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One x One Mankind's Fall


( . Y . )




Faction: (Human or Machine)



Abilities and Skills:



Bio: (opt.)​
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Odin the "God's Eye" as he is called by humans for his machine's unique ability, though machines just call him Odin.








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Odin is, like most machines, super intelligent with very few emotions. He had abandoned his human self and embraced the machines, leaving behind such things as "emotions" or "morals". When a human is captured alive, he always gives them a chance to join them by becoming a machine. Though some view it as kindness, it is simply his way of putting things to use and expanding the power of the machines. He uses all that he can to reach his goal: the annihilation of mankind.

:Abilities and Skills:

God's Eye

Odin has multiple types of sight, such as infrared, night vision, X-ray, and ultraviolet. His eye is able to zoom in and zoom out quickly and see multiple things by creating different "panels" or "Windows" inside of his eye. As for it's greatest ability, it is able to create and fire a powerful beam that can vary in size depending on what Odin believes is the right amount for any situation. It is very strong, with a long firing range, as well as being very hot and dangerous for anything without a very high resistance to heat.

Sun Guard

Odin's body is made so it can withstand extreme temperatures with ease, heat especially, as that is his main weapon. Even with the eat resistance that machines already have, they would still melt and get heavy damage from even using the Odin's eye, and will most likely be destroyed if hit directly.

God's Wings

Odin's wings are there to further boost the efficiency of his God's Eye, letting him see all that is below if he is high enough. It is jet-powered and can allow him to travel at great speeds, but also has a feature which allows him to hover/levitate and camouflage himself. The camouflage system is built into the wings rather than the eye, strangely enough, and will not work if his wings are damaged.


-Highly advanced "eye" which allows him to see with different visions.

-Jets which allow flight and a levitation/hover system which is an alternative to flying when fuel has run out.

-Powerful long range beam weapon which allows him to destroy dangers from a safe distance.

-High heat/fire-endurance which makes him almost immune.

-Being the leader of the machines at Valhalla, he holds quite a lot of authority, and most machines do what he says. He also has access to more things than an ordinary machine with his status, which come it handy.


-Even with his great heat resistance which makes him almost completely immune to heat, when used too much, the God's Eye will still damage him.

-The wing jets will stop when they run out of fuel, forcing him to Hover. Hovering is far less quick than the jets, even though it requires almost nothing and is battery charged, meaning they can last for long periods of time, dodging will be difficult. The jets themselves might explode if damaged too much, causing some damage to Odin and getting rid of his flying and levitating/hovering function.

-Though his eye is well protected and rather tough and durable, it is still one of the weakest spots of Odin's body, as without the eye, he cannot see and his vision is his main source of strength.

-The beam weapon uses up a special type of battery. Though he can use the beam weapon many times due to it's long-lasting and durable batteries, it's limited and the beam weapon will take up a tremendous amount of batteries when it is very large.





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Although the fact that he's always trying to crack a joke and make light of things makes him seem very undependable, however when asked, he'll try to help as much as he can... Most of the time. He can be surprisingly cruel and mean to anyone who brings up his parents, however, and his demeanour will completely change, going from a cheerful joker to a glaring angry, and somewhat scary person. Overall he's usually friendly to whoever he talks to and is quite the animal-lover.

Abilities and Skills:

Fire Dragon

Fire manipulation and flight. This makes Sahqon resemble a dragon in a way. Flying takes up quite a bit of stamina, making him unable to fly for very long or very high. Fire manipulation and creation on the other hand, takes up hardly any energy and he can use this ability to his heart's content. It's not the most effective as machines have a good fire and heat resistance, however it can still do damage and is especially effective against machines with fragile parts such as engines, jets, etc.


-Fire manipulation comes in handy, especially in cold places and as he can create it at will, it's usefulness is doubled.

-Flight, although not something he used all that much, can be useful to give him little boosts in jumps and speed, and allows him to climb up high places freely as he can use his power of flight go down or slow him down if he falls or drops.

-His mutated body allow for him to have good resistance to fire and heat, as well as the cold.

-Lightning quick reflexes combined with quick thinking which helped him survive many situations.


-Flying takes up a lot of stamina, and when used too frequently, he'll be left exhausted and helpless.

-The fire cannot be created underwater or in places with too much liquid or moisture and is very ineffective during in foggy or misty weather.


Sahqon's parents were killed by machines when he was 15, leaving him alone and with only the other humans who he rarely interacted with to depend on. Since then, his hatred for the machines only grew, but he could blame only his own kind for making such a big mistake. Despite all this, he's managed to grow into a joker of sorts, cracking jokes and trying to be funny in order to lighten everyone else's mood.​



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Faction: (Human or Machine)



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(Just a little more... Robot-y)


Roxy has learned to embrace her power as a machine, and uses her powers to their full extent. She is heartless and cruel, and enjoys human suffering and pain. Like most other machines she has abandoned feelings and emotions. She is bent on fulfilling her duty and destroying the human race.

Abilities and Skills:

Roxy is very skilled with any sort of knife or blade. Her most powerful skill is the ability to mess with humans' minds. She can sort of control their minds, but she has not completely mastered this ability. Because of this, he connection between minds can be cut easily, and the most stubborn of humans can fight against this power.


Roxy is skilled with any type of blade.

She can pretty much control people's minds, but the skill is not mastered.

She can withstand heat to the point where a human would melt.


Water and cold... Pretty much anything along those lines.

Bio: NA



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Faction: (Human or Machine)



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Very flirtatious, always wants to have fun. However, Kyra knows when something is serious and can draw the line when she needs to. She'll stop at nothing to protect her friends and family. Kyra tries to be helpful, but a lot of times just messes things up in the end. But if she is motivated by something, she'll get what needs to be done, done.

Abilities and Skills:

Kyra can shoot anything--a gun, a bow and arrow, you name it. She's been practicing her skills since she was young. She has the ability to zone in on a target and shoot it wherever she wants (Almost always gets a bullseye if she's using a target). Although Kyra is very skilled with a gun (so skilled it scares her family), she can have some trouble with moving targets if they're too fast.


Shooting a gun or bow.

When she's driven, she can get anything done.


Gets wrapped up in her emotions.

Doesn't really think things through.

Very protective

Bio: Kyra was an only child. Her parents died when she was 13. She went to live with her aunt, who babied her and let her get away with anything. This caused Kyra to go break rules just to see what her aunt would do. So she's kind of a rebel because of her childhood. Rest to be revealed.



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