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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Married at First Sight

How would you like to be partnered?

  • By compatibility

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • At random

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Social(ly-inept) Butterfly

You've been strapped for love and seemingly unable to come across your soulmate on your own. So, you've sought our help and entrusted us to match you with the love of your life... or so we hope. Like a blind date on steroids, you'll be paired, wed, and given eight weeks to decide if you'd like to keep the marriage or get a divorce.

Good luck! And may your love grow and prosper!


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Out of many, you have been selected and set to wed the person you are most compatible with based on our observations. In three weeks, you will be attending a wedding at a place we have reserved for your event (address enclosed). Basic decorations will be set up, but you are welcome to arrive early to put up your own. Also, you will be meeting your new partner for the first time at the altar. Let's hope it's love at first sight too!

After your wedding, you will be spending 1 night and 1 day in a hotel room before being sent on a week-long personal honeymoon [no other participating couples will be sent to the same location]. Afterward, you will return home to begin situating your lives as newlyweds.

We send our best wishes and highest regards.

Your future spouse's name is ______.

--MAFS Team

  • You will begin with your character receiving this letter [as it had been voted to begin the RP before the wedding day], and you're free to go from there however you like.
  • I will give you cues like this on when time to transition [wedding day, honeymoon, returning, etc.]
  • No worries! I will give all the couples a chance to mingle at some point. :)
  • Remember: At least 5 sentences per post, please!
  • More questions? Message me or ask in OOC.
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Leo raised an eyebrow, unimpressed at the letter, and crumbled the paper up. He tossed it in the trash can and loudly yelled, "3 points!"

He sheepishly quieted himself and awkwardly looked at the wall to his left, hoping his neighbors hadn't heard. Leo sighed as his thoughts returned to the letter. He supposed that it was a good opportunity to blend in to everyday life, possibly get the police to stop suspecting him. It was time to get ready. He sauntered over to his closet and put on his usual suit after taking a shower. Leo then calculated his next move- the first step of the plan.
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The waves sizzled up the bright sand of the beach, the blue sky had small trails of mist like clouds. It was a good day and Trip was outside his simple split entry home, in the fair sized garage out back, a small trail lead around the garage and down to the beach below. However today was not a day to be down at the beach, Trip had customers waiting on him.

Growling under his breath, Trip reached a hand inside the heart of the old suv. The lady had been complaining of a noise but when he heard nothing, Trip began to grow irritated and sigh, rolling himself out from underneath the vehicle only to find clark, the post man walking up his drive way and around the side of his house. Roach who was basking in the shade next to a palm tree barked and darted for the garage, sitting on the cool cement floor. "A letter for mister Bamford" the older man replied, a small smile making the wrinkles on his cheeks stretch ever so slightly. Trip stood and laughed slightly "How are you today Clark?" The old man gave a simple answer and then waved farewell. Taking a seat on the floor next to Roach he then put a hand on his companions head "wonder what this is?" Trip had totally forgotten about sending in his application when his sister was in florida to visit him. Raising an eyebrow he looked down to the male husky who seemed to be waiting patiently for Trip to explain the letter, both ears perked forward and his icy blues beating down on the paper "Looks like Im getting married"​
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"Whatcha reading there, AJ?" A familiar male voice asked, pulling the redhead's attention from the thick paper in her hand. Avalon's friend Malachi had moved into the seat across from her at the quaint diner she worked at. "Just a letter from someone and apparently I'm getting married to someone namedChristopher Stone in about three weeks.the catch is I can't meet him until we're at the altar," she said with a small frown. "Well....that sounds like an interesting life," he said with a small laugh, taking the paper and reading it over.

