• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Married at First Sight {Characters}



Creator of my own little Universe
Roleplay Type(s)
Character Sheet
Only fully filled out sheets will be taken in consideration. You can be as details, or as short as you wish, as long as we gain some idea of what your character is like. If you have any questions, please PM me, or use the discord.

Age: (21+)
Place of Birth:

Face: (Hair, eyes, etc.)
Body: (Height, weight, body type etc)
Modifications: (Tattoos, piercings etc)
Fashion: (What kind of clothes do you usually wear?)
Face claim:

What Zodiac sign describes you best? *
What Zodiac sign describes you worst? *
Your five best attributes
Your five worst attributes
Your hobbies and sports

Perfect date
Dream proposal
Dream wedding
Honeymoon wish (where do you wish to go, what kind of things do you hope to do/see)

What makes you a good partner?
What do you struggle with in a relationship?
How would you describe your dream partner?
How do you envision your marriage to be? (Roles of the partners? Any kids?)
Why did you apply for Married at First Sight?
What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight

1. RPN rules will apply above everything else
2. Be open-minded and respectful to others and their characters
3. A discord will be set up for all the OOC talk and brainstorming
4. There is a ten character limit, and this will not be first come, first serve.
5. Please be able to write decent English, at least two or three paragraphs would be nice.
6. Everyone is welcome (both players and characters)! Though this will be a realistic roleplay, so please keep that in mind.
7. Couples will be made by me with the use of a randomizer thingy!
Interest Check: Can be found here.
OOC: Send me a PM for the link!
Sign Up: That is where you are right now!
In Character: Hopefully that will come!
Zodiac Signs: Please use this for the Zodiac signs, so we are all on the same page.
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Quinn Fengari !

Have to make the best of the worst situations

Name: Quinn Fengári
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Gender: Female/Cis
Sexuality: Bisexual
Place of Birth: Quebec City, Canada
Occupation: Psychiatrist

Face: Her natural hair has a tight curl to it and is a deep black in color. When in sunlight, natural highlights of brown can be seen. Eyes are a lighter brown that appear warm and inviting.

Body: Height = 5'8'', Weight = 146 lbs., Body Type = Toned yet no overly defined muscle.

Modifications: Piercings = Both lobes, tongue piercing, and an industrial. Tattoos =
Fashion: The overall fashion style tends to be more androgynous as she has a dislike of tight clothing. Her outfits are still within being fashionable but nothing flashy.

Face claim: Janelle Monae

What Zodiac sign describes you best? *Scorpio

What Zodiac sign describes you worst? *Aries

Your five best attributes - Constantly has a friendly disposition, Great listener, Has a soft spot for people shorter than her, puts loyalty above all else, truly believe honesty is the best policy

Your five worst attributes - Brutally honest at times, has a tendency to get stuck in her own head, has little self-confidence in her abilities and appearance, and over analyzes the people she meets.

Your hobbies and sports - Her main hobby is drawing/painting and she finds that it keeps her grounded in her profession and daily issues. As far as sports, she use to play basketball and run track during highschool and college. Quinn now prefers lazy afternoons since she is a nightowl.

Perfect date - A nice dinner at a sushi restaurant or some kind of couple activity like a pottery class. Also wouldn't mind a simple movie date inside where they watch supernatural horror movies.

Dream proposal - Quinn prefers a proposal in a personal setting, she hates the over the top proposals done in public with flashmobs. Could be as easy they're sitting around at the house and gets proposed to. Or she might end up doing the proposal herself if she feels that she's finally found someone that can be with her forever. The simpler the better because she doesn't enjoy being the center of attention in front of strangers.

Dream wedding - A well decorated hall but nothing too extravagant and full of good family and close friends. A white/blue or white/purple color theme has always been the one of her dreams. Preferably in the winter time

Honeymoon wish - Would love to travel to an Asian country such as Japan or South Korea to enjoy their cuisine in the most authentic way possible. Being a foodie, that is a dream come true and would be better spent with a partner. She would also love to travel through nature and enjoy the wildlife during a time when it's not super hot outside since she has a tendency to be overly warm most of the time.

What makes you a good partner? Loving and only has eyes for that one person only

What do you struggle with in a relationship? Trust is one thing that she has struggled with and along with that comes the jealousy from simple things.

How would you describe your dream partner? Someone understanding that isn't turned off by her insecurities and doesn't mind her love language being touch which is often displayed with friends too.

How do you envision your marriage to be? As someone with 4 older brothers, she would like to have at least 2 kids maybe 3 max. Being an only child tends to be somewhat lonely and she had a blast growing up in a rowdy household

Why did you apply for Married at First Sight? The funny thing is that Quinn didn't actually apply for the show herself. Her youngest older brother had conspired with her closest friend in order to sign her up. By the time she found out, her application had already been submitted and Quinn just chose to go along with it.

What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight? They are completely excited for her seeing as how they all knew of the secret plan to get her applied in the first place.

© pasta
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Tobias Bäcker
The lonely Workaholic

  • Name
    Tobias Bäcker




    {Closet} Gay

    Place of Birth
    Berlin, Germany

    Investment Analyst

Name: Elentiya (Elie) Locke
Age: 21 years old
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Birth: Athlone, Ireland
Occupation: Architect

Face: Red chin-length hair with soft curls | Blue eyes | Pale skin | Freckles over the nose
Body: Slim and petite | 5'4" | 112 lbs
Modifications: The phases of the moon down the spine (picture included)
Fashion: Usually oversized top with shorts or jeans
Face claim:
images (1).jpeg

images (2).jpeg

What Zodiac sign describes you best? : Ares
What Zodiac sign describes you worst? : Libra
Your five best attributes : Intelligence, Loyal, Protective, Honest, Determined
Your five worst attributes : Stubborn, Jump first/Think later, Hot-Headed, Sarcastic, Sometimes rude
Your hobbies and sports : Drawing, writing, reading, competitive swimming. I can also play violin and harp.

Perfect date : Movies or Dinner
Dream proposal : In a casual, yet personal place. Simple
Dream wedding : Country wedding, simple and small
Honeymoon wish : Paris, to see the Eiffel Tower

What makes you a good partner? : I am loyal and protective
What do you struggle with in a relationship? : Thinking calmly
How would you describe your dream partner? : Kind, sweet, honest, preferrably tall
How do you envision your marriage to be? : Both of us working with a family. A dog too, maybe.
Why did you apply for Married at First Sight? : To experience love at first sight
What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight : They think I am crazy
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Blake Douglas



Cisgender Male

Bi-curious (female leaning)

Place of Birth:
Brisbane, Australia



Ash brown hair. Hazel eyes. Ivory skin.

6'1". 177 lbs. Ottermode. Arms are toned, but not particularly muscular.

Had an ear piercing in his left earlobe but it's closed up since. Singular, relatively simplistic tattoo of an eagle and sun in black ink on his right inner forearm.

Favours both style and comfort. Casual wear typically consists of a variety of v-neck t-shirts, Henley shirts, denim jeans/shorts and canvas shoes. Prefers dark and earthy colours, ie. black, beige, khaki, olive and navy blue. Work attire is a bit smarter; white coat, black undershirt, black trousers and black canvas shoes. Not typically one to dress up, but he owns a smart suit or two for special occasions. Will always tie his hair back for work. Otherwise, typically leaves it loose.

