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Fandom Marble Hornets: A Different Story

OoooOOooOOOh~ a Slenderman RP~ Sorry to pop up out of nowhere, but do you still have any spots left because I would like to possibly be one of the 4 friends.
HornedGhost said:
OoooOOooOOOh~ a Slenderman RP~ Sorry to pop up out of nowhere, but do you still have any spots left because I would like to possibly be one of the 4 friends.
Yes you can be one of the friends.


Kuroi01 said:
This Rp sounds even better than you first described ^^
I'm glad you think so. :D
Definitely guys just hoping for at least one more person.

@Mayumi @Der Eine

Okay guys let's start it up. If your still willing?

The friends are gathered in one of their houses. While they talk on the couch there is a banging at the door. When they go to check it out all that's there is a box of dvds. They decide to watch them and find a bunch of recordings of a forest outside of town.
Sorry for some reason RPNation didn't alert me of anything going on here so I didn't check I'm so sorry... Anyways, if you mean one of Slenders proxies, then I wouldn't mind being a minion.


In that case, should I create like a masked version of my character?
TheCreator645 said:
Sorry for some reason RPNation didn't alert me of anything going on here so I didn't check I'm so sorry... Anyways, if you mean one of Slenders proxies, then I wouldn't mind being a minion.

In that case, should I create like a masked version of my character?
Sure if you want to. Your nickname would be Midnight and you would have a connection to the Moon.
oh.. okay? I was thinking of something else, but ill have to post it later because i have to go to school.

wait, so is it okay if i don't want to be called midnight?
TheCreator645 said:
oh.. okay? I was thinking of something else, but ill have to post it later because i have to go to school.
wait, so is it okay if i don't want to be called midnight?
Sure just come up with your own Alias.

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