Avalon shrugged her shoulders before taking a sip of her drink. "Enough about me. How are things with you and Jackson?" She asked as she tilted her head, launching a whole new discussion between the two friends. After about an hour, Malachi left and Avalon got back to work, her mind on working and the letter in the front pocket of her apron.​
Leo readjusted his tie for the final time, turned toward the door. This'd be it; once he stepped through that door, he'd be coming back in married. He shuddered. Oh well, he could probably keep any woman desperate enough to sign up. At least, women that had a different reason to join than him. Leo opened the door, and stepped out into the hallway.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7ca724eb_th(11).jpg.0c79dd36970a0ca3f1659e510ba0b6b2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105578" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7ca724eb_th(11).jpg.0c79dd36970a0ca3f1659e510ba0b6b2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Nanook Ochoa..." Michelle McCarthy read the name of her new soon-to-be spouse at the very bottom of her letter, unsure of what to think of the situation. It was exciting to think that pretty soon she'd be married to this man, but what if he isn't a good match? What if these people were wrong and they wouldn't work out? Missy laughed at her own stupid worries. "Of course it'll work out." Why worry? This was supposed to be a fun experience. But the thought of spending the night in a hotel room with a complete stranger was horrifying! "Mom, you owe me big." All she wanted out of this experience was grandkids, Missy assumed, putting herself even more on edge.

(My first post is always my worst.)



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Deep in the swamps of the Everglades, Sonny Vercetti slept. No, he did not sleep, he waited. He did not move a single muscle while he laid still on the cold dirty floor. His head was pressed against the front door as his eyes looked up at the ceiling. He took the paper just as it was passed into the slot over him, then he read only two words from the entire document before ripping it in half: "Jamie Isaac?"

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One look at the letter that had been delivered to him earlier in the day and Christopher was taking long controlled strides out of the staff lounge muttering under his breath, the piece of paper crushed in his grip as he made his way to the car park. He briefly waved at the staff members who stopped to greet him in the hallway, eyebrows knitted into a frown. His workaholic tendencies had seen to him showing up in the hospital every single day even when he wasn't on duty and for him to leave so early was an unusual sight for the staff, more so in such a bad mood. He dialed the house number as he got into his car and started the engine, tapping his finger on the wheel as he waited for someone to pick up. "Stone Residence, Anna speaking."

"Mind explaining to me what the hell the letter I just read about my supposed upcoming marriage is supposed to mean?" The sound of his older sister's light laugh over the phone ticked him off even more as he drove out of the carpark. "Oh come on Chris surely you don't need me to explain what the letter means. You understand English perfectly fine. Anyway let me be the first to congratulate you on your upcoming marriage!" Christopher growled at how happy his sister sounded. "You know what I mean Anna and you can forget the congratulations! There's no way I'm getting married to some stranger called Avalon!"
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Welcome and congrats once again!

We are pleased to see you have arrived and hope you are as ecstatic to meet your new spouse as we are. We wish you the best on your special day. You won't be hearing from us again until the end of your vacation as we want to give you newlyweds well-deserved alone time. Remember to have fun and make memories!

The address to your hotel and reservation information is enclosed alongside your plane tickets for your honeymoon. Don't be late and safe travels!

Everlasting well wishes and highest regards along with your new husband/wife ______.

--MAFS Team

  • First: Sorry it took me so long, guys.
  • You should begin with arriving for the wedding/getting prepared/heading down the aisle/standing at the alter...just, start somewhere before the ceremony and progress onward from there.
  • Your next cue in the letter format will come after the honeymoon [before it's time for them to go back] and that's probably the last cue aside from perhaps getting all the couples together for some 'event'.
  • I will come up with travel destinations for the couples within the next couple of days and post that on the character sign-up board.
  • I'm going to let you guys handle small cues on your own [like when they leave the hotel to travel, etc.] because... why not? Directing every little thing is no fun, right?
  • Remember: At least 5 sentences per post, please!
  • More questions? Message me or ask in OOC.
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No. Nononono. It’s not real.But it's real and it's all your fault. Reina wanted to smack her head against the wall. Frustrated with herself, she grimaced at the thought being married because of a single dare. Dammit. She remembered looking at the letter in complete utter shock. While she knew the whole program was real, she didn’t think she would be chosen though. She did it as a joke with her friends because they promised her alcohol and a trip to Vegas. But what are the chances that she’d actually be picked as a bride? Extremely high apparently. Her friends laughed at the letter before consoling her and highlighting the part where she could get a divorce later. But what if her husband turned out to be some kind gentleman?

“Or a douche,” Kristen, her bridesmaid, reminded her, patting her on the back a while back. But now all of her friends were already at the alter waiting for her to arrive with her maid-of-honor because Reina didn’t have the guts to tell her parents.

