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Realistic or Modern Manchester University Reboot




    • Basic Information
      Romantic Orientation
      Hair Color
      Eye Color
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vestibulum, sem ut auctor luctus, sem neque ultricies enim, a porttitor enim magna sit amet eros. Donec ac feugiat magna.
      Vestibulum varius feugiat elit nec ultrices. Donec laoreet mi turpis, at finibus turpis volutpat in. Nulla sit amet mauris eu sem tincidunt euismod. Sed pretium euismod quam, nec dapibus justo. Pellentesque tempor ut arcu nec suscipit.
      Positive Traits and Negative Traits: At least 3 of each, with descriptions
      Personality: In paragraphs

      CS Details *

    CS Details
    Beyond The Witch's Corridor
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum aliquam egestas ante in commodo. Sed molestie dui vitae euismod tempus. Nunc euismod diam dui, eget finibus sapien consectetur ut.
    code by Nano
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  • Basic Information
    Name: Roxie Heart
    Nicknames: None yet
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Major: Music
    Year: 1st
    Species: Human
    Sexuality: Bi curious
    Romantic Orientation: Bi curious
    Height: 5'6"
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Black

    Roxie was born to an very rich family, The Hearts. Her father, William, is the owner of world famous talent agency and her mother Mable is a socialite. Her parents, mostly her mother, were all about appearances. They expected Roxie to look and be a certain way. They wanted her to be like her older sister, Natalie. Natalie was very outgoing and not afraid to be in the public eye. She was also very talented, smart, and beautiful. She had a star presence. Roxie on the other hand was very different. She was a shy girl, she didn't make straight A's in school like her sister did, she was considered not as talented and to be pretty average in looks. She was always being compared to her sister by her mother, who could verbally abusive and her father practically ignored her. Natalie pretty much bullied her and gave her the same verbal abuse her mother did. It wasn't much better at school. She bullied there as well. She didn't have many friends and the once she did have she wasn't even really close to. Roxie mostly spent her time listening to music and reading books. Reading was like a escape for her as well as the music she listened to.

    Things continued like that for a while that is until one day a couple of girls played a prank on Roxie which made her finally snap. Roxie had sudden personality change that day. She was tired of being pushed around. Roxie had developed quite a temper. She became known as the girl you did not want to piss off. Instead of being pushed around she was the one pushing others around now. She gained some new friends though it was more like a gang then anything else. She also develop a bad drinking habit which led to things she very much wish didn't happen. Roxie had pretty much become a trouble maker, she'd skip class, got into fights, sneak out at night to parties. She was pretty much off the rails her first two years of high school but then she ran into a old friend that she had actually forgotten about, Bonnie. When Roxie was younger her parents use to always go to Hawaii for the summer and that was where she met Bonnie her first real friend. But her parents had suddenly stopped going and she never saw Bonnie again, that is until her junior year of high school. At first she was just annoyed with Bonnie. Bonnie kept popping up out of no where and was pretty much just following Roxie around and she always had bright smile on her face which just made Roxie want to punch her but.....she never had the heart to do it. Bonnie was determined for them to become friends again and she said something that surprised Roxie. Roxie soften up a bit and she started letting her guard down around Bonnie and quickly started to become quite the protective friend.

    Roxie's now is about to head off to Manchester University. Though only reason why she's going there is because Bonnie practically begged her to go with her.

    Positive Traits:
    Empathic - Roxie can have empathy for other people. When she first entered high school she could really careless about someone elses feelings but as she soften up she started to become more empathic.
    Protective - Roxie is very protective when it comes to people she cares about, at this moment in time its Bonnie and some what her cousan.
    Intelligent - Roxie is actually quite smart. In fact if she had applied herself more she probably could of been a Straight A student. Even despite her getting in trouble in school and skipping classes some how she manage to keep up mostly a B average. She seems to have a good memory and catches on to things quickly.
    Loyal - Once your friends with Roxie you can for sure depend on her for anything. But just don't do anything to break that trust cause do anything to mess that up she's...well just best not to cross her.
    Friendly - Roxie can be friendly when she wants to be. She can come strong or cold sometimes but ever since soften up she's a lot less hostel with people then she use to be.

