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One x One Maple Hills College


Maid Of Doom
Scorpio Scorpio
Name: Peter Myers
Age: 18

Casual Clothes (attached picture- blue jeans, black vans and boxers not pictured)
Superhero Clothes: Blue spandex suit with black gloves and boots with black "briefs" over them. Gadget belt on his waist, Ski mask with goggles and gas mask.
Personality: Dorky, intelligent, but humrous. Enjoys nerdy stuff but also trys to play off being "cool"
Super Ability/AlterEgo: Ice Creation/Control (Like Frozone if you know the character, but also with ice control), superhero name "Arctic Fox"
Bio: Born in a small town in Italy, he and his family eventually immigrated when he was around 5 to New York City. He went to an art school for singing though his mother was killed in a robbery gone wrong during his junior year. He was happy to leave for college as father had become a drunken mess. Over Summer break, while touring a museum, he stumbled upon a relic that granted him control over ice and snow, though he is unsure of where it came from as it was destroyed in granting him its powers. He is still getting used to his abilities but like any justice-starved young adult, he created a suit and identity and began preparing to begin a new career as a crime fighter.

2B]Kane Moore
  • Name: Kane J. Moore | Age: 20 | Gender: Male
Name: Gabriel (Last Name Unknown)
AlterEgo: Nyx
Age: Unknown
Affiliation: The Scales
Position: Leader
Super-Power: Shadow Travel , Martial Artist


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