She was in the dressing room in full make up. Her lashes were lengthen with mascara and her face was dabbed with foundation. Her lip was painted deep ruby to bring out the colors of her flushed cheeks.
Reina’s hair was pulled back in loose waves, clipped by a long running small flower stem clip. She had on a white mermaid wedding gown which was laced with intricate patterns. Sitting there clasping her hand together, Reina wondered what her to be husband would think if she left him at the alter.

“You okay, sweetie?” Angela walked inside the dressing room as the hairdresser clipped on her veil. “You look beautiful, hun.”

“Geez, thanks. I know I’m gorgeous,” Reina joked with a grim smile. She was using sarcasm as a way to get rid of her nervousness. “Why did I go through with this? Remind me.”

“Because you like doing dumb shit and got yourself in this mess,” Angela replied with her own grim smile.

“That’s what I needed to hear. Thanks love.”

“You’re welcome, now go out there and pray your husband isn’t a douchebag.”

“I just prayed he isn’t a serial murderer,” Reina laughed humorlessly. Holding her flower bouquet, she gave her maid of honor a long hug. “Thanks for being here.”

“And thanks for having me. Go get them tigress,” Angela gave her friend a small kiss on the cheek. Inhaling, Reina stood tall and straight, getting ready to walk down the alter.

Well Reina. This isn’t the end of your life. Just the beginning…Think of it as an adventure. Or a really...really terrible nightmare. Here goes nothing.

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"Malachi, I cannot believe I let you talk me into this. What if he's a complete dirtbag? I'm screwed," Avalon said with a small sigh as she walked down the sidewalk with her friend. He had promised to take her to get her nails, hair and makeup done, though she really though he would just end up doing her hair and makeup. "Don't worry sweetie. Just be yourself and if he don't like you then he's gayer than me, and not in the good way," Malachi said, earning a small laugh from the redhead. They walked into the nail salon and Avalon was immediately ushered into a massage chair. This is going to be the death of me...

"What do you want done?" The woman asked as she sat down and looked up at Avalon who then glanced at Malachi. She never had her nails done and obviously she had never been married so she had no idea what would be a good look. Malachi smiled and looked at the woman. "Mani-Pedi both French tip will be perfect," he told her, and with that, the woman began working while the two chatted. Once her nails were done, Avalon stood and paid before thanking the lady and walking out. The two soon arrived at her dressing room and closed the door behind them, smiling when they greeted Emma, Avalon's maid-of-honor. "Time to get to work girls!"

Avalon sat in a chair and allowed them to start doing their work, managing to get a few laughs out of the bride-to-be. When they finally finished and Avalon was dressed, she let out a small sigh, actually feeling as though she was presentable. Her hair was fairly simple, curled half up and half down and showing off a set of diamond earrings, though it just seemed to work. A touch of foundation covered her face and the black and gold eyeshadow accented her hazel eyes perfectly. Her lips were stained a shade of rose pink, and there was a diamond necklace around her throat that worked with the sweetheart neckline of the dress. Everything seemed to accentuate the Pnina Torani mermaid-style dress she had on. Turning around, she hugged Emma just before the girl left. "Thank you Malachi," she said softly.

"Don't mention it. You might not know who your husband-to-be is but that doesn't mean you can't make an impression. Just remember, be yourself and I'll be front row." With that, he left Avalon sat down, waiting silently to go to the alter. She was terrified at this moment, but at the same time, she was kind of excited. There was a possibility he would be a complete gentleman which would make everything worth it, but it could also be the opposite. Guess I'll have to wait and see.

Nanook stood looking himself over in the mirror while one of his longtime friends, Nikki, braided his dark hair back behind him. Of course, he could braid his own hair, but he couldn't do anything fancy like she could, and, well, this is a wedding, so fancy is a must.

"What do you think?" She took a step back and watched him in the mirror.

Nanook shifted his weight as he adjusted his suit, pulling the lapels of his jacket while turning from side to side and looking himself over. "Um... I think I just wanna wear it loose... Straighten it?" He glanced at her over his shoulder.

"Straighten? Your hair's pretty straight, Nook."

He made a bit of a pouty face and she rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Fine." She poked her bottom lip out too and conceded with a bit of a whine, mocking him. "Let me go get the straightener." With that, she briefly left the room.

