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Fantasy Maybe we are not that different, right?


It was one of her few days off recently. Increasingly endeavoured in school; the work in the bookstore was going pretty well. Slowly but surely she was getting used to her new life. Of course, she had and those moments when she could not find her place. Too many people, too little fellows. However, this was the world of humans, wasn’t it? She had to get used to it somehow. And there was no more certain way to succeed than to dive right into the endless ocean of novelties. The drowning man feels most truly alive, when out on the coast, right? She also had to swim before reaching land. Solid ground meant success, and the success was the only thing she wanted for a long time.

She was in a large park near Asahicho. It was a quiet start of the evening, the sun was just setting. The sky was scarlet pink as cherry blossoms. The clouds were burning in a gentle flame. Somewhere high in the sky flew tiny point with tiny wings. Bird, heading to unknown lands. The wonderfully green trees also enjoyed the sunset, even a leaf did not move from its place for the performance. The world had decided to give the brush to an artist who would paint the sky. Lenamy long had not seen such a beautiful sight.

She closed her book of poems and rose from the bench. It was not yet grew dark enough to be dinner time. She wondered if she was in the mood for a meal. She felt no hunger, but felt insatiable desire for power, like many other ghouls. Maybe the sun would forgive her for the spilled blood. She was going to wait a bit. There was a whole night and full city with people. Better to enjoy the moment.

There hovered above all kinds of fragrances. Flowers, perfumes and of certain dishes that people could not catch, unfortunately. However she liked to enjoy this diversity. It was the same as the motley confectionery for people. And she had never met anyone who does not like sweets.

The sunset was almost gone. Her eyes constantly followed the last rays of the sun, which would soon be gone. Until tomorrow. Her shoes were knocking down the aisle. Her little nose was thirstily absorbing a specific
perfume. There was someone in front of her, from which she could not tear her thoughts. But she felt something different in him. She was not sure if she wanted to attack him. Perhaps that was the sweet smell of the people who ought to live? As pollen after rain. She did not know what to do. His black hair fluttered few meters away from her eyes. One last ray crawled on a black tuft and disappeared.
Albion had stood there after a long yet non-eventful day. He had went to three different job interviews just to get rejected due to getting into a fight with a boss that was messing with their employees. He had decided to take a walk in the park in order to relax and watch the sunset as he loved its delicate scarlet pink color. His sword would be concealed underneath his black duster as he stood there staring up at the beautiful yet sad sunset. It hasn't been more then a week of being in Tokyo and he already felt bored of it, the crime, the corruption, it was all saddening. As he stood there he would say in a soft voice, "Today has a beautiful sunset... its gentle rays were quite nice to look at...," he would glance back at her staring at her with his soft eyes, "Hey...." He would notice her beauty and would smile at her, a soft but simple smile.
Her face became slightly pink coloured, as if it wanted to merge with the sky. Have been a while since the last time she was blushing in that way, but there was nothing to be ashamed of. Except that he had noticed how she observed him. Yet Lenamy replied with a smile.

‘Hi’, she said. Her fingers slid over the simple cover of the book. She tried to draw composure from the safe world of her poems. She was caught off guard and did not know what to say. The best thing was simplicity, after all. ’Even among the city the sky can be so pure and innocent, can’t it?’

She was trying to understand something from his expression. But still she could not gauge human feelings. Those eyes... what were they hiding? What did his look mean?

Unexpected whiff drived away the clouds. Their hair and clothes waved. A kid gleefully ran to the nearby meadow with a kite in its hands. His mother went after it with parental affection on her smiling face.
A mother...
He would turn around and faces her as the sun had vanished revealing dusk. He studied her face noticing her slight blush causing him to blush a bit also as he wasn't used to being around women. As she smiled at him he would draw a small amount of blush as he thought it was a cute smile. He would notice she was carrying a book then noticed how she was studying him. Most people tried to understand what he was thinking but most couldn't. His eyes were gentle but saddened, fierce yet soft, they showed who he was but at the same time they didn't. They were more of a mystery then his past. "You must like the sunset..., I do... I had come here in order to relax a bit...," he would smile at her softly blushing a bit. Without knowing about what she was, he knew that she was different then others, he knew she stronger and more dangerous then humans or even the human Knights he had grown up with. But he would keep his thoughts to himself as she didn't seem dangerous atleast to him.
Somehow he reminded her of her cousin. He reminded her for those lovely afternoons when they were standing in the backyard with muddy hands and smiling faces. Her aunt looked for them all over the house, and they hid around the tiny garden. Then the lady found them, led them into the bathroom to wash, but they just opened the window, climbed on the roof and looked at the marvellous Tokyo for the past hour. She sometimes wondered why she had to leave them. There was a reason, but was it enough; and to ignore her entire family…?

