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Fandom Marvel- the descent- Lore



The Thundering Mustelid
Set in a marvel World on the edge of the marvel continuity. In this realm strange things have been occuring in the past few months. It was first noticed by the cosmic entities, sorcerers, and super scientists of the Universe. First the universe was seperated from the others six months ago. President Reed richards discovered this and asked Hank Pym to confirm it, afterwards the two held a press confrence to explain to the United nations what was happening. Someone of some thing had quarentined their entire universe, no longer could they communicate across dimensions or even travel across them. Even Tony stark the Iron sorcerer found that the only dimensions availible to the universe were the sub realms connected to reality such as Asgard, Hel, purgatory, limbo, and the astral realm.

Shortly thereafter Charles Xavier addressed congress about a change he detected in the Phoenix force, which after the death of jean grey had been divided amongst the X-men. It wasnt only that though, the quantum forces, the power cosmic, magic, the psudo-magical properties of gamma radiation, hell even the power of spirits, and the Odin force. The effects of the forces remain the same, but somehow they have been intertwined in a way that people cant quite quantify, its as if some single force is fueling them all. Just one week ago the lock on the dimension was amplified, the 4th wall became unpercievable even to beings like deadpool, time travel became impossible, as did shrinking into the quantum realm. At this point Reed began to suspect a threat would be coming soon So he called a conference with the core avengers. Iron Sorcerer, Captain America, Black panther, Lady Thor, Hulk, Scarlet witch, and Quicksilver. As they gathered and he addressed them he watched in astonishment as portals opened and seemed to hone in on each avenger and warp them to an unknown location. Seeing no other alternatives he gathered the greatest minds the world had to offer and has them working overtime to figure out what is going on and how to defend against an unknown threat.

Meanwhile the core avengers awaken scattered throughout a seemingly endless realm. With no idea how they arrived or where they are. Their only hope seems to be to find each other and hopefully figure out a way home...yet a feeling of dread is washing over all of them as they wander under the light of two suns one white and one black.
(More coming soon.)​

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