In her absence, his mind began to wander. He could recall the moment he received the letter in the mail and all the confusion that came with it. He had just gotten in from work at the print office. He picked up the usual mail scattered on the floor in front of the door since it had been dropped through the mail slot. It was the usual - bills, ads, yadda, yadda... But then he saw a purple envelope addressed to him.

'Fancy ad?' He thought. 'They're probably trying to bribe me for something...' As his eyes scanned the cover further he noticed who it was from and hiked an eyebrow.

He carried the rest of the mail further into the house and sat it on the table, his mind now focused solely on the purple message. He swiftly ripped the envelope open and pulled out the letter inside. As he read it, his brows furrowed in more confusion. "What?" He muttered to himself, then he sat the letter down on top of the other mail and began patting his body down for his phone. "Zo!"

When he finally reached his phone, he dialed his younger sister and listened to the ring until the voice on the other line picked up. "Hey, Na Na," she beamed without knowing she was in trouble.

"Zo... That thing you had me go to a couple of months ago... What was that for?"

"Oh... You mean that interview thing? Well, um..." She couldn't think of an accurate lie. "It was a matchmaking thing... ha... ha..."

"Nizhoni - that's not what you told me. What kind of matchmaking? I just got a letter in the mail saying I'm getting married to some lady named Michelle."

On the other line, his sister's eyes bugged. "...Congrats. Where's the wedding going to be? I want to come."

He slapped a palm to his forehead. "You're just going to act like this is normal?"

"Oh, come on, Na Na. If I didn't do something, at this rate, you were going to be old and alone."

"Zo, I'm twenty-four and developing a career. I have plenty of time for-- Wait. Me? What about you? Your boyfriend wants to get married and you haven't said yes. You're only two years younger than me!"

She gasped. "That's not the point and you know it!"

"Whatever. Well, it seems there's no way out of this, so I guess I'll do it for as long as I have to. You're helping me lie to mom and dad through everything... unless you just want to tell them what you did."

"Okay, okay... Calm down. I'll help, okay? Now, please try to be happy and forgive me."

"Maybe later. If it works out, I'll forgive you. Bye, Zo." With that, he hung up. He tossed his phone onto the table next to the rest of the mail and slumped into one of the dining room chairs. "I'm getting married in a few weeks...to some random woman... Wow. Thanks, sis... This is why Naira's going to become my new favorite sister. Mhm." He nodded slowly.

"Na-nook... Na-nook..." the little boy in the dressing room began slowly, breaking Nanook out of his daze.

He startled slightly then looked down at the little boy. "Huh? What's wrong?"

"Why's mommy playing with your hair? Why are we all dressed up?"

"Mommy didn't tell you?" The little boy stepped closer to him and stretched his arms up toward him, signaling wanting to be picked up. "Nanook's getting married," he explained.

Now in his arms, the seven-year-old looked confused. "But... That means I'll still see you, right?"

"Of course. I've come back every time I've been away from you and mommy, haven't I?"

Sergio looked off for a moment before nodding slowly, then quickly with bright smiles when he looked back to the older man. "Yeah!"

"Exactly." He smiled back. "This won't be any different, okay?"

"Okay... Only if you promise."

"I promise."

"Why aren't you marrying mommy, though?"

Nanook's eyes widened. "Um..."

"--What's all this chitter-chatter going on between you boys?" Both males looked up as Nikki entered the room with hair straightener in hand.

Nanook carefully let Sergio back down to the ground. "...Nothing..." The little boy giggled at Nanook's little fib. She didn't know just how perfect her timing was.

"Alright. If you say so... Now, turn around and I'll make you beautiful."

In about ten minutes, she had finished and his hair was looking as shiny and sleek as ever as it pooled down his back and over his shoulders. She adjusted his necklace then patted his back. "Ready?"

Nanook took in a deep breath before nodding. "I think so... I mean, my mom's culture traditionally arranges marriages... This is kinda the same thing, right...?" He was probably trying to convince himself more than he was answering her question, becoming unnerved little by little as things got more real.

"You'll be fine. Now, let's get you to that altar. You're such a pretty boy you've probably taken longer than the bride." She teased.

"Hey, it's not my fault I wanna look good... My eyeliner's not smudged, is it?"

