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Fandom Mass Effect: Salvation

Renegade or Paragon?

  • Renegade

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  • Paragon

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  • I'm always that one who gets caught out in ME2

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Rose had saluted the commanding officer and listened as he shared the news. Riley had written the fake letters and the Asari had started the fight. The punishment had been light, doing all the chores for the first week. When he left she immediately left the club to go to her flat, change, grab her bag and head to the docking bay. Thankfully she had already packed before so she would be in and out. As Rose left she gave Riley a smile, indicating she wasn't angry.

After changing into her armor she grabbed her bag and headed towards the docking bay. "B83...B83....there it is!" Rose thought to herself and entered the ship. She was impressed as she examined the ship. Of course she didn't get to admire it for too long as she was getting told to find her room. After a couple of minutes she finally found her room and dropped her bag off on her bed.

Now it was time to find her other comrades. They were most likely on the bridge. When she reached the bridge she was in awe. The interior was sleek, slick, and beautiful. Suddenly Rose saw a varren happily running around the bridge. Clearly excited about seeing new people on the ship. A smile creeped on her face. A giggle escaped her lips when she heard the name Cuddles. It would be nice to have an animal on the ship. Rose had decided to leave her hamster and fish at the flat. A friend would be checking up on them occasionally.

As Metis left the bridge Rose simply smiled and nodded. Hopefully she'd get a chance to talk with him more later. She approached Riley and Atlus. "Cute huh?" she asked as the varren was escorted back.

"Hey Metis! Come and find us when you're settled!" She said to his back as he left to find his bunk.

"Oh my god he's adorable!" Riley said in response to Rose, smiling at her brightly. Even Altus tilted his head upwards in a Turian grin.

Altus stepped forward, "Here mutt! Come on!" He slapped his thigh to get the varren's attention and the creature's head snapped round. He gave only a second's pause before bounding over to them, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. Cuddles crashed into all three of them. knocking Riley down in a laughing heap. Altus grabbed for the thick collar about its neck and held him still as he patted the animal's shoulder.

"There now, good boy." The varren quieted slowly and stood looking up at them with his huge, globular eyes, tongue still flopped out over his needle-like teeth.

The poor soldier who'd been dragged got up from where Cuddles had left him on the floor when he ran over.

"That thing belongs to the cook, Ronga. Crew deck, if you could return him there I'd be grateful."

Riley gestured to Rose and Altus (and anyone else who cared to follow). "We can bring him back while we go check out our rooms." She said, leading the way towards the elevator. Cuddles seemed content to be lead now, Altus keeping a firm grip on the collar just in case.

"We always wanted a varren." Altus offered cheerfully. "But mum would never allow one within 50 ft of her."

Riley laughed. "Remember that time we almost bought a varren pup and took it home with us?"

Altus laughed too. "We thought we'd try and test the reaction first, we brought an empty box into the house, I used one of my toy drones in it to make it move, mum went berserk."

"She did get us a dog though!"

Altus turned to those who may not be familiar with that animal. "Like a varren but smaller teeth and a lot more hair...everywhere."

They reached the crew deck and no sooner had the doors opened then Cuddles strained against his holders. Altus let him go and he bounded around the corner. No sooner than that there was a loud gruff voice: "So there you are! What've you been doing you scrawny little pyjak eh?"

Riley rounded the corner too and saw who their chef was....a krogan.

He saw them too and bared his shark-like teeth in a welcoming grin. "Ha! You must be the new recruits. name's Ronga. You've already met Vorp."

@stepherz345 @Peaceswore @ anyone
Dak agreed with Metis that the conversation could wait until they were all settled in. He followed the group onto the ship and was stunned at how magnificent it looked on the inside. The astral map was absolutely awe inspiring. You could see every star in the galaxy in close detail. Dak was very impressed. He had never been on a ship this nice in all of his military career. His moment of awe was cut short by a Varren running around. One of the crew made the mistake of trying to stop the beast. He was now getting dragged by it. Dak stepped back, he did not particularly like Varren.

He was glad to see that Rose and Altus were so confident in holding it otherwise he would not have been able to share an elevator with them to the crew deck. He made a mental note to visit Metis after he got settled in his room. When the elevator opened and they rounded the corner Dak was surprised to see that the cook was a Krogan. He hadn't figured a Krogan could master such a refined art as cooking, although anything is possible he figured. It didn't really matter to him though as he surely couldn't eat anything the cook prepared. "D-does that Varren wander around the ship ALL the time?" he asked Ronga nervously.

He then decided to find his room. He entered it and again was stunned by this ship's technology. The room was specifically designed for him to be comfortable in. He looked at the bed and smiled when he saw that he would be able to sleep without his suit in it. Wonderful. He was surprised they could afford a bed chamber that could reach -296 degrees. He walked over to the large fish tank and introduced his fish to the new water.
"I hope you like it here...I think I will." After unpacking he headed out back onto the crew deck to explore a little.

@SilverFlight @Peaceswore @stepherz345
Salenna stepped into the ship slowly and quietly, arms behind her and looking not the ship but her crewmen in front of her. It was funny for her to see them awe and ahh at the ship designs, at least the had some taste in ships. The ship was incredible as it's predecessor was before it, cutting edge in all aspects as well as quick and nimble at the hands of a capable pilot, someone she was going to check on later. She knew she was going to enjoy the ship, she had always loved them. Watching ships was the only none military thing he and her had in common and so one of the few things they did together. She still watched ship during shore leaves and any other brake as well as surfing through the extranet about them.

