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Fantasy Malleus Maleficarum: A Tale of the Accused cs


Stale Biscuit

The OG Bread Boi

Interest Check
This is what all cs sheets should include:
- character name
- age (18 at the youngest)
- gender (women are witches and men are sorcerers)
- appearance (face claim or written is acceptable, but all appearance have to be described in written form to some degree. Does not have to be the same as your appearance prior to becoming a witch.)
- personality (can be vague since this is a recollection of your character's previous life.)
- history (Life before your execution. No witch really remembers how they formed their pacts)
- weapon (leave blank)
- contracted demon (leave blank)
- brand location (arm, leg, eye, left butt cheek, etc)

Contracted demons will be decided once your character sheets have been approved. You will be given the option of three demons with a description of the abilities they will share with you, their name, their rank, their brand, and the angels that thwarts them. Once you discover your demons and abilities you can choose the weapon most suited to your newfound powers and character combat style. Weapons will be distributed IC.
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Jeanne d'Arc
[class=border] --main-color: #dc7f87; --image-1: url(https://i.imgur.com/CUlME1J.jpg?1); --image-2: url(https://via.placeholder.com/175x210/000000/FFFFFF/?text=IMAGE 2); --image-3: url(https://via.placeholder.com/175x210/000000/FFFFFF/?text=IMAGE 3); --image-4: url(https://via.placeholder.com/175x210/000000/FFFFFF/?text=IMAGE 4); --image-5: url(https://via.placeholder.com/175x210/000000/FFFFFF/?text=IMAGE 5); --image-6: url(https://via.placeholder.com/175x210/000000/FFFFFF/?text=IMAGE 6); --image-7: url(https://via.placeholder.com/175x210/000000/FFFFFF/?text=IMAGE 7); --image-8: url(https://via.placeholder.com/175x210/000000/FFFFFF/?text=IMAGE 8); --image-9: url(https://via.placeholder.com/175x210/000000/FFFFFF/?text=IMAGE 9); [/class]
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[div class=roleline style="left: 67px;"][/div] [div class=roleline style="left: 132px;"][/div] [div class=role style="top: 30px; left: 50px;"]The Maid[/div] [div class=role style="top: 65px; left: 115px;"]of Orléans[/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents2"][div class=scroll][div class=tag]name[/div] Jeanne d'Arc [div class=tag]nickname/s[/div] Saint Jeanne d'Arc; Witch of France [div class=tag]age[/div] Ninety-one [div class=tag]gender[/div] Female [div class=tag]sexuality[/div] Asexual [div class=tag]ethnicity[/div] Western European [div class=tag]height + weight[/div] Five foot seven & One hundred thirty-seven [div class=tag]eyes[/div] Light sky blue [div class=tag]hair[/div] Carmine [div class=tag]build[/div] Jeanne dons a straight figure leaving nothing to the imagination. After years of excessive chest binding to make her appear like her fellow man on the battlefield, her chest is small and compacted to the point where she could be mistaken for a man. [div class=tag]attire[/div] A minimalist, she wears nothing but a white long sleeve blouse that fits snuggly against her torso. For her trouser, she has chosen to wear a pair of black pants that is normally associated with male aristocrats. [div class=tag]faceclaim[/div] Donec mattis lacus ac sagittis aliquam.[/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents3"][div class=scroll][div class=tag]positive traits[/div] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. [div class=tag]negative traits[/div] Suspendisse in condimentum leo. Donec scelerisque, risus quis congue aliquam, ligula risus posuere ipsum, a maximus libero erat dictum tortor.[/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents4"][div class=scroll][div class=tag]backstory[/div] A young girl born to a peasant family in the quaint village of Domrémy, Jeanne had no exemplary traits that made her stand out. She was not exceptionally beautiful, her hair a dirty brown and her skin tanned from long hours working under the sun. Were she to claim she was anyone special it would be a lie as she knew that she was created the same as anyone else and others should view her in that same light. Where she lacked in looks she made up for in faith for she was a woman bound to the teachings of the church. God was her lord and savior and if she could fulfill his duty as his loyal servant than she would have done so without question. So when He sent to her Saint Michael, Catherine, and Margaret to speak with her that day in her father's garden, she did not refuse His request. "Drive out the English and bring victory to France. That is the message God has sent us to bring to you." That was all that was spoken to her before holy trio vanished into the light of the morning sun. A divine order they had given