Nikki only shook her head. "You haven't been doing anything to smudge it. It's not even that much. Now, c'mon. You're wasting time." She then took his hand and reached her other out for Sergio's before the three left the room.

Now standing at the altar, he felt a little self-conscious. His setup was a little odd. For most of his life, he had female friends, so, most of his best men were actually, well, women. Behind him stood Nikki, Angela, and his one male friend from college, Freddie. Meanwhile, the crowd wasn't too full, which he figured wasn't too surprising as this was little short notice. He could see Sergio and some of Nikki's family, his family - mother, father, and two younger sisters with some of their friends, and some unknown people he figured must have been friends or family of his wife-to-be sitting in the audience.

He took in a deep breath, then slowly exhaled it. 'You're okay. You can do this. You're a great person. She should at least like you...' he pep talked himself in his head as he waited.

@Yuuki Kuran
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Chris sat in the chair, emitting an air of agitation, his arms folded, eyebrows furrowed and eyes narrowed as his twin sisters Anna and Lydia fussed over is appearance. "Would it kill you to quit looking like it's the end of the world and smile a little?" Anna asked, tone annoyed as she expertly styled his hair for a relaxed faux hawk look. "Why should I look happy for an occasion I don't even want?" Christopher retorted bitterly as Lydia adjusted the collar of his white shirt and straightened his grey tie. "Well be civil if anything else. You may not want this but I'm guessing the woman to be your wife did and it wouldn't be fair to her if you do not at least maintain the most basic of manners." Christopher picked up his black tux and put it on as Lydia spoke, brow creasing into a deeper frown. "It wasn't fair to her the minute you signed me up for this." He bit back causing his sister to wince. "Whatever the case I'll just get through these three weeks and file for divorce the minute we return." Anna and Lydia pulled back, their faces apologetic as Christopher rose from his seat and headed to the door. "Chris!" Anna called out to her younger brother as he reached for the door, hand hovering over the knob as he glanced back at his two sisters in their matching red dresses. "We just wanted you to find happiness. You know Carter would have wanted that to. He may not be around to see that happen anymore but at least give dad the chance to see you settled. You know he wouldn't be at ease otherwise-" The door clicked shut, leaving Anna and Lydia alone in the room while Christopher strode down the corridor, face cool as ice but fists clenched and trembling ever so slightly at his side. "Son." Christopher spun on his heel and his face softened slightly when he saw his dad and mom standing there dressed in their best. "Dad. You should have stayed at home to rest."

"And miss my son's wedding? Not if I got run over by a truck." Christopher knelt down in front of the older man and checked his pulse. "Fine but you're going home to rest immediately after. This is not a son's request but a doctor's orders." His voice was firm as he slowly rose to his feet. "You've grown. It's a shame Carter isn't here." Christopher could feel his throat go dry and constrict, as if he was suffocating internally. "Yeah." He squeaked out weakly. "I'll see you later." Christopher walked away as calmly as he could, willing himself not to show any weakness, to direct his thoughts elsewhere but the latter was a futile effort that experienced little to no success.

The vicinity was completely filled with guests, some he recognised and some he didn't. Work colleagues, friends, family, old school mates and strangers that were the guests of his bride to be. He stood tall at the alter awaiting the arrival of his bride, for the ceremony to begin, eager for everything to end, for the weeks that were to follow to roll around quickly so that he could put an end to this mistake quick.

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Leo wasn't having the greatest day. For one, his car arrived late so he had to rush getting dressed. For two, half of his guests hadn't arrived. And lastly, he was getting married to a complete stranger. He reajusted his tie. Oh well, there wasn't much at this point he could do. Leo tried one more failed attempt to tame his hair before giving up and walking into the chapel. He stood at the altar, yawning disinterestedly.

"Oh come on, get on with it already! I've got things to do today!"