Her thought of her past was interrupted by the verran mutt coming through and some of the humans fauning over it. True the varren had its charm, but didn't understand what was cute and adorable about ithe like Riley made it out be. She shook her head and walked to the elevator and find her cabin. She had managed to get a cabin on the starboard side, one with a large window looking out at the dark space and sparkly light's of the stars. A perfect place to meditate to and watch other ships go by. She had prepared the cabin to her liking, spartan for the most part but had antiques from past experience and books from several races she would read during downtime. It would be her sanctuary.
Mella kept quite as the Specter finally showed up and showed the team to the ship. She was surprised at the number of crew he had. She was use to the classic Specter stereotype of the lone agent. True, Commander Shepard had a big crew, but he was a bit of a special case in an extreme situation.

"Oh Keelah." Mella muttered under her breath.

If this was like the Reaper War...

Deciding she wanted to know more about the ship and the Specter, Mella strolled over to the Krogan chef.

"Nice to meet you, Ronga." She greeted, as she leaned against a table.

She crossed her arms as she studied the Krogan. A handy side effect to living in an environment suit was you could stare at just about anything you wanted, just so long as you pointed your head else where.

"What do you have on the dextro-protein menu?" Mella asked Ronga.

It was much more bigger than what Centurion calculated the ship to be as he thought that the mission wouldn't require a big crew. He looked through the data banks stored within his synthetic Geth mind and found that he was in DockingBay 83 where the Cypress was supposed to be. The Geth made his way towards the ship and while there were Geth flocking to the Citadel every space day people still gave her the suspicious eye like at any moment he might turn rogue and try to murder everyone. The Geth just ignored the suspicion his people get from Organics as he began boarding the ship that would be his home for the time being.

After getting through with being scanned and such, he finally got onto the actual ship itself. The interior was nothing special but it wasn't like Centurion actually had any opinion on decorations as he never truly understood the purpose they had to Organics. The Geth was greeted by the surrounding crew with suspicion from most of them while a few didn't really care. Centurion kept on walking deeper into the ship, the only things he carried with him were his weapons and that was it. Centurion went down into the crew quarters as he would need to introduce himself to the people down there whether they want to have a Geth engineer or not.

When he arrived there was more commotion near the elevator than was expected and when he turned the corner to see what was gone, he saw two humans, a turian, a Quarian, a Krogan, and a Varren. The humans and turian were talking about how cute the Varren was though the Geth didn't quite understood what was appealing about the creature given its brutal history on the Krogan homeworld. The Geth decided it would be best to introduce himself to these people as he would most likely be working alongside them in their mission.

"Hello, that is the greeting that Organics give to each other correct? This Unit calls himself Centurion, it is good to meet you Organics."

Centurion spoke like what a Geth units would sound like.

@Peaceswore @SilverFlight @rikunobodyxiii @stepherz345
Dak walked around the corner to see some new faces. One in particular caught his eye, the all white Geth introducing itself as Centurion. He was actually glad to see a Geth and a Quarian together and not fighting. Dak knew that after the war the two races began to rebuild their relationship, but for a large portion of his life the Geth were the big bad boogie man that everyone was afraid of.

Dak walked over to the group and introduced himself to the newcomers, "Hello, I do not think we have met. I am Dak. Its a pleasure to make your acquaintance" he reached out his hand to the Quarian and then to the Geth.

He wondered if the Geth were an engineer like him. That would be nice. He liked having company when setting up defenses like his mines and drones. A Geth would be a very interesting friend and ally. Dak would not mind having a long chat with his crewmates as he would definitely like to know who hes working with. Maybe they could chat over some drinks.

@Archdemon @rikunobodyxiii @SilverFlight @stepherz345
Metis soon arrived at his room and once he did he took a good look around. He noticed that the room he was currently in felt ever so slightly different than the rest. The air, was different, namely it was slightly drier than the rest of the ship. 'Ah well isn't that nice. They don't want me to get that humid dieses, aren't they sweet." He hummed as he walked over to his bed and sat down on it. Placing his bags down on the ground he then placed his hands on either side of him and gave the bed a small test. And by that he slightly bounced a few times on it to see how it felt period and much to his relief it was a lot softer and it didn't squeak even once. Unlike those damned prison beds, gods had he been there any longer he knew he would have gotten back pains, and gone crazy from all the squeaking. A sigh of relief left him and he stood up going first to his backpack, lifting it off the ground he opened it and started to take his things out.

First he took out a pair of civilian clothes, the ones that he wore at the bar. Taking these he placed them in a near by drawer along with a few more articles of clothing before moving onto the next thing. In his bottom drawer he decided to put several things he semi tried to hide, which was yarn, and two needles. Yes he knew how to knit, it was a skill he just picked up, and gods did he get teased a lot for it on the old ship. Though they still accepted his gloves, and sweaters....either way. He had no intention of here jest about the knitting assassin once again so he pushed these things to the back of the bottom drawer hoping no one would really snoop around his place. Once this was placed there he put two shirts over the items to hide them a bit better. Now moving to the top smaller drawers here he took several needles from his bag and placed them there along with different colors of thread, a few items needed to create pins and several completed custom pins.