her, and for her Lord, she would complete this task no matter the cost. From there she had pleaded with her cousin, Durand Lassois, to take her to Vacouleur where she tried to convince the garrison commander, Robert de Baudricourt, to the French Royal Court. Of course, Jeanne was mocked and denied her request. However, she once again petitioned Robert de Baudricourt to allow her to visit the court, and was again denied. Though she did not return home without leaving her prediction with the garrison commander of the preordain victory that was to occur at Battle of Rouvray. [/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents5"][div class=scroll][div class=tag]contract demon[/div] Purson, a Great King of Hell [div class=tag]brand location[/div] Behind the neck [div class=tag]gifted ability[/div] Jeanne was gifted with two gifts, the knowledge of the hidden and the birth of witches while also granting her control over his familiars. Purson grants her the knowledge to find secret treasures, though he does not tell her of what the treasure holds. For an example, if Joan was in search of a text, the location of said text would be revealed to her, but the information within them is something she would not be granted knowledge of unless she read it. The second gift to her is her ability to summon and control the three familiars of Purson each having a specific ability:
Alois the Truth Seeker: A black viper under Purson, and now Jeanne's, command. It is a normal sized viper with vibrant yellow eyes that has the ability to bring out the truth in man. By staring into the viper's eyes, the snake entices humanity to relinquish all of their secrets to him willingly or not. If his gaze is to be avoided, he produces a venom that he can inject into his victim that forces them to speak truthfully when asked a question though they often die after a few minutes for his venom, like other beings that share his appearance, is toxic to man. Oriane the Accursed: A creature that takes the form of a lioness whose fur glistens with the deep red of the flames dwelling in her. Much like her coat suggests, she is capable of producing flames that can only be described as the fire's of hell, her flames disintegrating all that it touches. However, she is prideful and does not take well to commands made by those other than her lord Purson, so she is difficult to control. She also dons a great weakness to water, for if water is present, she shall not appear as the flames in her stomach could be extinguish were water to enter her body. Orson the Valiant: Purson's monstrous steed, Orson is a four eyed bear with six pairs of limbs that has been blessed with boundless amounts of stamina along with the ability to traverse on all types of terrain. He is the main way that Jeanne is able to travel quickly throughout all of Europe, less she be made to walk on her own two legs. His large size and muscular build allows him great strength, and since he is not hindered by his the weight of his body, he also works well offensively. However, he to is plagued with a weakness that was placed onto him by the angel who manages him. He is cursed with gluttony, always in a constant state of hunger that becomes harder to stave off the longer food is withheld from him. He loses all sense of reasoning when hunger engulf him making him a danger to both Jeanne and himself.
[div class=tag]strengths[/div] Her strength lies in her ability to strategize. She is not a woman of great strength, but she is endowed with great intelligence granted to her during her time as a human and has since developed as a witch. She also retains some sword skills from her time as a member of the french army, though she is not as skilled as others who wield a blade, she can at least hold her own in a bout. [div class=tag]weaknesses[/div] Except for the strength that is granted to a witch upon their birth, her physical body is frail compared to others around her. While other witch's gift may affect their physical capabilities, Jeanne are outside of her being with the exception with her gift to find treasures and witches. She may hold up in a battle between man, but if she were to fight against an other worldly being without the assistance of her familiars, she'd sure fail. Summoning a familiar proves to be draining on her mind and body so there's a limit to how long a familiar can retain its form in the physical realm before they are required to return. If she chooses to only summon one out of the three she currently has under her, she can maintain its presence for a day or two before it must return. However, summoning two or more lessened the amount of time that they can exist so she tries to keep summoning to one per day. [/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div]
coded by constellation.
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