Martin Lock


Let's see where this leads...
Name: Martin Lock

Age: 37. See backstory.

Gender: Male

Alignment: Lawful Evil, mostly.

Height: 1.77m

Weight: 74kg



Powers: Point manipulation - Martin can create point forces. ie. An area attracting or repelling mass from a point in space.  These predominately behave like black or white holes. He must be witin 10ft of a point to strengthen, weaken or move it.

As this develops he will be able to create more complex regions of consistent forces and manipulate them at greater distances.

Skills: Education in Physics and Chemistry. 


Significant attractive point forces have the potential to develop blackholes at their centers which Martin cannot control and must carefully tear down less they destroy the earth.

Martin's body has undergone a significant amount of strain. He suffers effects of radiation poisoning and fatigues easily.

Martin is still learning about modern technology.


A bag of marbles.

A lower-face air filter for radiation.

Backstory: Something, something, mishap, betrayal. I'm working the details. Lil bit of time-travel, of sorts; Martin spent a few hundred years trapped in a time-field in the ruins of Energenetics.

Occupation: Ex-Energenetics Lab Technician

Backstory: Something, something, mishap, betrayal. I'm working the details. Lil bit of time-travel, of sorts; Martin spent a few hundred years trapped in a time-field in the ruins of Energenetics.

:P  Godmoding via timetravel is a concern of mine, so if your character comes from the future then we'll have to work some things out. If it's from the past, it's all gucci.

Powers: Point manipulation - Martin can create point forces. ie. An area attracting or repelling mass from a point in space.  These predominately behave like black or white holes. He must be witin 10ft of a point to strengthen, weaken or move it.

As this develops he will be able to create more complex regions of consistent forces and manipulate them at greater distances.

yay for science-based powers! 

You. Are.

*Stamps approval* GOOD TO GO! :D  

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