Lastly Metis took out some paper and placed it on top of his dresser and right next to it he placed several paper animals on the top as decoration. Each looking masterfully done, despite having a few wrinkles because they were in his bag. He even had a few plants rather than animals on the dresser but it was evident he preferred making animals rather than anything else. Once his backpack was finally empty he moved on to his sleek black case one that was still shiny from evidently being taken care of well. Picking this up he laid it on the bed and opened it. Inside was his black widow, one that was self modified, as well as his executioner pistol. Taking his Black Widow out he started to check up on it and make sure everything was in peak condition. "Perfect as always beautiful. Looks like the polish worked on you, that small little bruise is gone now. Though if this mission is as dangerous as I assume it is. We are going to need more polish, and thermal clips. *sigh* Though with luck I might be able to find some more parts to upgrade you to be even more deadly. Won't that be great?" He hummed, yes he was talking to his weapon, what's so odd about that?

After doing his general inspection of the widow he picked it up and placed it under the bed, with currently no ammo in it. He thought about placing it in the bed with him, but he knew he would toss in his bed so there wasn't enough room. Deciding to keep it there he placed several thermal slips on his bed next to the wall which were hidden by his extra cover. He also placed his executioner pistol under his pillow, just incase. Sure he might be on ship that was relatively save, but until he was certain it was safe he's keeping his friends very, very close.

Once all of this was done he took a look around the room before getting up and stretching. "Now to talk with the crew or look around the ship. Possibly both." Glancing once more at his room he turned on his heel and left. Walking down the hall he noted a few people were chatting so he decided to go and see what all of this was about. He stood at the end of the hall behind the krogan and simply watched for a time. It was rather impressive about the vast difference in species. Nice to see so many, it had for a time worried he would be surrounded by humans, and as much as he enjoyed human culture. He didn't care for being the only different species on board. Smirking a bit as he closed his eyes he leaned against a wall and smirked. "Metis is my name, wonder how many more times I'm going to be introducing myself today." He said with a light chuckle before opening his eyes and looking at the krogan. He thought about saying something about the krogan being a cook, but they were in close quarters and if he said anything to offend the other....well Metis was going to possibly get his ass kicked. Happened before, and gods he wasn't going to forget that job any time soon....or ever really.

"Nice group we got going here, seems we have all times of specialization, and personalities. Can't wait to get in a training session or real fight to see what everyone here about." Metis said in a nonchalant tone. His words very likely came off cocky despite how he was genuinely curious of the other abilities....and he was curious to see who he had to watch out for, like that Asari from earlier.

@SilverFlight @Ahara @Archdemon @rikunobodyxiii @stepherz345
Ai’koa was happy that the ship that she was assigned to was docked at the Citadel because it gave her about half a day to see her sister, who worked at Huerta Memorial Hospital (surprisingly still standing), which Ai’koa cherished. But her visit was over and now Ai’koa was walking down to the docks. Originally, she’d gotten a message about meeting at a nightclub, but she knew Birkam. She’d had the pleasure of fighting with him on the final battle of the Reaper War, and she’d seen him a couple times after that. Anyway they weren’t best friends or anything, but she knew his disposition well enough to know he wouldn’t do something like that...paired with the little detail that there was no seal… well Ai’koa had the sense enough to personally message the general, clarifying that it was him who wrote the letter. Funny thing was, it was not him who wrote the letter. So Ai’koa skipped the nightclub and wondered how many of the Shadow Team actually fell for the prank… or who pulled it.

”Well here it is, docking bay B83, The Cypress,” she thought. It was a beautiful ship to her. It quite resembled a Turian ship, as it was based off The Normandy, a Turian-Human collaborative ship. Ai’koa heard about the creation of the ship from her C-Sec days when one of her colleagues, who she hadn’t known well (who would go on to be the best friend of Shepard, hero of the galaxy), went off to serve on it and the C-Sec officers were talking about it down at the academy. Back in those days, a collaboration like that between two species was incredible and noteworthy. Nowadays, it was just routine.

As Ai’koa entered the ship, she couldn’t help but notice practically a whole crew of people stepping into the lift with a Varren.
”Huh,” Ai’koa breathed to herself. She’d have to wait for the lift to come back up again. She set her bag down by the lift; it was small and light, because it only contained civilian clothes and a cloth uniform; she was wearing her armor. Ai’koa would’ve loved to address the captain before she settled in, so she approached a run-down crewmember who was peeling himself off the floor a moment ago and asked, “Is the captain on deck?” but she was surprised at how she sounded. She sounded harsh and angry. Then she realized she was also grimacing. She didn’t mean to, it was probably the armor. Every time she got into armor she was going on a mission, and as a default Ai’koa was all business on missions. Not a good first impression, but she didn’t much care.

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Ronga eyed the volus, assessing his slightly nervous tone. "He's got free run of the crew deck save the gym, lounges, kitchen and med bay. He knows where he's not allowed, and don't worry about him, he's trained...mostly." The krogan finished with a grin that reminded Riley slightly of a piranha.

They say Salenna walk by, she said nothing to them but Riley reminded herself she wanted to speak with her later.

