Main Story [Kingslayer Arc]

Tommy O'Shay

GoldenBlight said:
"However something does tell me, this next meeting might assist me in that stead. I wonder what will be brought up...?"
"I imagine so, Zeke. I imagine so. Heck, I wouldn't mind it myself." Chuckling, Tommy gave the masked mage a good natured pat on the shoulder and gathered with the others.


They got their chance far sooner than either of them would have liked. Tommy had found himself within fairly close proximity to Ezekial as the Magic Council had addressed the crowd of mages. So when hell broke loose, as a pair of the lesser goblin-like creatures confronted them, the Southern Wolf spun around to put his back to his new friend.

"Great," he muttered, his face taunt with concern. He yanked a throwing knife from out of its leg-strap and brought it up defensively. "Seems like we were brought here to die. Well, Zeke? You want to see how many we can take with us?"

The monster facing him leapt at him. In response, Tommy stepped left and gave a right handed uppercut. The knife he held in a reverse grip sliced at its chest, but it leaped away, snarling. In return it lashed out with its claws, and only a quick Air Magic assisted jump into the air saved him from getting the business end in his chest. As it was, he only cleared the attack by mere fractions of an inch. As he landed, Tommy pulled an explosive lacrima from his pocket and dropped it. It disappeared after a falling a few inches, having passed through his Requip Portal.


Adrianne Harrow

Adrianne fell backwards toward a black Gravity Magic circle on the distant north wall, the circle having reoriented her gravitational pull. The goblin creature that pursued her close on her heels, eyes burning with the lust of the kill. Her mind turned to her guildmates, and to her guild master Cyan. As per his MO, he'd disappeared; at any rate, she couldn't see him. Neither could she see Millie, or any of her other impromptu family for that matter. The Seer was alone.

No, she wasn't alone: there were plenty of mages around fighting for their lives, outnumbered as the numerous Fiorian mages were. And, too, she suddenly heard a name she recognized.

BlackknifeVane said:
"Marcella! Let Asher deal with the girl! Right now I REALLY need your help fighting these things off. I know you hate me and all, but I need your strength."
Any friend of Marcella's... "Here!" she bellowed, hoping the young man who made the remark heard her. "This should help!"

As she continued her path backwards, she cancelled the magic's effect on her: this next bit was gonna take some concentration, and she had enough momentum to stay out of the beast's reach. Throwing a hand in its direction, her brow furrowed in concentration, Adrianne cast a Gravity Magic circle on the ceiling directly above the creature, being sure to move it to match its pace. The creature suddenly rose off the blood stained floor, its gravity having effectively been canceled. A moment later, when it was perhaps ten feet in the air, the circle disappeared, only to reappear directly under it upon the guild hall floor. However, this circle was significantly darker, and the runes within were far more intricate: gravity's pull had suddenly been increased by 100x. With a sickening crunch, the shadow creature impacted. But the circle released just before it collided, and the creature's now mangled corpse bounced into the air.

Adrianne smiled; things were working just as she'd planned. The same circle as had just been created suddenly popped into existence on the southern wall, pulling mightily on both the Seer and the dead goblin; the trio of enemies that leaped at Bailey were now positioned directly between their comrade's corpse and the southern wall, and that corpse lay directly between the trio and Adrianne. With a battle yell and 'downward' (to her) kick with both feet, Adrianne began her 'descent' toward to south wall. But the corpse descended far quicker. With another wet crunch it smashed through the group of goblins before Bailey, and they all impacted the southern wall, leaving nothing but black film on its once beautiful paint. Just before she passed him, Adrianne canceled the magic on herself, and she skidded to a halt beside the Sabertooth mage with a smile on her face.

"Need a hand?"

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Ezekiel Vatés~

As activity began to pick up within the guild-hall, Ezekiel neared the main gathering of mages, deciding not to take a seat seeing as though he was comfortable enough standing. He remained close to Tommy, having gotten along well with the man thus far, and remained observant as the congregation chattered in anticipation of various things. When a strident yell for silence echoed throughout the Hall, amplified by magic no doubt, Ezekiel took this as the cue to listen, as many others did. Unfortunately he was not in close enough range to 'see' the speaker, who by name he recalled to be the Chairman of the Magic Council, but the man spoke powerfully and this was enough for him.

Very quickly the topic of interest, and the reason for their gathering, was brought up. A serial-killer... Sora was her name, was brought to attention. Ezekiel, head slightly bowed, listened with some sorrow to the mentioned individuals, each victim to this seemingly remorseless individual. He truly could not fathom how one could take so many lives without shame or regard for others... it was these types of individuals that needed to be purged from the world, although that never seemed easy a task, did it? Ezekiel remained silent, idly listening to the Chairman speak until he, too, fell unexpectedly quiet. Everyone seemed to, and Ezekiel raised his head in some confusion, several steady pulses of sensory magic relaying to him the shocked and horrified looks of the mages surrounding him.

What... What had happened?

It wasn't until he heard the loud shouts of spells being summoned that Ezekiel realised people were fighting. Who, or what, he wasn't sure, but so echoed so much commotion that Ezekiel, in his inability to perceive any of that which was further than ten metres from him, had little idea what to do in response. A part of him was afraid to wander closer, to witness the cause of such spontaneous chaos, of which he was now beginning to see the fringes of what with the slight destruction of the Blue Pegasus guild-hall and the bodies flung about. But that same part of him was also well-aware, it understood fully well what was happening... and that happening proved to be such a fearsome thing.

Amidst the great ruckus, Ezekiel stood idle, not quite thinking for himself until he witnessed goblin-like creatures begin to surge through the area, in every direction. The sensory mage stiffened immediately, a little lost as to what to do until he felt someone draw sharply behind him; Zeke did not have to look to know it was Tommy, and the man's concern and quick thinking swiftly brought Ezekiel out of his stupor.

This was it, he determined as two goblins charged in their direction. This was the time to

A sudden resolve washed over Ezekiel, and the mage tipped his head forward intently, flicking away the flailing edges of his cloak and curling his fingers around the hilts of the twin daggers positioned at either hip. Ezekiel yanked them free in a swift motion, crossing the coppery blades in an offensive stance before him.

When Ezekiel eventually spoke, his mellifluous voice was crisp, borderline lilting.

"Hmm, yes, Tommy... I don't see why not."

One of the goblins came barreling towards him, and Ezekiel did not move, but merely retained his guarded posture. The ground seemed to shake beneath his feet, pulses of sensory magic issuing at a rampant pace that matched his heartbeat closely, and the moment the fiend drew close enough to slash him, a wide blue-green magic circle glowed about his feet and Ezekiel seemingly vanished. The creature slashed at empty air, lumbering unsteadily forward and turning its head about in enraged bewilderment. About it, a figure dashed at speeds high enough to confuse any nearby and attentive onlooker, a mottled blur of brown, copper and scarlet crisscrossing the lesser beast's form. The jingle of dancing chains filled the air, and amidst the faint chiming...

Flick, flick, flick...

The goblin bristled in pain, roaring as shallow gashes opened up across its chest, back and shoulders. This series of phantom attacks continued for several seconds, until the beast emitted a guttural sound, filled with immense anger, and swiped randomly about it. Some contact must have been made, for the fleeting figure seemed to falter in movement. By way of his slowing magic, Ezekiel appeared to fizzle in and out of existence as he drew away from the goblin, leaping and landing steadily upon the tiled floor a relatively safe distance away. His chest heaved slightly as he raised his daggers once more, although a faint quiver in his left arm was recognizable; from beneath the folds of his cloak, droplets of blood scattered upon the ground, having trickled down his injured bicep. The creature succeeded in grazing its claws across his arm mid-attack, and Ezekiel was feeling the aftermath of his recklessness now...

He'd have to concentrate his attacks from behind, the mage determined in earnest as it advanced furiously upon him once more. And then perhaps, if Fate would have it, time spent wearing the creature down might result in an opening that would allow him a solid blow at its neck. The ultimate goal was to drive his dagger into the goblin's throat, ending its life effectively...

Ezekiel's image shimmered through the air towards his monstrous opponent, jagged blades clawing the space before him.

After all, this proved not a time for mercy.

@Red Thunder
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Light Ethereal

In the midst of the chaos that quickly spread throughout the entirety of the Blue Pegasus guild hall, Light was busy watching everything he could take in. His eyes focused only and solely on Sora for a short amount of time; he had never seen anyone capable of what she had just done and frankly he detested her for so blatantly killing so many people. However, that didn’t mean that he was about to go up and strike her down for it. Even Light knew his limits and even light knew how to avoid getting himself into stupid situations. Therefore, as soon as some of the mages from the crowd started moving to attack, Light’s eyes turned to search for his guildmates, knowing that he would be better able to enter a fight with a teammate by his side.

He hadn’t initially been able to spot anyone. Soren had seemingly vanished and Light didn’t know where he would’ve gone although there was nothing beyond what Light expected of the teleporter. Light also saw that Ryos had taken Libby and gotten out, nodding briefly in their direction even though he didn’t expect either one of them to see it. Probably would’ve been better to have someone else get her out. We could use your strength right now, Ryos, but it’s better you than no one. Light’s thoughts went with them, hoping they didn’t run into any more unexpected delays. Somewhere in his gaze, Light heard his name and his attention quickly turned back to the present situation.

Drawing his lightning rod off of his back, Light charged towards the voice he very much recognized. As Light ran, so too came the furious winds that his magic had started stirring up in the air. Running into the middle of the group of demons that his guildmates had encountered, Light swung down his lightning rod and shouted, “Air Magic: Slash!” A gust of wind followed as he smashed his weapon into the ground hard - the clang rang loud and the wind smashed the demon hard into the ground, after which, it did not get back up.

“Jamke, Sarafina,” Light’s words were directed at the two guildmates who were now right next to him - basically. “Fighting these creatures is getting us nowhere. We have to take out the source.” His eyes trailed to the man known as Damian - he was someone Light had seen before although he quite honestly had no desire to fight him. Briefly, his eyes flickered to the other mages around the demon man - the mages known as Tachyon Wing although they now wore the emblem of Crime Sorciere. “And the allies… Otherwise there’s nothing to stop them from just making more.”