Face claim:


What Zodiac sign describes you best?

What Zodiac sign describes you worst?

Your five best attributes:
- Laidback and easy-going. Not at all controlling and rather permissive. Hard to make him upset.
- Diplomatic. Hates to argue and hardly if ever purposefully starts conflict.
- Charming and social. Despite his rather reserved demeanor, he loves spending time with others.
- Explorative. Mostly in a physical sense. Likes to travel, to try new foods, try new hobbies/sports... you get the idea.
- A great listener. Really pays mind during meaningful conversations and will commit small but important things to memory.

Your five worst attributes
- Laissez-faire. He finds it difficult to lead an overly structured or predictable life. Responsibilities he probably should attend to, he may shirk.
- Non-committal. Quick to give up when things go wrong, looking for the easy way out. Generally leads to regrets when he comes to realise what opportunities he's lost.
- Indecisive. Partially the reason he prefers for others to take the lead, sometimes he's just not sure what he wants.
- Avoids confrontations at all cost. Doesn't take harsh criticism very well. Instead of resolving misunderstandings, may make distance instead.
- Self-deprecating. Fails to be assertive when it counts. Tends to accede to his flaws without finding the resolve to make a proper change.

Your hobbies and sports:
Surfing is his go-to sport. Been an avid surfer since age 12. Also enjoys cooking, as he loves the experimentation that comes with. Can prepare a damn good slow-braised beef brisket.


Perfect date:
He's always loved seaside dates. It's the place he visits when he wants to relax and thus feels most like himself by the sea. Something as simple as a dip in the ocean, followed by a late picnic on or by the beach during warm evening hours is ideal.

Dream proposal:
Something unexpected. The kind of guy who'd slip the wedding band into your glass of wine and hope you don't accidentally swallow it without noticing.

Dream wedding:
Leaves most of the planning up to his partner. Whatever they like, really. A traditional wedding is fine with him, big or small.

Honeymoon wish:
Between exotic beachside resorts or a daring travel itinerary to places they've never been to see new sights and try new foods... He's prepared for anything, as long as it entails new places, experiences and the companionship of his newly beloved. It is important to him that they make memories together, wherever that may be.


What makes you a good partner?
Sensitive to his partner's preferences and desires, sensual and a great lover who is intent on keeping their partner happy always. Always willing to provide both physical and emotional support when asked for. Loves for a meaningful relationship, and wants a deep and solid emotional connection that is long-lasting.

What do you struggle with in a relationship?
Communication at times of obvious conflict. Staying committed and connected to his partner when they are upset with him. Has issues taking the initiative in resolving tension and may say or appear dismissive/uncaring, or give up hope in the relationship without just cause, assuming its not worth either of their time or that they are simply incompatible. Building mutual trust (typically assumes his partner could do without him, making him indifferent to whatever outcome that may take place).

How would you describe your dream partner?
Assertive and daring. Someone a little spontaneous. Someone passionate and compassionate. Someone who can honestly love him despite his flaws, and who he can love wholeheartedly back.

How do you envision your marriage to be?
No strong expectations. As long as his partner gives him the freedom to be himself, he is typically satisfied. If they want to work, he is happy for them to. Household chores are a bit tricky since he tends to be lazy and puts them off, but with some patience, reasoning and encouragement from his partner, he will contribute accordingly. Kids aren't especially on his mind, but depending on his partner's stance, they most certainly could be.

Why did you apply for Married at First Sight?
After his last failed relationship, for which he feels he was mostly responsible for having let it prematurely end, he decided to emerge from his comfort zone by trying something completely new and forcing himself into a committed relationship. Maybe it won't work out, but he earnestly hopes it will. It seems an interesting way of going about marriage, and this method will perhaps provide a stable grounds for kindling the loving and sincere relationship he seeks.

What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight?
They're relatively indifferent. His mum was a bit startled but is supportive of his decision.
"Theodore" Huiliang Liu
Disciplined. Iron-willed. Frigid. Lonely.​

  • large-1575447340-9f6be42c17346c4c94ba3ed013c02b55.jpglarge-1575447372-44a09b5663fa58831c8faf4b0b4e3c0f.jpg
    Sex: Male
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Straight
    Place of Birth: Junk Bay, Hong Kong
    Occupation: Triad heir
    Theodore, or Theo, has been groomed by his parents to eventually take over leadership of the Shui Fong Triad, which his mother currently manages.
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|| General | |


Scout Andersson-Lee

Age: 23

Sex: Female

Gender: Cis. Female



Place of Birth:

Stockholm, Sweden



Occupation: Freelance artist

• • Appearance • •


Modelling quite the expressive pair of brown eyes and pouty lips, Scout’s face is almost as bright as her personality. Almost. Why, doused with small moles here and there (near the corner of her eyes and cheeks especially), Scout’s pale skin only seems to bring them out- much to her dismay.


Standing at an average 5”5 and 125 lbs, Scout was never one to care for her weight or bodily proportions. Though she is slightly insecure about her shoulders, which she thinks look somewhat masculine due to the inverted triangle that is her figure.


Despite being one for bold expressionism, Scout has always been too afraid to commit to anything permanent. In other words, anything past those staple lobe piercings that almost every woman has had in their lifetime. However, to make up for the fact, Scout often finds herself doodling away on the canvas that is her skin, from flowers to fun (and sometimes gravely inappropriate) little drawings, her so called art can be erased with a simple wash... Unless it’s sharpie. She’s made that mistake way too many times.


Always drawn to bold colors, patterns and overall unique styles, Scout is a fashion fiend. Although, much of the outfits in her closet aren’t exactly socially acceptable to wear out and about on a regular day-today basis. And so, the woman has fallen to statement pieces as a final resort, from colourful hats to jewelry and a multitude of other cute accessories, all Scout really wants is to be herself.

Face claim: Jeon Somi

< > Personality < >

What Zodiac sign describes you best?


What Zodiac sign describes you worst?


Your five best attributes

Entertaining- As a people’s person, Scout often makes it an unspoken duty to keep her friends and acquaintances lively and amused. Never a bore, the young woman is always thinking up new antics and mischief to get into, be it through games, debates and overall enticing conversation. Never once minding the result, as a good time is all it often comes down to.

Spontaneous- Being a creature of little consideration and thought, Scout often finds herself acting on a whim- in complete disregard of the situation at hand despite how pressing the matters may be. And so, however as cowardly or reckless as it may appear, Scout is mature enough to understand her and her companions limits. And if she finds that things are becoming a little too overwhelming, she’s always around to offer a good escape, always.

Creative- As an artist, it’d be a crime for Scout to be dull and unmoving. And so, the brunette’s often attracted to the more unique side of things, from different approaches in her art work to captivating music & media (all being slightly obsolete). Regardless, Scout finds her creativity to be the sole individualistic trait about her. After all, she was always the quaint artsy kid in class.