At the dextro menu question Altus perked up noticeably. "Oh! Seconded. Tell me its better than most human-run ships please."

Ronga tilted his head upward, as if he was regretting something.

"If I was allowed to make an actual menu you'd be swept off your feet by what I could create. As it stands, rations are so military I'm surprised they don't do drill themselves. Luckily you're looking at a master. Levo, dextro, it doesn't matter. I've trained under the best. Used to be a fighter, merc on Omega, came to earth under the Blood Pack, recruited to help fight reapers. After we beat them there wasn't much call for warriors...good thing I had a hobby."

Riley looked impressed.

"How'd you learn?"

"Picked up bits and pieces over the years, hard going at first, for some reason people think krogan can't cook! My last stint was at a fancy sushi place on the citadel called Ryuusei. That closed a few weeks before the reapers fell, someone broke right through their floor..."

"Wow," Altus said.

"Cool!" Riley added. She smiled at the quarian. It seemed like a good answer, and Riley approved of any of the staff who could crack an egg and a skull.

When Riley saw centurion her jaw dropped again. "This trip just keeps getting better!" She stepped up to Centurion and inclined her head.

"This organic goes by 'Riley'." She said cheerfully.

Metis returned and Riley grinned at his comment. "I'll take you on anytime pal!"

"Unfortunately, it will have to be after your evening chore duty." Birkham's level voice brought Riley back down to the ground. A smile played about his weathered features as he handed her a toilet brush. She took it and tried not to make a face.

"I trust you can remind miss Prentiss of her commitment?"

"Yes sir." Riley said without hesitation. Altus gave her a sympathetic look as Birkham dismissed her and she turned to complete her assignment, grumbling under her breath. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathrooms..."

@Peaceswore @Ahara @rikunobodyxiii @Archdemon @stepherz345

With that Birkam nodded at the rest of the team gathered. "Once we hit the relay I want everyone in the com room for a briefing. Its about time I told you a little more about what we're doing."

He headed for the elevator to return to the bridge.

Once on the navigation deck Birkham caught sight of a familiar face. "Hello Thanicus." He said in a friendly tone. "Thanks for the heads up. Found the girl responsible. Riley Kane, good kid, sense of humour. Knows just how hard she can push." To those that knew him his tone admitted the fact that he was mildly impressed.

"I trust your trip was uneventful?" Birkham asked, staying on the idle banter path, he would only deviate if asked.


Riley looked for the door with Salenna's name on it. She found it easy enough, raised her fist and knocked.

"Birkham's got our little task...bathroom duty." She said glumly. "I'll meet you there? I'm doing the girls' one first."

SilverFlight said:
Riley looked for the door with Salenna's name on it. She found it easy enough, raised her fist and knocked.
"Birkham's got our little task...bathroom duty." She said glumly. "I'll meet you there? I'm doing the girls' one first."

Salenna sighed when she heard Riley outside her door, only know settled in to her room and gotten comfortable on the bed. Still she was many things but a person who doesn't do her duty she was not. She forced her self up and adjusted her car suit."Wait, i will will be out in a minute."She called out in between before opening the door and stepping out. "Let's go." She ordered walking to the baths.

She reached the lavatories, she figured the job wouldn't take long doubting they facilities have Bbeen used much already. "Tell me something."She began saying to Riley as she began to prepare to clean," How does a human and turian become siblings?"
Ai’koa didn’t need to wait to hear an answer, as the captain came up behind her. She whipped around and gave him a salute. It wasn’t an Asari tradition, and she wouldn’t have done it if she wasn’t serving directly under him, but she’d observe formalities when she served under him until he told her not to. After she let her salute down, though, she was all smiles. ”I’ll have to make her acquaintance then, and yes, fairly uneventful; I visited my sister, I think you met her all those years ago when we cleared this place.” Ai’koa politely returned his small talk and gave a pause.

”By the way, I greatly appreciate the opportunity to join you. It’s a great looking ship you got here, how’s the cushy Spectre lifestyle working for you?” She teased him lightly. After all, he must have known her actions were all in good fun, and that she wasn’t being resentful because she actually had the opportunity to have this cushy job and she turned it down. Ai’koa, as a force of habit, began to stand in an “at ease” position, widening her stance and clasping her hands behind her back as she talked. She was a bit lost, honestly. She knew how to address a normal spectre you didn’t know, for sure. But how was she to treat this man? She knew him personally, he was a spectre, but he was also her CO? Those were some unsure waters. She wouldn’t want to do anything out of military etiquette. She decided that until she was told otherwise, she’d just take the better-safe-than-sorry path.

Rose listened as the Krogan cooked talked about himself. For some reason Rose immediately liked him. The Krogan could cook, fight, and had a varen. Jarib would've been impressed by him. He probably would've tried using the varen to fight, she had seen those fights on Mars, but never partook in them. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Ronga. I'm not picky so I'm sure whatever you cook will be great." Rose said happily.

