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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): Character Sheet

Nova Squid

Junior Member
Welcome to the recruiting offices, civilian! Now, tell me, what exactly are you, again?

Human- The most common sentient race on Earth, comprising 50-55% of all sentients. They make up the majority of people in most nations, and are present in almost every single location. They are a diverse lot, with a wide variety of skin colors, heights, skills, and other intricacies. Versatility and adaptability make them the core of all armies in the Great War. Humans stand at an average of 6 feet. They make up most riflemen and other basic infantry, and can be seen in most other operational roles. They are relatively unremarkable in terms of special abilities or factors, but lack any special weakness, and can fulfill a massive variety of roles in battle. Their magical ability is very well developed, but magic remains a difficult topic to learn for any race.
Notes: Your standard humans. Nothing different from us in real life, though we've got a very good potential magical ability here.

Dwarf- While they are largely predominant in northern Europe, inhabiting the Scandinavian nations and parts of Ireland (with a not insignificant presence in Russia), many dwarves have found their way to the front lines in service to the Entente or Central powers. The average dwarf possesses a thick brow ridge, somewhat Neanderthal in appearance (though their brain is no smaller than that of a human); males and females are stout yet highly strong, and both have a tendency to grow facial hair, most commonly a large beard. Dwarves stand at an average of 4 to 5 feet. Their shorter legs makes them slower runners than most, but a strong skeleton, stout build, and small size make them ideal melee fighters. Their magical ability is roughly on par with that of a human. They have increased difficulty in firing over trenches due to their short stature, but they are prized as sappers.
Notes: Poorer magical power and slight difficulty with standard rifles (though carbines are fine). A Dwarf is built like a semi truck despite their short height, and they're great brawlers.

Elf- Elves are widely considered to be the polar opposite of dwarves. Tall, thin, and agile, they are more common in Western Europe, particularly France and its neighboring countries. They are near-universally pale in color and possess tall, lanky frames, standing at an average of 6-7 feet. They are naturally magically skilled and can become great mages if educated, but in return are somewhat frailer. Due to their lessened resistance to damage, elves are commonly deployed in the reserve lines. Their great patience and steady aim makes them notably effective marksmen, and they make up a large proportion of battlefield mages; specialized as medics, warriors, or other roles.
Notes: A little easier to snap a bone due to your large size and below-average durability, but in return any Elf has very good magical power (just has to learn it!) Also, Elves have less of a natural "vibration" going on in their hands than humans; they're better shots on average if they practice.

Centaur- Predominant in the United Kingdom, the average centaur is a curious mix between human and horse. With a human head, arms, and torso down to the waist, yet a fully equine biology below, centaurs are large and less capable of fighting in trenches or in buildings, but are highly useful cavalry soldiers. With two hearts, lungs, and ribcages, they must eat heavily to sustain themselves, but can take an enormous amount of damage before falling, making them ideal shock troops in cavalry charges- and some are also willing to work as pack horses on the march. Their diet is omnivorous, but must include a majority proportion of grains and other typical non-meat foods. Their magical ability is around average.
Notes: You'll have to eat like a pig to sustain yourself- in any regiment cut off from supply, the centaurs are usually first to starve. At the same time, you can take a lot of damage and still charge, and you're the best cavalryman someone could ask for if you're trained. There will be basically no non-cavalry centaurs, given their lessened ability to trench-fight and total inability to pilot.

Orc- Hulking brown or green-skinned beasts with large jaws, tusks, and truly astounding physical resistance, orcs are rather rare but prized heavy troopers on the battlefield. Standing at 6.5 to 7 feet in height, orcs only have strictly average intelligence and near to none magical ability, yet are tough enough to take multiple shots to kill, and strong enough to carry light machine guns as if they were rifles. While it is nowhere near standard practice, reports from the frontline sectors say some orcs have even taken to carrying full-sized machine guns into battle. Outside of heavy weapons operation, they tend to carry ammunition and anti-tank weaponry.
Notes: Your teeth grow back like a shark's, no matter how many times you lose them, and you're tough enough to take a few bullets. You're also usually strong enough to tote something like an M1918 BAR (or whichever standard LMG is your nation's ) like an assault rifle.

Goblin- Close genetic relatives to orcs, goblins at first glance seem to lack much use; as short as dwarves, as frail as elves, and with difficulty handling the lengthy standard rifles used by most troops, they might be brushed off by useless by some officers. Nonetheless, they are alert, agile, and their small, thin build makes them excellent vehicle crewmembers, capable of scampering around the inside of a tank or other war machine as they operate machine guns and fix damage, demanding much less space than a human or other similarly-sized species. If pressed, they are relatively good shots with carbine-length rifles and other vehicle operator’s weapons. In particular, the German Army widely deploys these in their large A7V tanks, making the operation of an 18-man vehicle far less cramped than usual. Their magical ability is strangely far superior to that of an orc, around equal to a human's.
Notes: Very good at grease-monkey jobs due to your agility and small size, though having the height of a Dwarf with the fragility of an Elf makes you slightly poorer at direct battle. You're decent with magic as a Goblin, but you'll also have difficulty with the standard rifles- better stick to carbines or pistols.