    Negative Traits:
    Rude/Blunt - Being blunt can sometimes be a good thing but Roxie at times can just be down right rude with it and not by accident. You'll know if she means to offend or not.
    Temper - Roxie is a hot head but get really mad? It's no joke. Her tempers can get really REALLY bad. Like she will and has gotten physically. At this moment in time Bonnie seems to be the only one that calm her down. Don't piss her off during her time of the month if you don't want to die.
    Sarcastic - She can be quite the sarcastic bitch when she feels like it.
    Drunk - She has a little bit of a drinking problem. She's not as bad as she was in high school but she's not completely better either. She tends to drink when she's upset. She'll sometimes be caring a flask on her.
    Wild/Troublemaker - She's down to practically do anything. So if she says no then it must be a bad idea.


    William Heart (Father): He ignored her so she ignores him.

    Mable Heart (Mother): They do not have a good relationship at all. They are usually having screaming match and Roxie down rights hate her for the way she always but her down.

    Natalie Heart (Sister): She hates her sister and would love nothing more then to make her life a living hell.

    Sadie Evermore (Cousin): Doesn't have any strong feelings towards her, they aren't really close. But she does worry for her a little bit.

    Bonnie Aukai (Bestfriend): Bonnie is the only person in the world Roxie trusts. They have been friends since kids and even after losing touch and seeing each other again they still manage to become close again. She's a bit protective over Bonnie.


    Are they a Seer?: No

    Fatal Flaw: Her temper it can be really bad.

    Happiest Memory: The times she spent with Bonnie in Hawaii.

    Secret: She had a drunken one night stand over the summer at some house party. She remembers a little bit of it and even the persons face. Though she hasn't seen him since then and is glad about that.

    [Singing Voice/Theme Song]

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Hello yes it's me with no idea how to BB Code


| Name |
Karube Corsair

| Age |

| Species |

| Gender |

| Sexual and Romantic Orientation |

| Major |
Computer Science

| Year |

| Height |

| Hair Color |

| Eye Color |

| Appearance |
Karube is very easy to miss and he much prefers that way. He's short and has absolutely no muscles to speak of. His skin is a pale color likely from him avoiding time spent outside as much as possible. On top of this his posture is terrible and he's generally seen walking with his head down to avoid any looks from people that would mess with him. His style of clothing is always casual. Sweatpants or shorts, t-shirts, whatever he can be the most comfy in. His hair is generally a mess as well but he prefers to think he rocks the bedhead look.

| Personality |
On the surface Karube appears to be your stereotypical nerd. He always has his face buried in some form of technology. Either the laptop he carries around in his backpack or his phone. If he's in class it's more likely that the nerd will just be staring off blankly into space. He finds the lessons boring. Teachers stopped asking him questions long ago because they realized he already knew the answer. The few people that are close to Karube though know that he is a great friend to have. He's always there to help them out be it with school, technology, or anything else he can do for them. The problem is the people he considers friends are very few. Most people are put off by the complete lack of emotion Karube seems to show. They assume he isn't interested in talking to him, and sometimes they're right, but often not. Due to his parents never being around when he was a child, Karube quite literally has no idea how to talk to people. The only human interaction he would get for the first 15 years of his life was with his tutor/nanny. On top of this the nerd has a fear of women, Gynophobia. Just the thought of talking to girls gives the male extreme anxiety.

| Positive Traits |
Intelligent - You wouldn't know by looking at him but Karube is always in deep thought and is incredibly smart for his age.

Quick Witted - Likely due to his background in hacking Karube thinks of solutions to problems quickly and is never at a loss for words.

Dependable - If you are one of the people that he considers a friend he will always be there for you even if it inconveniences him.

Ambitious - Karube sees a grand future for himself and is always taking steps to make that future happen.

| Negative Traits |
Incredibly shy - Partly due to his upbringing, partly due to his stubbornness, Karube has never learned how to be sociable.

Lazy - A laziness of the physical. Karube will go to great lengths so as to not have to work out or put forth any effort.

Quiet - Finds it incredibly difficult to speak up when in a crowd of people and will often just not.

