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Fandom Marvel v DC


--Character Signup--

Character Type: (Original or Pre-Existing/Established)



Alignment: (Good, Evil, Etc)







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Character Type: Established

Name: Frank Castle

Alias: The Punisher

Alignment: Depends on who you ask

Age: Late 30's (I'm thinking like Greg Rucka's comic run)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/400f4124014f2fce4186063fe2d64069.jpg.b623dca615950a80544e3fce10e77fa0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117158" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/400f4124014f2fce4186063fe2d64069.jpg.b623dca615950a80544e3fce10e77fa0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: none

Skills: High intelligence, Genius-level intellect, Powerful physical strength, Uttlery ruthless, Expert in military and guerrilla tactics, marksmanship, close quarters combat, infiltration, and demolitions, Skilled fighter, Martial arts expert, Firearm skills, Skilled gunman, knife-man, Weapons expert and knowledge, Very High-level fighting skills

Affiliations: Marvel Knights, The Defenders, Secret Avengers

History: Frank Castle was once a decorated U.S. Marine with a happy life and family, until one fateful and tragic day when he and his family accidentally stumbled upon a gang lynching in a park. His wife and children were gunned down and he was left for dead. Horribly scarred for life, Castle swore to "punish" all criminals in any way possible, and became a violent vigilante hellbent on wiping crime off the face of the earth.

Other: He has a unique history with Daredevil, both wanting to rid Hell's Kitchen of crime but neither approving of the other's methods but nonetheless they have teamed up multiple times in certain situations.



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Castle91 said:
Character Type: Established
Name: Frank Castle

Alias: The Punisher

Alignment: Depends on who you ask

Age: Late 30's (I'm thinking like Greg Rucka's comic run)

Appearance: 6'1, 200 pounds, blue eyes, black hair

Powers: none

Skills: High intelligence, Genius-level intellect, Powerful physical strength, Uttlery ruthless, Expert in military and guerrilla tactics, marksmanship, close quarters combat, infiltration, and demolitions, Skilled fighter, Martial arts expert, Firearm skills, Skilled gunman, knife-man, Weapons expert and knowledge, Very High-level fighting skills

Affiliations: Marvel Knights, The Defenders, Secret Avengers

History: Frank Castle was once a decorated U.S. Marine with a happy life and family, until one fateful and tragic day when he and his family accidentally stumbled upon a gang lynching in a park. His wife and children were gunned down and he was left for dead. Horribly scarred for life, Castle swore to "punish" all criminals in any way possible, and became a violent vigilante hellbent on wiping crime off the face of the earth.

Other: He has a unique history with Daredevil, both wanting to rid Hell's Kitchen of crime but neither approving of the other's methods but nonetheless they have teamed up multiple times in certain situations.
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Character Type: Pre-Existing/Established

Name: Kenuichio Harada

Alias: Silver Samurai

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 25




Tachyon Manipulation


  • Grandmaster in Japanese Martial arts in general
  • Ninjutsu/18 Disciplines of Bujinkan
  • Disciplines of the Samurai
  • Forging/Crafting/ Designing armor
  • Tactician

Affiliations: Yashida(includes Clan Yashida, Yashida Zaibatsu, Black Clan, Yashida Corp), Hydra(formerly)

History: Ken is the son of the former crimelord Shingen Harada and was born in Japan. Early in his life he studied the disciplines of the samurai, 18 Disciplines of Bujinkan/Ninjutsu, and even some crafting. This would eventually set him up to become a merc when his X Gene became active granting him his mutant powers. He started out as a mercenary for hire and was temporarily with Hydra until he broke away from the organization to pursue his own interests.

Other: One of his other loadouts and face

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Character Type: Pre-Existing

Name: Natasha Romanoff

Alias: Black Widow

Alignment: Good

Age: 34


Powers: None.

Skills: Expert spy, athlete, and assassin.

Affiliations: SHIELD, AVENGERS.

History: Natalia "Natasha" Alianovna Romanova born circa 1928 and was raised from her youth by a Russian soldier Ivan Petrovich Bezukhov after she was orphaned when enemy soldiers attacked Stalingrad. To save Ivan's life, she accepted a place in the Soviet government's covert "Red Room" facility. While there, she was bio- and psycho-technologically enhanced - granting her an unusually long and lifespan and prolonged youthful appearance. While in the program she was trained by the Winter Soldier, and the two became lovers. Each Black Widow was deployed with false memories to help ensure their loyalty. Natasha was given memories of becoming a ballerina, but eventually discovered this fact, along with the knowledge that the Red Room is still active as "2R".

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Character Type: (Original or Pre-Existing/Established)

Name:Zoe River

Alias: Imperatrix

Alignment: (Good, Evil, Etc) Neutral.

Age: 17


Powers: She is able to manifest anything black she touches and cause the object to stretch out into her own shape. (Black Manipulation)

Skills: None.

Affiliations: Shield, Avengers.