Werewolf- A species of humanoid descended from an ancient curse, werewolves are notable in that they exist in two distinct forms, tied to the lunar cycle. On most days, the average werewolf is extremely close to a human, though certain identifying features (such as yellow, canine pupils and sharpened canines) remain present. During the full moon, however, they experience a transformation into a bipedal, wolf-like form, offering improved night-vision and moderately increased hearing and smell, though their diet becomes largely carnivorous (with lessened tolerance for non-meat solid foods). Most werewolves may control this transformation and shift at any time; due to the fact that transformed werewolves possess a rapid healing factor (and that issuing one set of supplies tends to be easier than issuing two), they spend most time on campaign as wolves. Because of their ability to rapidly regenerate from wounds, they are often deployed as front-line shock troops, particularly submachine gunners. Their latent magical ability is responsible for the energy expended during a transformation, but their ability to utilize magic otherwise is very limited.
Notes: Lycanthropy is non-transmissible. Biting someone is just going to give them any nasty diseases in your mouth at the time. The transformed state brings slightly superior strength and senses (such as night vision, hearing, and smell), but in return can't eat anything but meat and perhaps some berries or other light non-proteins on the side. That, and dog whistles are the song of Satan for you.

Minotaur- Predominantly Greek, though very few of them have happened to find themselves on the European front lines. Effectively treated tactically as orcs, featuring tough, large builds and high physical strength, though their bovine leg arrangement demands a somewhat similar legging setup as those issued to werewolves and other digitigrade creatures. Their magical ability is superior to that of orcs, but in return they are strictly herbivorous and cannot digest any sort of meat product without becoming incredibly sick.
Notes: Similar to orcs in general size and power, though your magical ability is superior. Be aware of the fact that you're strictly herbivorous; meat rations will just give you a severe case of indigestion. You can indeed use your head's horns to gore people, but it's probably a better idea to just use a bayonet.

Dragonborn- The result of ancient, magically-powered crossing of sentient and dragon DNA, a Dragonborn closely resembles a bipedal, miniature dragon without wings. They are sparsely spread throughout Europe and the Middle East, where their scaly skin enables superior heat tolerance on long desert campaigns. Of note is their semi-cold-blooded nature; while they generate their heat from their own metabolism, it is weaker than equivalent species, and they are often sluggish in cold environments. In combat, they fulfill similar infantry roles as humans, though their highly-increased heat tolerance makes them useful flamethrower carriers.
Notes: Humanoid dragon- on one hand you don't lose a lot of water and you're very heat tolerant, on the other hand you're probably the most sluggish soldier on a chilly morning, and the first person they find frozen to death in a brutal winter is you.

Other Notes:
  • If you have a race which you'd like to be, but is not on this list, make a case for it in a private message before posting your character sheet. If I feel that it'll fit, I'll grant it special permission.
  • Female characters must have a good reason in their character sheet to be on the front lines, given that this is 1918 and military gender integration is nonexistent.

Ah, yes. What an interesting recruit you are- no, what made you think I say that to everyone who comes in here? Sigh, let's just move on- just fill this form out right here.

Character Sheet Template
[Image here if you wish]
Name: [First and last name.]
Race: [Selected race.]
Age: [How old you are. Generally, soldiers were anywhere from 18 to 30, with outliers including old reenlisters and those who lied about their age to join early.]
Gender: [Male or female, though the latter must have a good reason to be on the front.]
Armed Force: [British, French, or American. Sorry Russia and Italy, but you're not Western Front material. Note that Central Powers characters are not allowed; they're the enemy, after all. Note: All soldiers are rookies, shipped out prior to their first battles. Officers and other veterans are not allowed unless prior special permission is given by me.]
Specialization: [Rifleman? Assault? Sniper? Machine gunner? Battlefield medic? Most things go. Note that while you will get your choice of small arms and other basic equipment, I'm not going to give you a zeppelin just because you happened to pilot one. Try not to play copycat, either; if someone else is already an Elven marksman with a scoped rifle, see if you can't choose another role for your Elf, or choose another race entirely.]
Equipment: [Primary weapon, secondary weapon if you happen to have one, things like grenades, bayonets, and other things. I'll allow a small bit of unrealism here, but please don't rip random only-one-ever-made guns out of Battlefield 1. In other words, please do a bit of research before writing in this section.]
Magical Ability: [Depends on your background, role, and race. Generally, magic is hard to learn and harder to master; while most can learn how to make a little candle flame pop out of their finger as a party trick, it's very difficult to make a fireball without immolating yourself if you're not educated. Colleges and universities offer magical courses commonly. However, some races possess latent magic; this they cannot use directly, but affects them in other ways (e.g. werewolves using it to make up for the differences in mass/energy expended from a transformation).
Description: [What your character physically looks like. Try to include uniform as well, and any general identifiable marks. Don't be afraid to be detailed.]
Personality: [What your character is like. Please don't make a Coldsteel the Hedgeheg clone or I will whack you with a stick grenade.]
Background: [A little background for your character. Provide some flavor, some information on them, and why they ended up enlisting or being conscripted. Don't be afraid to indulge in some detailed writing. At least a paragraph, please, though you can go as long as you want.]

Once you're done writing it out, just deposit it in that box marked "POST" and we'll get right to basic training!