Rose nodded in agreement with what Metis had said. She was a social person and loved meeting new people, but she was ready to learn more about the mission and see some action. Although she couldn't help think that the group was a little small. At that moment she was greeted by a Geth named Centurion. She decided to copy Riley's approach. "Yes, this organic calls itself Rose." she replied. Rose didn't have much experience with Geth. She didn't hate them like other people, she just didn't have any real experience with them. This would be her first real opportunity interacting with one.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Dak approach Centurion and the Quarian, who she did still hadn't met quite yet. She listened for her to introduce herself to Dak. Suddenly Birkham came and handed Riley the toilet brush. Rose gave a small wave as Riley took off to find the Asari and get on their chores. Relay equaled com room, finally some more answers about the mission. Rose nodded as he left the group to continue their socializing.

@SilverFlight @Ahara @Archdemon @Peaceswore @rikunobodyxiii
Mella turned slightly to watch the Geth who had come in. Its frame seemed to indicate a Soldier design, but Mella knew plenty of Geth that took on different functions after the war. Her own guardian, a Geth Juggernaut, was still trying to perfect a Geth substitution for Biotics. It would be nice to have a Geth on board.

After Ronga answered her question, Mella gave him a solemn nod. She hadn't expected anything extravagant and wasn't disappointed.

"I might collect some ingredients to test your skills." She commented to the Krogan Chef casually .

Pushing off of the table she was leaning against, Mella gave Centurion a polite head bow.

"Mella'Saquin, at your service." She greeted. "Your word usage is correct. It is a pleasure to have you aboard, Centurion."

When Centurion arrived, Mella was worried that he would get resistance from the crew, but so far, so good. Anybody that gave it lip would get a black eye, as far as she was concerned.

@SilverFlight @Ahara @Archdemon @Peaceswore @stepherz345
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Riley was about to turn and go when she heard the voice on the other side of the door. She tried not to beam as it was opened and the asari stepped out.

Riley would normally have taken the order personally. Rank-wise they were equals on the ship, but there was always something about asari that made her feel she should be respectful. Maybe it was the fact that pretty much every one she had met in any sort of profession was at least four times her age. Or maybe it was that most of them had actually lived through the Reaper Wars...Riley had no doubt that Salenna had stories to tell.

Riley dumped her stuff unceremoniously on her bed in her own room and left the door open. They reached the bathrooms in several steps and Riley peered in. The bathrooms, though having been used regularly by the crew since the ship's voyage was commissioned, were relatively clean. Riley knew this tactic too, newbies get menial chores to keep their pride in check. It was fair, and a good strategy. It was hard to lord it over people when you had a toilet brush in your hand.

Salenna surprised Riley by asking her about Altus. Riley thought about how to answer, she started with the sinks in the meantime, taking a cloth and the cleaner solvent that had been left out for them, her tone became more gentle as she pulled on the memories that tied her to her brother.

"Altus was one of the kids whose parents were both military on Palaven yeah?. They were in one of the cities hit by reaper landing forces. Both killed. Altus was rescued from the rubble and put into an orphan program. There were too many orphans to be passed out to foster care by the time the reapers were dead, so they kept him with hundreds of others in a care facility, small rooms, no real care at all...they just, didn't have the resources." She looked back at Salenna with a smile to tell her 'the story gets better'.

"Some planets had so many more orphans than others, so the council started this inter-species adoption program. My mum and dad were diplomats for Palaven, they were on Earth when the war started, but as soon as the relays were up they signed on and adopted Altus. I was three, he was six."

She looked at her reflection in the mirror, remembering the day Altus had arrived. "He was so scared at first, but I took his hand." Her smile widened. "I told him he didn't have to be afraid anymore, because I'd protect him...its funny that I remember that...I was so young and..well, humans don't usually keep memories from that long ago."

Riley realized she'd been rambling, lost down memory lane. "Right so, yeah." She interrupted herself, a little embarrassed. "That's how I got a turian brother. He's a little quiet, but he's smart. Smarter than me by far, I'm good with that though." She grinned. "I can kick his ass any day of the week!"

With the sinks done Riley moved onto the toilet stalls. "So, if I can ask...what did you do during the reaper wars?" Riley didn't want to pry, she knew as well as anyone that the wars were a traumatic time for most who lived through them. She would have understood if Salenna shut down that line of questioning right there, but Riley had only ever heard stories of the reapers, they didn't carry the same impact in her mind.


Birkham turned to face away from her and toward the console that showed a brief report from engineering. "'cushy Spectre life'?" He asked with a hint of amusement. "Honestly there's too much freedom for a soldier like me to ever feel comfortable. I don't like making rules, I like following them, but what we're doing here...it goes beyond me and what I like."

He gestured toward the elevator. "You should go meet your new team. Got another asari, turian, quarian, drell, volus..even a geth. I'll call you for the briefing. Relax until then."


"Ah," Altus said to Metis' comment about combat. "You'll have to speak to Riley for that sort of training. I'm rubbish at sparring. Afraid I'm only good in a fight if I have my combat suit and an assault rifle."

Altus gave an approving look at the geth. Artificial life had always fascinated him, he was happy it was starting to get the respect and recognition that any life deserved. "If I have the chance later on I'd love to ask you about how the geth are getting on now. Not much in the media about you, though, you'd probably want it like that."

His cool green eyes moved back to the quarian. "Looks like we don't have to worry about being poisoned." He said happily. "Anyone care to take a turn about the ship with me?"

