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Medieval Fantasy Rp

He chuckled softly, "No difference, but I could tell you were lying. You blinked really fast twice when you told me your age." He said sitting across from her. "You said you were a seamstress and a swordsman? Where did you learn your technique from? "
He smiled, "Light weight agile blades suited for your body type. One day we will see if I'm better." The wind began to blow strongly as clouds began to cover the moon and stars. "I thought it was gonna rain.." he sighed standing, "come on let's find somewhere to wait this out."
She nodded, and stood up, fixing her dress that had decided to hike its way up her legs. She walked over to his side, and smiled at him
He smiled back and guided her from the makeshift camp site as the rain began to fall in thick heavy sheets, soaking them both as they jogged down the path spotting a barn a little ways off, "There! We can bunk in there til this passes!" Darius said as he pointed the barn out, the rain almost obscuring it from sight.
When they reached the barn, Darius slammed his shoulder into it knocking the door open. They entered and Darius began laughing, "I can't believe it's coming down so hard." He plopped down on the floor of the barn watching the rain fall from the doorway. He was soaking wet but didn't seem to mind at all and looked up at her. "You ok?"
He realized what she was covering and turned away a light blush spreading, "Good, I didn't want my new companion getting hurt before we even get to do any adventuring.." he stood turning his back to her and stripped out his shirt, revealing his finely sculpted body as well as the few scars on his back, before hanging his shirt over a beam to dry.
She blushed softly, and nodded, pulling her knees up to her chest so her arms wouldn't get tired.

"Anything else you'd like to know about me?"
He paused and thought about it, "hmm..where are your parents." He asked coming to sit beside her gazing out into the dark as rain continued to fall. "Mine died when I was a boy." He said it casually, having long since come to terms with it..
"Executed." She sighed. "My mom almost 3 days after I was born and my father when I was 16." She muttered, looking down at the ground
He looked at instantly regretting asking and he placed his hand on her shoulder to reassure her, "That must have been hard for you...I won't pry its your business and clearly a touchy subject. So..if and when your ready. You can tell me all about it." He gave her a soft kind smile.
She giggled weakly.

"Its fine. I'm pretty used to it know." She sighed, giving him a soft smile.

"Mhhm... As far as I know, it was racial issues. I'm pretty lucky that I'm alive."
"I see...well from here on...anyone who wants to huge you goes through me." He gave her a goofy grin. Before standing taking his almost dry shirt from the beam offering it to her. "Here. Last thing I need is for you to catch a cold. Go change you can wear this till your clothes dry."
She giggled, and nodded, gently taking the shirt and standing up, using one arm to cover her breasts.

"Thank you." She hummed, walking to a coner, and facing it. "Promise not to peak~?" She teased
He stood with his back to her facing out the doorway, and laughed lightly, "That depends if it's worth seeing." He teased in return. He leaned against the door frame and waited for her to finish changing. Humming quietly to himself.
She giggled, and slipped her dress off, before putting the shirt on, it coming down to just above her knees. She blushed darkly at how short it was, and sighed, tugging on the bottom a little, hoping her slight tubbiness wasn't showing too much
He yawned softly and turned to see her and gave a playful whistle before saying, "My shirt looks even better on you the me." He took a moment to look her over and smiled returning his gaze out the door frame hoping the rain would let up. This crazy woman was doing something to him. In just the few hours they had spent together she had completely broken through his guard, he was comfortable and relaxed, and even...was he flirting? He shook his head lightly to clear his thoughts.
She laughed, and sat down, making sure not to flash him.

"Thanks, lover boy." She teased, giggling
He rolled his eyes smirking. "Yeah Yeah..." he continues to stare out the doorway until suddenly his eyes narrowed and he dropped his hand to his sword. "Get back!" Without warning he shoved her hard away from him drawing his sword,it's blade gleamed with celestial metalwork, in the same motion as a large black blur slammed into him knocking him down, before darting into the dark recesses of the barn. Darius groaned getting to his feet.
She squeaked, and quickly crawled back over to him, looking up at him.

"I can fight if you need backup."
His attention we focused on the shadows, watching for any kind of movement, "Unless you cast magic or have a celestial weapon hidden in your cleavage...stay behind me." The runs on his palm burned a bright red as he ran his hand along the flat of his blade igniting it illuminating more of the barn.
She nodded, and quickly moved behind him, sighing. She frowned deeply, watching to make sure if he did do anything, he wouldn't get hurt badly
He spotted the creature and sent a a fireball flying at it causing it to leap down the beast finally coming into view, now made visible by the his burning sword. The beast was hunched over and resembled an incredibly malnourished bear, its skin was rotten and peeling off revealing the grotesque muscle and bone underneath, its snout was short and pointed and it's teeth were huge and to big for its mouth to properly close, and it's eyes were a blazing red. Darius took a step between her and the beast prospectively.

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