Zoe childhood mostly revolve around Britain, she went to a normal school before anything 'mutant' like happen in her life. She made many friends until a bully enter her class, she choose to stick up for her friends and over done the progress by launching spike from the ground that pierce the boy shoulder. Being sent to hospital Zoe was sent into isolation for nearly four hours and afterwards she was being sent to sent into a mental school, the never got in touch with the X-men causing her to struggle. To make things worse on the way home she had a pervert following her offering 'Candy' and that when she nearly kill a person.. again.

She was packing her bags until her sister came into her room frighten all of a sudden, her door was banging loud as it was lock, their parents. Both of them had cuts, bruises and scars and if Zoe left she knew that Amy would be in severe danger. Now Zoe wielded these abilities using them for good use, trying again she thickened the door up with black substance like cement. Suddenly she heard her parents talking to the school about her 'behavior' towards the other 'innocent' bully. Straight away they believe them and started trying kicking down the doors, her sister was crying and her thoughts were clouded.

One thing bad about her powers was sometimes they had a mind of it's own. ''Why has it gone quiet?'' The little girl ask and Zoe open the door to reveal the parents body pierce with spikes entirely. They needed to leave... she pack hers and Amy bag, they were only 12 and 8 at this time. They only had one place to go and that was America, traveling for 7 hours by her abilities they came across New York and settle down in a Cafe, along with her grandmother owning the shop.

Character Type: Established/Pre Existing

Oliver Queen

Green Arrow, The Emerald Archer, Robin Hood, The Battling Bowman

Heroic/Chaotic Good





  • Masterful Archery
  • Proficient Combatant
  • Peak Human

Affiliations: Star City, The Justice League

Oliver Queen was once a spoiled, thrill-seeking playboy, until he was left stranded on a deserted island for several years after an incident involving being shoved off of his boat. There, he trained to become a master archer and capable combatant in order to survive. After finally returning home to Star City, he decided to utilize his newfound skills and capabilities to become the hooded vigilante known as "Green Arrow".
Character Type: Established

Name: Matt Murdock

Alias: Daredevil

Alignment: Good

Age: 28

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/daredevil-netflix-series-costume-concept-art-by-ryan-meinerding.jpg.66128fdfd1be9dd45a788e9bf9da65f6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117160" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/daredevil-netflix-series-costume-concept-art-by-ryan-meinerding.jpg.66128fdfd1be9dd45a788e9bf9da65f6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: In compensation for his lost sight, Daredevil’s other four senses have been preternaturally enhanced.His sense of touch is sensitive enough to detect the faint impressions of ink on paper, allowing him to read by touch. He is also able to feel minute changes in temperature and pressure, enough to sense a human body at a distance of five feet, due to body heat and air disturbance. Daredevil’s sense of smell is enhanced enough to distinguish individuals by their natural odors, and remember and identify them no matter how they attempt to mask their scent, as well as track that individual scent through a crowd of people at a distance of roughly 50 feet.His sense of taste is sharp enough to enable him to detect the number of grains of salt on a pretzel. His ability to remember tastes enables him to determine every ingredient of a food or drink he tastes, as long as there are at least 20 milligrams of that substance present.Daredevil’s enhanced sense of hearing enables him to detect an acoustic pressure change of 1 decibel at a pressure level of 7, whereas the average human can only detect a sound as low as 20 decibels. He can even hear people speaking through a standard soundproofed wall. Daredevil is also able to hear a heartbeat from 20 feet away, as well as identify people by their individual beat rhythm, or detect whether they are lying or not by the changes in their heartbeat, though a pace maker or self control will confuse his reading.

Skills: Daredevil possesses the strength, speed, agility, and endurance, not to mention acrobatic and gymnastic skills, of an Olympic-level athlete. Through a combination of the tutelage of Stick and self-training, Daredevil is a master of a unique martial art form, which is a hybridized form of American boxing and the Japanese arts of ninjutsu, judo and aiki-jujutsu. Martial arts training has given him an immense degree of concentration and personal control over his body and energy, or Ki. Daredevil is also an accomplished criminal trial lawyer.

Affiliations:Formerly Defenders, Marvel Knights, Secret Avengers

History: Abandoned by his mother, Matt Murdock was raised by his father, boxer "Battling Jack" Murdock, in Hell's Kitchen. Realizing that rules were needed to prevent people from behaving badly, young Matt decided to study law; however, when he saved a man from an oncoming truck, it spilled a radioactive cargo that rendered Matt blind while enhancing his remaining senses. Under the harsh tutelage of blind martial arts master Stick, Matt mastered his heightened senses and became a formidable fighter.



  • daredevil-netflix-series-costume-concept-art-by-ryan-meinerding.jpg
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Character Type: Estabished

Name: James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes

Alias: The Winter Soldier

Alignment: Good, by choice. Previously evil by no choice of his own.

Age: Bucky was born March 10th 1917, meaning that he is technically 99. However due to being frozen for years he is only really approximately 30.