Altus was eager to explore. There hand't been a proper description of the facilities in the acceptance letter. The first room he chose was the recreation room on the port side of the crew deck. The massive observatory window showed the Citadel docking bay. No doubt they were still getting clearance to move a military-grade ship out of civilian docking space.

Altus noticed a Kepesh-Yakshi board sitting in a space under the lounge table. "Ah! One of my favorite games!" He declared happily, pulling the board out and examining it. "Good condition, I don't think its been used much...Its er, a bit complex."

@Peaceswore @Archdemon @rikunobodyxiii @stepherz345 @ anyone who cares to explore the ship with Altus
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If Centurion could feel legitimate emotions or have the same reactions as the Organics do, he'd be surprised but sadly he wasn't. It was interesting to see that the team of elite soldiers the Geth would be working with didn't really have anything against his people, which was fine by him. All that really mattered to Centurion was keeping the Geth safe from those who would harm them.

The Geth engineer looked at the Volus who held out his hand, introducing himself as Dak. Centurion grabbed his stubby hand and shook it like he'd seen the other Organics do when they meet somebody worth their time. After that the Organic who was next to the Turian made a joke about the word he used calling herself Riley, another one did the same but this time she was named Rose.

Centurion turned his single eye towards the Quarian "Hello creator Mella'Saquin, it is a pleasure to meet you as well."

He then turned his gaze to the Turian "If you seek information on the current position the Geth have among your species, I will be available in the engine room working on the engine when we're done with our..... Meet and greet!" The last sentence was obviously a terrible joke though Centurion doesn't know that, he just assumes all jokes are funny to Organics.

Centurion walked with Altus and was there when he discovered the Kepesh-Yakshi game. When he said it's a bit complex, Centurion decided that to make the game seem less complex to those around it began to talk in detail the rules of the game and how exactly it works.

@SilverFlight @Peaceswore @rikunobodyxiii @stepherz345
Ai’koa knew exactly what the captain was saying, in fact, she felt the same way. That’s why she never wanted his job. She nodded sympathetically. When he started listing off the other Shadows, though, her ears perked up. They had a very very diverse crew. For a moment she reflected upon the fact that before the reaper wars, humans had a big problem with working on mixed-race ships. Birkham was alive back then, she wondered what he thought before the war of all the other races. But, of course, Ai’koa wouldn’t be rude enough to ask, he was obviously plenty tolerant now. ”Thank you sir, see you at the briefing.”

Ai’koa walked back to the lift, picked up her bag, and got in. As she descended on the
painfully slow* lift she began to see her crewmates. They were hanging around the kitchen, a male Drell, female Quarian, male Volus, and a female Human. She was slightly disappointed. She wanted to talk to the other Asari or the Turian. Either way, Ai’koa strode up with a mischievous smile. She stopped right before the counter behind which a Krogen sat. Ai’koa briefly wondered how a Krogen got that job or why he’d want it. She assured herself she’d ask later. But presently, she put her hands on her hips and said, ”I heard you guys went clubbing. It was uh . . . pretty obvious trick.” She didn’t want to start as the goody-two-shoes Asari who told the captain. She was aware that Humans at least hated what they called “snitches,” so she’d start off as the Asari who knew better.

@Peaceswore @stepherz345 @Ahara @rikunobodyxiii

*I know it was a loading screen, but DAMN was I the only one who wanted to bash my head in while I waited on it?
Salenna bit the bullet and went to clean the toilets taking a cloth and brush and just got stuck in. As it expected the work wasn't too bad but still was surprised at the state of the bathroom afterjust a couple of hours of people on board. Still she didn't gribe, detracted by Riley backstory. It was a curious story, the war was tough to go through but picking up the pieces afterwards was something else all together. Some planets still haven't fully recovered and there families out there still struggling to rebuild. "It is quite the story your parents must be strong to survive well enough to take care of one child as well as take on another, especially with turian dextro differences."She said in a neutral tone moving from one toilet to the other,

She smirked st the question. "What didn't I do? I was a commando back than. Took part in the failed defence of thessia... Some minor joint operations against cerberus and the repears... And the finally battle at Earth in London. Felt the radiation when the crucible was activated."

Khapsul Radfor sighed as he looked up from his datapad to the large, sleek ship docked in front of him. This was it: the Cypress. Hm. Smaller than he imagined it would be. He looked back down to the holopad in his hands. The orders he received were fairly recent; no less than eighteen hours ago he was told to find this ship. When he asked around for a reason, he was told something about the Shadows. He was excited to hear this, but he didn't get a straight answer. He wasn't quite sure if he was serving a Shadow, becoming a Shadow... maybe even killing a Shadow. However, orders were orders, and here he was. He lifted the large black bag he was carrying up and made his way up the ramp. The bag itself contained only a few personal effects, and the rest of it contained fresh spruce logs. For Radfor, they were a necessity. These logs were what he used to whittle with, and since he did pretty much nothing else in his spare time, he was going to make sure he had ample resources.

The halls were brightly lit, and like many of the other ships he had been on had that odd smell....a mixture of anxiety and excitement, but with a tinge of fear. Common among the ranks of the new recruits; he assumed many of those were on board. He looked down to his datapad and scrolled through until he found the section where it listed his room. He marched through the clean, pearly white halls until he found it. He opened the door, and was surprised to see it was a small, square room, with a large window out the side. His bed was on the wall to his right, and on his left was a desk with a door to a closet right next to it. He set his bag next to his bed and looked back down to the datapad. He wished GAF would be more specific; there was nothing that listed a superior officer or anything about specific members. He sighed again; he was going to have find the Captain, wasn't he? He hated doing that. He could be doing better things than chasing around superiors.