Gynophobic - Girls terrify the daylights out of him. He knows it's irrational but it doesn't help.

| History |
Karube is the child of two incredibly successful business people. While this meant he could always have whatever he wanted growing up it also meant he never really had social interaction. His parents felt even private school wasn't good enough for their child and instead decided to hire a tutor for Karube. This tutor also doubled as being a nanny, essentially raising Karube herself most of the time. Her name is Tess and she is the only person that Karube, even to this day, is close to. For the first 18 years of his life this would be nearly all the social interaction he had. His parents were always away on some business trip or staying late for executive meetings. By the time they returned home they had no time for their child. He was just another trophy in their case. Little did he know behind his back Tess had been begging and pleading with Karube's parents to allow him to attend university. After months of discussion the decision was finally made for Karube to be sent there.


| Name |
Vincent Mayweather

| Nickname |

| Age |

| Species |
Half Goliath

| Gender |

| Sexual and Romantic Orientation |

| Major |
General Education

| Year |

| Height |

| Hair Color |

| Eye Color |

| Appearance |
The term meathead may have never been as applicable as it is to Vince. The giant of a man is incredibly large both in height and muscle mass. He practically lives in the gym and it shows. Every muscle in the male's body seems to be trying to escape his skin. His clothing style is quite humble given this fact, usually found wearing simple jeans and t shirts or sports teams jerseys. Most people find his golden eyes striking, a trait he got all from his mother's side of the family.

| Personality |
If there existed a personification of well meaning idiot, it would be Vince. He is an incredibly social, extroverted person that loves to make new friends. Even so it's hard for him to escape the stereotype of 'star quarterback jock.' He fills all of the tropes, loves working out, goes to parties all the time, tall and muscular, really really dumb. The thing that truly separates him however is his heart of gold. Vince will go to the moon and back for those he cares about and would do it happily. He loves to be the life of the party and makes sure everyone feels accepted. The one thing he can't stand is bullying and putting down others and he won't stand for it. Unfortunately for Vince he's really dumb and often can't differentiate bullying from playful teasing. While he would never admit it he hates how stupid he is. The jock can often be found leaning into it and making a joke out of it so no one else will. Behind closed doors Vince actually studies a lot and seeks tutoring but for whatever reason he can't understand most things. He is very insecure about his intelligence and often gets emotional when attacked over it. Be it anger or sadness.

| Positive Traits |
Loyal - Vince will do anything for his friends and would never even think of betraying one of them. No really, it would honestly never occur to him

Leader - With his time spent on the football field Vincent has gotten used to taking a leadership role and is unafraid to do so.

Charismatic - Vincent loves making new friends and will always go out of his way to make sure that everyone feels comfortable around him.

Athletic - His body speaks for itself but he loves doing any physical activity. Working out, going on hikes, anything that gets his heart rate going he enjoys.

| Negative Traits |
So...So dumb - The brain is the only muscle that Vince seems incapable of working out.

Insecure - Despite the physique that would make Adonis weep, Vincent struggles with self image and especially with his own intelligence.

Gullible - He does not posses the critical thinking to know when people are messing with him.

Impulsive - Vince is not good at taking his time or waiting. If he's going to do something it has to be NOW and he doesn't do half measures. This also leads to him being quick to anger.

| History |
Vincent's family life was pretty average. The rest of the story had been told a million times. Dad was the high school quarterback, mom was the cheerleader. They fell in love and have been together ever since. It just so happened that mom was a Goliath as well. Dad went on to be a history teacher and football coach. Out popped Vincent. Dad lived vicariously through his son and forced him into football. Not that there was a problem with that, Vincent took to it like a fish to water and loved it. The family wasn't particularly wealthy but they never wanted for anything. It was noticed at an early age that Vincent had a learning disorder in Dyslexia. Vincent had to work twice as hard at studying just to keep up but even so it never mattered. He made extremely low grades no matter how hard he tried and so became convinced that he was just incapable of learning. This culminated in him being held back a year which only increased the teasing and caused him to believe he was dumb even more. Once he graduated even with his obvious prowess in football Vince was determined to get a scholarship on merit of his intelligence. This...Did not work out and he ended up in community college where he dominated the football league there. His parents eventually convinced him to go to a better school, telling him it was better for his education, and he settled on Manchester. He saw it as a good compromise between studying and football.
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* Do-Yun Lee

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    Do-Yun prefers to just go by his name
    * age
    * gender
    * species
    Imoogi, a lesser dragon from Korean folklore
    * year&major
    Junior; Majoring in Entrepreneurship with a minor in Drawing