Optimistic- Similar to that of sunshine, Scout very much prefers to look on the bright side of things. Adverse toward self- pity & loathing, Scouttie is a great friend to call when in need of comfort but more so, a distraction. Hell, she’s distracted nearly all the time so evidently the young woman knows a good thing or two about self comfort/escapism. And despite not being entirely sure about the long run, Scout’s always a phone call away for a night spent alongside a tub of melting Ben & Jerry’s, cozy blankets and mayhaps some vandalism if you’re up to it... Only as payback of course.

Approachable- Permanently adorned with a welcoming smile on her face, Scout has always been the type that randos on the street go to for directions, that new students seek out for guidance. What’s more is that she always appears as if the newly acquainted stranger is far from a burden, as if she would be honoured to take the time out of her day and help them. It’s just the way that she was raised.

Your five worst attributes

Impulsive- Often viewed as the bad side of her spontaneity, Scout can be rather...er hasty. From unfiltered retorts (which can be quite hurtful and quite unlike her) to vengeful decisions, Scout may as well become a tyrant when caught in a bad situation. For, the young woman simply doesn’t allow herself the time to ponder such impactful decisions and may as well end up ruining hers or someone else’s life. Oh well.

People pleasing- Loathing even the idea of being disliked, Scout has done all sorts of draining and questionable things to gain others’ approval. From picking up Danish to impress that one foreign exchange student back in high school to going sky diving despite being absolutely terrified of heights, she’s done more than she’d like to admit to attain the validation of her presence and herself as a person.

Inarticulate- Unable to communicate any amount of stress and/or forms of distress into actual, legible words, Scout is a mess when it comes to her own emotions and/or problems. It’s as if she suddenly stops thinking altogether when severely hurt or even angry. Like, things just come sputtering out, regardless of it making any sense or not. And so, having experienced enough embarrassment and trauma in that aspect, Scout has since learned that she’s better off dealing with these things on her own. Resulting in the brunette distancing herself or disappearing for awhile as to stabilize her headspace once more. Me time, as the people call it.

Childish- Unable to be the bigger person, Scout will defend her or her friend’s honour (despite being very bad at it) until she gets her way. Having been an only child for majority of her life, she’s quite used to things playing out in a similar fashion, with herself as the winner and the one in the right of course. And if it doesn’t end like than then... What’s the adult version of a tantrum?

Scatterbrained- Seemingly all over the place, it’s always been difficult for Scout to complete even the simplest of tasks. With her space and thoughts disorganized and cluttered, she often states that “Mess makes her work best” (whatever that means). But in reality, the young woman is in serious need of some deep cleaning and lofi music to get her work & chores done in a straight forward & non confusing fashion.

Lost- Never entirely sure of herself nor her identity, Scout is always in the midst of pondering a new take on things, or rebranding as she likes to call it. And although it keeps things interesting, it’s not exactly easy to live in such a limbo. A feeling of dissatisfaction and yet, privilege. And so, as she grows she hopes to find herself, the true Scout in her final form.

hobbies and/or sports :

Scout was never much of a sporty person. In fact, she was always the type to hate PE and had usually been one of the last to be selected for teams. Those days had been especially rough. However, having come from a family that was enraptured in the world of the arts, literature & music (guess where her name comes from), Scout has always had a sort of soft spot for anything needing creativity & portrayal. And so, the woman is well versed in the piano, literature (particularly the classics & mythology) and of course, her ever-changing art. Though of course, if she had to pick a sport, she’d pick running as it helps her blow off steam.

* Romance *

Perfect date?

“Ooooo I love this question!! I that think for me personally, anything that can keep us occupied and contain lots of different variety. Like a fair! Or is it a carnival? Honestly I can never tell the difference between these things so who knows? But yeah something with a lot of rides, games and of course, candy~

Dream proposal?

Anything that isn’t public, that’s just yucky. Like, imagine having to share such a beautiful moment with some d dude, or a wailing baby. Yuck. But erm, I dunno really. Something thoughtful that’s just between the two of us I guess.”

Dream wedding?

“-Bold of you to assume that I’ve though that far into this bud. But no seriously, I’ve always wanted one of those extravagant princess weddings y’know? With loads of bouquets and presents throne my way for the sole purpose of my existence... And of course a Prince Charming in my arms to wrap it all up too, we can’t forget the spouse here... Hey! It’s not funny! To be fair, I was five when the idea popped up and I doubt anything major has changed since then soooo eat that.

Honeymoon wish?

“My dream honeymoon for the longest time has always been to visit Alaska. Yes, Alaska. I just really really really wanna be able to bask within the northern lights & enjoy all of the Alaskan culture and oh! Apparently whale watching’s a thing there and you KNOW how I feel about animals so Alaska it is baby.”


What makes you a good partner?

“Well, I’d like to think that I have a lot to offer. I mean I’m creative, hilarious, entertainingly stupid and sometimes romantic sooo what’s not to like? Ha. But no, I think I’ve always just wanted the best for my partners. And I’m always there for everyone so, I guess there’s some good in that right?”

What do you struggle with in a relationship?

“I think consistency. You know I’ve always been someone who needed a constant change of scenery, to be up on my feet & doing something fun at all times. Hell, I’m even man enough to admit that honestly, this whole shtick can be a bit much- especially for randos. So yeah dude, I can so be the problem.”

How would you describe your dream partner?

“That’s a good question actually. Um, I’m not much of a person who cares for looks or anything like that, as cheesy as it sounds. Cause let’s be honest, none of my past exes were models who periodically graced the covers of Vogue, it’s actually quite tragic honestly. But aNYWAYS, I think someone who can appreciate both the good and the bad that comes with all ~this~. But more so, someone who can keep me from straying too close to the sun, y’know, keep me in one piece without shattering all of my pieces... If that makes any sense. At all.”

How do you envision your marriage to be?

“Hmmm well I’d like to think that that good ol’ flame would never die out y’know? Like, I wanna be able to look at my ancient, near-to-death corpse of a partner 30 years from now and still think, damn, now that’s a hot piece of ass. As for kids wellll, kids are repulsive but if my partner absolutely wants a spawn... I’d consider it.”

Why did you apply for Married at First Sight?

“Honestly I can’t remember. No really! All I do recall is being knee-deep in a bottle of Hennessy and scrolling around the web- oh wait..”

What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight

“They think that it’s kinda silly to be quite honest-laughable even. Like they’re just waiting for me to turn up empty handed. I on the other hand a hundred percent determined to prove that something good can come out of this. Because it can.”​
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valentina bianchi

  • NAME. Valentina Fleurette Angelique Bianchi.

    NICKNAME. Tina, Fleur, Angel

    AGE. 25 years old.

    SEX. Female

    GENDER. Cis-female.

    SEXUALITY. Demisexual.

    ETHNICITY. Italian & Nigerian on her fathers side, French-Senegalese on her mother’s side.

    PLACE OF BIRTH. Florence, Italy.

    OCCUPATION. Fashion & Jewellery Designer, Brand Ambassador.

holy terrain
fka twigs

coded by weldherwings.
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POV: You are interviewing Samara for the ‘Married at first sight’ program or reality show or whatever. You read the bold parts.

“What’s your name?”
“Samara Medici. But everyone calls me Sammi. Sammi sweetheart in fact, because I’m the sweetest bitch you’ll ever meet.”

