling rather fearful of being drowned.

"What attitude!?" Now much higher pitched, she makes herself smaller. "Let me go!" She felt quite contained. Like the feeling she got from having to wear the anklet thrown across her entire body. She was losing control of the situation and it scared her.

"Yes my anklet bothers me! So does drowning! Stop it!"

She shouts at the teacher. She was like all the rest. Everyone wanted to contain her when she just wanted to be left alone.

Maka lowered the water walls and put the water back in the pool, "Sorry........" She felt awkward now and wasn't sure what to do. She walked slowly to the girl, "Sorry for scaring you..... I was just wanting to help you.... If that anklet is the problem, would you be happy with it off....?" She felt real sorry for scaring the younger girl and even worse that she looked like an enemy now. The only thing i can do is try to remove that thing.... Maybe she'll be happier... Maka stood there, hoping to be of some help.

Daris got bored and walked into the hallway, when he suddenly stepped in water. What the.....? He noticed the water coming the pool area and slowly entered the other side. He heard Maka and some student talking to each other. He heard the student shout and peeked around the corner. Dang it Maka.... What trouble are you causing now....? He stayed there and listened. He would only approach them if necessary.
----- Canary -----

----- Cade Thompson -----

----- Location: High School Field -----

Spontaneous energy moved through the wind, its gusts sending ripples throughout the small valley that formed in the epicenter of four obtuse hills. Waves after waves passed through the untrimmed weeds and grasses of the backlot yard. It was originally supposed to be a detention pond, but the drainage pipes were never put in, budget cuts or city plans changed assumingly, and now it laid here years untouched with the exception of a monthly trim by the ground-keeper's blade. Treeless and painted over line by line with games made for team-building and other exercise, it was testament to the long held belief that students should not seal themselves in a vault with books. Complimenting that belief was the small team of Frisbee players off in the eastern portion of the field. There daunting feats of throwing interested Canary for sometime, distracting him from returning to his seat in the grassy meadow with Oliver.

He'd only left originally to go to the bathroom, but he got amused with the game. He watched them from a far forgetting his place and time as he stooped to a squat hoping they didn't notice him in the field. He analyzed their game with some curiosity: tossing the plastic disk, watching it glide on the wind ever so masterfully, and catching it with agile speed. Most of the time they dropped it, but it was the enthusiasm of an almost perfect game that pleased the players on the field with a sense of accomplishment. They were some distance from him, and as they all collected their objects and headed back towards their class they seemed worlds away.

That was when he snapped from his trance and moved back, just beyond the second westward hill where Oliver was laying in the grass. The spot was pristine, hidden from the basketball courts on the adjacent side of the school. From it you could see the small chain-linked fence that separated the school from the rest of the world. Canary enjoyed the spot for its view, and its capability to let him watch cars drive by. Yet Oliver appeared indifferent to this outside world, preferring to look at the magnet spheres that gravitated through and around his hands.

"I am back" he said with little hesitance to his friend. Standing over him from above, he casted an impressive shadow on Oliver's figure. "Did I miss anything?" he asked with some worry, as if his absence was similar to a restroom stop by a patron of a football game.
Reagan Hemsley

"Of course I'd be happy with it off but the government wouldn't be. Just please let me go.." Reagan withdrew and started grabbing her things. She was ready to run and just be done with all this. Screw a tracker she was going to run anyways
Dr. Fairbanks, School Nurse

Elizabeth had a school of 1800 students she felt as if she ran. The principle had a good grasp on the politics of the situation but there were very few students who had not, at one time or another, come to see her. She had watched, silent and calm, as the principle gave his address to the assembled students in the first pre-school rally of the new year. The air was somber and quiet and though the students were a bit subdued as they left the gym she was sure they'd be up to their normal selves in no time at all. Children, she had cause to know, were often times far more elastic than their elders.

And then they were gone. She pulled out the watch fob and looked about. They were to have a new student show up, a young master Gulliver Small, a brilliant child who was Autistic and from what she understood he had a personal carer and a rat terrier named Sally who was more friend and confidant than therapy dog. Once the students had dispersed she walked to the front of the school where she could already see a young boy and a dog getting out of a car and heading into a building. She followed him into the building and, as she opened the door she saw him grow a couple of inches. Interesting.

Master Gulliver Small?” The boy turned and stared at her. Gulliver?” She asked again, placing her hands in front of her.

Gulliver shook himself out of his reverie and nodded, “Yes, miss. I am Gulliver Small, and I am late for Computer Science in Computer Laboratory 2 with Miss A. Hashon. And this is Sally, she's my dog.