    #snake boy

    * height
    * weight
    190 lbs.
    * build
    Do-Yun is very tall and is pretty muscular. He goes to the gym to maintain a nice form and it shows. He has a nice build to look at.
    * scars&mods
    What Do-Yun lacks in scars he makes up for in tattoos, his upper body is covered in ink, and he loves every piece of it. His sister did them for him so they mean a lot to him.
    * hair colour
    Pitch black
    * eye colour
    A bright green
    * written
    Do-Yun is a good-looking guy and he knows that about himself. He likes to wear clothes that show off all the tattoos that he has, this means that he is often spotted with low-cut shirts or just straight-up mesh. He literally doesn’t care; he is very comfortable in his own skin. His hair is super long. His hair is so long that it goes all the way down to his knees. Whenever he is working he makes sure that is all out of the way by braiding it and then sticking that braid up in a bun. He is not going to risk hair getting in the way. Some think that he wears contacts because of how bright green his eyes are, they don’t always look real, but they are. He oftens likes to use his usually green eyes to make himself more attractive.





♡coded by uxie♡

* Hyejin Lee

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    Do-Yun often calls her Jin
    * age
    * gender
    * species
    Imoogi, a lesser dragon from Korean folklore
    * year&major
    Junior; Major in drawing and a minor in entrepreneurship



    #dragon twin

    * height
    * weight
    140 lbs.
    * build
    Hyejin has a really nice build, while she may not often hit the gym like her brother she pays attention to her figure. She is very tall and slender.
    * scars&mods
    She has no scars to her name, only tattoos, and piercings. She has both her lobe piercings and wants more later.
    * hair colour
    Pitch black that fades into a white at the ends naturally
    * eye colour
    An eerie white color
    * written
    Hyejin is a really striking woman to look at with her striking features and tall form. Like her twin brother, she is fully aware that she is attractive and is not going to hide her looks either. Hyejin also doesn’t care if her pure white eyes are somewhat unsettling for some, she loves making them pop as much as she can. This often leads to her wearing lots of dark colors, but she genuinely enjoys the blacks and muted colors in general, throwing in some other colors every now and again. She doesn’t stick to a particular style either, she likes to try out various styles. Her hair is considerably shorter compared to her brother’s but it is pretty long in its own right. Her hair is around shoulder length, dropping just past her neck.





♡coded by uxie♡

* Masami Ishida

  • req.

    #cat overlord

    * n.name(s)
    Masami doesn't have any nicknames
    * age
    * gender
    * species
    Nekomata, a cat demon that is connected to the Bakeneko
    * year&major
    Sophomore; Video game design



    #cat boy

    * height
    * weight
    180 lbs.
    * build
    Masami is more of a tall and lanky dude. He doesn’t have a lot of muscle on him if any at all. As a cat Masami it is hard to tell how he is built because he is very fluffy, but when wet you can see that he is kind of a skinny kitty.
    * scars&mods
    He has no major scars but his ears are pierced and all of his piercings are in his feline ears.
    * hair colour
    Dark blue
    * eye colour
    A glowly purple
    * written
    When you look at Masami there are a couple of things that immediately stand out to any onlooker. The first things would be his eyes and his hair. His eyes are a glowing magenta-purple color that screams that he is not human. It is not the most pleasant thing to see in the dark when you aren’t expecting to see a pair of glowing eyes in the dark. The second thing would be his oddly colored hair. Most assume that his hair is colored, but nope his hair is naturally colored a weird sort of navy blue. He has his hairstyle in a sort of mullet, but not really. He does have a part that is super long compared to the rest of his hair. Masami never puts that much effort into styling his hair so it has a sort of permanent bed head. The second head-turner is his ears and tails. He has both human ears and cat ears, and he proudly runs around with his ears out. There are also the twin tails that hang behind him which are also navy blue like his hair and ears.





♡coded by uxie♡

* Enid Blair

  • req.