“How old are you Sammi?”
“I’m 29 going on 30. You probably couldn’t tell though right? I usually get like 25. It’s so embarrassing when I go out for drinks and the bouncers still ID me!”

“What would you say your gender identity and pronouns are?”
“Oh. I am a cisgender female. I go by she, her, hers.”

“And what is your sexual orientation?”
“Well on paper I guess you would say I’m straight… But I have made out with plenty of girls in my day. I think everyone is at least a little bi curious.”

“Where were you born Sammi?”
“I was born in the center of the universe… Los Angeles, California. Well I technically lived in Malibu but I was always in LA and Hollywood.”

“What do you do for a living Sammi?”
“As someone who just loves love I have recently started my own wedding planning business! It is truly what I love to do. Unfortunately I’ve had a few… issues with my clients dropping out of their marriages last minute. It’s honestly such a shame. Some of the guys dumped their wives and tried proposing to me. So tacky. Just because I sleep with you one time doesn’t mean I want you to leave your wife you know? Oh my god. Did I admit that? No one hears these things right? And besides I really feel like I’m doing those poor girls a favor. Once a cheater always a cheater. So it’s better to know before they get too attached. If not me they would cheat with some other girl down the line. Anyways the customers who really love each other have the most wondering weddings. Was even voted best Bridal planner in Los Angeles, Not every couple is a winner. That’s just the cold hard facts.”

“Talk to me about Face… Uh your face.”
“My face? This old thing? Well I have these light blue eyes with dark brown hair. It really compliments each other and is so unique. Blondes with blue eyes are boring. Brunettes with brown eyes are boring. But blue eyes and dark brown hair? That’s so hot you know? Anyways, I have thinner eyebrows with a great arch. Killer cheekbones if I do say so myself. Plus the most kissable lips. I could go on and on but your eyes work.”

“How would you explain your body Sammi?”
“How would I describe my body? Well I have always had a wonderful figure. I have nice sized boobs. A tiny little waist. Not a bad butt either. I had a nice ass before it was in fashion. I’m 5 foot 8 inches. I weigh like 130 pounds. I’ve gained a little weight recently. Feel like a total heffer. Anyways I would say I have an hourglass figure. Let’s just say I’ve never had any complaints.”

“Do you have any body modifications of any kind?”
“Well I have no tattoo’s because my mom always said you wouldn’t put a bunch of bumper stickers on a really expensive car. I like them on other people don’t get me wrong. As for piercings, I have my ears pierced. I used to have my nose and belly button pierced but I feel like when you get older than like 25 having a bunch of piercings just isn’t cute anymore.”

“What is your sense of style? What kind of clothes do you usually wear?”
“Well the clothes I wear are usually tight and expensive. Sometimes I shop in the little boys section because they make the cutest crop tops, I just wear whatever I want I guess. I guess I just like showing off my killer body. I have this Milfy vibe that I stick to.”

Face claim:
Megan Fox


"What Zodiac sign describes you the best?"
“The sign that describes me best would be Leo. They are the life of the party, are super hot, and spend a lot of time in the spotlight. That would describe me pretty well.”

"What Zodiac sign describes you the worst?"
“The sign that describes me the least is Libra. They usually like fairness right which is so not me. Life isn’t fair, any adult knows that. Plus they avoid confrontation which I definitely don’t. If I have a problem with something I’m bringing it to your attention.”

"What would you say are your five best attributes?"
“I think I would say the first attribute is I’m extremely beautiful. Having someone who is easy on the eyes can make or break relationships. Maybe I’m a bitch sometimes but you won’t be embarrassed to introduce me to anyone. The next is I’m super confident. I’m also a huge flirt which comes in handy more often than you’d think. Men, women, children. Everyone responds to a little flirting. I am a woman who knows what she wants. Last one… It’s so hard there’s so many I want to say. I think I’ll settle on exciteable? That’s a word right? Well you'll never be bored with me in your life.”

“And your five worst attributes?”
“Worst attributes? I guess I have a few. I can be unpredictable sometimes? Maybe sometimes I’m a little selfish? But it’s a fact that selfish people live longer. I think the worst attribute I have is I’m really territorial with guys. I have a green eyed monster that lives in me… Some of my exes have called me crazy but what man doesn’t say that about his exes. Oh! The last one is probably the worst. I have this like raw sexual magnetism that just draws people to me. Even when I don’t want them too. Like I’ll just try to run the grocery store and men just won’t leave me alone. It’s so sad.”

“Have any hobbies or play any sports?”
“I guess you could say my favorite hobby is dating around. I just think there’s so many different people I can learn things from. Plus I just find it so entertaining to like destroy a man from the inside out. I love the ones who act all tough, the supposed ‘Alpha Males’. Watching them crumble is just so satisfying. When he looks in the mirror and doesn’t even recognize himself. His confidence shaken. Like an abused puppy. Tragic really. But it’s not like they don’t deserve it. I mean these guys are everything wrong with our society. Taking them down a peg or two is good for everyone. It’s like charity work. As for sports I never played any. I have a naturally high metabolism so I don’t really need to work out all that much to stay fit. I like going on jogs I guess.”

“What would you say is your perfect date?”
“My perfect date would probably be a tasteful night in Cali. First we would go to a lovely dinner at Nobu Malibu. On the patio of course looking at the water. We would share an appetizer, get some good drinks. Have dinner and then share dessert. Then we would walk on the beach and talk. I would mention that I was a little chilly and he’d give me his jacket. After the beach walk we would go to some trendy little bars, flirt, get to know each other more. Since it’s the perfect date we would go back to his high rise and have the most mind blowing sex. Then he’d beg me to spend the night. I would refuse at first but give in. Then he’d spoon me until I got too hot then he would roll over to the other side of the bed.”

“Explain your dream proposal to me.”
“Wow my dream proposal. This has changed a lot as I’ve grown up. When I was a girl it was at Disney World. Now I think that’s totally idiotic. We would go to the mountains somewhere. Probably Colorado. He would take me for a drive but tell me to get all dressed up. When we arrived at our destination, it would be a lovely flower field. There would be colorful wildflowers with the gorgeous mountains in the background. He would take me to the middle of the field where there was a small clearing. Then he would have a little speech about how much I meant to him. Talk about all the qualities that made me the best. He’d get down on one knee and pop the question. Keep in mind there would be photographers capturing the whole beautiful moment. We’d even do a mini photoshoot after. Maybe it would even start raining and we would have that hyper romantic kissing in the rain picture.”

“What does your dream wedding look like?”
“My dream wedding would be extravagant to say the least. I also want it to be all about me. It would be a destination wedding. At a large castle. Where all our friends and family could stay a few nights before. In the back yard is where we would hold the ceremony and reception. So first out back in the lush outdoor space with tons of perfectly shaped hedges. Preferably shaped like the male and female body. There would be a lovely white wooden altar. White wooden chairs with seat pillows. A band playing some beautiful music, Jazz or something... Pretty simple for the reception. I want the focus to be on me. I would wear a mermaid cut dress that clings to my curves. Stark white with diamonds and lace. I would have a super long train and a beautiful veil. It can’t cover my face too much though. He would be wearing a classic black tux but there would be some element of uniqueness. A pop of white maybe. After the reception we would take pictures then move indoors for a little cocktail party while they set up for the reception outdoors. I would change dresses at this point to something easier to move in but still stunning. Outside then would transform into an outdoor paradise. Tents would be set up for the dinner with tons of lights hanging overhead. There would be a dance floor set out, some simple tables and chairs. Beautiful flower arrangements on the tables, wild flowers like the proposal. We would serve chicken and steak with mashed potatoes and salad.. My favorites. We would start dinner with some light music and conversation. Then move on to people telling their favorite stories of us. I would wrap up with my own speech then it would be party time. Drinks would flow, people would dance. We would have the best DJ in all the land. And I think you get the picture?”