Another demon charged at Light and he held out his hand as it charged, firmly casting, “Water Magic: Downpour!” Instantly a cloud appeared above the creature’s head although that alone seemed to do nothing. However, Light then swiped his hand down quickly and added, “Air Magic: Heavy Pressure!” Heavily pressurized rain fell down and within that situation, each raindrop became a sharp stabbing blade that was being accelerated even faster than gravity would allow. The demon was sliced clean through.

Light’s eyes flickered, then, to Jamke and Sarafina once more as he asked them, “Who’s with me?” Without even watching to see their reaction, Light charged towards the front of the room, the wind still following him as it gradually grew stronger, gradually grew more and more furious. No doubt, it would only continue to do so.

@shadowdude505 @utdfan22
Ein Silverhand

Ein didn't get a response from Celia. He looked to his other guild mates only to find the same cold expression before resuming what they were doing. They didn't say a word but Ein firmly understood. He closed his eyes in resignation and took a deep breath before letting out a big sigh.

"So be it." he said. With these words, Ein's eyes were now filled with new steely resolve.

Mayhem ensued as fights were starting left and right. The entire hall was chaotic as the guild mages scrambled, fought, and panicked, as they struggled to fight agains't Ein's guild. Some of them were already invested into fights with the the guild mages. It was hard to figure out who was there and who has already left, but a particular duo has caught Ein's eyes. Both men were celebrating as they've beaten one of Damian's demons. It was Quatro Cerberus' Rex Ourano and some boy. An impressive feat, but they were about to face the Battlesmith.

"Equip: Explosion" magic particles gathered around his hands as a bright red bow appeared in Ein's hand. A magic arrow started materializing as he drew on the string and took aim. "Piercing shot."

As he released the arrow, it flew at great speed towards the Dark-haired boy's head, with every intention of killing him in one shot.

@AllHailDago @BLUR
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Ryannan “Ryan” Costice

Standing beside her guildmaster, shotgun in her hand, Ryannan surveyed the damage as it was only just starting to take place because surely more havoc would only compound as the fighting prolonged itself, and the mages who were fighting slowly began to grow closer and closer to their maximum power. Her eyes took in all the fighting although she still didn’t know who was who. However, standing where she was now, Ryannan did notice the symbol on the outfits of all the members who had been late to the show - Crime Sorciere. Recognition flashed on her face just in time for her eyes turned to see Ein Silverhand aiming his bow. Her eyes followed his sight and she realized it was NOT one of the murderers who had been on stage.

“I know what I have to do now,” Ryannan commented to A’den Kandosii, her guildmaster who was still standing beside her. He hadn’t replied to her previous question yet, but it wouldn’t matter now even if he did because her foot kicked off of the ground springing her forward and out of earshot of him.

The arrow was already in the air and there was nothing she could do about it although she did turn to the target(s) and yell as loud as she could, “LOOK OUT!” If she had seen it coming sooner, she could’ve drawn up something to contain it, but even she couldn’t draw something out that quickly. Ryannan turned her attention away the moment she landed on the ground and turned to face Ein Silverhand.

“Were you ever planning on telling me what it was I missed or was it meant to never be said!?” Ryannan sneered at him. Her paper-make vultures still flew behind her and her shotgun still rested in her hand. “Although, I suppose part of the fault is mine. I should’ve asked to know more about you when you offered. Any particular reason you didn’t like that kid?”

Ryannan pulled her shotgun up, taking aim at Ein although she was intent on hearing what he had to say… if he didn’t take too long. Her patience was something that could only be pushed so far. If only to show him that he didn’t have much time before she decided to shoot, Ryan’s foot started tapping incessantly; the tapping was repetitive, consistent, and not something that could be ignored.

@Lexielai @Red @AllHailDago @BLUR
Asher Novine and Marcella Novine and Lotus

“Would you care to dance again, my dear?” He offered. “You’re lead, as usual? Though I must admit you seem different from before. I remember flawless skin…”

Lotus murmured something inaudible.

"You're quite adorable, but so dense sometimes, Asher darling." She mused, before breathing a sigh. "Fine, if you insist. So eager to please, aren't you, although I must say; I don't dance well with a gun to my head."

Asher raised a single eyebrow at her comment. "A... a gun to your head?" It wasn't a question, but he inflected his voice as though it was. He briefly glanced back to his sister, although she hadn't moved and her bow was still contained within his magic. "I must admit I don't know what you mean."

Lotus opened her mouth, then touched her throat again and was silent. After a moment she spoke.

"I wouldn't worry your pretty head about it." She said, quietly this time. "Needless to say there are things that must be done, and I would prefer to not have to scratch such a handsome boy as yourself to do them."

Lotus narrowed her eyes at Asher, cocking her head slightly.

"Stand aside."

"But you were so eager to dance last time," Asher's voice almost sounded whiny although it wasn't quite there. "Why did my face not matter last time and now this time, it does?" Asher didn't like the situation. He didn't like the fact that, at first he thought he knew what he was getting into, and now he was very uncertain.

Standing behind them, Marcella let out a single glaring "huff" of breath, her eyes never once ceasing to glare at the woman who, from what she could see, was toying with her brother. "Just drown her, already, Asher!" she screamed at him, making like she was going to charge forward at her. Asher's hand grabbed her and still held her back. He didn't even look back at his sister for that moment. His eyes remained focused on Lotus.

"Oh don't fluster yourself, little girl." Lotus cooed at Marcella. "I'm sure that a flirt like Asher has enough room in his heart for the both of us."

She redirected her gaze at the man.

"I would so love to dance, darling, but," She gestured around the room. "I'm afraid the ambience just isn't quite right."

She left the question about Asher's face unanswered. There was no need to flatter the boy.

"Why don't you take her," Lotus pointed at Marcella, "And go. Then we can dance later, when... when the time is right. Ooh!" She clapped her hands girlishly, offering as an afterthought, "It can be date!"

"A date? A DATE!?" Marcella was beyond pissed at this point and everything about her showed it clear as crystal. "Magic Council members were just MURDERED! Guild mages were just SLAUGHTERED! And you want to plan A DATE?"

Marcella shoved Asher out of the way. She may not have had a bow in her hands, but she still had her quiver on her back and she selected one from the container on her back before she charged right at the woman who clearly wasn't taking anything seriously.

Asher was only able to say one word as he saw what happened. "No." He couldn't stop her though... well, he could have, but by this point anything he did to stop her wouldn't change the situation at all. Instead, he prepared a water whip, preparing to throw it at her ankle and drag her out of the way if anything went wrong.

Lotus adopted a stern look as Marcella shoved past Asher. She waggled a finger at her.

"Now now, that's no way to treat your brother, is it?"

Lotus sidestepped, catching Marcella's wrist and redirecting her strike. The arrowhead whistled only through empty air. Lotus released the girl, sending her stumbling.

"And 'murder' is such a strong word, girlie. I prefer-"

The scars on her throat glowed an acerbic purple. Lotus winced.

"Fine, fine..." She muttered, glancing up at Asher. "She doesn't dance as well as you do; her steps are sloppy and she just doesn't have the same,"

She searched for the word to describe Asher.


She threw a glance over her shoulder to check on Marcella before looking back to Asher.

"Darling, you know that I could have hurt her. I didn't. Stand aside. What damage it might do our relationship if I had to kill your sister. I might even cry a little."

Her face was blank, aside from the corner of her lip which curled into a half-smile, or half-grimace.

As soon as Marcella was thrown aside, she spun on her feet and charged right back in yelling, "Murder is MURDER! Strong word or not!" Once more she drove the arrow in her hand at Lotus without any second thoughts and without any hesitation.

However, this charge never actually brought her all the way to Lotus. Marcella had tripped. No, not tripped. Rather, she had been pulled back. A whip of water wrapped around her wrist and yanked her back to the safety behind Asher where he glared at her for a single moment.

Then he turned to regard Lotus again. "True, she may not be the best at stepping in time with the music," he agreed. "She never seems to settle in." For his first few statements, Asher's face was relatively nonchalant like it always was. "You won't kill her for it, though. You know how I know that, dearest?"

His eyebrows curved slightly before he answered his own question his voice practically transforming into a growl. "Because I won't let you." He let out a sigh. "Now, my dear, tell me WHY I should stand aside. It is still your lead." In a way, he was giving her two choices: to explain or to take the lead in their deadly dance.

"You call me dearest now?" Lotus smirked. "My, you get bolder every day."

"As for why you should stand aside," she continued, choosing her words carefully, idly massaging her throat with one hand. "I'd really rather not have to spoil our reunion -a day I have much anticipated, mind- by hurting you. You wouldn't force a lady to do something she'd rather not, would you, Asher darling?"

"I'd really rather not take the lead," Asher sighed softly, seemingly exhausted by this conversation. "It wouldn't go well. Everything would be out of sync."

"ASHER!" Marcella snapped, this time driving her fist straight at her brother although Asher stopped it, holding it in one of his hands while he continued speaking to Lotus.

"However, I can't stand by and watch further slaughter," he continued. "Our dance is for us. Not everyone was built for it, as you've alread seen. Not everyone can survive as well as I can, dearest." He put extra empahsis on the name he now used for her. "It would seem that leaves me no choice..." He let it trail off for a moment, giving her one more say.

"Jealous that I might find a new partner? That someone might steal me away?" Lotus drawled. "Tsk. No need to be so protective, Asher. You know that I only have eyes for you."

Lotus sighed.

"If we must dance, then so be it. I'm flattered by your eagerness, but really, your spoiling the romance. Who'd I thought you could be so assertive? Dear little Asher, jumping to conclusions, violence ready at your finger tips."

Lotus smiled, a sweet expression if not for the bared teeth and steely glare.

"I think I like the new you."

Asher was very unhappy with the way things were going. Last time he had encountered her, she had wanted to dance. She had willingly taken the lead and that was what made everything work. Asher didn't like the thought that they 'must dance' because if he didn't have to fight, he really didn't want to.