Note: All CS-related discussion also goes on here. OOC is for various questions and off-topic stuff.
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"The Goblin Kaboomist"​
Name: Squaag Kreech
Race: Goblin
Age: 22yrs
Gender: Male
Armed force: French
Specialization: Anti-Vehicle, Scout, Demolitions
Equipment: Browning 1900 9mm pistol (primary) 3 mag extra. Trench knife (secondary). X3 frag grenades, x3 smoke grenades, x3 anti tank Mines.
Magical Ability:
Bomb squad- Squaag possesses no latent magical abilities, nor is he well trained. However he was lucky enough to have a rather well studied Wizard within his very large family. The result is Squaag being enchanted with a large amount of heat, pressure, and shrapnel resistance.
Description: Squaag stands only 3ft 4in and only weighs around 40lbs. But he is considered surprisingly handsome amongst the goblin species, his sharp pointy features complimenting his pearly white razor sharp teeth. He has two rings piercing his right ear and can always be found with his goggles. He wears typical Camo cargo pants amd usually takes the top jacket of his uniform off to reveal the white muscle shirt beneath it. His tiny boots are remarkably well shined at all times.
Personality: Squaag is a humorous little frenchman, he spends most of his time smiling, laughing and talking about his massive family back home. No matter the dire nature of the situation Squaag can always be counted on to bring not only the smell of soot and flames, but an air of jolly impish comedy. But dont let the jolly nature fool you, Squaag is a Vulger little horndog openly admitting that hes in it for the glory, and the status that comes with being a war hero. He seems to optimistically believe he wont be able to die, when asked why he usually just shrugs and says "No dumb war has ever killed a Kreech."
Backstory: Squaag was born in Paris france to the Insanely large Kreech family. He had 14 older siblings, and would go on to have another 17 younger ones. However Squaag was far from unnoticed, he was always rambunctious, a troublemaker sure but with a curiosity that drove him to great things. It was due to this that his great uncle the traveling wizard Zeep Kreech took him under his wing as his study. Squaag was able to travel all over the world, learning many languages and cultures, but he always stayed the same rambunctious little troblemaker. After an arguement with his uncle Kreech about who made the best beer, he went to a bar in Britan where a drunk veteran orc bet him he didnt have the stones to be a soldier. In a reckless brash move Squaag had signed up to join the war. His great uncle fearing for his protege despite their disagreements placed a spell on him and sent him on his way with his blessings. While most people would kick themselves for making such a half brained decision, squaag went with it thinking this the perfect opportunity to satiate his lust for adventure and mystery.
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Bloody brilliant. Only thing is, Ruger was founded in 1949; unless you meant to say Luger, it'd be rather weird to have a 9mm pistol of that company more than 30 years before it existed. Any sidearm can generally be chosen, but it'd probably be more likely to have an Allied pistol (e.g. a Saint-Etienne 1892 or a Browning 1900) in an Allied character's holster than a German example. A few uncapitalized bits here and there, but overall I like the sheet quite a bit.


Recruiting Offices
Army of the French Republic
Feb 2, 1918

3rd Trainee Foot Infantry Regiment,

All recruit files processed and approved. Report to designated frontline sectors for duty effective immediately.

---Infantry Command
Bloody brilliant. Only thing is, Ruger was founded in 1949; unless you meant to say Luger, it'd be rather weird to have a 9mm pistol of that company more than 30 years before it existed. Any sidearm can generally be chosen, but it'd probably be more likely to have an Allied pistol (e.g. a Saint-Etienne 1892 or a Browning 1900) in an Allied character's holster than a German example. A few uncapitalized bits here and there, but overall I like the sheet quite a bit.


Recruiting Offices
Army of the French Republic
Feb 2, 1918

3rd Trainee Foot Infantry Regiment,

All recruit files processed and approved. Report to designated frontline sectors for duty effective immediately.

---Infantry Command
Thanks i did meam a Luger but the browning is probably better.

Name: Alexander Stewart
Race: Human.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Armed Force: British.
Specialization: Rifleman (general-purpose anti-infantry).
Equipment: Lee-Enfield bolt-action rifle, multiple stripper clips in a standard bandolier, three Mills bombs, and a nice long bayonet. A few bandages here and there, cribbed from the medical stores.
Magical Ability: Zero. Never took any magical classes, nor wished to risk setting himself on fire.
Description: Standing at 5'10, Stewart is an unassuming young man; with brown hair, a rounded face, and no particular physical disabilities or damages. Wearing his uniform, he could indeed blend into a crowd of infantry with ease.
Personality: Fair, reasonably compassionate, and level-headed, Stewart is nonetheless host to a few personal issues and grudges; namely, he holds a deep jealousy for pilots. Being working-class in origin, as well, he has grown a minor distrust of other races and groups "taking what's his". He highly trusts Parliament and the Crown. He loves his mother dearly, and makes an effort to write letters home as much as possible.
Background: Born in 1899 to working-class parents in east London, Stewart grew up as a typical boy of his social class; going through primary school, then dropping out to help his family in a factory. By 1918, both of his brothers had enlisted in the Royal Flying Corps (upholding a family tradition that had lasted since the Napoleonic Wars); Stewart attempted to do the same, but suffered from chronic air-sickness and as such washed out. His only other choice was the infantry; reluctantly he found himself going through boot camp, just not the one he wanted. While he passed infantry basic and was shipped out, to this day he holds an envious disposition to the flyers.

