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Fandom May's Ocs


Novice player
Marvel - Oc 1
Name: Lucilia Montenegro
Age: 25 (Earth's age)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hero name: Water Blades
Nicknames: Captain; Fishie; Lucy

Looks: Brown tanned skin, some curves, not tall nor short, has a scar on her back, black middle of the back hair, hanzel eyes, tick lips.
Usually wears: Dresses with a corset, usually dark colors and long but can adapt, and boots
Voice reference: Penélope Cruz
Personality: Quiet, sarcastic, lazy unless is about money or life and death situation, passionate about her hobbies, smart, furtive and flirty. Loves being in the water and feeling the wind, also loves sleeping on weird places. Plays cards really well and hates to lose. Hates being bored and being dragged to unecessary fights.
Weaknesses: Her crewmates (or who she decides is her family) and she's still human. If her heart or her brain stops, she dies.

Weapons: Two daggers, that she carries on her boots and her waist, and a whip, also in her waist.
Powers: Regeneration
Explanation of the powers: She doesn't know the origin of her power. The first time she got almost fatally hurt, she was 16, her crew thought she would die but, after sleeping for a day, she walked out of her cabine, scaring the life out of her family.

Summary of her past: When she was 5, she was sold for a pirate ship. After 10 years, she was able to flee, starting her own crew and fighting her way to respect amoung pirates and mercenaries. Soon, she and her ship Dear Mary were famous around the globe because of her efficiency both on the sea and the ground when taking jobs. By the time she was 20, she robbed an aparently abandoned S.H.I.E.L.D. ship... A big mistake. Fury got a hold of her and her reputation. He trapped her and made her accept a deal with him to pay back all the tech they had robbed from S.H.I.E.L.D.. After the Thanos episode, she was contacted again by Fury, who got her to pay her debit going to join the New Avengers until she works enough to compensate him. She decides to do since the group seemed powerful enoght to deal with her crew if she refused.

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