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Realistic or Modern Manor off the Beaten Path {Character Sheet}



All Synapse Firing
Hello and welcome to the Manor, it is a pleasure to meet all of you, if you wouldn't mind I need you to please fill out a nameplate for the table and everyone would love a little information on you.
The reason you accepted the invitation:

Please fill these out and submit them in the box below, thank you.
Akio Sasaki

Gender: Male

Akio works part time as a pizza delivery driver at a local shop downtown. He's also very involved in college as he is trying to major in finance. He uses the funds he makes out of work to help pay for school. He is currently a junior at Milton West College.
Akio is a jokester and loves poking fun at others. He is kind hearted and quite the extrovert. When he is not at school or working, you can find him at his favorite bar surrounded by friends or at the coffee shop with his face in a book.
Born Akio San Sasaki in Okinawa Japan, he is the only child to Hinami Sasaki & Mado Sasaki. Akio grew up surrounded by farmers and hard working people and all his life he has known to work hard so that he could afford a decent living. At the age of sixteen Akio realized that there was more to life than rice fields and shanty towns and decided to move to the city with his best friend Ken Suzuki. Together the boys attended school and once graduated they decided they wanted to travel and so they moved to the United States. Once arrived, the duo realized it was much harder to fit in and afford a living. He began taking out loans and decided it was time to try and work towards a degree. Today Akio and his best friend work downtown at a local pizza joint attending financial classes together.

The reason you accepted the invitation:
Akio being the sociable person he is, figured it would be a great idea to get to know some upper class business people to help him succeed in his financial route.​

Nicholas Herr ; 34
He's been one of the best detectives in Scotland Yard for 6 years, but since the shocking and incredibly disturbing Peterson case, he's been on leave from the job. An invitation to a stay in a manor in the forest couldn't have come at a better time - he'd needed to get away from London for some time. Since the case, Nick hadn't been his normal self. He was known around the office for being cheery, albeit a little nosy (the great detectives always are), but lately he'd been quieter. Maybe that was about to change - or maybe it was about to get worse.
Nick was brought up out in the sticks of England, where he was forced into a tiny Catholic school. He grew up introverted and anxious, biting his nails waiting for the day he could escape. At 17, he ran, moving into a skanky London flat where he became the person his coworkers knew. But the case that made him leave had haunted him, reminding him of the quiet 17 year old that fled as soon as the chance arose. The invitation to the manor was almost a crossroads in his life; would this trip lead him to leaving the job? Or was he going to fight who he used to be and stay at Scotland Yard?
(A little short, but I think this covers everything! :)
Clarissa Everheart
(also answers to Clary, Claire, or Clark)
Clarissa works a thankless, and often unforgiving, job as a junior editor for the New York Times. Her ultimate goal is to leave and find another job where she can explore her creative mind and voice in more depth; she worries that her imaginative mind is suffering due to days that bleed together and feel like slightly different variations of the previous day, but are overwhelmingly similar.
Clarissa has often been told that she has an old soul; she is understanding and kind. However, previous altercations have left Clarissa weary and suspicious of others. She is constantly at war with herself, wanting to let others in, while also having a desire to keep them at an arm’s length. She is curious, observant...and, despite what she may believe, a little too trusting/naive.
Born in the sleepy, quiet town of Hollowpoint, Clarissa was surprised to find that her shift to city living was easy; she traded small town living for the bustle and hum of a city, and she adjusted without a hitch. (Her mother said it was because Clarissa was born with cities in her viens...that she was destined for more than a gentle, uneventful life by a country side.) Clarissa graduated from her local university with decent grades, good enough to at least score her an internship with the New York Times. Her parents couldn’t have been prouder, considering that they both were born and bred in Hollowpoint, and have never breathed city air or gazed at city lights in person. Being an only child meant that moving out was hard on everyone in the Everheart family, but Clarissa’s parents knew that they couldn’t bear to stand in the way of Clarissa’s future. So, she left everything she knew behind and crafted a new life for herself, while being forever greatful for her parent’s support.
The reason you accepted the invitation:
Clarissa’s life since leaving home has, unfortunately, fallen into a mundane cycle; she can feel herself suffocating under the routine. In Hollowpoint, there wasn’t much to do when it came to attractions and people, but at least Hollowpoint was a place that gave life and muse to Clarissa’s imagination; now that swooping, mysterious hills and moonlit fields are replaced with dull brown apartment ceilings and the clicks of keyboards, Clarissa is starting to feel a weightlessness...a loss.

Maybe, just maybe, this invitation will breathe life back into what she once had?
wiplin2 eh.png
(I apologize it'd not a very good drawing but its the only good one I have for this character)

Name: Linden Thornwell
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Career: Online business owner
Personality: Linden is what could be called genuinely disingenuous. He doesn't tend to tell the truth very often, weather by hiding certain details in a conversation or not mentioning things to people at all, but he is very perceptive to things happening around him. He can come off as very cold and often times rude as he has no filter between things that should and shouldn't be said. Linden overall has a very sour attitude and the slightest thing can cause him to dislike something right away and we will certainly let someone know.