Note: I know GMPCs aren't the best thing, so I've tried to make one that's not all that flashy and special. Please don't murder me for this heresy.
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No image. Apparently, it is incredibly difficult to find an era-appropriate image of a dragonborn
Name: Tor'rash "Thomas" Krachill
Race: Dragonborn
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Armed Force: British
Specialization: Rifleman/Pyromage/Trench-clearer
Equipment: Standard issue Lee Enfield SMLE Mk.III affixed with bayonet, three frag grenades and more run-of-the-mill equipment.

Magical Ability: Thomas is an inherently powerful mage, with very little formal training, meaning his magic has a tendency to flare up uncontrollably, especially when he is angered or experiencing any kind of intense emotion. This has caused problems in the past and most likely will continue to do so. While he is decent with most kinds of magic, his penchant for pyromancy is obvious (most likely due to some distant draconic heritage). There's no need for him to carry a bulky, unwieldy and highly-explosive flamethrower - he is the flamethrower.

Description: While naturally fit and athletic,Thomas Krachill is only 1.9 meters tall - an intimidating height for most other races, but below average for a dragonborn. Apart from his height, he is what most other dragonborns would call "a catch" (that is, if he didn't look so sloppy all the time): glistening copper scales, a pair of striking, emerald eyes and some very sharp, very sexy pearly-whites. His uniform, however, seems to always have noticeably more singed patches and burn marks than that of the average infantryman.

Personality: For someone living in the trenches, facing misery and death on a daily basis, Krachill can often seem surprisingly blasé about the whole thing, probably due to his cold-blooded nature. It has been noted that he is unusually calm and collected, remaining level-headed even in some of the most stressful situations. Leadership-material, some would say, if it wasn't for his utter disrespect for "the brass upstairs" and his tendency to wisecrack. When he does get emotional, however, someone's in for a third-degree burn.

Background: The Krachills dragonborns have always had magic in their blood; theirs was a long line of mages, many of which even attained a degree of prominence. Tor'rash Krachill was born in Aston, Birmingham.. His grandfather was a mage, so was his father, and with the Krachill blood flowing through his veins, he never really had a choice. Like most, his childhood was unexceptional. Clever, but entirely unmotivated, he never did stand out amongst the other children aside from his latent magical abilities. Finishing high school, he enrolled in a university for the arcane arts in London. He even almost finished the first year. Story goes: a dragonborn walked into a pub, ordered several pints, then got into a minor scuffle and burned the entire place down. Trying to stay one step ahead of the bailiff, Tor'rash decided to enlist, thinking it was a good idea at the time. To this day, he still curses himself for that decision.

Rather than butchering his name, the others have just taken to calling him Thomas instead. He figured he'd go along with it, since it's quite probably for the best.
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Webley revolver nicked off of a dead officer

Don't believe this'd be very likely given that all characters are starting out prior to their first battle (and how again did I miss something so important to state...).

If you edited that to say it was a personally-bought item or acquired through other circumstances, it's fine.


Recruiting Offices
Army of the British Empire
Jan 30, 1918

7th Recruit Foot Regiment,

All recruit files processed and approved. Report to designated frontline sectors for duty effective immediately.

---Infantry Command
Character Sheet Template

Name: Nicollas Wright ("It's a coincidence.")
Race: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Armed Force: American
Specialization: Pilot, scouting and anti-air.
Equipment: A standard M1903 rifle and a M1911
Magical Ability: Standard, however he has never bothered to use it and has no interest in learning how.
Description: He has quite a young physique, with hazel eyes, black hair and a somewhat pale skin. He generally wears basic clothing when not in a fight, and puts on pilot gear over when he is, but always has a red handkeirchief around his neck.
Personality: He is a very optimistic guy, often being the first to joke about serious subjects. This comes off as insensitive or indisciplined most of the time. It is quite rare to see him angry.
Background: Being born on a rich family, Nick always had what he wanted given to him in a golden plate, grades ? His parents bribed the teacher, any type of aggression toward him ? His parents wanted the person's head. He saw the war as a way of proving he can get things done without his family.

Once you're done writing it out, just deposit it in that box marked "POST" and we'll get right to basic training!
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Character Sheet Template

Name: Nicollas Wright ("It's a coincidence.")
Race: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Armed Force: American
Specialization: Pilot, scouting and anti-air.
Equipment: A standard Lee Enfield rifle and a M1911
Magical Ability: Standard, however he has never bothered to use it and has no interest in learning how.
Description: He has quite a young physique, with hazel eyes, black hair and a somewhat pale skin. He generally wears basic clothing when not in a fight, and puts on pilot gear over when he is, but always has a red handkeirchief around his neck.
Personality: He is a very optimistic guy, often being the first to joke about serious subjects. This comes off as insensitive or indisciplined most of the time. It is quite rare to see him angry.
Background: Being born on a rich family, Nick always had what he wanted given to him in a golden plate, grades ? His parents bribed the teacher, any type of aggression toward him ? His parents wanted the person's head. He saw the war as a way of proving he can get things done without his family.

Once you're done writing it out, just deposit it in that box marked "POST" and we'll get right to basic training!

Ah, nice- a US Aviation Section guy! Was wondering if we'd get any aircraftman characters.

Note that the standard US rifle of the war was the M1903 rifle- the Lee-Enfield is a British infantryman's gun. Though the M1911 is on point.

It'll be somewhat strange to see him out on foot in the fields, given that he's a pilot, but given that one of his specializations is scouting, you could find a way to justify him being outside a pilot seat when battle comes.