"I'm not eager by any means, dear. Neither could I be jealous of those who aren't able to keep up the pace should you decide to dance elsewhere." He paused to consider things for a moment.

"You say violence is ready at my fingertips. How is that not so with yours given the... company... you keep and what they have done?"

"I never said it wasn't." Lotus giggled. "I learnt from my people and you... you've learnt from me."

"I apply violence like a scalpel, darling. When there is a tumour, I cut it out. Just like this." She gestured to the room at large. "I don't cut what isn't already dying. Darling Asher you have so much to learn..."

She frowned, then cracked a slow smile.

"I could teach you."

Asher was listening again. Before he had been scowling, frustrated and angry. She said something though, something that was more than the nothing he had been getting, and his expression showed that his curiosity had been piqued. "Teach me what?" he asked. "How to cut out a tumor?"

"Don't listen to her, Asher!" Marcella was once again throwing herself into the fray as she yanked her fist out of Asher's grip and replaced the first arrow she had drawn, selecting another, charging at Lotus again although this time, instead of aiming her arrow at Lotus directly, she simply meant to drive it into the floor. Anywhere would do.

Asher's eyes turned to a panic. He knew what Marcella was going to do and he had become too distracted to stop her. His eyes trickled to Lotus, actually hoping that she would manage to stop his sister because that was better than the alternative, both for himself, for Lotus and for Marcella... mostly for Marcella. "Don't!" he screamed.

"Darkness Magic, Dark Fabritio!"

In one moment Lotus was there, and in the next she was gone, vanished into an aether of darkness. The moments crawled as the arrowhead plummeted to the ground.

"Darkness Magic, Dark Tarantella!"

Lotus appeared from nothing, one arm wrapped around Asher's shoulder, the other outstretched towards Marcella. Between the two of them and the girl, a wall of darkness coalesced into being.

Marcella had charged at Lotus. Then, in an instant, Lotus wasn't there. And Marcella couldn't stop herself. The arrow impacted the ground and the resounding sound rung throughout the entire room as air rapidly oxidized, creating a resounding explosion of impressive proportions.

Barely even noticing Lotus's arm around his shoulder, Asher was already reaching into his reserves of energy. "Water Dragon Cyclone!" The spell would appear quickly although it would be blurred to his vision as it appeared underneath Marcella and he lost all sight of his sister the moment Lotus's wall went up.

Marcella's body, sent flying, was caught by the water cyclone which held her afloat although the impact with the water was still nearly as hard as hitting any wall would've been.

And Asher was just staring at the wall of darkness before he blinked twice, retaining expert control of the cyclone he had spiraling on the other side because he knew that it had caught her. As he lowered her limp form to the ground, Asher ran to her the instant the wall came down, not even casting a glance at Lotus and never once acknowledging the contact.

Collaboration With: @Hellkite
Sarafina the Exceed

"Sounds like a plan to me," Sarafina said to Jamke as she blocked an attack from the goblin horde with her large sword. After a quick parry she sliced the goblins into magic particles. She was about to rush off and look for Light and her other guildmates when Light arrived beside her. "Great minds must think alike, Jamke was telling me the same thing," she said with a smirk.

Sarafina dealt with more goblins as Light started to run off without much of a warning. "Where's he going? The creature making guy is over there?" she thought aloud. Judging Light's earlier statement by using the interpretation she got form Jamke's similar statement she had assumed that Light would also want to deal with the mage creating the majority of Crime Sorciere's forces.

Not wanting Light to fight alone, Sarafina ran after him and knocked aside the multiple goblins in her way. "I'll follow your lead, Light. Who's the target?" she asked.

@utdfan22 @Hales

Lynn Aquari

In the middle of the chaos, Lynn noticed Bunny, Rose, and Tori making their escape. Even though she would have loved to fight beside them, she was glad that they got out safely. She surveyed the battle scene as she quickly dealt with nearby goblins. She saw magic attacks flying everywhere. The Guildmasters were still occupied dealing with Crime Sorciere. She was still a little surprised that they turned out to be the perpetrators of this attack. Their founder Jellal wouldn't be proud.

"I'm just going to waste my magic energy if I keep fighting these goblin things...," Lynn thought. She turned her attention to the source of the strange constructs. She noticed three eagle constructs made out of fire explode near Damian, but wasn't sure if they had hit their mark.

"Water Slicer!" With a wave of her arm, Lynn sent scythe-like water blades toward Damian. "Hey you," she called out to him loud enough for her to be heard, but she didn't raise her voice and sounded calm. "I'm your opponent."

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Aedon and Fermata

Band mates

“Come on Aedon, we could TOTALLY start a band! Can you play any instruments?” Fermata tugged on her friends sleeve, a giant smile stretching across her face.

“Of course I can play instruments. Who do you think I am?” exclaimed Aedon, “but The Beetles is not a viable band name unless you expect to get squashed by critics.”

“I thought it was a great band name,” Fermata huffed. “It’s better than the name YOU came up with. I mean, The Nodding Trilby Orchestra? What the hell does that even mean?”

Aedon scoffed, “It’s classy, marketing toward the elite. They’re the ones with all the money. The way you’re headed, we’ll end up with a name like The Porch Monkeys.”

“Porch Monkeys? That’s not bad,” Fermata rubbed her chin in thought.

Aedon reeled back in surprise, “No! Don’t even try to rationalize that one! Do you even know what that means?”

“Whatever! You rejected all my other names.” Fermata grumbled. “What was wrong with Electric Boogaloo?”

“Boogaloo?! Do you want us to sound like a circus?!” questioned Aedon, “I swear to…”


The Storm Wizard grabbed his chest after a violent hiccup. The angles of his face sharpened in concern. Eyes twitching in disbelief as if witnessing the destruction of a nation.

Falling to a knee, Aedon clawed at the sky, trying to catch something just out of his reach.

“Aedon!” Fermata exclaimed, coming to her knees next to Aedon. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

Aedon began to babble, “I recognize this feeling… Miranda, I-I can’t save them… the one type of energy that cannot be renewed. The soulflight discharge of unprepared death. They are wasteful!”

A crazed face snapped back to Fermata, “I… feel… death!”

Miranda. Aedon had mentioned that name again. Fermata still didn’t know who she was but whoever she is… or was… she was important to Aedon. He only ever mentioned her when he was in distress. “Death…” Fermata echoed. She used her sound magic to amplify the sound coming from the direction of the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall. “There commotion going on over there.” She murmured. “We gotta hurry then.”

A glaze seemed to clear from Aedon’s eyes as he rose and said, “They need us Fermata. Are you ready to fight?”

“Always.” Fermata stood up and cracked her knuckles. “Are you?” Fermata asked with concern. Her friend seemed a little unhinged to her.

“More than ever,” responded Aedon, wrapping an arm around Fermata, “Now, Energy Make: Divine Invocation!”

A new glow seemed to emanate from The Storm Wizard. Aedon spoke as if with two voices, “Waste not that which is not yours to take! Energy Make: Kinetic Vector in Godspeed!”

Energy seemed to warp out of the atmosphere around them as Aedon set his foot. At kinetic release, Aedon and Fermata shot forward. The speed at which they traveled was incalculable as they seemed to phase through the fabric of existence and warp directly to the Blue Pegasus guild hall.

Matter at the entrance of the guild hall seemed to pitch and yaw as Aedon and Fermata poked back through the fabric of existence, heralded by the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder in reverse.

Laying eyes on the scene, The Storm Wizard stepped forward and proclaimed again as if in two voices, “Energy Make: Kinetic Barrier. The Shield of Faith!”

Energy buzzed in the hall, diffusing all magical attacks for a brief moment, effectively pausing the scene and giving the innocent mages a chance to realize what was happening to them.

The barrier could not be continually sustained, but it was just enough to halt the fighting. Aedon stood in front of Fermata, a glow of energy rushing into his body from the surrounding environment.

“What the hell is going on here?!” Fermata screamed, her voice booming over the chaos.


Fermata Talking

Aedon Talking

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Maxwell Rose

Max figured he was late enough to sneak into the Blue Pegasus guild hall and not have to worry about running into his parents. As he approached the back entrance Max could hear screams of anguish and pain as well as the sounds of combat. Flashes of light could be seen through the seams of the door and Max rushed to the door and then hesitated.
I need to think this through… I need to make sure my parents are alright, but I can’t do that if I act rashly… Max cautiously opened the door.

The scene unfolding inside was of chaos and gore. Blood and bodies were lining the floor as mages were combating each other in a vicious melee. Max was horrified by it all. After a few seconds of taking in the shockingness of the situation Max slowly made his way into the guild hall, trying his best not to be seen. His eyes scanned the hall for his parents but it was hard to make anything out amongst furious blur of the mages who had entered the fray of violence and blood.

Max felt like sobbing. He felt alone in this murderous frenzy and wanted desperately to use his speed magic to escape. I have to find my parents… no chickening out. . . I don’t want to be left alone . . . Max was breathing fast and was on the verge of hyperventilating. He still couldn’t see his parents anywhere.

Then suddenly everything stopped. The combat was interrupted by some magical force. Max looked around the hall again and he saw that a well dressed mage and an his unkempt companion had warped into the guild hall. Was one of them responsible for this interruption in the action?

(Side note: Max's parents are members of Blue Pegasus)
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Melina Brelindes

Melina was happy to have gotten Alicia out of there, and was even MORE happy that none of the random assortment of Crime Sorciere mages, fire demon looking things, claw demon looking things, and whatever else was currently wrecking the room she just left, were following her as she carried Alicia out into the front hall. Honestly right now that room was like a random box of chocolates... of death, and Melina was NOT in a hurry to try any of them. Melina was definitely surprised, however, to find herself suddenly confronted by a woman and a small girl who seemed... blissfully distracted by a series of shifting colors. The woman in question was a bit taller than herself and Melina regarded her surprise with a grimace, setting Alicia down as gently as she could against a pillar between two of the Rune Knights who had accompanied the arrival of the Magic Council. For a moment or two Melina regrettably had to ignore the woman's questioning as she set to cleaning as much of the blood from Alicia's face and especially out of her eye that a cut now laced across. Once that was done, and Melina's green sleeve now matched her other a bit more from the blood, she stood and turned to Piper. Speaking in a low, odd tone that sounded very scared, confused and definitely worried "

Crime Sorciere have begun killing everyone in the main hall, starting with the members of the Magic Council and then several other mages who attempted to curb their barbarism.