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Avalon let out a nervous sigh as she made her way to the entrance of the chapel, though she made sure to stay out of sight. She watched at some of her friends and who she assumed women that knew the groom passed her, causing her nerves to spike. I'm gonna marry someone I don't know. This can't be okay. Before she could chicken out, she took a deep breath as she heard the music, holding the roses she had in front of her so her hands would have something to do. "God help me." She finally entered the chapel, not bothering to hide her nervousness and unease as she trained her eyes on the man at the alter. Her future husband. Not bad. But he could still be a jerk. She looked over, finding her parents and kissing each of them on the cheek before taking her spot, knowingly keeping her hands to herself.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2c4e0875ddb0f9ba32814c0295d2b2f8.jpg.58200d0fc04fb3636e00c6422706349d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109809" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/2c4e0875ddb0f9ba32814c0295d2b2f8.jpg.58200d0fc04fb3636e00c6422706349d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Her dress)

"Michelle Brianna McCarthy, you look absolutely beautiful." Her mother had said this over and over again throughout the three hours that they were together in the dressing room, through a fit of tears as well. "Thanks, Mom." Michelle hated to see her mother cry. "Mom, you're ruining your make-up." The bride stood up to help the older woman, who waved her hand in a way that signaled to Michelle that she should remain seated. "Don't worry, honey. I'll be fine." After a few more minutes and a few more napkins, Mrs. McCarthy was ready to go. "I love you so much, Missy. I'll see you out there. You look gorgeous." With that, she left the bride alone. Just a few minor adjustments later and Michelle was up again, now standing just outside the doors that separated her from her husband to be. God, this was it! She was going to be married in just a few short minutes. Missy's heart hammered like a bingo being played by an overzealous rabbit. "Daddy, what did I get myself into?" She asked her father, a balding man with a grey, bushy mustache. "Having second thoughts already, honey?" "No. I want to do this. I'm just nervous." Michelle assured him as she took his muscular arm. "Everything will be okay. I'm sure my new son in law will be very good to my little girl. If not...he won't be standing much longer." The man smiled, obviously teasing. "Daddy, stop it." Still, her father's words helped calm the young bride. Before she knew it, Michelle could hear the Bridal Chorus playing just beyond those same doors. The woman took step after step as slowly and carefully as possible as the doors opened and the first thing she noticed about her soon to be husband's side was that it was a bit smaller than hers, and his groomsmen were...they were mostly women! Did this man not have any male friends? Were these girls just friends or past relationships? That would be a problem if they were the latter. It gave Michelle something to be wary of, though her smile was clear on her face. Michelle was so worried about her husband's potential dating history that she didn't notice when her father left her at the altar. His eyes met Nanook's for a split second before he stepped away from his only daughter. Michelle could have sworn her dad was going to break the groom's wrist as her hands touched his for the first time. Finally, Michelle summoned the courage to look Nanook in the eye and gift him with a shy, weak smile and wait for the ceremony to start.




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At the sound of the music, the hum of the crowd immediately dialed down. Nanook’s back straightened as he tensed and his eyes swiftly glanced down the aisle at the woman dressed in white and making her way toward him by hand of whom he presumed was her father. The closer she got, the more he felt his nerves build. He averted his eyes, looking down at his hands clasped in front of him and taking in a deep breath before slowly releasing it.

By the time he looked up again, she was in front of him and he was just in time to catch a glare from her father. He could only seem to make a sheepish smile as he felt himself begin to sweat a little in response. Though, his attention was redirected when she took his hands and smiled at him. He returned the light smile, feeling a little reassured by hers. Well, that was a good start, right? He just hoped his hands weren’t getting sweaty.

When the music stopped, the priest began to speak, greeting the crowd and announcing the ceremony before going on to begin the vows. Meanwhile, Nanook was one part listening and another part silently freaking out. ‘Fuck, fuck… oh fuck. I’m getting married. Right now. I have a wife now. Omigod… Okay. Nook. Breathe. You can--’

The priest cleared his throat and had discreetly nudged Nanook with his shoe before repeating himself. “Mr. Nanook Ochoa, do you take Ms. Michelle McCarthy to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Confused, Nanook glanced out at the crowd and noticed the concerned and worried expressions on his family’s faces and realized he must have missed his queue the first time.

“I—“ his voice cracked and he cleared his throat before immediately starting again, “I do.” He could feel his face heat with embarrassment.

The priest then proceeded to question Michelle. Once she answered, he continued. “You may now exchange rings and any extra vows.”