Via cybernetic left arm:

Superhuman strength

Enhanced reaction time

Energy projection

EMP discharger

Holographic projector


Master hand to hand combatant and martial artist, and in the use of military weapons and throwing knives.

Expert assassin and spy

Affiliations: Avengers

History: Bucky lost both his parents at an early age, becoming an orphan, and was separated from his younger sister Rebecca when he was still young. He became the best friend of Steve Rogers (who was one day become 'Captain America'). On a mission gone wrong, Bucky fell from a plane and was assumed dead- instead he was captured by Hydra and forced to become a weapon (The Winter Soldier)

70 years later and on a mission where he had been ordered to kill Captain America, he regained some of the memories stolen from him, and escaped.

Other: (I used the MCU canon rather than the comic book canon as i'm slightly more familiar with it, and honestly prefer it in some aspects)
Character Type: Original

Name: Tian Mao

Senior Chairman

True Neutral





Rapid Healing/Regeneration


High Intelligence

Military Training


People's Republic of China

Mao Defense Solutions


Born in Shanghai, China to a wealthy family that was heavily involved in the world of politics. Tian grew up in a traditionalist household, his parents would always teach him that heritage, culture, family and country were the most important things to keep in mind. His father, Chen Lao was one of China's last surviving Meta-Humans, having stayed hidden throughout the national persecution of those deemed "alien" to the country, this granted Tian some exception abilities of regeneration and rapid healing that he would only discover later. Tian was an exceptional child, he passed all of his classes and had a rather abnormal IQ of 157 by his teenage years, as a result of his interest in staying secluded and simply studying, Tian's social life was virtually non-existant, although that wasn't to say that he was bullied, in-fact he was just ignored entirely by his fellow students, which suited his growing mind perfectly. He enlisted in the People's Liberation Army at age 18, where he served for 15 years, eventually getting to the rank of Senior Colonel, the Chinese equivalent of a US Brigadier General.

After his service in the military, Tian's father got him a position on the Board of his company, Mao Defense Solutions, a defense contracting company currently developing weapons for the Chinese military. 3 years later, Tian now being 36, his father suffered from a stroke, and he passed away. Devestated by this loss, Tian found reconcillation in being promoted to the CEO of MDS. Under Tian's intelligent rule, the company expanded tenfold, gaining contracts in places as far away as Brazil and South Africa. It was around then that the luxuries that money and power offered became too much for Tian to handle, and he gave in to his greed. His company begun getting into more illegal activities, at one point MDS was the sole seller of military grade weaponry to the infamous China White's cartel, the most powerful gang in the South Pacific at the time.

Within his first year of running MDS, Tian Mao became the supplier of many of the world's most dangerous gangs, and some of the world's largest militaries. The governments of many countries tended to turn a blind eye to suspicons of illegal activities from MDS in return for cheaper weapons. Tian even begun supplying the Middle Eastern dictatorship state; Kahndaq, prior to the removal of it's dictator. Tian's dealings also begun to heavily involve the international criminal syndicate; Intergang, with Tian personally overseeing weapons transactions. With all of these illegal activities Mao Defense Solutions quickly became one of the world's most powerful companies, it's spending exceeding 11 billion dollars a year on Research and Development alone. It didn't take long before Tian set his sights on the United States, intending to use the country's fascination with weaponry to further his profits, his first target being New York, where he set up an MDS Financial Center and Testing Lab. During this time MDS begun setting up facilities all over the world, including Germany, Norway, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, Indonesia, India, South Korea and Turkey. With their main operations in America and China.

9 months ago (prior to current setting) MDS set up a new Research and Development lab in Gotham City, in the downtown district amongst all of the city's skyscrapers. 8 months ago, Tian Mao specifically visited Metropolis to see the grand opening of the Museum of War, a new educational facility sponsored by his company, 6 months ago Tian Mao visited the Pentagon to begin discussing possible superweapon contracts, however the majority of this is classified information. --- Tian's personal life became very constricted as a result of running such a large company, however that didn't mean that he was damned to a life of solitude, he did find that special someone; Angela Elian, one of his company's top researchers, they met over what was only a normal meeting at the time discussing the latest company projects. However the two seemed to hit it off almost instantly, it took Tian a surprising amount of time to work up the courage to actually try and get a date with the woman, but when he did it was successful, he took her out to one of Shanghai's best restaurants, rented out the entire place actually, before taking her home for a long night of romantic movies and warm joking. Sometime during his profit boom, Tian ordered the creation of a subsidary company, Leopard Private Security, a large group of heavily armed and trained mercenaries with their own uniforms and ranks. A paramilitary group to be precise, solely for the purpose of furthering MDS's criminal goals and securing their investments, being posted as security guards at MDS facilities all over the world.