" Melina's hands clenched into fists at her sides, her eyes downcast to Piper's feet and the hood of her hoodie concealed her eyes that now burned with fierce determination.

Despite her faltering demeanor, Melina did try to keep her voice low enough the child, Kyla, could not hear her words and Melina wiped at her eyes with her non-bloody sleeve. "

If you are capable of healing then I would appreciate help with her.

" she motioned down towards Alicia with a hand, already beginning to kneel again "

If not then please, see if you can assist those inside.

" Melina's eyes wandered to Kyla playing... in blood... before sighing "

Then again, it's likely best you get her out of here before attempting to help. A place like this is no place for a child.

" Melina then turned her attention fully to Alicia, as she'd had about a minute while getting Alicia here to study the damage done and now began to feel at her nose and features gently, keeping her touch light and attentive and after a moment she could definitely tell her nose was broken, and her cheekbone was swollen pretty badly. Melina huffed and gently began to try and re-align Alicia's nose with minimal success before groaning in frustration. No longer paying Piper or her little charge any attention.


As Rex and Caleb were busy basking in victory and celebrating their achievement, another mage decided to take that opportunity to increase the amount of casualties on the side of mages fighting for the magic council. In an instant, a bow was drawn and an arrow was fired. Said arrow tore through the air, seemingly and unstoppable force with a very specific target. If not for the sudden yell of a girl alerting Rex, perhaps that arrow would have found its target, maiming him. However, with barely a moment to spare, Rex extended his arm, shoving Caleb to the ground. Or, at least, Caleb was in the process of falling to the ground, when the arrow pierced clean through Rex's forearm, leaving behind both a stab wound and a burn wound.

"ARGH CRAP!" Rex wailed, feeling the pain of the arrow a bit after it had struck. Blood was beginning to pour out of the wound, so Rex materialized sand that closed the wound and acted as a skin-like barrier. Though he wasn't always the smartest guy in the room, well, he was never the smartest guy in the room, his fight IQ wasn't terrible, and he knew better than to allow himself to bleed out. He allowed himself to take in a deep breath, holding in the pain he felt. There were girls all over the place, he couldn't look like a wuss in front of them all.

Rex turned to see the girl who had alerted him to the arrow. She was holding a shotgun, aiming it at the man who had shot the arrow. The way she talked to him, it was clear she was pretty pissed off.

"Wonder what the guy did to her, especially since I'm the one with a hole in my arm," Rex thought, smiling at the things that went on in his head.

"Hey cutie," Rex called out to the girl. Though he said that to just about any girl, this girl was definitely more attractive than what he was used to. "Thanks for the help, we should exchange names and numbers after I take care of this guy," he finished, grinning wide.

His expression suddenly turned serious though, as he turned his neck so that he could see Caleb. "You better stay out of this one bro. A demon is one thing, but this guy has a wild aura. He's gonna be a lot more tough. I think he would even be able to challenge my guild mate Malakai," Rex warned. There was no denying it. As a recent addition to the S-Class rank, Rex Ourano was possibly the weakest S-Class in Fiore. He lacked the experience that made most S-Class wizards special, having not yet partaken on a single S-Class quest, mission, or even job. His magical training was still incomplete, as he had never been able to master animated molding magic, and could only pull of a few small scale spells of the dynamic form of his Sand-Make magic.

He had left his mentor long ago, and had to improve his magic on his own, with no guidelines or templates on how to do it. In fact, more often than not, he relied entirely on his physical strength and his heart. Many times would he return from a job bruised and battered, but his will would remain unbroken. Never quit, those were the words he lived on.


December 8th, x985

"So this is Quatro Cerberus huh?" Before a group of boys stood a huge estate. It was simple, but it had an elegance to it.

"Yup! I'm telling you man, you would be a great fit here!" One of the boys said.

"I don't know, I've never really thought about joining a mage guild. I don't even like magic all that much," a beanie-wearing boy replied. His sandy hair was only half covered by the headwear, but it was clear his hair was messy underneath. He wore a loose, tattered t-shirt with ripped jeans and damaged sneakers. He was an orphan that spent his nights at Ye Ole' Nomad. During the days, he would take the train to Crocus, where he took part in street fights sanctioned by a small commission for enough pay to buy himself food to eat. It didn't bother him, he enjoyed the lifestyle. He loved to fight, and he got paid for it. He was a simple kid, so he had no complaints.

"Just come inside, see the guild and our guild master. I think you guys would like each other," another boy in the group pleaded. Oddly enough, Rex had just beaten up the four others that were with him back in Crocus. Instead of the usual cold reaction he got from winning a fight, these kids all admired his strength, and implored him to come check out their guild hall.

"I guess," Rex shrugged, giving in. It was hard not to, he had never seen anyone be this excited about him. He was just a normal guy who beat people up for cash. He never expected someone to respect him, let alone like him. Heck, he never even got that out of his own father.

The boys opened the doors, leading the way into the home of the Wild Dogs of Quatro Cerberus. Immediately, Rex noticed that while the exterior of the home was well kept and nice, the interior was messy and chaotic, a stark contrast. Socks, shirts, pants, they were all over the place. A box of pizza sat on the ground, while the tiled floors of the living area were covered in dirt.

"Sorry about this, we have a reputation to uphold. And we threw a wild party last night," one of the guys joked. Rex laughed along with the group, though he had no idea what they were talking about. He just thought the sight was funny because he could definitely relate with not keeping things neat and tidy. The boys continued walking, moving forward until they reached the glass sliding doors to the large backyard. Stepping outside, they immediately spotted a man lounging in a hot tub. In response, their eyes glittered with excitement.

"Master Cujo!" They called in unison. Rex stood back, but the rest of the four boys ran towards their guild master.

"Chill out," Cujo laughed, "Can't you see I'm trying to relax?" Still the boys crowed around the hot tub.

"Master Cujo, we brought a kid from Crocus over here," one said.

"Yeah, we each fought him, but he beat all four of us," spoke another, touching a tender red area on his forehead that was no doubt a result of the fight.

"All four? What the hell guys, you're gonna give Quatro Cerberus a bad name," Cujo teased. He jumped out of the hot tub, fully naked. The guys all looked away in embarrassment, while Rex chuckled first, before averting his eyes from Cujo's direction. The tall, blue-haired man grabbed a towel neatly tucked on the hot tub, wrapping it around his waist. His skin was still slippery with water, but he didn't bother drying himself off.

"You can all look now," Cujo stated bluntly, as if being naked wasn't any thing to stress over. He glared at Rex before asking, "So you wanna join QC huh?"

Rex glared back, a spark igniting within his eyes.
"I never said I did, I was dragged here."

"Well now, I can't have you beat up four of my guild wizards and get away with it if you're not one of us," Cujo replied, his stare intensifying.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Rex challenged. The stare-down was now at its maximum intensity. It almost seemed as if the two men were shooting lasers at one another, neither giving an inch. The other four boys present looked on in anticipation.

Suddenly Cujo disappeared, catching Rex off guard. It wasn't that he'd vanished, rather, he moved at such great speed that Rex's untrained eye was not prepared for him. Cujo reappeared in front of Rex, sending him flying with a punch to the gut. Rex slammed into the ground hard. His arms were shaking as he attempted to lift himself back up.

"Oooh, that's impressive. A normal sixteen year-old boy would've been knocked out by that attack," Cujo taunted.

"Shut up you bastard, I'm gonna kick your ass!" Rex spat, running towards Cujo. The guild master didn't bother to move, allowing Rex to close the distance. Rex unleashed a flurry a punches, not a single one hitting their mark. Finally, after toying with his prey long enough, the Big Bad Wolf of Quatro Cerberus hit Rex with an uppercut that landed flush on the chin. Once more, Rex's feet left the ground as his body was lifted by the force of the impact. He fell back down to earth, landing on his back. He seemed to be effectively knocked out, having lost consciousness from that wicked punch.

"A little rough around the edges, but he has some game," Cujo spoke out loud, possibly talking to the spectators. He turned away, walking back towards the hot tub.

"...I'm not...done yet..."

"Huh?" The guild master questioned, turning around to see the boy getting to his feet once again. Cujo's eyes widened. That was pretty impressive. The fact that he was able to recover aside, he would have expected the boy to play dead to end the punishment he was receiving. This boy was either very brave or very stupid.

"You should just stay down kid, you know you can't win. Just quit it," Cujo advised.

"Go to hell," Rex replied. He charged at the man once again.

The rest of the day was gone. Rex remembered charging at Cujo, but the next thing he knew he woke up with bandages all over his body in a bed he had never seen before. Surrounding him were the four boys that escorted him earlier.

"What happened," Rex could barely cough out.

"Master Cujo kicked your ass," one of them replied.

Rex mixed in laughing with coughing, which in turn caused the other boys in the room to laugh.

"Alright. I'm in," Rex said.

The other boys all gave him a questioning look, not quite understanding what he meant. Rex caught their confused expressions.

"I want to join Quatro Cerberus," Rex clarified. The boys laughed at this.

"What the hell you laughing at!"

"Master Cujo already stamped you while you were out. He said that a guy like you isn't something he sees a lot, and you're better off here than street fighting for scraps," a boy explained.

"Damn that guy! Who gave him the right, I'll kick his stupid ass when I heal up," Rex yelled. Cujo entered the room at that moment, having heard the boy's shouting. He looked as relaxed as ever, hands in pockets and all. He chuckled at the sight of the kid he beat up.

"And I'll be ready for you when you do. I'll just beat the crap out of you again, and again, and again and-"

"Shut up! Just wait for it you shit, I'm not losing to you ever again!"