Personally, I'd prefer a bit more detail in the background section, but otherwise:

Recruiting Offices
Aviation Section, US Armed Forces
Feb 5, 1918

18th Training Squadron,

All recruit files processed and approved. Report to Amiens airbase for duty effective immediately.

---Aeronautics Division Command
download (7).jpg

Name : Carson Garret
Race : Werewolf
Age : 19
Gender : Male
Armed Force : American
Specialization : Assault. Shotgunner to be specific

Equipment : Carson is equipped with a Winchester Model 1912 pump action shotgun with attached bayonet. For a secondary he carries a Colt M1911. He usually has about 3 Mk I frag grenades on him and a Bolo knife. In addition to the knife, he also carries an E-Tool and a small canteen of water.

Magical Ability : None other than his transformations.

Description : Carson stands at about 5'11 and weighs at around 165 lbs in his human form. When in wolf form he gets slightly taller and a tad heavier, but not by much. He sports an athletic build in both forms with a good amount of muscle. He has a moderately tanned skin tone and deep brown hair. He has the trademark amber/golden eye color that points him out as a werewolf as well as the pointed teeth. He will usually be seen in his wolf form though. As far as the wolf form goes, look at the picture below in the spoiler. His uniform is the typical American outfit. It is drab in color, and although he is given the helmet, he doesn't usually wear it because of his ears.

Personality : Carson is as reliable and hardy as they get with a side of comic relief. He follows his orders without question, even if they're against his judgement. He is a proud American and will gladly announce it when someone asks where his from. Carson likes to socialize with his fellow soldiers and squad. He is usually seen with a grin on his face. Or muzzle, what ever form he's in. This is because he's trying to make the best out of the situation.

Background : The Garret family has had a long past of serving it's country, so it isn't a surprise he's here. Ever since he was young his father , who had spent some time in the Spanish-American War, had trained him and his four brothers to be soldiers. He'd always be working the land, splitting wood, and more or less staying fit. His family had a history of being attackers. Aggressive and quick movers. It was something werewolves did well. Bayonets were something they'd always have handy.

The surprising part about Carson though, was not all for it. He really wanted to be a musician, a violinist to be exact. His mother had got him a violin for his 6th birthday. He constantly practiced, when he could though. His 3 older brothers enlisted a year before him. Carson was 17 at the time. He had made a girlfriend shortly after his brothers' departure. Her name was Denise. When Carson was practically forced to enlist, he promised he'd write to her and his family whenever he could. He plans to keep that promise. They stopped getting letters from the oldest one, so someone needed to take that place.

Werewolf in the Woods.jpg
download (6).jpg
The pants and boots of his uniform are altered to accommodate for his digitagrade legs and he doesn't wear the helmet often.

Good work; now we're getting a nicely rounded list of characters. (All we need is another Frenchman and it'll be totally even!)

Recruiting Offices
United States Army
Feb 8, 1918

21st Recruit Battalion,

All recruit files processed and approved. Report to designated frontline sectors for duty effective immediately.

---Infantry Command

Patrick "Pat" Smith
Race: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Armed Force: United States
Specialization: Flamethrower Specialist
Equipment: Flamethrower, M1911 , basic bandages, Bowie knife.
Magical Skills: Pat never explored his magical abilities, he doesn't even know if he has any magic abilities, he puts his faith into science.
Description: Pat stands at a rather large 6'4 and is rather muscular, because of his years working in construction, he has a darker tan than most people because of his time working outside.
Personality: Pat is easy to meet and get along with, he always has a sarcastic remark that will make someone smirk or laugh, he also has a mean temper, he could be fine one moment and then be ready to kick someone's teeth down their throat, he went to school and graduated, his chemistry knowledge was above average.
Background: Pat had a normal life growing up, middle-class, good schooling, application to Penn state, and a wrestling career. then the war to end all wars happened, his greater chemical knowledge allowed him to mix fuel and operate flamethrowers.
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Name: Hieremias Αθραυστος (Athrafstos)
Race: Hu- Minotaur
Age: 22 and will be 23 in the summer
Gender: Male
Armed Force: French
Specialization: Heavy support/Assault
Equipment: He uses a modified Hotchkiss M1914 machine gun made to be able to be handheld and has a poleaxe head mounted on the barrel for melee engagements (if they somehow make it past the 8.30 mm 8x50R Lebel rounds shot in rapid succession.)
Magical Ability: As a minotaur, Hieremias has quite a good magical ability compared to other races and he can even use it to some extent as he was in the agriculture sector before he had to change job due to environmental situations, he can use his magic to help accelerate local plant life to a certain extent, the more relatively complex the plant is the more effort he requires to exert in order for it to grow.
Description: When you imagine an average minotaur what do you think? Well then take that, make it 7'8 foot tall and make it weight 250lbs without wearing his armor, being a minotaur he does have the usual strong head structure of the bovine species and he also sports a pair of inner bending horns, and of course those lovely dark red bull eyes with a black line running across it.
And that's about it in his most visible features, if you were more attentive or nosy you will have noticed his being ridden with calluses from extensive use and him having big defined, rugged muscles that clearly have been worked extensively and he has some weird lines on his shoulders an waist, they looked like they were strapped to something.
Usually, outside of the front line, he will be sporting just a bigger version of the French uniform, but when it's time to go the field he puts on heavy metal plates covering his vitals, which result with him being much more protected but also make him a lot slower.
Personality: Hieremias is a very quiet person and by that I mean he will keep to himself most of the time though if you do try and keep tabs on him you will see him going to help the local civilian outposts in his free time, he also follows orders but he will keep his teammates own wellbeing before charging straight ahead, even if that means he will have to be the first to come out.
Background: Hieremias was born as most minotaurs are in Greece in their ancestral homeland, the island of Crete. He had quite an average early life with his mother and 3 brothers, much to his dismay when he reached the sweet age of 14 a polio outbreak hit the island, the government not wanting the disease spreading to other parts of Greece cut all supplies and transports towards the island. Like most families on the island, the outbreak hit his family hard, for 3 months he saw 2 of his younger brothers and his mom dying from the outbreak, after the whole ordeal was done and dealt with it ended up with Hieremias and his older brother immediately leaving the country and immigrating to France looking for work in the growing agricultural scene.
At this point his life got quite a bit better, him and his brother got a lease from the government to own a farm and they got to work, with the first profit his older brother sent him to a local agricultural school where he spent a year learning how to use his natural magical ability to better improve his yield, which he did, he was able to propel the farm in terms of productivity which allowed them to focus on their personal lives. His brother got married and had a child, a halfling.
Life was going pretty well for the minotaur, but life had other plans for Hieremias, on January 1914 his brother and his family went on a vacation to Belgium to get rid of some stress and left the farm in charge of Hieremias to be dealt with, and then the news came.... Germany wanting a corridor to get into France declared to the refusing Belgium and the entire border area was a conflict zone with countless casualties. You can assume Hieremias did not hear from his brother again.
He decided he wanted to make sure that this would never happen again, so he set fire to the farm after giving all of the food inside of it to a local villeage and enlisted in the local french army.
And this is how he got to this point.