2 months prior to current events, Angela was confirmed pregnant. Furthering Tian's desire to expand his wealth, as he now has a heir to give his own fortunes to. However most of his life changed forever when he was involved in a car accident in downtown Gotham, on a way to another board meeting, he emerged from the crash wounded, but not for long, as he was stunned to find out that he was quickly back on his feet without major injuries, despite being on the verge of death. He dedicated days and weeks of company research into finding out what could've caused this, when he found out that it was his father's genes. He kept this a secret, and has never shared it. His company continued to expand as he became rivals of Lexcorp in the American defense business, however at some point in their rivalry the two companies realized each other's illegal dealings and decided to let it go, as they knew that both their profits would soar regardless of competition. With the current diplomatic conflict in the South China Sea, Tian was more than eager to help support his country, Mao Defense Solutions then funding the construction of additional Chinese Navy islands within the SCS to add to the ones that were already there. Within the past month Tian has bought a new penthouse in downtown Gotham, his apartment being on the top floor of one of the highest skyscrapers there. This was due to the fact that Angela wanted to stay in her hometown of Gotham, rather than leaving to Shanghai like Tian wanted, however out of his love of her, he decided to take residence in Gotham.
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Castle91 said:
Character Type: Established
Name: Matt Murdock

Alias: Daredevil

Alignment: Good

Age: 28

Appearance: View attachment 260932

Powers: In compensation for his lost sight, Daredevil’s other four senses have been preternaturally enhanced.His sense of touch is sensitive enough to detect the faint impressions of ink on paper, allowing him to read by touch. He is also able to feel minute changes in temperature and pressure, enough to sense a human body at a distance of five feet, due to body heat and air disturbance. Daredevil’s sense of smell is enhanced enough to distinguish individuals by their natural odors, and remember and identify them no matter how they attempt to mask their scent, as well as track that individual scent through a crowd of people at a distance of roughly 50 feet.His sense of taste is sharp enough to enable him to detect the number of grains of salt on a pretzel. His ability to remember tastes enables him to determine every ingredient of a food or drink he tastes, as long as there are at least 20 milligrams of that substance present.Daredevil’s enhanced sense of hearing enables him to detect an acoustic pressure change of 1 decibel at a pressure level of 7, whereas the average human can only detect a sound as low as 20 decibels. He can even hear people speaking through a standard soundproofed wall. Daredevil is also able to hear a heartbeat from 20 feet away, as well as identify people by their individual beat rhythm, or detect whether they are lying or not by the changes in their heartbeat, though a pace maker or self control will confuse his reading.

Skills: Daredevil possesses the strength, speed, agility, and endurance, not to mention acrobatic and gymnastic skills, of an Olympic-level athlete. Through a combination of the tutelage of Stick and self-training, Daredevil is a master of a unique martial art form, which is a hybridized form of American boxing and the Japanese arts of ninjutsu, judo and aiki-jujutsu. Martial arts training has given him an immense degree of concentration and personal control over his body and energy, or Ki. Daredevil is also an accomplished criminal trial lawyer.

Affiliations:Formerly Defenders, Marvel Knights, Secret Avengers

History: Abandoned by his mother, Matt Murdock was raised by his father, boxer "Battling Jack" Murdock, in Hell's Kitchen. Realizing that rules were needed to prevent people from behaving badly, young Matt decided to study law; however, when he saved a man from an oncoming truck, it spilled a radioactive cargo that rendered Matt blind while enhancing his remaining senses. Under the harsh tutelage of blind martial arts master Stick, Matt mastered his heightened senses and became a formidable fighter.

likeliteraltrash said:

Character Type: Estabished

Name: James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes

Alias: The Winter Soldier

Alignment: Good, by choice. Previously evil by no choice of his own.

Age: Bucky was born March 10th 1917, meaning that he is technically 99. However due to being frozen for years he is only really approximately 30.


Via cybernetic left arm:

Superhuman strength

Enhanced reaction time

Energy projection

EMP discharger

Holographic projector


Master hand to hand combatant and martial artist, and in the use of military weapons and throwing knives.

Expert assassin and spy

Affiliations: Avengers

History: Bucky lost both his parents at an early age, becoming an orphan, and was separated from his younger sister Rebecca when he was still young. He became the best friend of Steve Rogers (who was one day become 'Captain America'). On a mission gone wrong, Bucky fell from a plane and was assumed dead- instead he was captured by Hydra and forced to become a weapon (The Winter Soldier)

70 years later and on a mission where he had been ordered to kill Captain America, he regained some of the memories stolen from him, and escaped.

Other: (I used the MCU canon rather than the comic book canon as i'm slightly more familiar with it, and honestly prefer it in some aspects)
That's cool, approved!