***END Flashback***

And thus began a tradition of Rex fighting Cujo and getting his ass handed to him again, and again, and again, and again. But his resolve would not waver, as he fully believed that one day, he would finally beat Cujo in a fight. This belief lead him to grow as a fighter and a wizard, until he had achieved S-Class status. He would never quit, not then, not now. Despite the feeling of being overwhelmed, Rex would charge head on into this obstacle.

"Alright buddy, how bout we drop the cheap shots and have a fair fight. Mano a mano," Rex challenged, slamming his fists together as he prepared a magic circle.
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Donald 'Dusty' Houns & Jacob Arkonious Foles

Monster of the Earth & Warden of the Fog

Dusty kicked forwards, his kick connecting with the chest of the strange creature. It flew backwards, rolling a few feet until it slid to stop. Standing still, his leg still raised to kick again, he watched, waiting. Jacob stood a few feet behind his friend, mist falling off the ends of his fingers, his other hand held behind him in the small of his back. His eyes watched the rest of what was happening around him, making sure nothing snuck up on the Blue Pegasus mages.

Dusty groaned as the goblin stood back up, much slower. "
Just die already! I don't want to have to waste all of this energy on you! I want to get at that Sora and beat her to a pulp!" Putting his foot down, he brought his fists up, holding one in front of his face and bringing the other behind him, fully bent to his side. He spread his legs out, one in front and one in back, and focused on the creature in front of him. Everything else around him blacked out, leaving only the enemy in front of him in his vision. A magic circle appeared beneath him, and he felt magic begin to course through his muscles. His breathing slowed to an even pace, and he made the magic flow into his fist.

The creature ran at him again, but it would never lay a hand on the Slayer. Dusty's fist snapped forward, and all the pent up strength went with it. When his arm hit it's maximum reach, the snapping sound of skin and muscles stopping echoed in his mind. The power in his fist didn't stop with his arm, though. It propelled through the air, slamming into his foe with extreme amounts of force, enough to create a hole in it's chest. The wind from the attack blew back in Dusty's face, pushing dust up from the floor.

As the creature fell tot he ground and disappeared, Dusty turned back to Jacob, rubbing his shoulder. He grimaced. "Well, seems like that was a success." Jacob lifted his eyebrows up in mock surprise. "A success?" Jacob already knew that Dusty had inhuman physical power when combined with his magic power. So the fact he had decimated such a weak enemy to begin with wasn't so impressive to the Mist Mage.

Dusty laughed, patting Jacob on the shoulder. "
My new move! I mixed it with Demigod's Dance and my Temper! I'd be surprised if anyone can beat me in hand-to-hand combat anymore!" He grinned wickedly, proud of himself. But his pride was short-lived as he noticed what was happening in the Hall. People were fighting, or at least trying.

Jacob followed his friend's gaze, and frowned at how things were looking. "
Seems like there's a new issue. The Godhand." He watched Ein fire an arrow at Caleb and Rex Ourano, with Rex 'blocking' it. ANd by blocking, he pushed Caleb out of the way and let it pierce through his arm. Jacob winced at the sight, and looked at Dusty, who scowled at the sight.

Dusty had been shot by arrow's enough to know puncture wounds. But to be pierced, he had no clue what that was like. But based on Rex's reaction, Dusty could tell it probably hurt a lot.

Dusty let go of his shoulder, and Jacob gave him another look of mock surprise. "
Arm feeling better?" Dusty gave him a look of annoyance. "It's a little sore. But I'll deal with it. Won't be able to use that move for a while though. Takes a bit out of me." He began walking towards the brown-haired boy. "Gimme some assistance while I get myself back into shape." Jacob nodded, knowing what he meant and needed.

Pulling out Zegysto, he held it vertically in front of him as it extended to whole size, which was almost the same height as Jacob.. Then, he slammed the staff into the ground, and mist began flowing out of the top. Jacob let go of the staff, which was now standing on it's own, and held up his hands. A magic circle appeared in both of his hands, bright blue, and the mist began moving through the air towards Dusty. As it encircled the Slayer, it flowed around his arms and his legs. Dusty already began feeling lighter as Jacob's spell took effect on him.

Jacob let his arms drop slightly, but kept the magic circles there. "
You'll have twenty minutes before Armour wears off. Don't get in a bad situation."

Dusty waved his hand in acknowledgement of Jacob's words. Jacob couldn't afford to put any more magic than that into the spell in case he needed to defend someone else. Dusty walked up to Rex, nudging past him and standing in front of him. He cracked his knuckles quickly, and felt his blood begin to boil. "
You should go get that checked out, buddy. Let someone who can actually take on this guy fight."

Don't be rude, Dusty!"

The Slayer frowned at the Warden's words. "
Blah, blah, blah...Fight if you want. But it's not my fault if you get another hole in your other arm." Dusty lifted his arms up, the skin cracking as his arms turned into stone. "I've been wanting to fight this guy since I saw what he could do. So if you get in my way, I'll knock you into next week." He brought his arm back, dust and sand beginning to turn into a frenzied storm around his fist. "Earth Dragon Fracturing Blow!" Whipping his arm forwards, the dust and sand flew in a split line at Ein.

@BLUR @Red @AllHailDago
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Caleb Augustus Malachai


Caleb was happily celebrating and what not with Rex. So what happened next he was not prepared for, even with a yelled warning from what sounded like a woman. Caleb started to turn almost instantly, but even Rex seemed to have begun earlier, or he was faster than Caleb thought. Because before he could complete his turn Rex pushed him out of the way, and Caleb fell to the ground. He heard a whizzing sound and a thick thud, after which he looked up to see Rex had a hole in his arm.

Caleb's eyes widened with shock and misunderstanding. Who... who fired at them? Why? He turned to look over at the woman who had warned him, and saw a tall man. If Caleb guessed he'd be about his height or taller, with black spikish hair. He looked strong, and judging from the hole in Rex and the look on the mans face, looks were not deceiving. Caleb scoot slightly back along the ground away from him, closing on Rex. However Rex looked down at him and told him to stay out of it. That this guy had a pretty wild aura, whatever that meant.

Caleb was just fine with that, he wasn't here to fight those... those whoever or whatever they were. He had to get out of here and contact the others. Things were heating up far too much.
"Alright Rex, kick his butt for me! I'm gonna head for cover as things seem a little hot even for me right now. Make sure to thank the lovely lady who warned us for me too." This remark was met with the sudden crackling, thunderous appearance of two other mages. And for a moment upon their arrival all spells in the room seemed to stutter for a moment, if not dissipate in and of themselves. Caleb took that as his cue to tactically retreat, not bothering to stick around for what followed.

He stood back up and pulled a handful of the smoke bombs he had in his pockets, having brought many, many of them for this operation. He had about fifteen in his hand now, and with an aggressive toss at the ground in between him and the arrow guy, a huge cloud of smoke manifested. It blocked everything between the two, and even backdrafted a bit into Calebs face. He coughed for a second as he began running the opposite direction, headed for the stair case that led up into the hallways and rooms above if he remembered the layout correctly.

As he ran he began he redirected his magic from his fists, spreading it back out evenly amongst all of his body. After that he left it be to begin flowing naturally again, to allow access to Cataclysm Magic. It'd take a handful of seconds to maybe a minute but he was expecting that much time would pass before he needed it. He had to contact the others, he wasn't prepared for this crap. He didn't want THEM to be doing what they were doing, and then there is THIS?

He made it to the top of the stairs and ran into the corridors beyond, ducking in and out of hallways while noting where he went. To throw off pursuers and the like, basic cool spy stuff like that. When he was pretty much sure no one had followed him he ducked into an unoccupied room. He frantically pulled a little electric thingy out of his pocket and put it in his ear. It was supposed to be like, a communicator or something. And he even had a mic on him that let him talk to them. He was basically a spymaster. Caleb smiled for but a moment at the though before setting his jaw in a serious manner.

He turned the thing on in his ear. "Mimic, Inventor what is going on with you two? Things are WAY too hot in here. I can't fight these guys. I need to know how soon I can pull the distraction and what my escape route is. Please respond. Over." Over, yep he was definitely like a spymaster. Or.. OR or a technologically advanced ninja. Man he was cool.

@Red @BLUR
Ein stood silent as he was confronted by the woman he'd just met earlier. He watched as someone intervened between him and his mark. A shame. It was a perfectly aimed shot, but he didn't stress over it much. He stood there for a moment, before finally addressing her questions.

"It's nothing more than strategy. He was distracted, and it would've costed him his life. It's imperative to always aim for a weak point." Ein told her in a slightly condescending tone.

He paused for another moment, as if he was in thought, before saying something again. "And you're still missing things." he said blandly but almost with a bit of disappointment.

He looked as another interloper arrived. It was the man who got his arm pierced by his arrow. Impressive, to say the least. To have the tenacity to stand up to Ein despite such a wound. This one looked like it had earned it's stripes, fairly piquing Ein's interests.

"You are making a terrible mistake." he told them bluntly, as if a warning. Ein's presence was stifling as he started gathering magic energy within him. Anyone that was around Ein would feel like they are being pressed to the ground.

After a short moment, another challenger arrived. This time it was none other than Dusty, the Earth Dragonslayer. A hot-headed young man. Brash, and always acts before he thinks. Despite him being an S-class mage as well, his type didn't worry Ein. It was three on one, S-class mages nonetheless, yet Ein wasn't fazed.

"Forge: Adamantine Shield" as Ein chanted those words, a large shield appeared in order to block Dusty's attack, stopping it in it's tracks, disappearing shortly after it has done it's purpose.

"You are all making a terrible mistake going up against me." said Ein just as smoke started to cover the vicinity. "Equip: Sylpharion" Ein's sword appeared in his hand, replacing his bow.

With great speed, he used to cover of the smoke to move quickly behind Rex, immediately trying to slash his back.

@BLUR @Refaulted @DaughterofAthena
Bailey O'Hara

Red Thunder] [COLOR=#0059b3]"Need a hand?"[/COLOR] [URL=" said:
Bailey looked down and saw the defeated monsters, and took a sigh of relief. He had no idea who took out those three monsters, but she seemed like an ally. Besides, Bailey was in awe of her awesome power, and he thought she was kinda pretty. With the nearby coast clear for right now, Bailey darted over to Adrianne and offered his hand in friendship. Whether this was the time for such a gesture or not, he didn't really care. He just thought he was being polite by introducing himself to someone he'd just met, and he was definitely amazed by her cool gravity type magic. Bailey's mind raced with cool combo attacks, and different scenes of him and the girl hanging out, doing things that normal friends would potentially do with one another.

