Matching Day

I am not matched yet. And not all people have posted yet. I think you shouldw ait for that last one
Short notes now that ever reached the points where we're matched, matches don't read each others thoughts, but they can talk to each other in their head. It's as natural to do as talking instead of thinking, you just have to choose to send thoughts to them. Also, I mentioned feeling your matches emotions, basically, if they're angry then you know even if you aren't near them, because you can sense their emotions, but you don't necessarily feel angry yourself.
And still not everyone has posted yet....

So i still don't know for sure if Lucy will be matched with Dante.... :/

I don't think i can really post until then 'cause Lucy is just being passive in her corner, and i can't really talk to- or find my match when OC it's not decided who it is...
I haven't replied yet because I have no partner, and Lucy isn't doing anything. So i've got nothing to reply to...
The person playing Dante hasn't been on in about a week, so I think you two @Beowulf @marorda should probably match, and by looking at @Halcyon profile and the fact they haven't replied recently, they are a bit busy at the moment so depending on what they say, they may want to drop Ren so that the number of characters is even and they don't have to run two characters.
Yeah, ill drop Ren and then re-add her if the chance is ever comes up.

I'm writing a response now. I ran out of antidepressants and i was just upset and didn't feel like logging on. Sorry for the trouble.
It's okay, it wasn't much trouble at all, and really, you being alright with dropping Ren is really helpful. I hope you're feeling better.

I'm actually laughing slightly myself. Poor Elliot. @Halcyon

I would like to point out that you've actually broken me. I'm here smiling strangely and feeling really awake and excited when I'm supposed to be asleep. I like roleplaying Noiz being rude/slightly mean way too much.
I'm not all that busy at the moment, haha. I just forgot to tag you ;)

But I might get busy if I get the summer job I applied for :D

And from Thursday until Sunday I won't be here either...
@AngelofMusic17 (I think it's them) is missing for a few days, which reminds me, if you are disappearing then please tell me, as otherwise after a week I will ask if anyone active wants to double as your character just so it isn't horrible to your match. If you give prior warning then obviously I won't and if you are give for less than a week I won't. I will also tag you after 3 or 4 days to remind you so as long as your active don't worry about it, it's just a note.
@FrankieLynn you have not replied since your match posted on Wednesday.

@Halcyon you have not replied since I posted on Tuesday.

@Beowulf you have not replied since your match posted on Wednesday.

This is just a warning thing since I just wanted to let you all know. I'm not trying to be rude, just reminding you all.
Sorry. Family conflict between the parents, plus my power keeps going out from a storm.

I think dropping will cause a big problem between couples, but i probably will have to.

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