RIPSaidCone said:
Character Type: Original
Name: Tian Mao

Senior Chairman

True Neutral





Rapid Healing/Regeneration


High Intelligence

Military Training


People's Republic of China

Mao Defense Solutions


Born in Shanghai, China to a wealthy family that was heavily involved in the world of politics. Tian grew up in a traditionalist household, his parents would always teach him that heritage, culture, family and country were the most important things to keep in mind. His father, Chen Lao was one of China's last surviving Meta-Humans, having stayed hidden throughout the national persecution of those deemed "alien" to the country, this granted Tian some exception abilities of regeneration and rapid healing that he would only discover later. Tian was an exceptional child, he passed all of his classes and had a rather abnormal IQ of 157 by his teenage years, as a result of his interest in staying secluded and simply studying, Tian's social life was virtually non-existant, although that wasn't to say that he was bullied, in-fact he was just ignored entirely by his fellow students, which suited his growing mind perfectly. He enlisted in the People's Liberation Army at age 18, where he served for 15 years, eventually getting to the rank of Senior Colonel, the Chinese equivalent of a US Brigadier General.

After his service in the military, Tian's father got him a position on the Board of his company, Mao Defense Solutions, a defense contracting company currently developing weapons for the Chinese military. 3 years later, Tian now being 36, his father suffered from a stroke, and he passed away. Devestated by this loss, Tian found reconcillation in being promoted to the CEO of MDS. Under Tian's intelligent rule, the company expanded tenfold, gaining contracts in places as far away as Brazil and South Africa. It was around then that the luxuries that money and power offered became too much for Tian to handle, and he gave in to his greed. His company begun getting into more illegal activities, at one point MDS was the sole seller of military grade weaponry to the infamous China White's cartel, the most powerful gang in the South Pacific at the time.

Within his first year of running MDS, Tian Mao became the supplier of many of the world's most dangerous gangs, and some of the world's largest militaries. The governments of many countries tended to turn a blind eye to suspicons of illegal activities from MDS in return for cheaper weapons. Tian even begun supplying the Middle Eastern dictatorship state; Kahndaq, prior to the removal of it's dictator. Tian's dealings also begun to heavily involve the international criminal syndicate; Intergang, with Tian personally overseeing weapons transactions. With all of these illegal activities Mao Defense Solutions quickly became one of the world's most powerful companies, it's spending exceeding 11 billion dollars a year on Research and Development alone. It didn't take long before Tian set his sights on the United States, intending to use the country's fascination with weaponry to further his profits, his first target being New York, where he set up an MDS Financial Center and Testing Lab. During this time MDS begun setting up facilities all over the world, including Germany, Norway, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, Indonesia, India, South Korea and Turkey. With their main operations in America and China.

9 months ago (prior to current setting) MDS set up a new Research and Development lab in Gotham City, in the downtown district amongst all of the city's skyscrapers. 8 months ago, Tian Mao specifically visited Metropolis to see the grand opening of the Museum of War, a new educational facility sponsored by his company, 6 months ago Tian Mao visited the Pentagon to begin discussing possible superweapon contracts, however the majority of this is classified information. --- Tian's personal life became very constricted as a result of running such a large company, however that didn't mean that he was damned to a life of solitude, he did find that special someone; Angela Elian, one of his company's top researchers, they met over what was only a normal meeting at the time discussing the latest company projects. However the two seemed to hit it off almost instantly, it took Tian a surprising amount of time to work up the courage to actually try and get a date with the woman, but when he did it was successful, he took her out to one of Shanghai's best restaurants, rented out the entire place actually, before taking her home for a long night of romantic movies and warm joking. Sometime during his profit boom, Tian ordered the creation of a subsidary company, Leopard Private Security, a large group of heavily armed and trained mercenaries with their own uniforms and ranks. A paramilitary group to be precise, solely for the purpose of furthering MDS's criminal goals and securing their investments, being posted as security guards at MDS facilities all over the world.

2 months prior to current events, Angela was confirmed pregnant. Furthering Tian's desire to expand his wealth, as he now has a heir to give his own fortunes to. However most of his life changed forever when he was involved in a car accident in downtown Gotham, on a way to another board meeting, he emerged from the crash wounded, but not for long, as he was stunned to find out that he was quickly back on his feet without major injuries, despite being on the verge of death. He dedicated days and weeks of company research into finding out what could've caused this, when he found out that it was his father's genes. He kept this a secret, and has never shared it. His company continued to expand as he became rivals of Lexcorp in the American defense business, however at some point in their rivalry the two companies realized each other's illegal dealings and decided to let it go, as they knew that both their profits would soar regardless of competition. With the current diplomatic conflict in the South China Sea, Tian was more than eager to help support his country, Mao Defense Solutions then funding the construction of additional Chinese Navy islands within the SCS to add to the ones that were already there. Within the past month Tian has bought a new penthouse in downtown Gotham, his apartment being on the top floor of one of the highest skyscrapers there. This was due to the fact that Angela wanted to stay in her hometown of Gotham, rather than leaving to Shanghai like Tian wanted, however out of his love of her, he decided to take residence in Gotham.
Missing one thing. Might wanna head over to the overview real quick.
Character Type: Established

Name: Dinah Laurel Lance

Alias: Black Canary

Age: 21


Allegiance: The Justice League


  • Above average physical conditioning: Having undergone an evidently vigorous and intensive training under assorted unnamed mentors, Black Canary has exercised physical form to perfection for someone of her age and training.