"OMIGOD THAT WAS SO COOL!! Thanks!! I'm Bailey, nice to meet ya!"

Bailey waved happily, before he noticed the monster that was creeping up behind her. Bailey didn't bother to wait for her response and leaped into action, grabbing Adrianne as well as some of Marcella's arrows that had fallen out of her quiver after the explosion, and brought them to a corner of the guild hall not infested with monsters. Just as they landed, one of the two bony powerful goblins approached them. It wasn't like the other ones, it was way faster and way stronger, and Bailey was gonna need all the help he could get. A combo attack began swirling through his brain.

"Alright ...I think I have a plan. Well...I have most of a plan. Like 60% of a plan. Ok, 40%. But that's not important right now! What is important is that we take care of that giant ass monster. I'm gonna need you to use your magic to send some of Marcella's arrows at that thing. Then, I need you to change the course of the arrows at the last second. Make the monster think he's going to get hit, then send the arrows to me. I'll be distracting it for a while. When I jump up on top of it, that's when you send me the explosive arrows. Use your gravity magic to try and keep it in place, this attack is gonna be a hit or miss. I'll take it from there. Let's do it! DENSITY MAGIC: IRON BODY!"

With a loud battle cry and the desire to protect his friends in his heart, Bailey O'Hara decided to charge the giant threatening super powered monster that was clearly stronger than him. But he didn’t care. The safety of his friends and everyone in the guild was way more important to him than getting hurt. Bailey reached the monster rather quickly, and it responded to his presence by slamming it's giant fist on top of his head, seemingly crushing him.

However, Bailey simply ended up in Blue Pegasus' basement, where it was dark and scary. Thanks to his high density he was left nearly unscathed. From there, he bounced right back up behind the beast and hit it on the head with a high density punch. He then proceeded to climb up the thing's head, and jumped high to be directly above it. He waved frantically to his current teammate, hoping that she recognized this as being the signal to start the plan.

@Sergeant Sass @Red Thunder
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Drake Silver and Millie Thorrin

Collaboration with


With his chakrams by his side he looked around to figure out what to do next. Everything was completely hectic there were fights all around and demons as well, it was hard to see who was who and which were his enemies and which were his allies. Not able to figure out which mages were on his side (as he didn’t know many of them) he started to look for friendlys. “Millie, can you find Adrianne anywhere here?” He asked as he moved to the side when another one of those damned demons attacked him, forcing him to be evasive.

Millie lifted her head off of Drake’s shoulder, keeping her arms wrapped around him to hold herself where she was while she looked around at everything that was going on, wincing slightly whenever her eyes fell upon one of the bodies belonging to the mages who had been killed. She scanned over everything briefly before her eyes fell upon a familiar figure - the one she was looking for. “Mhm,” she hummed to Drake. “She’s up by the front. I see her.”

“The front?” Drake repeated as he looked over his shoulder for a moment as his back was to the front. Though with a roar of the demon he couldn’t look for long so he didn’t see her. Looking back at his enemy he jumped to the side almost getting bit since he forgot to calculate in Millie’s weight as little as it was. ‘Okay too close.’ He thought as he sent his chakrams around the demon. “Soul barrage!” He shouted as he extending his arm. With that a bragge of green beams attacked the demon making it let out a roar of pain, but it wasn’t enough to stop it. “Come on!” He shouted as he jumped onto a table. Holding out his hands and doing a few gestures the chakrams changed their position. Now there were once more two rows of three and each started to charge up.

However this time it was a bit too slow as the beast jumped right at him. “Millie! Let go now!” He shouted as he moved back a bit.

Millie glanced at Drake quickly, entirely confused; however, she did let go. Her arms and legs uncoiled from around him and she landed on her own two feet.

When she let go she fell just underneath the demon as he jumped over her and right for Drake as he had been the one to get it’s attention. It tackled him to the ground and opened its maw wide to bite off Drake’s head. Now as one could imagine Drake did not like this in the least! Seeing as his arms weren’t pinned down he reached up and grabbed the demon’s mouth using all his strength to keep the demon’s mouth open. However, Drake wasn’t physically very strong, so he was struggling to do this. He let out a hiss of pain when his hands got pierced by the demon’s teeth. “D-Damn it! Stupid mutt.” He growled as he brought his legs up and started to push on the demons gut. With one shove he was able to get the demon off of him and roll away as it slashed at him. Once more the thing opened it’s maw wide to bite his neck. However this time Drake was more ready. Moving to the side the demon saw his chakrams ready, and before it could do a thing the Chakrams fired. “Soul cannon.” Drake whispered just as the blast hit the beast right in the mouth making it blow up from the inside.

Once this was accomplished he ran over to Millie ignoring his heavily bleeding hands. “Get on my back and show me where Adrianne is again.” He said taking a few breaths trying to recover a bit.

Millie’s eyes took in the sight of Drake’s blood as she filled with slight concern although she scrambled on to his back quickly when her eyes fell on another demon that seemed to be searching for a snack. The child pointed over his shoulder towards the front of the room right at their guildmate. “She’s there!” Millie actually spoke quite loudly because with all the fighting going on, there was a lot of noise. Knowing that they were probably going to head towards Adrianne, Millie added in another comment. “Be careful, Drake!”

Drake nodded at this and putting his arms behind his back to make sure Millie didn’t fall off he ran to Adrianne. He stuck close to the wall as it seemed to be the area that was pretty much uninhabited. Soon however he had to move away from that place as he was attacked by one more demon. “I don’t got time for this!” He growled as he felt his gloves get heavy from the blood that soaked them. looking back he saw these two seemed slightly weaker than the rest though strong none the less.

Still he was bleeding and he had to get Millie to safety, so instead of fighting he ran off. Though he did have his chakrams charge a few shots. “Soul blaster.” He muttered as he glanced over his shoulder. With that two shots were fired hitting the demon’s eyes blinding it so it had to halt in its chase.

He was now nearing his fellow Raven Tail...but two more damned demons were blocking his way. “How many of these things are there?” He muttered under his breath as he once again charged his chakrams still running full speed at the demon. “You may want to close your eyes… Actually Mille do you have a blessing that can give me a boost? These two demons look stronger than the others. I’m going to need it.” He said nearing the demons which had yet to notice him as one seemed busy with a guy on his head.

Millie nodded, closing her eyes tightly although she continued doing what she had been about to do whether she had been asked or not. She wasn’t going to heal him, per say, although that had been her first instinct. Instead, Millie was going to restore his reserves of energy. “Blessing of stamina,” the girl muttered softly as she allowed her energy to flow into Drake, feeling slightly faint and dizzy afterwards although she remained herself, the only sign to Drake that it was slightly exhausting being the fact that her grip tightened on him just slightly.

Drake smirked when the blessing was cast as it felt magnificent, he could swear he was slightly better than when he first arrived...if you simply ignored his still bleeding hands. “Thanks.” He said as he started to run even faster and charge a bit more magic into his chakrams than before. When he got close he jumped up making sure he had a firm grip on Millie knowing that her magic had the habit of making her tired especially the more useful ones.

When he jumped up he landed on the demons back but he didn’t stop running when he landed there. Once he got to it’s head (ignoring the guy that was already having a ride) he jumped off of it launching himself high in the air. Twisting his body mid air he faced the two demons and held out one hand. “Extra power Soul Cannon!” he shouted as the chakrams (three in two rows) came out in front of both demons. With this command the blasts hit the first one with a surprising amount of force (shocking Drake a bit to be honest...not that he showed it), this blast went into the creature’s neck, only to come out on the other side killing the thing before it really knew what was happening.

After this happened he landed on the ground on the far side of the hole and away from the demons. Now after slaying this demon the other one wasn’t too happy about it. As shocking as that may be. Letting out a roar of anger the creature jumped over the hole and charged straight at Drake with alarming speed. Drake stood there for a moment before moving to the side and having his chakrams come to his side. “I really don’t have time for this!” He shouted angrily as he had his chakrams charge up once more. Three went behind each other while the other just floated around. “Soul Cannon!” He shouted hitting the beast in the chest, having placed less power into the blast it made it fly off landing hard right next to the dead demon. However it wasn’t defeated...if anything it was more pissed.

All the while, Millie remained on Drake’s back, clinging to him firmly enough to hold herself there despite his constant movements as he evaded demons and wove through the other mages of Fiore. Millie’s eyes were moving constantly, trying to make sure that they didn’t run into any problems that for some odd reason could’ve surprised her guildmate or that may have been unexpected. When her eyes were scanning things over, they fell on a crumpled figure and Millie could tell, just by the way that the body was lying, that it was very broken. “Drake,” she interjected into whatever he might have been thinking at that moment. “She’s broken. I can help…”

In the midst of everything else that was going on and despite the fact that her vision had gone fuzzy for a moment with the last blessing she had cast, Millie still wanted to make sure everyone was ok. That was kind of what she did, and she couldn’t quite explain why she always had such an urge to help people. Quite honestly, Millie had no idea who the girl was and she wouldn’t have cared if she happened to be on their side or not.

“Broken?” Drake asked as he looked around his attention going to the crumpled figure that lay on the ground. ]“....I know that girl.” He said softly before shaking his head and looking around. “Okay, I’ll go help her...after I take you to Adrianne.” He said turning on his heel completely and utterly ignoring the pissed off demon that was snarling at him.

He ran straight to Adrianne and looked at Millie. “Hop off and stay here.” He said before looking at his teammate. “Maaay wanna deal with the demon there. He’s not happy. Also watch after Millie.” He said before his eyes went over to Marcella once more.

“I can help, Drake!” Millie strongly objected as she climbed off of Drake’s back, grabbing onto his hand before he managed to slip away.