Nanook took in another deep breath before carefully moving his hand from hers and reaching into his pocket to retrieve the ring. He shyly looked down at the ring between his fingers before looking up at her. “I, um, admit I didn’t write anything extra. It was short notice and I wasn’t sure what to say…” His lips curved into that same nervous smile from before and he took another breath before finishing, “There is, however, a poem from my mother’s culture that couples recite: You are my wife. My feet shall run because of you. My feet dance because of you. My heart shall beat because of you. My eyes see because of you. My mind thinks because of you. And I shall love because of you. He then took her hand and gingerly slipped the ring on her finger. He hoped she wasn’t too high maintenance of a woman; he had gotten what he thought was a decent ring for what he could afford to put aside, but it wasn’t anything too extravagant. Besides, he had something more important he’d give her if this worked out.

The priest then turned to the bride. “Ms. McCarthy…?”

@Yuuki Kuran
Cassiopea look around as she saw the note that was left in her door mat as she walk and look "well might just give this a chance" she said as she look at it and walk, it was the day she will be meeting her partner thoe she wasnt good at it and she hope she wont be doing anything stupid for today as she face palm thingking about it "should i even go? what if i made a fool of myself?" she thought as she sook her head "no i can do this!" she said as she stop in her destination and wait for her partner to be.

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The prepping for the special event had been a hassle on its own but Trip in a tuxedo? The young mechanic glanced at himself in the large stand up mirror, his sister beaming at him as she entered the room. Darcy was a year younger than him and she was one of Trips closest friends and his biggest supporter, however she lived back in canada with her Fiance who would also be getting married quite soon. The short yet slender young woman shut the door behind her and clapped both hands together "Oh Trip you look so ... Not Trip.. Its wonderful.. Maybe this one will like you!" Darcy was however terrible for her constant teasing. Being used to it, Trip waved a hand and raised his chin slightly "Hey now sister, I can clean up nicely when I want to.. And thats my problem.. I don't ever want to" he chuckled for a moment before he turned to look at the petite sister of his, her long golden blonde locks half tied back. She wore a simple dress and a pair of black heels. Shaking his head Trip looked to her once more "Darcy ai dont know if I can pull this off" he hesitated a moment as she stepped closer and sat down on a small bench along side the mirror "Stop it Trip your a good person"

The pep talk didnt last long as Lucas, a life long friend of Trips and the best man came storming into the room "Come on Trip your going to cause a delay if you dont get out there!" Trip was well known for being late.. For everything. Without protest or hesitation he followed his friend to the altar. Standing tall and with confidence, Clearing his throat Trip took a deep breath and waited to see his bride. Wearing a simple black and white tux he had spiked his hair in the front.

@Astaroth Suzumiya

Cassiopea look around as she wore a Traditional wedding gown her mother and father told her to wear for the wedding as she blush on how supporting they are"what if he dont like me?" she ask her mother as she smile and hug her "he will dont worry my little Cass" she said with a smile as she blush for her mother making her like a little kid again as they went into the altar Cassiopea thought it will be alright to ream around as they wait for her...well the one to be when he arrive and she blush at the tough "a new day a new life i hope i wont do anything stupid i dont even know how to begin with this wedding and if there was a kiss" she blush madly and


look around "it will be my first!" she exclaim "oh dear" she giggle as she enter the hall and look around and smile on how beautiful the place was "wow i never thought i got the chance to go to a place like this i wonder what he looks like" she thought as she fix her hair from the glass window and smile as she walk around she seem to be getting lose as she look around one more and gasp "oh no were am i now? sill cassiopea why do i always end up like this" she said as she panic and walk in circle she then heard a crach as she wide eyes "g-ghost?" she thought as she say a shadow "epp! aahhhh!!" she scream if fear and she ran and got to the church hall and she accidentally step on her gown and fell down the ground "awe that hurts" as her mother look at her and gasp worried "oh dear what happen?" as she and his husband walk going to her as he saw the groom arrive. as she saw the groom and from her embarrassment she cover her face "first meeting first fail i have out done myself he will never like me" she said as a small tear flow in her eyes "he would have to back away on this im a failure he will never like or love a clumsy girl like me" she said as she was still hiding from the long cloth of her traditional wedding gown as she close her both eyes shut wishing she could go back in time and fix this one. she haven even saw his face yet ...

(im gonna make my character love life have a slight of comedy)

(edit this one :D )

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