    Reflexes: Black Canary's combative reaction time is beyond impressive as she is able to react and counter-react to attacks thrown at her by not only normal humans, but also people with enhanced abilities such as Kid Flash and Superboy.
  • Speed: Black Canary is shown able to run and react to attacks with shocking speed.
  • Human endurance: Black Canary's endurance is at the peak of a woman her age and size, able to go up against opponents such as Amazo and survive.
  • Peak human agility: Black Canary's agility proves invaluable when in combat.
  • Human durability: Black Canary is able to handle the worst hits and impacts without giving out.

[*]Hand-to-hand combat: Black Canary is arguably one of the League's most impressive fighters, as she has demonstrated herself to be an expert hand-to-hand combatant able to go toe-to-toe with any sort of opponent both human and superhuman

[*]Empathy: Along with her combat training, Black Canary has often worked as the Team's counselor/therapist, showing understanding and patience with their problems. Along with being a trusted comrade, she is the League's confident when they are faced with personal or emotional distress.


  • Mortality: As a mortal human, Black Canary is susceptible to fatal wounds and injuries, such as bullet wounds or stab wounds. She is also susceptible to death,
  • Magic: As is all living creatures, Black Canary is susceptible to the forces of magic.
  • Gagging: Gagging or restricting Black Canary from making any sound from her throat prohibits her Canary Cry.

Current Powers:

  • Canary Cry: Dinah possesses a metagene that gives her a potent sonic attack, able to damage and stun foes or objects, to the point of shattering metal. She possesses a incredible degree of control over her vocal cords. This enables her to mimic sounds and generate any sound she desires, even developing several abilities. The Canary Cry has been able to reach 300 decibels, which is enough to make a person's ears start bleeding even if they're not the attack target.
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JohnnyWonton said:
Name: Dinah Laurel Lance
Alias: Black Canary

Age: 21


Allegiance: The Justice League


  • Above average physical conditioning: Having undergone an evidently vigorous and intensive training under assorted unnamed mentors, Black Canary has exercised physical form to perfection for someone of her age and training.

    Reflexes: Black Canary's combative reaction time is beyond impressive as she is able to react and counter-react to attacks thrown at her by not only normal humans, but also people with enhanced abilities such as Kid Flash and Superboy.
  • Speed: Black Canary is shown able to run and react to attacks with shocking speed.
  • Human endurance: Black Canary's endurance is at the peak of a woman her age and size, able to go up against opponents such as Amazo and survive.
  • Peak human agility: Black Canary's agility proves invaluable when in combat.
  • Human durability: Black Canary is able to handle the worst hits and impacts without giving out.

[*]Hand-to-hand combat: Black Canary is arguably one of the League's most impressive fighters, as she has demonstrated herself to be an expert hand-to-hand combatant able to go toe-to-toe with any sort of opponent both human and superhuman

[*]Empathy: Along with her combat training, Black Canary has often worked as the Team's counselor/therapist, showing understanding and patience with their problems. Along with being a trusted comrade, she is the League's confident when they are faced with personal or emotional distress.


  • Mortality: As a mortal human, Black Canary is susceptible to fatal wounds and injuries, such as bullet wounds or stab wounds. She is also susceptible to death,
  • Magic: As is all living creatures, Black Canary is susceptible to the forces of magic.
  • Gagging: Gagging or restricting Black Canary from making any sound from her throat prohibits her Canary Cry.

Current Powers:

  • Canary Cry: Dinah possesses a metagene that gives her a potent sonic attack, able to damage and stun foes or objects, to the point of shattering metal. She possesses a incredible degree of control over her vocal cords. This enables her to mimic sounds and generate any sound she desires, even developing several abilities. The Canary Cry has been able to reach 300 decibels, which is enough to make a person's ears start bleeding even if they're not the attack target.
All in order, just one thing. Think you could head on over to the overview real quick?

Character Type: (Pre-Creation)

Name: Bruce Wayne

Alias: Batman

Alignment: (Good)

Age: Late 20's Early 30's

Appearance: (Above and Below)


Huge Access to Advanced Technologies

(Giving Knowledge to Gothams Map, Alleyways, and Rooftops.)

Unlimited Criminal Database


Utility Belt (Including C-4,Grappling Gun, etc...)


Genius-level intelligence

Master detective

Master escapologist

Peak human physical condition

Master martial artist

Access to high tech equipment

History: Following the deaths of Thomas, and Martha Wayne at, Bruce Wayne inherited his parents large sum of income (thanks to His Grandfather's ingenuity and investments that led to Wayne-Tech, and swore vengeance on crime. Alfred took Bruce and became as a legal guardian. Growing older, Bruce trained with Alfred (an ex medic soldier), Ra's al Ghul, and many other martial artist and detectives (striving to become the best of the best). After he returned to Gotham, he became the Batman, fighting against crime, corruption, and injustice.


