Maxine Rivers


A Disproportionately Dysfunctional Disappointment

| Maxine Rivers | 17 | Junior | Music |

"Everyone expects me to fail, and all my life I’ve met those expectations. It’s time I change their minds for good."


Max. Call her by her full name and she’s likely to punch you.

Date of Birth:

October 31st, 1999




Biromantic, Heterosexual with a male preference

Relationship Status:

Hopelessly Single

Scholarship or Wealth:



|Biting her nails|Tapping different rhythms|Self Harm|Cracks knuckles|Talks to herself|


|Writing (Songwriting and Books)|Playing her guitar and singing|Playing video games|


|Music (all music, but prefers rock)|Seeing others smile|Helping people|Dogs|Being recognized as useful|Sleeping|


|Bullies|Being depressed|Being alone|People who think they’re better than you|Most social situations|Overly happy people|


|Being alone|Being a failure for the rest of her life|Small spaces|


Max is a rather quiet individual on the outside. She tends to keep to herself (unless she's overly excited, in which she will explode in glee), being an antisocial introvert. She naturally pushes people who might actually care about her away, thanks to her depression and anxiety. Maxine has quite the temper when it comes to people insulting her friends, but in reality is just a big pushover when it comes to herself; being all bark and no bite. When it comes to people she cares about she is incredibly kind, protective, and understanding, not to mention an amazing listener thanks to her naturally quiet self. The girl puts everyone before herself, which has why it has been so hard for her to get ahead in her talent of singing and making music. Max is rather poetic and angsty when she wants to be, and when she's in a depressed state of mind she tends to shut down and push people away (hopefully she won't be like this during the rp). She may see clingy at times due to her fear of being alone and by herself, so she hangs around her friends, or at least in a crowded area, as much as possible. The girl yearns for love and affection, despite how dark and brooding she may seem. Stories of other people's love seem to disgust her, even though in reality all she wants is to be loved herself. 


Max lived in a broken household from a young age. When she was four, her parents filed for divorce, leaving her with her father on the weekdays and her mother on the weekends. Quickly after the divorce, her father became an alcoholic, and often hurt his child in a drunken rage. At first it wasn't physical pain, he would often scream at her and continuously degrade her, as if she wasn't worth being alive in the first place. However, things got worse when she was seven. After dozens of relationships failed, Max's father turned back to her mother, wondering if she would take him back, only to find that she had been sick with cancer for a while. At the time, there wasn't a cure, and it wasn't long before she died. That was when the words were suddenly combined with physical violence. He blamed his child for everything that had happened, even though she did nothing wrong. But after a while, Maxine grew to believe it. She believed she was a failure. Middle school was hard for her, as she was finally placed into a Foster Care system and was forced from house to house several times. Music was the only thing that kept her alive. She sung, she played, she did whatever she could to distract herself from the world around her. 

By the time high school rolled around, Max was seemingly too far gone. She was ready to give up on life and be the failure she was always meant to be. But that was when she heard about Madison Academy. The girl knew she couldn't afford to go there, but the program seemed so promising, like she could finally change herself and her life and become someone she never thought she could be. Maxine auditioned for the Scholarship there, hopeful that she would finally be able to leave and live at Madison on her own. To her surprise she was accepted, giving her hope for a new future.


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