'I often walk around... I feel some kind of love to the nature, I suppose.', she shrugged her shoulders. Her green shirt was unfurled, reminding for its existence. For a moment, she looked away off somewhere, as if to avoid the evidence of the fact. Her wardrobe was full of greenery.

The kid ran past them and started to caress a large Japanese Spitz. The fluffy dog looked like a cloud. On its leash was swinging a heart of gold with its name.

'O!', she murmured, breaking the silence. 'I did not introduce myself.', embarrassed she said. But... Whether to tell him her real name? Maybe it would not hurt. So far she had no intention of eating him. 'My name is Lenamy. Lenamy... Sezaril.'

Well, there was no turning back. Under no circumstances she should have allowed him to understand what she is. It remained only to tell him her address and could handedly surrender to the CCG.
Albion would stare at her as she looked off into the distance, he would stare at her blushing at her beauty, her elegance. He'd glance at the kid with the dog before looking back at her. As she had told him her name he would blush a bit more, "My name... is Albion Inarum... nice to meet you Sezaril-san." He would smile at her and would then look at her book trying to think of a topic to talk about, "You must really like to read...," he would start off with something that he thought was a hobby of hers due to her carrying a book. She reminded him of a female Knight he went to school with, she had been a bookworm and was quiet and gentle yet strong. His thumb would roll a ring that is on his right index finger as he stared at her still a bit embarrassed by talking to a female.
He looked so nice when blushed. Albion… like the name of Britain. It was lovely.

‘Yes, that's right. Hmm...’, she pressed her book to her chest. Uncertainty slowly crept into her mind. ‘Do you want to… look?’

She bit her lip slightly. She did not like to show to others what she was reading. People easily could understand what she likes, what she thinks. What is in her head while ostensibly she was peaceful walking among them. And this was not good. And yet... a few lines would not harm, would they?

Lenamy opened to the page that had reached and showed it to him. ‘This is the haiku of Masaoka Shiki. It is very, very delightful. At least... I think so.’

On the page could be seen several different versions of each text. In Japanese, English and French.

'...at the root

of a pine tree

light lavender violet...

castle hill

high above

breezy green...'*

*Masaoka Shiki - "At the root", "Castle Hill"

Albion would blush a bit more so it was a light red color on his cheeks and he would think her name was unique and beautiful. He would nod when she had asked him if he wanted to take a peek at her book. When she opened the book and showed him the haiku he would blush a bit more as he thought it was delightful as well. "Its a nice haiku...," he would smile at her with a soft, gentle smile. He would yawn a bit and stretches as he was a bit tired after a long day. "Want to meet here again?... or something?...," he would be happy as he talked with her as she gave off a feeling that he liked. His hand would slip into his pocket as he pulled out his phone and looked at her, "At least you want to exchange contacts?... so we can keep in touch?...." He hoped that she would as he wanted to get to know her more in this large and full but yet at the same time a desolate town.
She felt sincerely happy that he liked the poems. She had not met many people who could appreciate them. Lenamy wanted to shake those red sides of his face, but did not dare. What Albion would have thought?

Definitely unexpected was his proposal. She did not mind sometime to meet him again, but... it meant getting to know each other a lot more. She was not sure whether to be afraid or rejoice. So far, she never had given her phone number to a human. She rarely even used her phone! But somehow... she did not mind to tell him.

'I did not bring my phone, but I'll dictate you the numbers.'