    * n.name(s)
    Enid will sometimes go by her last name, Blair
    * age
    * gender
    * species
    She is a human with some special abilities
    * year&major
    Freshman; Major in Creative writing and a minor in crimnology




    * height
    * weight
    118 lbs.
    * build
    Enid is really of average height and build. Someone would describe her as small because of how lightweight she is. She is not all that shapely but she does have some curves to her.
    * scars&mods
    She has had some small faded scars from questionable decisions as a kid and has chosen not to get any piercings in fear of the more annoying spectral creatures using them against her.
    * hair colour
    Dark brown
    * eye colour
    An odd redish-brown color
    * written
    Enid is admittedly pretty cute. Sure there is not a lot about her that really pops out or draws attention to her but part of her charm is how simple she looks. Enid has never been and never will be an imposing figure. She is not tall. She is not muscular. She is just Enid. Enid is very comfortable in her own skin and has no problem wearing crop tops or form-fitting clothes. All that matters to her is if she likes them and they fit the way she wants them to. Her dark brown hair is very long, going down to her lower back. She often wears her hair in pigtails or a ponytail. It is not very often that you will see her with her hair down. Enid can sometimes be spotted with glasses whenever she doesn’t have her contacts in. When she wears her contacts you can see the unusual color of her eyes.





♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Hayes
    • gamer
      and the universe said you are stronger than you know
      Akira Hayes
      Year; Major
      Freshman; Computer Engineering
      Sexual and Romantic Orientation
      Panromantic and Pansexual
      Akira is rather short, standing at 5'0. She has long brown hair, brown eyes, and brown cat ears and tail. Her style consists of a lot of dresses, flowy shirts, or corset tops along with jeans. If she's feelin lazy, she'll probably steal a sweatshirt and leggings.
    code by Nano

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  • Kolski
    • Misfit
      well meaning
      Me tell a lie? Come on, isn't it more likely that it was just a misunderstanding?.
      Gawain Kolski
      Freshmen Theater
      Sexual/Romantic Orientation
      Bisexual and Heteromantic
      Gawain is on the shorter end of the height spectrum standing at 5’3. He has a naturally slender build and not much muscle which adds a more androgenous state to his general appearance. He likes to keep his hair at a medium length with a messy/natural look to it. His skin is a pale white which some people find confusing due to how much time he actually spends laying around in the sunlight. His hair is a pale green that is reminiscent of the green scales of a snake, while his amber eyes portray a dangerous cunning to those that look deep enough in to them.

      1.Adaptable: Whether it is in his acting, daily life, or any other situation Gawain is extremely adaptable. Changing his approach and going with the new flow is something he prides himself on
      2.Generous: Generosity is something that comes easy to Gawain. Coming from a background where he shared pretty much everything with his family members, he doesn’t really form attachments with material objects so giving away stuff to people that look like they need it more is something he can do without a second thought.
      3. Resilient: While some might say he has slippery skin, Gawain would say he had thick skin. Not a lot of things actually get to him on a personal level. He might get upset on behalf of others, but personal attacks against his person tend to not do much against him
      1.Manipulative: Gawain loves to manipulate others. He finds great joy in talking people into things they wouldn’t normally do, or altering other people’s states of minds with only his voice.
      2.Liar: Gawain is a pathological liar, almost every other word out of his mouth is a lie and he feels very little remorse for when he does lie. It’s become second nature to lie his way through most things and really only in life or death level situations will he actually force himself to tell nothing but the truth.
      3.Hypocritical: Gawain is also one of the biggest hypocrites alive. He has high standards for the ways he thinks others should act, and yet does not even bother to think he needs to rise up to them as well.

    code by Nano

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  • Nicolai
    • Sight
      Music is my gateway to freedom.
      Nicolai Morozov
      Male, He/Him
      Sophomore, Music/Education dual major
      At first glance, Nicolai is a tall drink of water. Standing it at 6'3" tall with a lean build thanks to his personal trainer, Nicolai is what many people wished to be. However, the blindness has left him with little to no sense for fashion, save for when he's going to one of his families parties, a gala or a concert performance.
    code by Nano
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  • Name: Rosalyn Wilder
    Nickname: Rose, Rosie
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Seer: No


    Strawberries | Sitting on the Roof | Ballet | Running | Getting to Make Her Own Decisions| Fun Adventures with her close friends

    Mondays | Being Vulnerable | Others Seeing Her Cry | Being Told What To Do | Technology

    Loses Her Temper and Accidentally Breaks Things | Has Perfected the Fake Smile | Refined on the Outside, a hot mess on the inside

