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Realistic or Modern Matching Day

"Today has been pretty damn fun, but I'm glad the noise has quieted down... Uh, so, where are you? Are you looking at a bunch of drunk, emotional teenagers?"

Summer looks around for a possible source of the voice, but comes up with nothing. Still she replies.

Noiz has never give from so hugely ecstatic to horribly disheartened in such a short amount of time. In fact he's not sure he's ever felt either emotion in such late amounts in his life. 'Well fuck.' He thinks purely to himself, making sure not to send that thought to his match. Noiz normally prides himself on being sensible, and also being reasonably detached from most emotions. So even if it clearly isn't his own, the huge sense of panic is horrible and a bit overwhelming, and he feels really bad about not bringing this information to his match in a kinder way, which normally he would not care about at all. And it's not even like he needs to feel the emotions to know his match took this badly, the soda being spit on people nearby shows it quite well. Noiz would generally make some snarky comment about now, but since he doesn't like the emotions his match is having, and he doesn't feel like being snarky would help, he tries to be nice. 'Hey, Elliot.' He says in his mind, trying to sound quiet and calm, almost like whispering, hoping it comes across properly. 'You don't have to worry Elliot, it's okay. Deep breaths to calm down. Where have you gone? Can I try to come find you?' Okay, so being comforting may not be one of Noiz' strong points, but he's tried, which is the best he could really do.
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"Get out. Get out. Get out." Elliot spoke out loud, walking over to a wall and sliding down it, gripping his hair in his hands. This isn't right. He was straight. He had kissed and even had sex with only girls before. He was never once attracted to a male, so why should he be attracted now? This is ridiculous!

However, a warm feeling started in his chest, then hearing a soothing voice telling him to take deep breathes. There was an urge that made Elliot do as he was told, taking deep breaths and then letting them out through his mouth. 'I'm outside.' He thought to himself, well and Theo, crossing his arms. Saying he was upset about the other boy possibly coming out to talk to him was an understatement. He wasn't going to be a jerk though and completely ignore the dude. It would be rather hard since he was in his mind.

Noiz feels slightly less panicked, and actually smiles slightly at the fact he seems to have helped, if only slightly. He begins heading outside, sending Elliot thoughts of 'Keep taking deep breaths. I'm coming. It's going to be fine. You're going to be fine. More deep breaths.' until he manages to stumble off of the dance floor and into the hall. When he reaches the hall, he decides to change his tactic to some actual form of conversation. He asks in what he hopes is a lighthearted sounding voice, 'Guessed who I am yet?' hoping that joking a bit will help calm the other down, and not panic him more. 'It doesn't matter if you haven't.' He adds on, trying to keep the other away from worrying if he can. 'I'll be there soon.' Noiz is so confused right now it's ridiculous. He was expecting some person to be disappointed but decide to put up with him, not to instantly run off and have a panic attack! What's the correct response when your match does that?!?

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(OOC: That last post was really really really weird!! Sorry about that.)

"Today has been pretty damn fun, but I'm glad the noise has quieted down... Uh, so, where are you? Are you looking at a bunch of drunk, emotional teenagers?"

Summer looks around for a possible source of the voice, but comes up with nothing. Still she replies.

"I'm on the couch in the corner of the room. Farthest corner." She says, a little shyly, but she hopes that that doesn't come off as strong to her match. She catches a strand of her long dark hair between her fingers and begins rotating it into varioius knots, letting it tangle and untangle as it will. This has been an anxiety habit if hers for as long as she can remember.

"I guess you're right... Mind reading... Matching... It's all pretty weird, huh?" Lucy thought. She glanced up at the guy, still wandering and looking around, trying to find her. "You're close. I can see you walking around. I'm sitting over here. On the floor. Surprisingly comfortable, actually."
After the description of her location, Griffin is able to spot his match right away. She is rather folded into herself, preventing the male from seeing her face clearly. He walks over confidently, but he can tell she is nervous by the way she twirls a lock of hair around her finger. He wonders if they should talk alloud when they are face-to-face, but he doesn't want to make the decision.

"Found you!"

The teenager flops on the couch next to her, leaving a foot of space between them. He watches her with perked interest, trying to imagine her life. He had probably seen this girl before, but he had no lasting memory of her. They were strangers. The male clears his throat, realizing speaking is more respectful.

"I'm Griffin. What's your name?"

He grins and offers his right hand towards her person. As usually, the male stares at the person he is talking to, patiently waiting. Hopefully, she is somewhat like him. She has to be, right?

'Yeag, real disc... Ob, I see you' And there she was. His alleged soul mate. Well, he couldn't complain. At most he was hoping none of his thoughts were spilling iver to her.

Sticking out his hand, he says "Connor McKinley, at your service."
Summer looks up into the eyes of the male standing before her. She has to admit; he is not hard on the eyes.

"I'm Summer." She says, unfolding herself and extends her small hand towards his.
Lucy smiled a little at the guy who was her alleged soulmate: the person she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with. She wasn't quite sure what to think of the entire thing. Her mind remained so empty, no thoughts coming to her at all, that she'd almost forget how one is supposed to introduce theirselves.

"Ah? Eh... Oh yeah, right... I'm Lucielle Tailor. But everyone calls me Lucy."
Griffin takes the girl's petite hand in his and gives it a firm-but-gentle shake. He is pleased to see her come out of her shell a bit to meet him, and this is obvious by the way his face lights with with curiosity. He suddenly wants to know everything about her, but he can't decide what to talk about first. To stop any awkward silence, the male begins to speak, turning his random thoughts into words.

"Summer is a lovely name! I'm usually pretty talkative, so feel free to tell if I'm speaking to much. Anyway, I haven't seen you around before that I remember; I hope that isn't extremely rude of me to say. Tell me about yourself, Match."

The teenager grins and tries to find her answer in her eyes, believing they can hold everyone's true feelings. Eyes are the windows to the soul.
"Well, Lucy, it appears that we are bound together whether we like it ir not." he said, blithly unaware of the depth of what he had just said. "Might as well start off on the right foot, yeah? Come on, up you go." Holding out his hand, he waves it about obviously wanting her to grab it so he could pull her up.

"Summer is a lovely name! I'm usually pretty talkative, so feel free to tell if I'm speaking to much. Anyway, I haven't seen you around before that I remember; I hope that isn't extremely rude of me to say. Tell me about yourself, Match."

Summer is lost in this boy's eyes for a moment but finally she is able to pull herself together and reply: "Thanks. And I don't really talk a lot... But I guess that should change considering..." She stops her ramble as she feels her face heating in a blush "And you don't have to call me Match."
"So uhm... Do you... Do you wanna get outta here?" Summer asks nervously. She didn't want to seem like a total loser but she was not enjoying herself at all at this party.

Griffin laughs with a mixture of nervousness and amusement, and he nods his head, agreeing to the girl's idea. He takes her hand, once again, and leads her to the exit, which leads into a semi-empty hallway.

"Okay, sure, let's go somewhere. This party is growing lame, anyway. Are you hungry, Summer?"

The male asks this only to suggest a restaurant as a place to go; he doesn't know how comfortable the girl is with public places, as she did not seem thrilled to attend the whole Matching ordeal. He makes sure to call her by her name, instead of a cheesy nickname.

"We can go wherever you want, really."

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