Throughout while she was dictating, she was looking after his fingers. Every movement was marked by low mechanical noise. It sounded like a strange piece of music.

'Just... do you mind to accompany me to my apartment? I do not live too far and it becomes dark...' For an instant before her eyes appeared the moment he yawned. He has said that he had come to relax… 'Unless you want to stay or are too tired! It's not absolutely necessarily…'

She managed to behave like a normal person. Yet somewhere in the dark corners of her mind leaped less gentle thoughts. They, Lenamy and Albion, would remain alone among the narrow streets. Was it worth a try to...?
Albion would watch her as it became darker as the night pressed on despite his wish for it to stay sunset for a bit longer. As she told him her phone number he would happily input it into his phone and would blush a dark red before calming down as he was a bit embarrassed at first. "Thank you, Sezaril-san I appreciate you giving me your number." When she offered him to come to her apartment his blush would come on again a dark red color, "I... wouldn't mind coming, that s..sounds fun," he would be a bit embarrassed as he had never been asked to a apartment of a girl before. He knew that something might happen along the way as he had heard rumors that tokyo wasn't safe at night, but he decided to go along with her to her apartment.
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His face was becoming sweeter with each passing moment. What for he was so worried?

'Albion-chan, you look like a pink tomato.', she smiled. She tried to stop her laughter, but failed. Typical girlish giggle... He looked so cute. Especially for a human.

Lenamy grabbed his hand lightly and led him to the exit of the park. She would not look at him for a little while until he calmed down. She did not want to bother him... His fingers were gently flickering, uncertain how hard to catch hers. She tried to distract him by finding a new topic for a talk.

'What do you like to do? Excluding walks in the park', she inquired.

The sky darkened. Moon decided to show its pale face. After almost a kilometre away they would reach her home. She had enough time to make a decision.
Albion would blush brightly as she called him a chan, and would blush brightly as she grabbed his hand and would follow her closely quite shocked and embarrassed by her bold move. He would gently but snuggly hold her hand as he didn't know what else to do. He looked at her as they walked and would reply with a soft and somewhat more of a cuter tone of voice due to his shyness from being around a girl, "Well... I like to watch the sky... help people... trying to get a job..., how about you?...." he would ask as they had walked towards her home. He would look up at the moon as it rose into view and would then see her beauty in the moonlight as he liked it. He could in the back of his head senses non-human entities further ahead.
Their footsteps rattled on the pavement. The cars passed one after another. The headlights illuminated their faces. Advertisements in this part were almost absent. Only streetlights were impeding the darkness. The windows of the houses shone. Inside, could be seen the silhouettes of families, preparing for dinner. It could be seen how someone's TV was flashing behind the curtains... Cyclist went past them and soon lost through the labyrinth of small streets.

Lenamy had not yet released his hand. She felt a warm feeling that she could not define. Contact with a person who likes? Perhaps. Then an excited group of teenagers went and she and Albion had to make them path. She let his hand go.

'I… usually read and write. I love to learn, especially languages. And... I like being outside. Just walking and observing. There are so many things you can learn from a simple stroll around the city. Also... I love to cook. To paint... it is a lot.', she concluded, laughing.

A woman shouted to her husband. It could be heard quite clear what she was talking - the usual minor squabbles in a family. Lenamy laughed again when the woman called her husband baka and went on the porch, all red with anger.

'They remind me of my aunt and uncle. They were the same...' Silent reigned for a second. 'Albion-chan, have you ever been outside of Japan? I wonder... what is it to be away from this island...'
Arubion would follow her happily and would be a bit sad as she let go of his hand to allow the teens room to go through. Their walk was very interesting and long and he thought it was a fun walk. He would listen to her voice seemingly entranced by her simplistic yet elegant beauty, the way she talked the way she noticed her surroundings. "You sound like a wonderful person..., that is good...," he smiled at her as he liked the way she was. He listened to her until she asked him about living off the island, "I've lived out of Japan... but that was when I was younger.. a time I do not wish to remember...." He smiled at her gently his soft black eyes looking at her. "Your hiding something aren't you?..., I can tell that your not like the majority in this city... But your different then even the non-human entities I sense... what are you?...."

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