"Where does your dream honeymoon take place? What kinds of things would you do?”
"We would go to the Amalfi Coast in Italy. I'm Italian so going home to the mother land would be really incredible. Plus it is extremely beautiful. We would stay at a charming little house at the top of the hill. Somewhere we could eat breakfast and watch the ocean. We would go out a lot. I'm sure theres good bars. I would want to spend half of the honey moon in the room. Making hot love. Then we would swim. Sit on the beach. Eat incredible food. Show off our incredible relationship to everyone. Sounds like paradise. Also lots of photoshoots."

“What makes you a good partner?”
“I would make the perfect partner. I promise that all your guy friends will wish they were married to me and all your exes will cry for weeks when they see our wedding pictures on Facebook. Aside from that, I mentioned earlier that you will never get bored in our relationship. I am spontaneous and so much fun. The sex will be incredible of course. I do great with parents too. Well not parents but dads love me. It’s funny how far a hair toss and an arm touch go. I am really good at making Italian food. My nona taught me all her recipes before she passed. That being said. I’m Italian and who wouldn’t want to marry an Italian? I can also guarantee our relationship will be one of kind. Not like any girl you’ve dated before. I wouldn’t wanna give away too much though.”

“What would you struggle with in a relationship?”
“Isn’t this question kind of repetitive? You already asked me what was bad about me earlier. Fine, whatever it doesn’t even matter. My answers are pretty much the same. I’m jealous and possessive of my men and I feel like that’s pretty valid. If you have me on your arm what more could you ask for? I’ve also been told I can be a bitch sometimes which I won’t deny. Maybe a touch of crazy and manipulative but that’s what keeps marriages alive.”

“How would you describe your dream partner?”
“My dream man? He would be tall. Between 6’ and 6’4 anything else is too tall or too short. Extremely handsome. Good bone structure I can give to my kids. Hopefully he’ll have a beard and a good head of hair. He came from old money. Is probably European. I’ve always been into bad boys since I can remember. So he’d be a bad boy but not too bad. The type of man who can be comfortable with me being in charge. He would have to be able to make me laugh. Good sense of personal style is super important. Did I say handsome and rich? And he would adore me. Basically worship me hand and foot because… I mean duh?”

“How do you envision your marriage to be?” (Roles of the partners? Any kids?)
“Well I imagine my future marriage to go one way. He’ll start off rebellious and wild but will settle down for me. He will let me be in control of the family and will just go to work and do what I ask of him. As for kids I do want to have kids. Only two though because I don’t want to totally destroy my body… I want a boy and a girl. A son so my husband will have someone to talk to and spend time with and my own mini me. Even though she’ll be like the better version of me. Wow. Can you imagine a better version of me? Especially a little one? I love her already.”

“Why did you apply for Married at First Sight?”
“Well I’ve always considered myself a romantic at heart. I was always planning other people’s weddings but for once I want to be the belle of the ball. I want to find my soulmate. Plus I’m almost at my dirty thirty and I don’t want to be one of those women who isn’t married by thirty. I’m just way too pretty for that. Plus my usual type of men wasn’t getting me anywhere. No one I would want to marry. So hopefully this is the answer to my prayers. And this is being televised right…?”

“What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight?”
“Honestly my family and friends were not as supportive as I thought they would be. My parents are super paranoid and kept saying something about how Ted Bundy would love this show? I don’t even know who that is. I think some guy with herps. Anyways my friends were worried that I could be set up with some ugly, lonely, loser. But I assured them that you guys wouldn’t do that to me. It’s just math. I’m a 10 so the matchmaker will put me with another 10… right?”
  • flower child
    sweet spring lover
code by valen t.


Name: Rachelle Baxter
Age: 26
Gender: Trans woman
Sexuality: Lesbian
Place of Birth: Lexington, KY
Occupation: Florist

Face: Her hair is a dark brown and goes down past her shoulders. She keeps it well maintained, but usually only wears it down due to not ever really knowing what to do with it. She has dyed it unique colors in the past but decided to settle on brown for now as upkeep of a wacky color is kind of a lot. Her face usually smiling and welcoming and she has dark brown eyes that usually shine. She also has a strong jawline that she doesn't really like that much.
Body: She is about 5'10 and 167 lbs, usually taller than most women. She is strong due to doing labor but does not have much muscle definition. Her shoulders are luckily not very masculine and she is a little under average in the chest and butt department, but they are still a little defined and noticeable.
Modifications: Her ears are pierced, this on her left arm and this on her right leg
Fashion: Typically a boho-esque style, lots of stripes and skirts. In winter, she wears a lot of cute sweaters! She mostly likes bright, natural colors. Sometimes she likes to dress a little funky with crazy colors.
Face claim: Arisce Wanzer

What Zodiac sign describes you best? Taurus
What Zodiac sign describes you worst? Sagittarius

Optimistic | Despite her over analytical brain, she still tries to look on the bright side of things and keep a positive outlook on the world around her.
Loyal | If she loves you, she will fight for you to the end and be by your side for as long as she can.
Organized | She has an organizational system for most things and compartmentalizes everything. She stays on top of everything.
Playful | She tries to find the fun in things and be playful with her partner.
Creative | She is always drawing or thinking about something creative -- flowers are the basis of a lot of creativity, whether as a medium or a muse.


Possessive | She gets jealous very easily and struggles with seeing her partner talk to other people if they are being flirty, or having them not around all the time.
Stubborn | She knows who she is and what she wants and isn't a big fan of compromising if she doesn't have to. She just thinks that she knows best.
Secretive | She's not very good at opening up and sharing herself with someone else, so she can be seen as cold and pulling away.
Calculating | She over analyzes every little thing and plans things out to a T. When they go wrong or is off even a little she can get very frustrated, which can cause her to heavily struggle with keeping her reactions positive.
Superstitious | She gets really anxious around superstitious things and takes them seriously.

Your hobbies and sports:

"Perfect date?"
Honestly, her perfect date would be to go to a music festival or concert with each other and just spend the whole time in each other's presence with the music blaring and the energy of other people, all in one moment together soaking it up. Alternatively, she wouldn't mind sitting outside listening to some music and looking at the stars. She really doesn't mind what they do, but enjoys spending time in the presence of others.
"Dream proposal"
While she is not one for traditional roles (not that there are even traditional roles in a lesbian relationship), she would like to be the one who gets proposed to. She loves those scavenger hunt proposals. Ideally it would take her through places that were important to their relationship, almost like a timeline leading up to the proposal.
"Dream wedding"
She hasn't really thought about it, but wouldn't want anything super big. Just some close family and friends, probably outside. She would love a mountain wedding with a bonfire at the reception.
"Honeymoon wish (where do you wish to go, what kind of things do you hope to do/see)"
A trip across Europe to a couple of different countries or a road trip across the USA to see all the natural sights and interesting towns.