    Due to the constraints of her upbringing, outwardly Rosalyn is polite, poised and just smart enough to get into good grades but not threaten the ego of the men in her family’s circles. In actuality, Rosalyn is a storm of emotions with a short fuse, sarcastic nature, distrust for others and intelligence that demands she strive for more that her expected role allows. Rosalyn is in a constant battle with herself as she becomes more and more aware of how little she is able to show of her true personality. She yearns to rebel, but fears the rejection of her family and society if she were to. In order to deal with her cognitive dissonance, Rosalyn tries to mute her anger and other emotions and find a middle ground. Even when irate, she keeps a cool, almost icy, demeanor, making it seem like she has a thick skin, when she really doesn’t. Whether she’ll admit it to herself or not, deep down Rosalyn just wants to be accepted for the person she chooses to be, not the person her parents chose for her to be. For those able to disarm her, she is very loyal and capable of caring very deeply for them. Her one release is to dance or go running, but only in private.

    (+) Intelligent
    (+) Ambitious
    (+) Graceful
    (+) Resourceful
    (+) Kind and caring once her walls are broken down

    (-) Dishonest
    (-) Insecure
    (-) Can be cold towards others
    (-) Has a temper

    Rosalyn was born into a political family of newly found power. Unlike those in government that came from old money, her family always had to prove their worth and that they belonged, so Rosalyn was brought up with a rigid and strict regimen. While groomed to be a perfect maiden, and able to put on a good show publicly, Rosalyn is anything but internally. Her paternal grandfather, who was not in the political ring, was the only one she ever felt saw her for who she really is and cared for her without any expectations. He noticed Rosalyn struggled as a child to behave and was prone to angry crying fits, so one day he gifted her a pretty ribbon. He tied the ribbon around her neck and with a wink, told her that as long as it was tied, the ribbon would help to keep her from losing her head. As a child Rosalyn took her grandfather literally and refused to remove the ribbon in fear of her head falling off, but now that she is older she uses the ribbon as a symbolic reminder to keep her composure. Rosalyn has two older brothers whom she is envious of due to them being allowed more freedom and power. Her parents love her, but she questions whether they would feel the same if she was to show her true self. For this reason, she has jaded views on love and questions whether it truly exists beyond the surface level. Her past experiences with soulmates and threads have left her more guarded than before when it comes to love, though she is more open to friendships now, and shows affection towards those she cares about more easily.

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Elias Sevron

  • req.


    * Race
    * Age
    * Major
    Theatre & Dramatic Arts; Senior
    * Nickname





    * Height
    * Weight
    12st 7
    * Build
    Evidence of hitting the gym to stay in tip-top shape. Elias is tall, strong and quite a catch with the lads and lasses.
    * Hair Colour
    Natural white hair but continuously dyes it to platinum and brown.
    * Eye Colour
    Yellow/gold eyes
    * Small Description

    A heartbreaker through and through. Elias uses his good looks and charming persona to infatuate men and women and have himself a jolly good time. He doesn't care about relationships, and would rather not be in one. He's a free bird; one that likes to dip his beak into many and leave a trail behind. Being an incubus? This comes easy to him too. His style is impeccable, probably thanks to his actorial roles, and the rumours around him are all very darling.





♡coded by uxie♡

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Seren Tsu

  • req.


    * Race
    * Age
    * Major
    Junior; Veterinary science
    * Nickname
    Seren usually just goes by her name





    * Height
    * Weight
    8st 7
    * Build
    Slender with just a little bit of muscle definition as if Seren has been attempting to put on a healthy amount of weight while trying to keep fit.
    * Hair Colour
    After years of dyeing her hair blonde and wearing wigs, Seren is finally embracing her brunette hair.
    * Eye Colour
    Born with blue but forced to wear brown contacts as soon as she was able.
    * Small Description
    Seren was born between two blonde hair, brown eyed, people. Due to her growing to have brunette hair, her family had the misconception that she was an alien that had taken the place of their actual child. Growing up in such a horrid household, Seren has come away with it being underweight, frail and a little fragile. Old scars mar the inside of her arms, burns are carefully dotted on her back and her mentality isn't how it should be. At face value, she's a pretty girl with no issues to her features other than a sad smile every once in a while. Seren wears overly baggy clothes to hide her body, as she's not too confident; She longs to wear more feminine outfits. Still, she has survived and is on a long, long, road to recovery; Pursuing her dream career.





♡coded by uxie♡

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