Biography: Growing up in a small 'hobunk' town in Minnesota did nothing good for Linden. Being the social deviant he is, he had a hard time fitting into the closed minded setting of his peers and family. His love of all things dark and macabre caused those close to him to believe there was something wrong with him and he was either ostracized in most social settings or barraged by those concerned who tried to 'help' him by forcing him to conform. Once he was out on his own and out of that situation his bitterness still stayed with him. Although he is much happier in his small home, making custom jewelry which he sells online to people all over, it doesn't seem to last long since people still seem out to try and change him.
The reason you accepted the invitation: What discerning goth would pass up an opportunity to go to a manor and possibly snoop around a bit.
Aru "Wright" (recently changed last name)
Antique Shopkeeper

Aru is an intelligent man who prefers to keep to himself in most cases. He is a logical type, and because of that he doesn't connect to others well emotionally. Actually he isn't very good with emotions in general due to his upbringings, but that's something he doesn't enjoy discussing. Aru is a matter of fact person, who rarely shows any compassion when he himself has nothing to gain from it. Everything he does is in his own best interests, and he has little to no room for opening up to others.
At least that is how he typically is. Oddly enough he appears to be very friendly, if not even charming at his shop and seems to relax more in this setting, and when his lover is around he seems to lighten up a bit.

When he was younger, Aru had been a bright child, advancing the children around him in terms of development. His older sister, not wanting his talents to go to waste began to take control in his life, fostering certain traits, and discouraging a few others. Somehow, his sister was able to gain full custody over him, so rather than being raised by his parents he was trained by his older sister.
He lived rather dully, never engaging in leisure activities since his sister was constantly pushing him to get ahead in life. He knew his sister was trying to use him as some sort of ticket to the good life, but even with that knowledge Aru never really felt like complaining since it benefited him if he did what she told him. By the time he was of age, he was already working within his sister's business, and as usual he had no complaints.
Then his sister passed away, and when she did, Aru just so happened to gain a large amount of wealth. Rather than take over his sister's business, he took whatever he could from it then passed it to someone else before moving overseas and opening a small antique shop.​

The reason you accepted the invitation:
Certain things from his past have been brought up, and accepting this invitation seemed like the best way to ensure the voices of his past remain silent.
-Aru is a married man
-Bringing up his young appearance is one of his pet peeves
-Original last name was Grey, but he had gone under Aru Maxwell with his older sister Analise. After marrying, he chose to share his lover's last name.​
Piper Bryce


Age: 29
Gender: Female
Career: Unemployed
She has a very laid-back approach to things. Not particularly quiet, though not loud either, she more sticks to the sides of the room rather than pushes herself to the front of attention. If somebody pisses her off she isn't afraid to mouth off or throw some hands to defend herself. Despite her history, Piper is very intelligent and logical.

She smoked her first cigarette at 14. Johnny Mulligan offered it to her after class and he was the hottest guy in their whole school, not to mention a senior. How was she supposed to turn it down? Everything escalated from there. It wasn't that she was dumb - her grades put her pretty near the top of the class - but that she felt she couldn't fit in unless she tried it. Just once, she said.
At 17 she had a cocaine addiction. She tried to steal money from her parents but they found out and absolutely flipped. Kicked her out of the house the second she turned 18. Piper was alone, scared, and in withdrawal. She had no money and no clue where to go or what to do. All those 'friends' she had made suddenly didn't want to associate with somebody who had fallen so far. She wandered the streets and eventually turned to prostitution to support her addiction and herself. Somewhere along the line she became the mother of a little girl, Molly, who was perfect. That's why she couldn't keep her, after all. She could only hope that her little angel found a place as close to heaven as earth could provide.
At 20 they took her away on charges for possession of cocaine and for prostitution. She attended rehab while in prison and was eventually weaned off her substance dependencies - cocaine and nicotine alike. Out of habit though, and irony, she often keeps an unlit cigarette in her mouth, with no lighter in sight. After the hell she's been through she isn't even tempted.
Post-release was hell and no matter how hard she tried to leave it behind her, the stains of her past came along to remind her what she had done. Employers turned her down and her situation was looking grave again, but she was able to meet a woman who helped her out just enough. When the invitation came along she had just received yet another rejection from a potential employer. Why not, she thought.

The reason you accepted the invitation:
Piper had made some poor decisions in her past and ended up spending a pretty good amount of time in the pen-house. Since being released just a few months prior to the invitation she has really struggled finding any work. Maybe this will help her redeem herself a little bit. Or not. It isn't like she has anything to lose.

Somewhere, Piper has a daughter who she put up for adoption. She thinks of it as the one good thing she's done in her life.

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