"What makes you a good partner?"
She is a big fan of grand romantic gestures and always keeps in mind what her partner likes. She's also very knowledgeable about flowers and flower language and incorporates them into any cute thing that she does for her partner. She is extremely patient and understanding and when she gets attached, it's for life.
"What do you struggle with in a relationship?"
Keeping them, mostly. She can be a little overbearing due to being a little possessive and reluctant to change or compromise sometimes. She thinks she knows what is the best without always considering other sides.
"How would you describe your dream partner?"
Honestly, she has always pictures her future partner as a very outdoorsy person, with an adventurous side who would go with her on outdoor excursions and discover new experiences with her. They would be accepting of her, her flaws and all. They would be a strong individual and would have their own interests that she would be able to learn about.
"How do you envision your marriage to be? (Roles of the partners? Any kids?)"
Without "traditional roles," both partners would take up the helm of the stuff that needed to be done and they would often share and help each other. Neither of them would be the ~stay at home~ partner or the one who primarily cleans, they could both be the "breadwinner" if they wanted. She would love kids, though would prefer adoption ultimately.
"Why did you apply for Married at First Sight?"
Well, her last serious relationship ended about three years ago and it was pretty rough when it ended. It took her a long time to get back on the horse and every relationship since then has ended either very quickly or terribly, giving her little hope for a very good or romantic ending to this experiment, but it's her last shot in the dark before giving up.
"What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight?"
They think it's a little silly, but they are just glad that she's trying something with her terrible track record.
Amara Sawyer
amara sawyer

mara, mars


23 december




Juneau, Alaska

Monday, January 27
slide to unlock
face claim
sonya rudskaya

chocolate brown

silverly blonde



115 lbs

small but some feminine curves

distinguishing features
tattoos: x, x piercings: x

x, x, x, x, x
i'm not lonely baby,
i am free

What Zodiac sign describes you best?
"Capricorn. I mean that's my Zodiac sign anyways so I relate to it in that way."

What Zodiac sign describes you worst?
"Pisces. I'm not some crybaby."

Your five best attributes
"I would say... Hmm... I'm ambitious, caring, hardworking, sweet, and clever."

Your five worst attributes
"Oh, easy. I'm stubborn, blunt, sometimes cynical, strong-willed, and I'm told I'm secretive too.

Your hobbies and sports
"I enjoy flower arranging, I mean it is my job. Sometimes I'll read books or listen to music. Sports? Hm. I guess badminton or volleyball, but not much else. I learned how to knit from my Gran if that counts for anything."


Perfect date
"Either going to a drive-in theatre late at night or stargazing. I love stargazing so much."

Dream proposal
"Oh well... I never really thought about it that much. I guess anyway my partner would want to do it. I think I'd be honoured that anyone would want to even be with my anyways haha."

Dream wedding
"It would probably be a small wedding, during autumn when the trees are just turning into their bright hues of orange and red. I think that would be really beautiful."

Honeymoon wish (where do you wish to go, what kind of things do you hope to do/see)
"Fiji sounds wonderful. I always wanted to go there as a child. I guess I would love to sightsee, visit the beach, go swimming as well as explore. That would be really fun."


What makes you a good partner?
"I... I think I'm a good person and I can be sweet to those close to me. I'm very open and won't shut someone down for liking something that's out there. I'm not very verbose with relationships... but I try my best."

What do you struggle with within a relationship?
"I have never really wanted to be in a relationship I guess. But my parents set me up for this so I guess that's where I'll struggle. I never really thought love was for me and never let myself get into serious relationships, just flings and whatnot."

How would you describe your dream partner?
"Someone who is funny and knows what they want in life. I don't want to be married to someone who is just boring and lazy. I don't care much for looks, as long as they have a great personality, that's all that matters."

How do you envision your marriage to be? (Roles of the partners? Any kids?)
"I want it to be equal. I don't want to be treated like an object expected to work for the man or whatever that bullshit is. I'm not really into having kids either so pretty much someone to grow old with me and make jokes with."

Why did you apply for Married at First Sight?
"My parents kind of forced me to. They think I need to be married to be happy or whatever, and they want grandchildren which I don't want. I mean, part of me wants love too, I'm just not sure how to go about it. So what better way than an arranged marriage right? My parents married when they were 18 so that's why they want me married so young."

What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight
"Seeing as they're the ones who pretty much made me do it, they're very hopeful I'll get married. Guess they just want to ship me off haha."

code by valen t.
Last edited:
Vano is a man who will happily share with the world how loving yourself and taking care of your body is the way to happiness and being able to love others. He is an avid believer in maintaining a fitness and mental fortitude routine to stay on the right track. He will not shove his feelings down other people's throats but he will openly admit his beliefs and explain them if he has the chance. He will always lend a kind ear to allow people to get the toxic thoughts out of their heads as he does not believe in allowing anything negative to fester in the body or mind. He may sound eccentric but he is just a very down to earth, simple man.

What Zodiac sign describes you best? Pisces

What Zodiac sign describes you worst? Aries

Your five best attributes : Easy Going | Intuitive | Open Minded | Free Spirited | Patient

Your five worst attributes : Stubborn | Overbearing at Times | Vocal | Slightly Materialistic | Bad Time Management

Your hobbies and sports : "As sad and cheesy as it may seem I thoroughly enjoy meditation and the yoga I teach. I love large group activities and friendly competition. Oh and I am a proud amateur chef. I've learned to cook and bake things that suit my likes and needs."

Hair: Short caramel brown curly hair. Full maintained beard with maintained moustache

Eyes: hazel

Height: 5'9

Weight: ~166

Build: Athletic/Toned

Skin: Honey

Body Mods: None

Distinguishing Features: His short curly hair

Fashion: Higher end athleisure or some sort of comfortable looser clothing

Face Claim: Nicola Carboni

Perfect date: " A picnic in a park on top of a hilltop with at most only a few people around if we can't be alone. I just want the chance to get to know someone without the pressure of others around us. Just me, you, and the open world."

Dream proposal: "Preferably on a beach. I don't really have a preference of who proposes. I just want to enjoy being in the presence of the person. Silently taking in the area together and just looking at each other to have that connection of knowing that at that moment we both want to stay together."

Dream wedding: "Outside somewhere. Or better yet, a house surrounded with land and the space to do whatever me and my partner choose.. I want something small outside so we can take in the fantastic weather and do fun activities. I'm very flexible, I just want us to both be at our peak.'

Honeymoon wish: "That is a difficult question. I think I would like to do one big hurrah for the honeymoon. It is the time to spend together to do something you remember for the rest of your lives before the responsibilities of life encroach in. "
First, another Pic!

What makes you a good partner? "I think that my patience and conscious open mindedness provides the best scenario for open discussion and conversation. I am not judgmental and will do my best to work with someone if they are willing to work with me."

What do you struggle with in a relationship? "I feel like my easy going nature and lack of sense of urgency tends to get on peoples nerves. It doesn't mean I don't care about something, it just means I prefer space and adequate preparation."