Indeed,”, the she replied, looking between Gulliver and Sally, “fortunately, the morning classes have been delayed in light of the poor turnout amongst the students and the distressing events that occurred over the New Year's celebrations. I am Doctor Fairbanks and I have the pleasure of being the school nurse.

Hello, Dr. Fairbanks. I'm late and I don't know where Computer Laboratory 2 is.”, the boy said finally.

Of course you don't, my dear child. You have the wrong map. No matter, I shall take you to your first class.

Thank you, Dr. Fairbanks. I don't want to miss too much of my lesson with Miss A. Hashon.

She turned and offered her hand to him, but he did not take it. Also interesting. She would be interested in getting to know this rather remarkable young man. She knew perfectly well that his carer, Miss Morna Travis, was due in court this morning for a series of unexplained deaths that the DA's office were putting on her. She stopped outside a room. Here you are, Master Small. Computer Laboratory 2. I shall send someone at the end of the period to take you to your next class. Good day, Master Small.” She watched him walk into the classroom and noticed that he had grown shorter by another two inches. She walked away, having no interest in revealing his secret but she was sure that he might feel more comfortable having a fellow Meta show him around. And if he was comfortable with someone like Miss Travis, then she might know the perfect young lady to escort him around.

She wondered for just a moment where Miss Reagan Hemsley might be hiding this morning. There had been a swimming competition over the weekend and she knew that the bleachers had yet to be retracted. She made her way to the school's pool and was shocked to find Maka Crystal the swim coach standing over the troubled student. She had just let the water down and the girl was cowering away from her. "Miss Crystal, what is going on here! Leave the child be immediately. Miss Hemsley I am in need of your assistance, if you would collect your things and follow me please. Really Miss Crystal, we do not use our meta abilities to frighten or endanger our students. I am shocked that you would trap a student with water. If you will Miss Hemsley, this way." She gave the young teacher one last disapproving stare before leading the girl away.
Reagan Hemsley

Salvation! Sort of... Just as she was preparing to bolt, the principal showed up. Reagan wasn't too sure of her just yet. She seemed too smart for her own good. Like she had a crafty plan. She'd tried to hide several times from her but she always seemed to be right around the corner ready to snap at her.

Reagan grabbed her stuff and followed her, not sure how to feel about the swim coach. She followed Into the hall before speaking.

"So...what now?" she mumbles, clutching her bag tight and purposefully dragging her feet.
Dr. Fairbanks, School Nurse

"Be still now child, you are in no trouble." She stopped and turned to face the girl and when she stopped she lifted the girl's face with a finger. She had such a pretty face but it was marred with sadness where it should shine with joy. It always pained her to see such sorrow in the young. "You look unhappy child, before I tell you of the really important job I need you to perform this day, perhaps you can tell me what happened with the swim coach? Why exactly did she have a wall of water surrounding you? You didn't do anything to deserve it, did you? Honesty now Miss Hemsley, I insist upon it and if you say you were doing nothing more than hiding behind the bleachers and minding your own business I will believe you."
Reagan Hemsley

Lie, lie, lie lie lieeeee

"I was hiding under there"

C'mon, you can do it...

"And she came up and wanted to see what was wrong"

almost there....

"And I was being...you know"


"Don't fire her or anything. I was just yanking off the anklet."

A small trickle of blood down her ankle and into her gym shoe shows were the device was slightly pulled off. Reagan started pulling back into her own mind, keeping quiet and pretending she was by herself.
Dr. Fairbanks, School Nurse

"I see. Miss Hemsley, it is very difficult to fire a teacher with the current unions as they are nor do I have such power. Instead I need you to take a new student under your wing for the day. His name is Master Gulliver Smal, he's ten, autistic and quite brilliant. He normally has an aid but she had to go to court this morning to defend against a murder charge. I have every confidence she shall be with us in the morning. He also has a dog named Sally. I need you to escort him to his classes today, make sure he gets to where he's going." She handed the girl a slip of paper. "This is his schedule." She then handed her another piece of paper. "And here is a note to give to your teachers in case you are a few minutes late getting to class after escorting Master Small.

"And Miss Hemsley, I would suggest that you don't try and take off the anklet, you'll only hurt yourself." She looked at the girl. "Do take care of yourself Miss Hemsley and good morning." With that she left the girl alone and returned to the office and her duties.
Reagan Hemsley

She didn't even get a chance to say no. The principal just dumped this on her and walked off. She was free! Dropping the note, she walked off.

She got a couple feet down the hall and her sense of what was right kicked in. That kid was only ten. And the world was a vicious place. Sighing and rubbing her forehead, she turns back and grabs the note.

Gulliver Small...weird name. And a dog too. She starts making her way to his classroom, eventually sitting down outside the classroom. Sliding down the lockers she started fiddling with the anklet, wincing as she is shocked again.

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