Very detailed and with an excellent backstory. A model character app!

And so:

Recruiting Offices
Army of the French Republic
Feb 9, 1918

5th Trainee Heavy Infantry Regiment,

All recruit files processed and approved. Report to designated frontline sectors for duty effective immediately.

---Infantry Command
Name: Patrick "Pat" Smith
Race: Human
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Armed Force: United States
Specialization: Flamethrower Specialist
Equipment: Flamethrower, M1911ace,Winchester M1907(when not using flamethrower) , Standard medical kit, Bowie knife.
Magical Skills: Pat never explored his magical abilities, he doesn't even know if he has any magic abilities, he puts his faith into science.
Description: Pat stands at a rather large 6'4 and is rather muscular, because of his years working in construction, he has a darker tan than most people because of his time working outside.
Personality: Pat is easy to meet and get along with, he always has a sarcastic remark that will make someone smirk or laugh, he also has a mean temper, he could be fine one moment and then be ready to kick someone's teeth down their throat, he went to school and graduated, his chemistry knowledge was above average.
Background: Pat had a normal life growing up, middle-class, good schooling, application to Penn state, then the war to end all wars happened

Pretty good, though a few complaints regarding equipment:
  • A flamethrower is a pretty big and bulky apparatus that kinda precludes carrying much more than it. Toting a pistol would be fine, but an M1907 rifle (even if it's not as big as your average M1903 or Lee-Enfield) would be kinda hard.
  • What do you mean by M1911 Ace? All I can find online is mentions of the "Colt Ace", which is a .22LR copy of the weapon produced after 1931.
  • Standard medikits are carried by medics. You could always have some bandage rolls or whatnot, though.
Address these and I'd be happy to approve the character.
{ Agilis Ur'arti }

Age: 28​

Gender: Male​

Armed Force: British

Specialization: Sniper
Equipment: Lee-Enfield bolt action rifle (10x magnification scope), Webley six-round revolver, knuckle dusted trench knife.

Magical Ability: Agilis spent his education honing his skill on illusionary arts, his most considerable ability from which is Invisibility Shroud. The shroud requires a great deal of focus to be projected, and as such Agilis must be immobile and not currently acquiring a target in order to maintain the effect, which in itself may only be sustained for a minute or two at a time.

Description: Agilis stands only slightly taller than the average male, pushing over six feet tall. Apart from his height, pointed ears, and occasional Elvish muttering, he shares many characteristics with his human cousins. His uniform is a slightly lighter version of its infantryman counterpart, and sports only minimal ballistic coverage. A steel helmet, however, is not one of the forsaken armor pieces.

Personality: Always one to make light of the situation, Agilis has a somewhat hyperbolic sense of humor, and not even the dead can escape his quips. Whereas his fellow soldiers might lose their sense of patriotism upon exposure to the battlefield, Agilis reserves the idea that the British will ultimately knock back the Hun, and that he'll be decorated with trophies and dames upon his return home.

Background: As with the rest of his nation, Agilis was subject to the widespread propaganda of the British Infantry. He fit into the clique of British males who were giddy at the thought of enlisting and defending their country, not giving a second thought to those who turned tail and ran at door-to-door recruiters. Every advert of military life rang as fact in Agilis' mind: fame, respect, financial gain, women, action - his family of scholars could hardly hold him back from bursting into the nearest recruitment office. His Elvish nature didn't quite make him front line material, but his hustle and unnatural stillness - not to mention his dastardly sneaky magical ability - highlighted him as a potential long range rifleman. Being a fresh recruit, Agilis is more used to shooting helmets off scarecrows than actual moving targets, whether he'll survive long enough to perfect his marksman skill remains to be seen.

