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Realistic or Modern Masks, art of the Dark


New Member
Desperate times, desperate times indeed.

The year is 2028, and people are lazy. They began to lose hope and complain about the liberal politicians and the smooth talkers yet do nothing to remove them. And the politicians get lazy with their bags of money and don’t see the insane crime. Organizations and masked villains are now spotting up, causing hell in our city. We have to make our own organization, combat the tyranny of the scum and the laziness of the police and finally do what’s right. Or... you don’t have to dress up and play cowboys and Indians, you can do terrible things, murder, rape... whatever tickles your fancy. You can hide your hideous face and do whatever you please, even if it’s against the law. They’ll never know. Pick your side, it won’t matter in the end... will it?

Name: Unknown
alias: The Questioner
Age: Unknown (somewhere between 26 and 34)
Allegiance: Neutral

The Questioner was walking down the street, breathing heavily into his mask. It was dark, very dark and he needed to find a place to hide, stay. But no one would accept him, never, never in a million years. So he just kept walking. His feet hurt but he needed to walk. Tonight wasn’t a great night, police were actually doing patrols, which was strange, and no one was out. Tonight somebody had to die, he wasn’t sure who, nor did he care. It just had to happen.

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