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Fantasy Masquerade Mystery Ball/Party


The Dark Poetry Mistress
A mysterious host has sent out invitations to various people of different social statuses and countries, inviting them to a masquerade party/ball fit with music, drinks, catering and of course: dancing. The location? A very HUGE mansion type place. The reason? There is no certain reason but hey? Who is gonna question free food and entertainment?

But when all the guests arrive and have been dancing for a while, the lights go off and a mysterious booming voice starts talking, revealing that they are now trapped inside the mansion place. The voice also reveals that there are plenty of supplies including food, drink, clothing and medical supplies.
Charles hummed to himself as he looked over the ballroom. His master/friend had instructed him to make sure all the preparations were completed and he was more than happy to comply. The other servants had done a good job from what he looked at so far. He immediately dusted off the fire place and made his way to his post at the front door. He would be greeting guests, who would arrive any time now. The maid and other butler next to him would lead people to the ballroom. This was shaping up to be an excellent party.

Roxanne looked herself over before smiling. It had been ages since she had seen Charles and her other old friend. The last time the three were together was when they were children. Sure they kept in touch through letters but she missed the sounds of their voices. So when she got an invitation to his party, she instantly jumped at the opportunity to see them again. She instructed her driver to meet her at the front door and soon they were off, Roxanne growing more excited by the minute.

Soon Roxanne arrived, her driver letting her out. She thanked him and dismissed him, figuring she would catch a ride home. She smiled as she knocked on the door and was met by Charles. "Charles! It's so lovely to see you." "The feeling is mutual, Miss Wesley." She chuckled a little and spoke with Charles for a few more minute before being escorted to the ballroom.
Crimson Soul was obviously early to show up. That was something she was used to doing, but only because she wondered why she was invited. As she put her mask on when her ride pulled into the driveway, she saw that this was not going to be any ordinary party. It was probably going to last all night.

She got out of the car, and looked around. She made her way slowly to the entrance, remembering to keep a smile on her face.
Hikaru walked in the building pulling on his collar of his suit groaning, suitcase in hand full of another set of clothes, before walking in the mens room. His mask on before he ever got in the car. His flip phone in his pocket as he comes back out in a semi-formal attire able to breathe again. Quick to change, in many ways he thought to himself as he kept walking along watching the small early crowd.

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