How would you describe your dream partner? "Someone who can have good conversations and discussions with me. Who can be my anchor or reasoning when I need it. Someone who enjoys what I enjoy and doing what I do. We don't have to be the same person or spend all hours of the day together by any means but I want to be able to spend time together doing things we both take pleasure in from time to time."

How do you envision your marriage to be? "I imagine a nice balanced home life in all aspects. We are a unit and we share responsibilities. Whatever aspects my partner lacks I will gladly make up for and hopefully vice versa. I also don't find it fair to have one “bread winner”. I would prefer we both bring money home because I think that helps our house life as well. Children are not something I am currently ready for in my life and not entirely prepared to think about just yet. I'm not entirely against children but I am still young and would like to enjoy my youth while I am able."

Why did you apply for Married at First Sight? "I might have a reputation for having difficulty keeping up with relationships. I am always traveling and my personality sometimes makes others feel I am disregarding or forgetting them. I think that if I want to have a solid relationship I need that official title to make me realize how significant it is but also to hopefully have the other person be considerate and patient with me. I'm hoping this will allow me to see if I can make a real connection with someone."

What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight: "My family is shocked I applied since I don't normally care for these titles and being tied down. But I think it's natural for us all to want that significant romance and emotional connection with another person. That comfort and freedom is something I cannot have alone. My friends are actually the ones who convinced me to apply. They bombarded me for days while I thought about it until I finally agreed. Once I got notified of my acceptance I have really been embracing the idea."

Name Vano Leander Silvanus

Nickname(s) We'll see!

Age 25

Gender Male

Zodiac Pisces

Sexuality Pansexual

D.O.B March 19th

Career Traveling yoga

instructor/ self proclaimed gypsy

and meditation leader. He has

titled himself a Guru of the Self.

Hometown Milan, Italy

Mason Kingsley
mason james kingsley



7 may




columbia, ohio

registered nurse
Monday, January 27
slide to unlock
face claim
oussama guessoum





168 lbs


distinguishing features
tattoo: x

x, x, x
is there anybody out there?

What Zodiac sign describes you best?
"Taurus, they like food, I like food."

What Zodiac sign describes you worst?
"Ehh, probably Cancer. Heard they're emotional or something? I mean, yeah I have emotions but I'm not really going to show it off."

Your five best attributes
"Hard question haha. Well if I had to answer, probably, I'm hardworking, honest, loyal, romantic, and logical."

Your five worst attributes
"I've been told that I'm cold sometimes, I've been naive, gullible, sometimes not the brightest in terms of other people's emotions, and I have jealous tendencies."

Your hobbies and sports
"I like playing videogames in my spare time when I'm not working. Love me some good FIFA 2015 haha. I used to play soccer in college and in high school. Since I graduated I haven't had time to kick a ball since. I always enjoy watching a good game though."


Perfect date
"The perfect date would be going out to eat for dinner at a really nice restaurant and then ending it by walking on the beach barefoot and eating ice cream. Man, that would be so dope."

Dream proposal
"Well, I'd be proposing right? So I'd probably do it at either the first place we met or had a meaningful connection. Something that would mean the world to her. I'd probably ask her father before proposing, of course, family really matters. I'd hire professional photographers and everything to capture the moment."

Dream wedding
"Man, this would be up to the wife, y'know? I'm not one for really planning out the perfect wedding. Whatever she wants would probably be perfect anyways."

Honeymoon wish (where do you wish to go, what kind of things do you hope to do/see)
"I'd love to visit Italy. There's a lot to explore, ancient historic places, and lots of good food to eat. It's also really beautiful and has an amazing culture."


What makes you a good partner?
"I'm really cuddleable and affectionate. There wouldn't be a day where my partner wouldn't feel love. I'm also totally honest and think communication is the best thing for a relationship. Whoever she is, she'll be able to talk to me about anything."

What do you struggle with within a relationship?
"I'll admit, I've got some trust issues from my last relationship. We had been dating since we were 16 and she ended up cheating on me with my best friend. Oldest story in the book but it hurts like hell. I haven't been able to stay in a relationship because I'm just scared it'll happen again."

How would you describe your dream partner?
"She would have be spontaneous and adventurous but also just downright compassionate. I want a woman who knows what she wants and is willing to get it. But I also want her to have a soft side that I can protect and keep safe. Her personality has to be above anything, but if she's hot that's a plus."

How do you envision your marriage to be? (Roles of the partners? Any kids?)
"I want it to be really fun, just the two of us having a good time. I never really thought much about having children but I'm sure when I'm older I would want a kid or two. They can be cute sometimes haha and it's only normal. As much as I hate chores, I'd be willing to do them for her."

Why did you apply for Married at First Sight?
"My friends told me about it and have been bothering me to try after my last relationship went down so badly. I figured I might as well give it a shot, after all, if this doesn't work for me, I doubt anything will."

What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight
"My parents are very skeptical and think it's just some scam. I hope they're wrong. My friends on the other hand love this thing and really wanted me to go for it."

code by valen t.



Samir El’Shafiq






Cis. Male


In question~

Place of Birth: Duhok, Kurdistan


Employee at a quaint bookstore



Adorned with rich brown hair & olive-hued skin, Sami is quite a sight to behold. For, not only is the man a walking giant, but somehow, his face is a far-cry away from the daunting & looming presence that is his behemoth-like figure. Often wearing a resting happy face, faint lines of crow’s feet can be spotted on either corner of his eyes, a tell tale sign that he isn’t scary after all. Speaking of eyes, nearly gem-like in color, Sami had been blessed with his mother’s grey eyes from birth, making a strange yet unique contrast in comparison to his darker features.


A sturdy inverted triangle, Sami houses quite a sculpted body due to his laborious days spent back in his home country. With strong arms ready to tear through practically any small job, and longs legs that provide him his height, Sami has what most would consider the ideal body. Only, clueless as ever, the oaf often wishes to house a more approachable, meek build.


Having a grave fear of needles, Sami is well against putting tattoos or piercings on his body. He loves them on other people, just not himself.


Extremely difficult to find clothes in his size, Sami is hopeless when it comes to fashion. From grossly mismatched outfits, to trends that only occurred in the 70’s, the man has no idea how to dress himself and often opts out for earthy tones and large clothes that make appear smaller than he actually is.

Face claim:

Cristian Codrin


What Zodiac sign describes you best?


What Zodiac sign describes you worst?


Your five best attributes

Resourceful- When going to a new place or in a generally new surrounding, Sami often does his research beforehand. Therefore knowing his way around and often prepared majority of the time, making him an asset in times of inconvenience.

Sensitive. Having lived a pretty turbulent life, Sami’s very much in touch with his sensitive side. Much more than some of his overtly masculine counterparts, at the very least. Understanding as always, he very much carries this “gentle giant” energy everywhere he goes, surprising most people in the process. Though only because his stature and sometimes tired expressions can give the sense that he’s scary and stupid. However, it only takes one conversation for someone to realize that the man can be very wise and compassionate when it comes to human emotion.

