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Realistic or Modern Maple Hill Summer Camp

Sorry I was pretty busy this week. Someone can make a post of the orientation if they would like. It doesn't have to be extravagant. My only requirement is that everyone must be handed a cabin key and their cabin assignments.

I'll see if I can post something really quick tonight or tomorrow morning

I'm currently working on the draft. I have Father's Day plans, so it should be up by tomorrow.

I finally finished the post. I'll be gone for most of the day due to Father's Day plans.
When or how do we get our keys? I'll be posting tonight. Probably late...
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[QUOTE="Miss Alice]When or how do we get our keys?

Line up, tell them your name, and they will give you your cabin assignments. There are no keys.
All the campers have just arrived at camp. A few have mingled, and the camp orientation was slightly delayed. After about 20 minutes, the counsellors eventually give their orientation.

I'm pretty sure you don't have to read all the posts, and not much have happened. The most important part is the orientation which is in the second most recent post.

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