Drake winced a bit when his wounded hand was grabbed but other than that he didn’t show that his hands were hurting him a bit. “Millie, I know you can. You just helped me beat those demons. Look, stay with Adrianne and help her out, or you can be my look out okay? If you see someone or something trying to attack me as I help her you give me a warning so I can fend them off.”

Millie frowned although she let him go, softly muttering one more quick blessing over her guildmate - this one far more simple than the one before. It was simply a blessing of luck. Millie stumbled backwards, just slightly, as her vision faded out again although once again it came back. Even Millie knew though that one more would be too much.

Drake blinked when he felt a small sensation go over him, and a smile appeared on his lips. “Thanks, I promise I’ll come back as soon as I can.” He said as he raised his hand to ruffle her hair but stopped as it was still blood. He let out a sigh and brought his hand back to his side. Looking up at Adrianne he sighed. “I’ll be right back.” He said in a calm voice before running off to Marcella.

It wasn’t until after Drake left that Millie leaned back against Adrianne, her breathing slightly quickened. She hadn’t wanted Drake to see how much energy her two blessings for him had really drained from her.


As he ran he unhooked his necklace which was his healing spirit. He was careful as he approached not wanting to make the water dragon slayer believe he was an enemy. When he was close enough he held out his hand. “Open gate of the dove, Columbia!” He said, and with that a silver magic circle appeared to his side and a rather big and glimmering bird appeared to his side.

The spirit looked around before sighing. “Ken…..” “Not now! Heal us please.” He said to the spirit with a sense of urgency. The spirit immediately nodded and placed a wing on both Drake and Marcella to heal the two. As she did this he looked up at Asher. “I’m going to take her to a safer place to heal.” He said letting him know now that he didn’t have any bad intentions.

@Sergeant Sass @BlackknifeVane (Drake stole Baily’s kill… basically) @Red Thunder
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Alicia Spearheart

Alicia was jolted awake as someone prodded at her nose. She cursed with vehemence as a cluster of pain flared, quickly joined by specific, penetrating agony in her face. She let out a low groan and opened her eyes, noting immediately that only one of them worked. She touched her face and felt, disguised among the blood, a long gouge running down from her brow to cross her left eye. Where her fingers touched her face it was excruciating.

"Dark Ecriture," Alicia murmured, "Numb."

A single rune emerged from her fingertip to melt into the bloodied flesh. The pain receded gradually, until it was little more than a warning throb. With a sigh, Alicia opened her eye again. Melina crouched over her, and past her shoulder Alicia could see Piper's familiar features. The sounds of battle emanated through the open door of the Auditorium, the occasional flashes of light from inside casting stark shadows of mages locked in combat onto the floor of the guildhall.

Alicia reached up, gripped Melina's shoulder, and used it to pull herself to her feet. She swayed slightly, reaching out to steady herself against the pillar.

"I suppose I have you to thank for getting me out." She directed the words at both Melina and Piper. "I appreciate it. I-"

A figure pushed his way through the line of Rune-Knights. Knight-Commander Bloome, a thick-set, uniformed man who cultivated a dark goatee with great pride, paused to offer Alicia a fleeting bow.

"Ms Spearheart, reinforcements have been dispatched from headquarters. They should be here within the hour." Bloome gestured at the assembled Rune-Knights. "I intend to dispatch a section of knights to extract the Council from the Auditorium. With your permission-"

"No need." Alicia accepted the handkerchief that an aide offered her, using it to wipe the worst of the blood from her face. "The council are in a room full of Guild-mages. They are well attended to."

Bloome bristled.

"Ms Spearheart, with respect, you know full well how volatile those mages can -"

"Commander, believe me when I say that you're outmatched." She dropped the blood-soaked handkerchief to the floor. "Maintain a perimeter around the building. Post a section to fortify the auditorium doorway. Escort those who wish to flee to safety, otherwise hold your positions and wait."

Bloome narrowed his eyes at her. Alicia waved at him dismissively.


The man stomped off. A few moments later, a contingent of Rune-knights started to set up a defensive position just outside the Auditorium door. They were shaking, but determined. The others shuffled their feet and readied their staffs, lining the walls of the atrium. Alicia turned back to Melina and Piper.

"I'm in no state to fight. Not with only one working eye, anyway. I'll stay here and manage Bloome." Alicia's gaze shifted between Piper and Melina. "Do you plan on going back inside, or are you going to get away from here?"

@Hales @Kyra @Mad Prince of Sanity

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Toketsu Iscariot/Fairy Tail

Before Disaster

"It's a pleasure to meet you Werner." Replied Toketsu, noting Werner's strong grip. Toketsu could tell he was strong just by looking at him, and the Glaive he held by his side only helped to cement that impression. Toketsu was about to ask if they knew when the meeting was to begin, when sure enough a call went out for exactly that reason. He excused himself to find a seat while they continued to chat for a few moments.

The meeting began promptly, with Kardin Samaris himself of the Wizard Saints speaking to the crowd of mages. There were no formalities observed that usually proceeded such a high ranking meeting (Toketsu assumed), and the talk immediately turned to the business at hand. A girl, with green hair and piercing eyes was displayed on a projection. An assassin, who's crimes involved the murder of several high ranking officials, as well as powerful wizards from all around Fiore. Toketsu noticed a new face to the Guild Masters at the front, A'den.
"He's the Guild Master for Silver Phoenix if i'm right... If such a new guild was called, this Sora must really mean business." Toketsu thought to himself. He looked back up just in time to hear and see Kardin's quip about Fairy Tail, and just how serious Felix thought he was about it.

Chaos Ensues

It was so quick, even those who didn't blink could have missed it. In under a second, the heads of the entire magic council of Fiore lay on the ground, their bodies just inches away. All hell broke loose then, as Guild Masters and S-Class mages rose to fight Sora as she appeared in the room, still holding the blood soaked knife. He saw both Kono and Shin, Fairy Tail best Dragon Slayers fall to her in like fashion. More wizards appeared, summoning large demons clad in black smoke, and hordes of goblins came streaming from magic circles on the floor.

Toketsu shook himself awake, and forced his body to move. He drew his sword, and wrapped it in Razor magic to keen the blade.
"Blade Skin!" He shouted, as green energy snapped to his body before fading from view. His armor would help against the goblins, but he knew he was no match for most else in this room even at his best.

A goblin came flying towards Toketsu from his right. His sword flashed, severing the small demon cleanly in half, each side falling on opposite sides of Toketsu as blood sprayed. He spit the blood off of his lips and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. This was going to be messy.

He took coins from his pocket one at a time, throwing them at high speed while covered in Razor magic. They pierced the goblins hides like bullets, taking them down swiftly when they struck home. But for each one he downed, another two rose to take its place.

More and more seemed to appear until Toketsu was almost surrounded. This was going nowhere fast. They were outnumbered, outplayed, and outmatched. Their opponents had corralled them into a cage, and filled it with death. The only way to survive a death game was not to play, and although Toketsu was loathe to retreat when his comrades were still fighting, he knew they would see the situation for what it was soon enough.

Toketsu made a break for a hole in the wall, put there when Felix sent shrapnel from the ceiling flying in all directions. He didn't bother with the goblins who clawed at his heels. They would regret doing that anyways when they brought their hands back without fingers. It would only take a quick jump and a tumble through to the other side. He just had to pray he made it there without anything ELSE coming out of nowhere.

@BLUR @AnnoDomini

Mentioned: @Arkytior
Heather Lillian and Werner Reinhold

Heather's expression was one of absolute shock as person by person, bodies collapsed on stage. It was a tragedy - a true tragedy put on for all the mages of Fiore to see and she instantly hated it. The taste was poor, the dramatics were extreme and the story was non-existent. Why kill all those people!? The thought ran through Heather's mind over and over again.

Then, to make things worse, Heather had to watch as her own guildmate - Alicia Spearhart - charged in without thinking. Why would you think you could win that fight!? And it didn't stop getting worse. Mage upon mage rose up to join the battle that was sure to turn into a blood bath on both sides. Heather's first instinct was to seek out her other guildmates. Someone had already grabbed Alicia and Russel had vanished in a blur. The next person to pop into her mind was Werner and he was sitting right next to her.

Her hand lashed out as she grabbed on to his sleeve as her eyes transformed into icy daggers of blue. "Don't EVEN think about it!" He would know what she meant. Heather didn't want to watch another one of her guildmates charge in only to get hurt.

Werner's eyes shifted to Heather, suddenly dragged out of his own starring. He looked at his sleeve, then back at where the girl was. "If you insist." He looked back at Heather. "We should get going. We need to meet up with others, and plan something. Sakura... No, all of them, must be avenged..." Werner's eyes quickly scouted the area, trying to find an easy way of getting out.

"Avenged!?" Heather scoffed. "No. They would want us to make sure the guild was safe, to make sure that the guild survived. I know you're still a little new to it, but we have a legacy to maintain." Heather said that with absolute certainty.

Werner could not help but jerk his hand out of Heather's grip."You are right. I am new, and you have a legacy to consider and maintain. I will be forgotten, and nobody, nobody would care. I am only here to protect other more important people. Now, I saw an exit, but we have to fight..."

Heather reached up and she slapped Werner - not too hard - but hard enough to let him know that she was not happy with what he had said. "YOU are a member of this guild now, whether you like it or not!" the blonde snapped at him. "You are just as important as everyone else here and that means it is just as important to me that you get out safely as it is important for me to get everyone else out safely!"

Werner moved slightly as he felt Heather's hand slap him. His eyes went to the blonde. "... I will help you get the others out. But my other creed still stands. Now, we are waisting precious ti-" Werner stopped as he used his polearm to push back a goblin that was coming towards them. "Lead the way."

As Werner pushed back a charging goblin, Heather reached out and touched it, muttering, "Crash Magic: Break." Although the spell wasn't perfect and was extremely basic, it was still enough to break off the leg of the demon, making it following them nearly impossible. And if it did follow them, it wouldn't keep up. Turning her attention back to Werner, she grabbed his hand quickly, just as she would have with any other guildmate, and she ran through the crowds of fighting and violence towards the door that would get them out of the chaos, at least for now. Then they would have to figure out what else to do.