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Character Type: (Established)

Name: Dr.Connors

Alias:The Lizard

Alignment: (Good, Evil, Etc)



Powers: Lizard Physiology, Superhuman Strength, Speed and Stamina. Regenerative Healing Factor.

Skills:As Dr. Connors he was a very smart scientist but now he gain the speed, strength and Lizard traits.

Affiliations: Formerly Sinister Twelve, Sinister Six; ally of the Initiative

History: Doctor Curtis Connors was a notable genetic biologist on payroll from Oscorp Industries who was assigned to work on combining desirable physical attributes of animals with humans to improve health, including restoring his own amputated right arm, which had been lost years prior in a terrible accident and now has replaced it with a fully functioning, mechanical prosthetic arm. Obsessed with completing his goal no matter the cost, Connors created a serum made from modified lizard DNA that had been electrolyted and injected it into himself, hoping to regrow his arm somehow. Needless to say, the serum worked all too well, mutating him into a feral Cross-Species brute known as the Lizard. Spider-Man was able to take the creature down, and brought him into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, but Connors was eventually broken out by some of Oscorp's more elusive operatives and forcibly recruited into the corporation's superhuman initiative in order to counteract S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Avenger Initiative.

Other: In this role play he permanently stuck as the Lizard.
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Alexander Joseph Luthor (Pre-Made)

Alias: Lex Luthor

Alignment: (Evil, Etc)

Age: Late 30's early 40's



Luthor's power was his mind. He needed to be smarter than Superman. Superman's powers had to be useless against him because they couldn't physically fight each other and Superman was simply not as smart as Luthor.


Lex Luthor has the physical capabilities and limitations of a normal adult with no metahuman abilities. However, he possesses a genius level of intelligence. For virtually his entire publication history, he has been depicted as the most intelligent human in the DC Universe, and as one of the most intelligent beings of any planet or species. He has mastered seemingly every known form of science, including space travel, extra-dimensional travel, biochemistry, robotics, computers, synthetic polymers, communications, mutations, transportation, holography, energy generation, spectral analysis, and more (including time travel)


Injustice League,Superman Revenge Squad, Injustice Gang, Secret Six


Lex Luthor was born and raised in the poverty stricken area of Metropolis known as Suicide Slum, the child of abusive parents, with a fierce desire to better himself. As a teenager, young Lex engineered the deaths of his parents in order to profit from a large life insurance policy he had taken out in their names, and went on to found his own company LexCorp.

Character Type: Pre-Existing/Established

Name: Tomi Shishido

Alias: Gorgon

Alignment: Evil(changeable)

Age: Unknown




  • Ninjutsu
  • Petrification: through green energy released for his eyes
  • Limited Telepathy that provides extrasensory perception
  • Empathy
  • Regenerative Healing Factor
  • Genius level intellect

Affiliation: the Hand, Hydra

History: Tomi was born to kill and basically never had a childhood, he even murdered his family when he turned 18. He joined the Hand after that becoming one of their most elite members and was even gifted with the Godkiller sword. He eventually became the leader of the Hand and died once only to be resurrected better than before even able to use ninja magic. He would eventually teach these spells to the other members of the Hand as well.

Other: His main weapons are the Godkiller and Grasscutter swords
Character Type: Established

Name: Unknown

Alias: The Joker

Alignment: Evil, no doubt about it

Age: unknown


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/david-ayers-joker-is-awesome-scoot-snyder-greg-capullo-375230.jpg.6d7ef090d85e555f33ebbae46d085dfd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117336" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/david-ayers-joker-is-awesome-scoot-snyder-greg-capullo-375230.jpg.6d7ef090d85e555f33ebbae46d085dfd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: none

Skills: Advanced knowledge of arms, master manipulator, genius level intellect, professional strategist,, master anarchist, surprisingly skilled at hand-to-hand combat, master chemist, fourth wall awareness, unpredictable nature

Affiliations: none

History: Gotham is his primary home and Batman his biggest adversary, and no hero is perhaps better suited as in many ways, the Joker is the polar opposite of the Dark Knight. Both were created by a great tragedy, but Batman has since vowed to do whatever it takes to prevent similar incidents, the Joker revels in creating chaos and destroying lives, believing that life’s a big joke and psychotically demonstrating that in a moment, it can all change.

Not much is known about his past, but his acts during the present are what define the Joker as one of the greatest threats to our heroes and the people they've sworn to protect. He's killed a Robin, crippled Batgirl, and tortured and murdered countless people throughout the DC Universe—all just for a laugh.



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Character Type: Established

Name: Victor Von Doom

Alias: Dr. Doom

Alignment: Evil, no doubt about it

Age: Unknown


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/doctor_doom_by_uncannyknack-d8bbstu.jpg.b2a7bd131635f6a6151232a0306f632e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117337" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/doctor_doom_by_uncannyknack-d8bbstu.jpg.b2a7bd131635f6a6151232a0306f632e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Doom can exchange minds with others. He possesses some mystical abilities, such as casting bolts of eldritch energy and invoking mystical entities (principalities) for additional support. While empowered by the Haazareth, his mystical powers were on a par with those of Dr. Strange.