-Persistent. Perseverant until he meets his goal, or at least his desired result, Sami is quite persistent when it terms of doing the very best he can & being the best he can be. Although sometimes a bit obsessive with improvement (to the point that it can cause great the frustration), the result is often an indicator of hard work. It’s one of the main reasons why he was the first in his family to ever step foot in America, actually. A first generation American, he very much likes the sound of that.

Crafty. An absolute god when it comes to his hands, if there’s anything you need made or repaired, Sami is the guy you can come to. And what’s more is that he’d do it for free! Yes, he loves it that much. Not a single complaint about his talents (unless he counts himself), it’s evident that despite the lack of proper education in such a field, Sami had evidently learned from the generation’s worth of knowledge passed down within his family. Bob the builder 2.0.

Chivalrous. Extremely well-mannered and polite, Sami had always been taught to make other people’s lives easier even in small attempts. From giving up his seat to anyone vulnerable to helping those caught in rather bad times, Sami can be a sweetheart to complete strangers. Though, he still has to break out of the ol’ habit of calling everyone “Mr” & “Ms.”

Your five worst attributes

Highly Impressionable. Still quite foreign to the western world and lacking affluence in the English language, Sami is one of the most impressionable adults you’ll ever meet. Why, one can slyly tell him just about anything in the guise of a fact and he’d naively believe it. And so, quite easy to manipulate, Samir often doesn’t sense any wrong because he’s a rather trusting individual. Maybe even too trusting.

Clingy. The man makes one friend and sticks to them for the rest of his life. Similar to that of a lost puppy, Sami has always found it hard to initiate the milestones of friendship. Especially now that he’s in a different country, things have been tough to say the least. And so, when he does make a new friend he often goes to them for anything and everything. Nearly turning them into a third patent.

Clueless. Not exactly well-versed in incredibly verbose and passive aggressive natures, Sami is clueless when it comes to his less blunt & straightforward peers (which is most of them). Unable to take hints, the man is pretty much an idiot unless he’s told things straight-on, and even finds himself appreciating that far more, despite it being crass sometimes. Still, his lack of awareness and can be rather agitating at times.

Self-critical. Extremely hard on himself, Sami has always held an ideal image of his future within his psyche. Like superman, he’d have to become some sort of hero. Y’know, take on powerful villains, have a blossoming love life and career & somehow, manage to save the day time and time again. And when he realizes that he’s not a superhero, he often ends up working himself to the bone just so that he can get a little bit closer to becoming one. It’s as if he’s human, but doesn’t realize it.

Temper. Although he often bottles in his more negative emotions, if Sami’s ever provoked to the extent that he finds that there’s little to no escape, the man can erupt into a truly beast-like anger. Not that he’d lay a finger on anyone, but it’s come extremely close at times. Too close.

Your hobbies and sports

Probably the strangest thing about him, but Sami absolutely adores crafts. From building things to repairing things and everything in between, there’s nothing more satisfying than concocting a fully functional, dare he say pretty object by his own hand. The carpenter in him may have left when he emigrated from Kurdistan, but it still very much lives on in Sami.


Perfect date

“Uh, this is good question. Er, I think whatever makes me learn about the person y’know? Like, what is their favorite hobby? And why do they love it so much? I’m certain that is important to learn about someone’s passions the most so... yeah.”

Dream proposal

“Ahhhhh this is good question haha. But from where I’m from, we have lots of mountains where people can watch night sky and it’s usually- how you say? Uhhh romantic because of stars and everything so, I really wish to take my other half somewhere similar and watch them watch stars and then boom! Propose!”

Dream wedding

“I don’t mind what type of wedding my other half wants, I just wish my family to be there. Or perhaps make a separate event for Kurdish traditions y’know? If not that then is fine too.”

Honeymoon wish

“Ah, I just want my other half to be by my side, it’s not important where.”


What makes you a good partner?

“Um I think because I like to talk lots, haha. But I heard this American phrase, something like communication is key so I believe in it too. I think that it is important to talk about problems between each other and hopefully fix them. I love to fix things haha.”

What do you struggle with in a relationship?

“Uh, I think I am stupid sometimes. Like um, I can miss clues when they are feeling sad or mad. Like, you know how some women say I am fine, but they are not? Yeah, that.”

How would you describe your dream partner?

“I don’t know. I think anyone who is ready to be serious and who wants to put hard work into our love even when things get hard or scary. I don’t really know what else.”

How do you envision your marriage to be?

“I think like my parent’s. Uh, a lot of love and hugging and kissing and...y’know? But yes, I want it to be very happy marriage. And kids? I think I will want at least three or more in the future, in the Kurdistan region them are still small numbers haha. But i am okay with one too, at least as my other half is happy, it is no problem.”

Why did you apply for Married at First Sight?

“Uh since I am away from hometown, I have zero friend or girlfriend so, I am feeling lonely y’know? I thought it was good idea, and hope it will end in a happy ever after.”

What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight?

“ah, my umi is still praying that it won’t end in bad way. Yeah, she yelled at me for half hour. My sisters and brothers think it is funny though, they want to meet my bride.”​
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Owen Elias Benson
Gunnery Sergeant, US Marines

  • *Start Transmission*

    “I’m here today with one of the participants of the Married at First Sight program, conducting a preliminary interview. Tell us, what is your name?”
    My full name is Owen Elias Benson.

    "And how old are you, Owen?"

    "How would you describe your gender identity?"
    Male. He, him, and his pronouns.

    "And your sexual orientation?"
    Heterosexual, primarily, but I'm not ashamed to admit I experimented in the Corps a little bit. I have nothing against being with a guy, and I suppose were I to find one I really connected with, I'd have no problem settling down with him.

    "What is your ethnicity?"
    American. I currently live in Blackwater Ridge, Colorado, but I was born on a military base in Kileen, Texas.

    “Last basic question. What do you for a living, Owen?”
    I am a Gunnery Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. Been on active duty almost just over 12 years now.



Kai Yao

tags, location, outfit etc. this little bar is also scrollable!

Name: Kai Yao
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Gender: Cis Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Place of Birth: Shanghai, China
Occupation: Pâtissier, occasional model jobs when offered

Face: Hair - short, boyish cut and is currently dyed a light silver color, Eyes - deep brown that turn into cute crescents when she smiles and laughs
Body: 5'9'', 158 lbs, has a muscled physique with definition but not overly buff, more toned
Modifications: Tongue and lobes pierced.
Fashion: She definitely has a preference for clothes geared towards male as she finds them comfortable and feels more attractive in them. Some would call her androgynous but she just prefers a boyish look.
Face claim: Lu, Keran

What Zodiac sign describes you best? *Aries
What Zodiac sign describes you worst? *Scorpio
Your five best attributes - Honest, Affectionate, Trustworthy, Optimistic, Competitive
Your five worst attributes - Sore loser, impatient with certain things,
Your hobbies and sports - She enjoys working out but hates anything to do with cardio

Perfect date
Dream proposal
Dream wedding
Honeymoon wish (where do you wish to go, what kind of things do you hope to do/see)

What makes you a good partner?
What do you struggle with in a relationship?
How would you describe your dream partner?
How do you envision your marriage to be? (Roles of the partners? Any kids?)
Why did you apply for Married at First Sight?
What do your family and friends think about you applying for Married at First Sight
coded by natasha.

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