Maybe not an old player, but...


No Good, Two-Timing Dame
Well. I guess maybe, /technically/ it's been 8 years I've been writing in the cooperative format. I didn't actually realize that until I typed it just

Call me Raine! I'm friendly enough and find myself with way too much time on my hands while my primary writing partner has to work (GAWDDD). I, on the other hand, have internet access and an understanding boss, while I work. So here I am! I write, I draw, I sew, I vidja game, I photograph, I am a creature of many hobbies and love to indulge them all as I can.

I started, like many of us, on GaiaOnline. Back in the beginning I dumped out one liners and one-paragraphs, and now...uh...well, on average I post about 400-600 words (I paragraph weird so that can vary from like 5 to 8 paragraphs for me?). In those more drama-full moments in said stories, I span up to 2k-4k words and enjoy every second of it. To me it ain't just escapism, it's another creative hobby that I enjoy doing for the sake of writing a good story; not just pretending I'm somewhere/someone else. ^_^ Not just "what happens" but "how it's written" is important to me. Tell me the room is red, but also tell me how the afternoon sunlight slips in through the cracked curtains and catches it to make it glow like a wreath of flame. I will write /literally/ anything, I HAVE written many different genres, characters, etc., making and honing OCs is a passion. First person (DON'T DOWN IT 'TIL YOU TRY IT Y'ALL), third person (70% of my writing experience), writing male or female or anything in between, fantasy, realism, what have you. I like to do it all.

I do, however, have a question. On Gaia, back in the day, the 'thing' was to write no more than 2-3 paragraphs, 300-400ish words. Maximum.

How do y'all roll with that here? As said that tends to be a minimum for me common is that? Do I have any chance of finding someone who won't just look at me (my icon) like I'm insane for writing first-person crime noir and going on an introspective journey of XXX(X) words?

In any case, you'll find me in the 1x1 search forums for some time until I find someone up to the challenge with me. ^_^ I'm happy (and in fact love to) chat, about this and that and everything, share hobbies and make friends.

Have a good day, everyone, and hope to see you around!

- Raine
DarthGrievous said:
Hello! I'm pleased to hear about someone else that writes more than 1 or two lines, nice to meet you!
MUCH more than 1-2 lines. Unfortunately uncommon. Thank you for the greeting! ^_^
DarthGrievous said:
You're welcome! You sound very full of life and energy! I'd be glad if we kept in contact, if you don't mind! :D
Oh my dear you are so horribly mistaken. xD But I'm a more or less positive person and it's been long enough away from forums for me that the natural jaded outlook has faded and I'm once again youthful, hopeful and full of vigor, all ready for the internet to smash right back down. ;) BUT I'd love to. I can't quite send PMs yet but if you can...shoot me one! Would also love to toss ideas back and forth and get some writing going.
Ah, unfortunately i can't toss PMs quite yet either! BUT i do have a DeviantArt account, and Skype, if you wish. Or we can just keep talking here until we both have the requirement of this website filled, i'm fine with all 3 of those.
DarthGrievous said:
Ah, unfortunately i can't toss PMs quite yet either! BUT i do have a DeviantArt account, and Skype, if you wish. Or we can just keep talking here until we both have the requirement of this website filled, i'm fine with all 3 of those.
Aww man DevArt. It's been aaages. I have Skype but I haven't logged into it in literally months and I don't want to start talking with you there and then just derp out and forget to sign in forever because I'm prone to doing silly crap like that. ;) Have ye AIM? Or Tumblr? If not here is totally cool with me! I get notifications and all that jazz. :D
DarthGrievous said:
Nah, i don'T have AIM or Tumblr. So i guess we're stuck here then! Oh well. Wait actually, what is AIM?
AOL Instant Messenger. A relic of the 90s, it's an instant messaging client. Proto-Skype, I might relay it. But if here it is to be...

How are you? :D Conversation starter, what's your favorite style of writing, either to read or write yourself? Genres?
I don't really know any style of writting, to be honest i thought everyone had their own.Perhaps you can educate me on that? But i do enjoy writting fantasy (Medieval Fantasy, that is) and Science Fiction/Science Fantasy. I actually have a Warhammer 40k fanfiction i'm currently writting on DA. Can link it to you if you wish! If not that's fine. I'm quite good! And what about you?
DarthGrievous said:
I don't really know any style of writting, to be honest i thought everyone had their own.Perhaps you can educate me on that? But i do enjoy writting fantasy (Medieval Fantasy, that is) and Science Fiction/Science Fantasy. I actually have a Warhammer 40k fanfiction i'm currently writting on DA. Can link it to you if you wish! If not that's fine. I'm quite good! And what about you?
Sure, please do! Well, by style of writing I mostly mean third person omniscient, first person narrative, first person introspective...those sorts of things. ^_^ Third person omniscient is standard, but my favorite to write lately is first person introspective. That is, a first-hand regaling of a tale done in a descriptive fashion. Past tense and all.

As for genres, fantasy/high-fantasy I enjoy but it can be difficult to find a realistic plot in-universe sometimes, and crime noir/hardboiled/pulp (TECHNICALLY three different genres but all related) are my favorites, lately. I enjoy anthropomorphic animals with basis and reason in universe. I play D&D and love the adventurer-high-fantasy genre/feel but usually from a more realistic standpoint...not so much super hardcore heroes, but I mean, adventurers are basically vigilantes. Which aren't exactly a good thing! Guards hate you, the townspeople think you're a nuisance (until you do something good for them) and you're generally viewed as a reckless idiot. But, adventuring!! Whatever the call, it's in your blood!
Alright, here it is! Warhammer 40,000: Echoes of The Warp (Part 1)

EDIT: To note, it's written up to part 4, just press the 'Previous' button to find the others, or click on my profile's name and check the gallery! Strangely a lot of people don't know that, even people on DA O.o hence why i'm precising

And i see. I'm still not quite sure what any of those writting styles mean, well, what they fully represent, but i think that writting from the character's perspective, in the third person, is my favorite.

So you like realistic writting, is what i understand?
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