Skills: Doom is a genius in physics, robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapons technology, bio-chemistry, and time travel. He is also self-taught in the mystic arts. Doom is a natural leader, a brilliant strategist, and a sly deceiver.

Affiliations: none

History: Victor von Doom was born to the Zefiro travelers (Gypsies) Werner and Cynthia in Latveria, a small European country which grew out of Hungary and was ruled by King Vladimir Vassily Gonereo Tristian Mangegi Fortunov, Baron of Sabbat, Baron of Haasen, Baron of Krozi. Victor barely knew his mother, a witch who had invoked the demon Mephisto for power, which raged out of control before she was finally slain by a soldier. Before dying, she asked Werner to protect young Victor from Mephisto. Victor's father, a doctor, was forced to treat King Vladimir's wife. When Werner could not cure her cancer, Vladimir blamed him for his wife's death, and Werner fled with Victor. Werner died from exposure to the cold while protecting his son. Before dying, Werner placed Victor into the care of his best friend, Boris, and tried to warn his son of the fearful life he foresaw him falling into, but he died before he could make Victor understand.

Discovering his mother's mystical artifacts, Victor schooled himself in sorcery. He began an annual contest against the might of Mephisto, attempting to set his mother's soul free. By the time he was a teenager, he had also become a scientific genius and used his inventions to wage a one-man war against the monarchy of Latveria, always a step ahead of them. His genius was heard of even in America, and he was invited to New York's Empire State University on a scholarship. Victor had been in love with Boris' granddaughter Valeria, but he left her behind as his desire to acquire knowledge and the means to seek revenge on others consumed him.

Arriving at State, Doom was greeted by Reed Richards, a fellow student who was interested in rooming with him, but Doom rejected his offer of friendship. Throughout his university days, Doom pursued a rivalry with Richards, convinced of his own superior intellect. Doom's greatest invention was a machine designed to rescue his mother's soul from the netherworld. Richards tried to warn him of a flaw in his calculations, but Doom was too proud to listen. He activated the machine and it exploded in his face. Expelled for the explosion, Doom sustained only a few facial scars, but believed his looks had been ruined. Filled with self-loathing he left America for Tibet, seeking new enlightenment. There he found the Aged Genghis, one of the enigmatic Immortal Nine. The now senile sorcerer directed him to seek out a long-lost order of monks. Doom made them his servants and had them forge his first suit of armor, designed to hide his features from the world. Doom had them press the mask to his face before it had cooled, ensuring that if his face had not been hideous before, it was now.

Dr. Doom then conquered Latveria, slaying King Vladimir, imprisoning his son Rudolfo, and having a robot duplicate of Rudolfo surrender the Latverian crown to him, after which he renamed the capital city, Haasenstadt, as Doomstadt. He used his genius and technology to transform Latveria into a paradise where no citizen wants, no one is threatened by war, and all praise Doom-- or face the consequences. While Doom maintained a puppet prime minister, the outside world was largely unaware of Doom's status as ruler, tending to dismiss his existence as a myth. Doom stepped up his scientific prowess, designing a time machine and robotic duplicates of himself: his Doombots. In one of his earliest time travels he journeyed back to World War II and considered killing Adolf Hitler for the crimes his Nazi regime had inflicted upon the Zefiro and other travelers, but ultimately decided to leave him to his own fate. Armed with his genius and the might of Latveria, Victor set for himself three goals: to rescue his mother, to prove his superiority over Reed Richards, and to conquer the world.



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Character Type: Pre-existing

Name: Garfield Mark Logan

Alias: Beast Boy

Alignment: Good

Age: 15




Powers: Animal Morphing/Shape Shifting

Skills: Enhanced agility in human form, including a tail. Sharp teeth. Any strengths and weaknesses of the animal he's in.

Affiliations: Formerly Doom Patrol, Young Justice

History: In his childhood, Garfield contracted a rare disease known as Sakutia, a death sentence for any human. Doctors procured a serum from a green monke-- Y'know what screw this I'm going with Young Justice's lore, this is weird.

Garfield grew up in Qurac, where his mother - previously an actor - ran and lived on an animal preserve. After a group of Bailyan soldiers, Garfield and his mother were nearly tramped by a stampede of wildebeest, but were saved by the Young Justice team. Their presence as well as the defeat of the earlier Bailyan soldiers attracted more, and Garfield was injured in the explosion of his barn. He was losing blood fast, and his rare O-negative blood type couldn't be procured by any of the members of the team. Miss Martian, however, shifted her blood to match that, and they made a blood transfusion. The result of alien shape-shifted blood gave him the ability to transform into animals of any type that he knows and has seen. After which he joined the Young Justice and has been working with them since.

Full history and stats here.

Other: Is this a universe with Teen Titans or Young Justice? I'll change the history accordingly.
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