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Futuristic Mechani [Character Sheet]


Gaming and Music Maniac


The character sheet is below (Basic Info is for reading only). We will reply as soon as possible.

Basic Information:

Mechani is simply a world with both humans and robots, with other species from other planets as diplomats and senators. The Mechanations (Factories constructing robots) are rising in numbers, and technology is advancing for all kinds. Science is developing from radioactive protection units to elixirs that slows aging down via the genes. Politics, business and economy is ruled mainly by the robots, while the humans are mainly controlling the manufacturing of robots and alike, along with the labs and education systems.


Name -

Species -

Age -

Nationality (If Character is an Earthling)

Strengths -

Weaknesses -

Technology/Scientific Enhancements -

Position within Society* -

Image/Appearance -

Other Information -


Note - Please make sure that any technology or scientific enhancement is actually possible in some way, and magic does not exist in Mechani.

*Humans can have a role in research labs, or in a Mechanation. Education will fix itself in a way. Robots can have a role in mainly politics (Senators and Ministers), while also dealing with the other two at the same time. Other species are acceptable, but are simply also an aid for politics.


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Name - Itopia

Species - Half Human, Half Robot

Age - 79

Nationality (If Character is an Earthling)- England

Strengths - Can lead large groups, and has an IQ of 189.

Weaknesses - Cannot protect herself from physical harm.

Technology/Scientific Enhancements - Has a human appearance and brain, but her vital organs and heart are artificially and scientifically enhanced.

Position within Society* - General Controller/Commandor

Image/Appearance - image.jpeg

[Not mine]

Other Information - Leader of Mechani.

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