Note that most soldiers don't get anything past a helmet to protect their organs from whizzing bullets; so you're fine in the armor department.

Figured we'd get a magical Elf sooner or later, and it's a fine example indeed. So:

Recruiting Offices
Army of the British Empire
Feb 12, 1918

9th Recruit Foot Regiment,

All recruit files processed and approved. Report to designated frontline sectors for duty effective immediately.

---Infantry Command
Pretty good, though a few complaints regarding equipment:
  • A flamethrower is a pretty big and bulky apparatus that kinda precludes carrying much more than it. Toting a pistol would be fine, but an M1907 rifle (even if it's not as big as your average M1903 or Lee-Enfield) would be kinda hard.
  • What do you mean by M1911 Ace? All I can find online is mentions of the "Colt Ace", which is a .22LR copy of the weapon produced after 1931.
  • Standard medikits are carried by medics. You could always have some bandage rolls or whatnot, though.
Address these and I'd be happy to approve the character.
Alright I tweaked it a little bit, if there's more to be changed just let me know
Charles Charisme de Paris

General Information

Name: Charles Charisme de Paris

: Human

: 22

: Male

: A tall, dark haired man, moderate strenght and with a charismatic smile. He is quite handsome but only when he wants. (^ Look at picture)

He is a guy with a O.K temper, don't usually really get too upset or too happy over something, because he understands the need of focus and patience due to his training. Use mind techniques to control partially his emotions and tune into the best ones that will be the most handy at hand. Charismatic manipulator.

Background: Born in Paris in 1896 during the "Bele époque", Charles is a child of a British industrial and a French prostitute, when he was born, his father was afraid that his existence would cripple his plans and destroy his family back home in London, and so sent him to an orphanage.
During his early year, he was known for being active and really social, and by 1910 he had a giant contact web within the Parisian underworld and industrials, earning him a lot of money for his work, he loved to help people and make friends, and his abilities soon reached the ears of a high ranking officer in the French Government, who then had the insight of using such friendship making abilities to boost the industry outcome by making the men in the assembly lines happier using charisma and manipulation.

And in 1913 Charles was recruited to the new "French Buro of Charisma and Industrial Influence" or FBCI, he was then taught how to make new friends and influence people using his already existing abilities and even aprimorating such abilities.

In 1914, the war broke out, and Charles was still training and learning in the streets of Paris, but when the war reached its stalemate in 1916, the morale of the french troops in the front fell and the high ranking officers were desperately needing a way to better the army morale before a mass desertion took place on the french ranks, and they turned to people like Charles. At this point he wasn't the only one, there was, in fact, a whole battalion of "soldiers" like him, they were called the "detachment of happyness" because their sole objective was to make people feel good and keep going, sort of a "moral support" battalion, and by mid 1916, they were promply sent to the fronts to help the troops cope with the horrors of the war.

Untrained and unarmed, Charles came to the front with nationalistic ideals and a will to end the bloodshed, he was sent to a assault battalion undergoing training not too far from the front and his orders were simple "Make them feel good, make them fight better", but how would he do it? He was trained to make people feel good about working with assembly lines and industrial machines, not mowing down other people with machineguns and sniping them off with their rifles, but it was a mission that he wouldn't dare to turn down, otherwise he would get shot for treason.

In 3 months, Charles had made friends all over the battalion, and could call each one of those men by their names, they liked him, they wanted to be with him, and even came to like him more than their own commanding officers, at that got him an status.

By the end of the year, they were sent to the frontlines to take part on a sector offensive close to the Somme, and he went with them, and when the battle started, Charles had nowhere to go and so he stood in the trench, with a few guards that had orders to shoot anyone who came running back to the trenches, all those men Charles had met a few months before have been sent to certain death, and when the first ones came running back screaming in terror, he decided that enough was enough, he would not let those men die while he stood there waiting for the outcome. And then he climbed over the top and rushed to the front.

Bullets were flying all around him and he was running directly into the Machineguns, it didn't took long to reach the Assault battalion, whose men were pinned down by some german bunkers, and then he got to a hole where 3 other french boys, probably on their 20's, were hidding afraid to death. He jumped into the whole and looked deep into the eyes of one of them and cheered them up, told them that they had been trained for that and asked them to follow him, he said "nonsense" but then he got up and struck a pose of power and warmth, and strolled out the hole with bullets ripping though the air and arty shells falling all over the place.

He walked a few meters with his confident posture and he saw with the corner of his eyes that other men where looking at him, probably asking what the hell was happnening, and then he felt a big punch in his stomach, he looked down, and saw blood, lots of blood, pouring out of his stomac, his vision blacked out and he then feel hard on the mud. He had been shot.

After retrieving his conciousness, he was told that his example made the whole Battalion charge furiously against the german defenses and managed to break through, he was awarded and sent back to Paris to be acclaimed as a Hero. But when he arrived, his presence had been requested by a few magic scholars who tought that there was a way to increase his performance, and so, he was introduced to his first magical ability, "the hero light" which was basically a way to create a Magical light that would blind his enemies temporaly, it would certainly help him lead those men back into the enemies trenches...