He exited his room and, with the help of some other crew members, specifically a young blonde human Male who looked like he was going to piss himself when Radfor approached, made his way to mess hall. He took a look around; it was rather empty for the time of day. He shrugged, and his eyes drifted onto the cook. It was another Krogan, a little older looking. He might know where the Captain is. He approached the cook and noticed a varied by his side. Radfor's time on Tuchanka made him wary of the beast, but he assumed he was tame enough. He put his hands behind his back as he spoke with respect to the cook.

"Excuse me. Would you happen to know where the Captain of this vessel is?"

Mella grimaced inside her helmet after Centurion's joke. She had met a few Geth trying to develop a sense of humor. Centurion seemed to be in the painful, early stages. Then, of course, there was the turian's attempt at humor.

"What are you talking about?" Mella asked Altus. "It's military rations. Of course it's poisonous. It just gets to toxic levels after you're discharged."

While she would have liked to get more info on the crew and commander from the chef, Mella decided it was better to take a look around. She was familiar with the design, but ships like this could have some additions and hidden tricks. She followed Altus as he headed to the Port Lounge. She walked to the window and looked out at the Citadel. Never much liked the place. Always gave her bad vibes. Especially after seeing Lorran for the last time there.

Turing from the window abruptly, Mella sought something else to focus on.

"Kepish, eh?" She asked, eyeing the board. "All the hype around it always made me think it was a bit pretentious."

@SilverFlight @Archdemon @ Anyone Who went with Altus
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Altus couldn't help but snort at the geth's pun, though whether it was at the joke itself or at the valiant attempt he would never tell.

He listened to Mella insult the food and then his favorite game and shook his head, though his eyes showed amusement. The board in his hands was set delicately down on the table.

"I think its great we have an optimist on our team." He prodded her playfully with sarcasm, then added: "Just because its an asari game, doesn't mean everyone who plays it is a snob." He did not mean it seriously, asari had the general reputation of acting superior. The one they had met today did not seem to differ from that generalization either.

Centurion proceeded to go into an amazingly detailed explanation of the game, to which Altus gave him and impressed and approving look. There were details the geth recited that even he didn't know.

"Its a game of strategy," he concluded, "battle strategy more accurately. I could teach you at some point, if you're interested of course. I have a feeling Centurion already knows how to play."

@Knight Nate

"You were a commando?" Riley's eyes widened. "And you were on Earth too. That's awesome." She kept working as she spoke. "I was born that day, the day the reapers fell. Mom said it was the first thing I saw, that gold light, covering everything." She was reluctant to start rambling again.

"You gotta tell me more later on, and what you think of Earth, I haven't met too many asari that've actually been there." She gave Salenna a kind smile.

"Right now, I believe we're done. I doubt they'd make us do much more before the brief."

She felt the shift rumble as the engines were put on, then the initial jerk as the ship pulled away, before the inertial dampeners were switched on.

When they had tidied up Riley lead the way to the port observatory where Altus and a few others were. She watched the docking bay shrink as the Cypress pulled out and cruised slowly down the length of the Citadel's arms.


Riley excused herself to go return the cleaning implements back to the storage closet by the kitchen. When she caught sight of the new korgan she couldn't help but grin.

"Oh this trip just got a whole lot more fun!" She held her hand out to him, and nodded at the new asari as well.

"Name's Riley." She said brightly.

@whitefoxkiller @King nate
Metis simply watched everyone nonchalantly as he listened to how skilled the krogan was as well as Atlus response to his own statement. He didn't say anything and simply gave a small smile and a nod of acknowledgement. After a bit he noticed that none of them had any plans to continue a conversation with him so he decided now was a good time to leave and explore the ship to fully understand her. So with that he was about to leave however he heard an asari talk to him an a few others. Claiming the letter was an obvious fake, looking at her he simply smiled. "Is that so? I assume you have something to compare the fake letter with one that is genuine? If so I regret to inform you, you may have been better off just going with it. It was quite interesting and a rather fun way to meet one another without all the boring and rather useless formalities." He said steadly as he turned and started to walk off with his hands in his pocket as he hummed a small tune.

After walking by all the rooms remembering who's was whos he was jostled forward a bit and had to use a wall to regain his footing. At this a smirk went on his face as he stood upright and placed his hands behind his back. "Well then, it looks like the fun will begin soon enough. Good, I'm curious how all of this will play out." Knowing they were leaving rather than being attacked (though that thought did cross his mind for a moment, thankfully no alarms went off so he assumed they were simply leaving) he headed off to continue his exploration. As he walked he couldn't help but be impressed by the design and the ship itself. Something about being in a ship that resembled the Normandy just made him rather happy, he knew he should stop daydreaming about how epic the battles he may be on, or the close death situations. After all he knew the reality of it all was far more terrifying then what he dreamed up.

'As long as I keep it in my head and not in my actions there is little harm in it... I won't do something so foolish again. Mixing fantasy with reality.... By the gods I was ignorant then...' Letting out a sigh and then shaking his head he looked up and saw he was now on the port side of the ship at the library. Looking at it for a moment he went ahead and entered, he had till they hit the mass rely so he could read a book or two before then. So going up to the shelves he looked at the books that were available he saw quite a few leisure books which pleased him as he thought there would only be educational. Taking a rather interesting book by the looks of it he went ahead and sat down in a chair, getting comfortable he leaned back bit and started to read a book called the Lord of the Rings. One he never heard of, but he assumed it was something about jewelry.

@whitefoxkiller @Anyone
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SilverFlight said:
"You were a commando?" Riley's eyes widened. "And you were on Earth too. That's awesome." She kept working as she spoke. "I was born that day, the day the reapers fell. Mom said it was the first thing I saw, that gold light, covering everything." She was reluctant to start rambling again.
"You gotta tell me more later on, and what you think of Earth, I haven't met too many asari that've actually been there." She gave Salenna a kind smile.

"Right now, I believe we're done. I doubt they'd make us do much more before the brief."

She felt the shift rumble as the engines were put on, then the initial jerk as the ship pulled away, before the inertial dampeners were switched on.

When they had tidied up Riley lead the way to the port observatory where Altus and a few others were. She watched the docking bay shrink as the Cypress pulled out and cruised slowly down the length of the Citadel's arms.

"Will see..." Salenna said simply and quietly after Riley's sort of rambling. She was a little bit surprised, she found herself liking Riley's kind smile and even though her rambling was a bit much her energy was kind infectious. She smirked and shook her head finishing the cleaning of the bathroom. She went to speak more but she heard the door opening and Riley leave. She looked back curiously and stepped out to see what were Riley was going, following her into the observation deck. "What the heck are you going? There is still some of the bathroom to clean."
Dak sighed to himself after hearing the Krogan answer his question. He figured he would have to get used to the Varren wandering around the ship. He smiled at all the bad jokes though the crew couldn't tell. He decided to follow Altus and the others while exploring the rest of the ship. He nodded when Altus said he was no good in a fight without his armor and weapons. "I am the same way. Although I believe that would be expected of me. You have that whole apex predator thing going on for you." He was stunned by the large observation window. He tried to imagine how great the view would be when looking out at space. He'd spend a lot of time in this room for sure.

Dak had never played that game before, he didn't have much time to play games as a child and as an adult he spent his time either fighting the reapers or drinking away the thoughts of the war. Centurion went into great detail about the game which seemed to make Altus happy because he started to beam.
"Well now that I know all the rules, thanks Centurion, I'd be happy to play sometime."

He laughed at the others bad talking the food, "Luckily for me I don't have to eat that. Well, I can't eat it but I guess that's just semantics." He pulled out a food tube and hooked it to his mask, slurping in all the delicious food. His room was stocked with a pretty sizable amount of these food tubes that he was very used to eating. They tasted great so it was definitely not an issue for him. He felt the ships engines roar to life under his feet and got a little rush of excitement. He almost lost his balance when the ship suddenly started to move but he caught himself. Dak figured that rolling around on the floor just because the ship moved would not garner him much respect from his squad-mates.

"So Mella, how is your room? Mine is amazing! The bed is in a chamber that lets me leave my suit. Its so nice to be able to let my skin breathe a little." (FYI Volus look like a mix of Squid, Penguins, and Star-nosed moles)

@SilverFlight @Archdemon @rikunobodyxiii @Anyone else with altus
Centurion looked normal as it couldn't display physical reactions to emotions like Organics can so it processed the reactions to his joke. Many programs had begun to analyze the data Centurion witnessed and concluded it was just a terrible Joke, one that Organics don't like. With this done, the Joke was discarded and another would be made as a test since Centurion would be trying to find which jokes are better suited to the crew he'd be working with.

When Altus said Centurion might know how to play along with an approving look the Turian gave the Geth, Centurion stared back at him. "I never had the chance to play Kepish, the reason I know so much is that when the Geth were freed or enlightened by the Unit called Legion, I took to learning all that I could about the universe and everything in it. I can recall battles with upmost detail even if I never attended them myself. Like for example I can recall the Battle for the Citadel or the Battle for Palaven. Kepish isn't the best strategy game as its overall strategy focuses on certain situations which would benefit the person or general who'd actually use that strategy in the situation. In actuality the Humans came up with a very great Strategical set of rules for warfare, the book is by an ancient human, back from when the human world was divided into nations and knew nothing outside their world, they didn't even know space existed. Well the Book is called The Art Of War by an ancient Chinese military general named Sun Tzu, if you want a good grasp of strategy then I would read that book, especially with commentary as the original text has been lost and the book itself underwent bad changes over the years like people making false copies, adding things that don't fit, the crimes are nearly endless. You are welcomed Dak, if anyone would like more detailed explanation of certain things then I'd be happy to comply."

Centurion had studied most or all of human history of their planet and the nations that once dotted it's surface. Humans were so diverse in their nature, being one of the most diverse cultures around with the various nations that went and passed on their world.

"Geth have no need for quarters or anything that requires Organics to function such as the consumption of food and water, the place you'd find me that you could say would serve as my Quarters would be the engine room."

@rikunobodyxiii @SilverFlight @Ahara

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