And so he spent 1917 trying to improve this technique and by first semester Charles was promoted to capitain and sent back to the front, now as an officer and with the job of being a banner to the troops and lead them into battle.
War Information

Armed Force: French Army
Specialization: Like a unconventional officer with the rank of , but with the job of keep the morale high.
Equipment: Captured Luger from a german officer
Magical Ability: "The Hero Light", basically creates an illusion on the enemies minds to make them temporally blind.

Alright, things are good now.

Recruiting Offices
United States Army
Feb 8, 1918

21st Recruit Battalion,

All recruit files processed and approved. Report to designated frontline sectors for duty effective immediately.

---Infantry Command
Excellent job!

Recruiting Offices
Army of the French Republic
Feb 9, 1918

1st Special Training Battalion,

All recruit files processed and approved. Report to designated frontline sectors for duty effective immediately.

---Infantry Command
Charles Charisme de Paris

General Information

Name: Charles Charisme de Paris

: Human

: 22

: Male

: A tall, dark haired man, moderate strenght and with a charismatic smile. He is quite handsome but only when he wants. (^ Look at picture)

He is a guy with a O.K temper, don't usually really get too upset or too happy over something, because he understands the need of focus and patience due to his training. Use mind techniques to control partially his emotions and tune into the best ones that will be the most handy at hand. Charismatic manipulator.

Background: Born in Paris in 1896 during the "Bele époque", Charles is a child of a British industrial and a French prostitute, when he was born, his father was afraid that his existence would cripple his plans and destroy his family back home in London, and so sent him to an orphanage.
During his early year, he was known for being active and really social, and by 1910 he had a giant contact web within the Parisian underworld and industrials, earning him a lot of money for his work, he loved to help people and make friends, and his abilities soon reached the ears of a high ranking officer in the French Government, who then had the insight of using such friendship making abilities to boost the industry outcome by making the men in the assembly lines happier using charisma and manipulation.

And in 1913 Charles was recruited to the new "French Buro of Charisma and Industrial Influence" or FBCI, he was then taught how to make new friends and influence people using his already existing abilities and even aprimorating such abilities.

In 1914, the war broke out, and Charles was still training and learning in the streets of Paris, but when the war reached its stalemate in 1916, the morale of the french troops in the front fell and the high ranking officers were desperately needing a way to better the army morale before a mass desertion took place on the french ranks, and they turned to people like Charles. At this point he wasn't the only one, there was, in fact, a whole battalion of "soldiers" like him, they were called the "detachment of happyness" because their sole objective was to make people feel good and keep going, sort of a "moral support" battalion, and by mid 1916, they were promply sent to the fronts to help the troops cope with the horrors of the war.

Untrained and unarmed, Charles came to the front with nationalistic ideals and a will to end the bloodshed, he was sent to a assault battalion undergoing training not too far from the front and his orders were simple "Make them feel good, make them fight better", but how would he do it? He was trained to make people feel good about working with assembly lines and industrial machines, not mowing down other people with machineguns and sniping them off with their rifles, but it was a mission that he wouldn't dare to turn down, otherwise he would get shot for treason.

In 3 months, Charles had made friends all over the battalion, and could call each one of those men by their names, they liked him, they wanted to be with him, and even came to like him more than their own commanding officers, at that got him an status.

By the end of the year, they were sent to the frontlines to take part on a sector offensive close to the Somme, and he went with them, and when the battle started, Charles had nowhere to go and so he stood in the trench, with a few guards that had orders to shoot anyone who came running back to the trenches, all those men Charles had met a few months before have been sent to certain death, and when the first ones came running back screaming in terror, he decided that enough was enough, he would not let those men die while he stood there waiting for the outcome. And then he climbed over the top and rushed to the front.

Bullets were flying all around him and he was running directly into the Machineguns, it didn't took long to reach the Assault battalion, whose men were pinned down by some german bunkers, and then he got to a hole where 3 other french boys, probably on their 20's, were hidding afraid to death. He jumped into the whole and looked deep into the eyes of one of them and cheered them up, told them that they had been trained for that and asked them to follow him, he said "nonsense" but then he got up and struck a pose of power and warmth, and strolled out the hole with bullets ripping though the air and arty shells falling all over the place.

He walked a few meters with his confident posture and he saw with the corner of his eyes that other men where looking at him, probably asking what the hell was happnening, and then he felt a big punch in his stomach, he looked down, and saw blood, lots of blood, pouring out of his stomac, his vision blacked out and he then feel hard on the mud. He had been shot.

After retrieving his conciousness, he was told that his example made the whole Battalion charge furiously against the german defenses and managed to break through, he was awarded and sent back to Paris to be acclaimed as a Hero. But when he arrived, his presence had been requested by a few magic scholars who tought that there was a way to increase his performance, and so, he was introduced to his first magical ability, "the hero light" which was basically a way to create a Magical light that would blind his enemies temporaly, it would certainly help him lead those men back into the enemies trenches...

And so he spent 1917 trying to improve this technique and by first semester Charles was promoted to capitain and sent back to the front, now as an officer and with the job of being a banner to the troops and lead them into battle.
War Information

Armed Force: French Army
Specialization: Like a unconventional officer with the rank of , but with the job of keep the morale high.
Equipment: Captured Luger from a german officer
Magical Ability: "The Hero Light", basically creates an illusion on the enemies minds to make them temporally blind.
Nice picture lol you watch the show?

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