On their way out, Heather's eyes stumbled upon another pair of errant Fioran mages although these ones didn't even seem to know what was going on. That was even further confirmed by the girl's booming scream asking what the hell was going on. "Chaos! Absolute chaos!" Heather replied, shouting out to the girl who she honestly didn't know. "Try to get people out but there's been enough bloodshed to last more lifetimes than I'd care to count." Having said that, Heather's eyes continued to flicker to the mage the screaming woman was with, giving him an acknowledging nod before she continued to lead Werner out of the auditorium and into the main hall where there was significantly less chaos.

Werner followed closely behind Heather, looking around. It was as the girl said. Everybody was fighting, and the fact that the enemy was everywhere made it even harder to grasp the concept of who is battling who. As the arrived in the main hall, Werner sighed, looking around, putting his hands on his head. "Now what do we do? You seem to have a plan, care to share it with me?" Werner said, his sense of humour apparently not gone for long.

Heather shook her head at him. "Nope. No plan," she replied quickly, stopping to catch her breath. "Well, maybe. I'm not sure where Alicia got dragged off to, but she was supposed to be running security. She might have a plan, right?" Stopping to contemplate, Heather thought it over. "...if she's alright."

Tags: @CelticHero37 @sonicfreak101

Collab With: @AnnoDomini
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Jamke Dain (Lamia Scale)

Light's arrival lessened Jamke's tension, the snow mage quickly nodding at the mention of avoiding just fighting the demons. His hand gathered a burst of snow around it before unleashing a powerful blast that impacted on a demon charging at him, "White Fury! Let's go, Light. I'll guard your back." His eyes honed in on Damian and narrowed fiercely, scanning his form as the demons continued to pour out. He planted his feet momentarily to scan along the Tachyon Wing mages, marking all of their positions in his mind. With Lotus occupied, he allowed her to slip to the periphery of his thoughts before giving chase to his teammates.

He kept behind his allies as they ran, ensuring he could serve as an additional guard. Snow gathered in both of his palms, trailing behind him before he twisted his arms to create curling tunnels of white powder. The pressurized blasts ran along both sides of the demons that the transformed Exceed had knocked aside, blowing them to the ground by taking advantage of their weakened position. His run shifted to bring his weight forwards in an animalistic way, his speed increasing with every pounding step. Scanning through the mages before him, he eliminated Sora herself as being too powerful to start with. Of those remaining, the source of the demons quickly became his priority target.

Entering into the wind that had been created by Light, Jamke started to coalesce his own frigid powers with those. Gathering amongst the clouds winds were little flakes of snow being carried along by the wind in every direction. Soon the thin coating was being scattered every which way and expanding the source of Jamke's magic all around him. "The first target should be the source of the demons, Miss Sarafina: cut off reinforcements before crushing the foe," Jamke answered to Sarafina's question. He hoped Light and Sarafina would agree with his assessment, that he was making the right call. "White Fang!" Jamke cried as another blue glyph generated in the air. A moment later, a powerful slash of snow rode one of the stronger wind currents around Sarafina and Light to arc towards the gathered Crime Sorciere. In particular, it twisted in a smooth motion once more to round down atop him with a furious speed. Simultaneously, Jamke caused a near identically generated burst of snow diagonally above Damian's back. It curved downwards as well, the two like the closing fangs of a leopard's jaw. "White Fang: Snapping Jaws... block the lower jaw and the upper one will still come closing down. Light's winds are surprisingly compatible with my skills. Its adding such speed and ferocity."

@Hales @shadowdude505
Piper Alyss

“I must admit I’m not capable of healing although such a skill would be useful,”

Piper replied curtly. She sighed as she noticed the woman’s eyes trailing over to Kyla and Piper’s heel tapped on the floor once. “If I were to get her out, I’d be gone too. You don’t want to see what happens when she’s left alone,” Piper commented. “Neither, I imagine, does Alicia. She’s seen only a piece of it…”

It was at that moment that Piper noticed Alicia beginning to wake and Piper’s gaze fell down to the Blue Pegasus mage. “Are you alright, Alicia?” she asked. This time a small amount of magic slipped into Piper’s voice. It was meant to be soothing, reassuring. Piper knew the Dark Ecriture mage to a small degree and the woman had never done anything that lead her to dislike her as a person.

She didn’t get an answer right away, though, because Alicia was bombarded by questions and comments from the Rune Knights. Piper listened carefully, her gaze flooding with hatred when Alicia wasn’t obeyed right away. Only a man would’ve questioned orders from a woman… or, that’s what ran through her head at the time. Piper didn’t speak, but her eyes said what they needed to.

It was after that that Alicia acknowledged Piper and the woman who Piper now stood beside. “Well,” Piper contemplated. “If the rune knights are outmatched, then I am as well. Is there a place where people are going to regroup? I don’t imagine this is something that will be wrapped up as easily as we would hope it would be.”

@Mad Prince of Sanity @Hellkite
Melina Brelindes

Melina gave the briefest of smiles as Alicia thanked her and nodded in return. As Alicia took to commanding the Rune Knights Melina turned towards Piper, her step wobbling a bit as her body "caught up" to the strain of having carried Alicia armor-clad form through the main hall at a jog. Vaguely listening to Alicia's words to Bloome, Melina listened to Piper ask for a place to regroup and bit her lip in thought. "

Well.... some people fled out of the hall shortly after the fighting started. but I don't know where they went.

" Melina noticed Piper's eyes narrow at the Rune Knight commander and blinked, glancing back at him and offering awkwardly "

Or um, well... you COULD go with Commander Bloome and his Rune Knights, they seem like capable fighting men.

" Melina shrugged, not really believing what she was about to say, even as oddly true as it was. "

Though I'm... no good in a fight and Alicia...we wouldn't be able to fight any of those things...."

Melina trailed off and gently put a hand on the injured woman's shoulder to help steady her a bit, as well as giving it a gentle squeeze to help ground her senses on and reassure her that at least she'd made sure she hadn't been forgotten in the midst of that hell to be trampled on. "

Then.... I suppose your safest bet would be to go with the Rune Knights to safety, I'm sure Commander Bloome and his men will take good care of you.

" Melina gave another small smile and a nod, before turning back to Alicia and then narrowing her brow a bit, thinking back on what she had said about being useless, her hand not touching Alicia tightening into a fist "

And... Alicia now that I'm sure you're okay, I'm going to upstairs and see if I can help see anything from above.


Without another word and, turning with a loud


of her heel, Melina then jogged back to one of the side stairways beside the main hall and ran up them. coming out onto one of the balconies overlooking the main hall and Melina could only once again gawk at the sheer havoc being wrought here. Keeping an eye out, as well as mostly hiding behind one of the pillars found even on these balconies, Melina would now focus on trying to warn anyone about to be blindsided by one of the Crime Sorciere members, since she was pretty confident everyone left here could handle the demons summoned to keep them occupied.

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Wyatt Verlock and @*49M32#)&I$%MI($*#C

As the last pieces were falling into place, Wyatt heard a buzz and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes a bit as he listened carefully. He hadn’t intended for the communications system to turn into a game, but that’s what he heard on the other end and it made him want to sigh. Nonetheless, his hands continued screwing in screws and tightening bolts as he listened.

Mimic meanwhile, answered Caleb in a level tone in stark contrast to the young boy’s panicked one “Soon Stormchild, for now I would suggest joining inventor at his location, with his permission of course.”

Wyatt let out an audible sigh this time. “Negative,” he spoke into the communication system. “Two minutes is all I need. Then I’ll be gone.”

It was, however, at that exact moment that a loud crash interrupted the inventor’s work and he turned to see a large, gaping hole that led up into all the chaos. Clicking one button, his comm system went silent as he spun around in the chair and investigated what remained, seeing no one for the time being although it presented a bigger problem. Maybe it won’t be two minutes after all…

His gaze drifted to the rubble that remained around it as he flicked his goggles back over his eyes again, examining each piece as his goggles put them together like a puzzle. It was all there. He just had to rebuild it and quickly. Sighing once, Wyatt allowed his cyborg form to take hold, the mechanics washing up from his prosthetic leg and swarming across the rest of his body. Time for some heavy lifting. He grabbed a small kit from beside the table and opened it up. The tools floated up on their own, moving of their own will, almost.

Wyatt lifted up the larger pieces first, holding them in a patch over the hole in the ceiling/floor as the tools established magical binds that would hold it in place for now. Overall, his work was quick, only eating up a few minutes of his time before there was a bumpy seal over the hole. No stray wanderers would make their way down unintentionally - at least, not anymore.

Nodding once at his handiwork, Wyatt put his tools away and went back to his swiveling chair, spinning once before he clicked the button to turn his communications back on. “Sorry ‘bout that,” he mumbled. “Almost looked as though I wanted to welcome guests and I had to fix it. Now, two minutes and this task is complete.”

Mimic paused for a fraction of a second, seemingly in thought before Wyatt could almost see the nod of affirmation before his goggled eyes “Very well then. Instead Stormchild, in the meantime, I would suggest finding a secluded place to prepare yourself.”

“Don’t hurt yourself, kiddo.”
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Tommy O'Shay

GoldenBlight said:
Ezekiel's image shimmered through the air towards his monstrous opponent, jagged blades clawing the space before him.
Tommy pounced after his own opponent, leaping into the air with another magic assisted jump. The creatures were fast, fast and deadly, so he'd have to be cunning. His foot lashed out in an axe kick and he dropped, the attack aimed at the creature's head. As the fighter had anticipated, it moved aside, avoiding the kick entirely instead of attacking immediately itself. Tommy hit the ground and spun without breaking stride, swinging his leg out to catch the goblin in a trip. It jumped, clearing the trip easily. The Southern Wolf smiled. He gestured to the floor directly underneath his opponent. An Air Magic circle appeared beneath it, and a jet stream rushed upwards from it. The goblin, struck by the wind, was thrown upwards. Far above him, almost hidden in the shadows of the Blue Pegasus guild hall's rafters, a small Requip portal opened, and from it a small angry red lacrima fell. A moment later, twenty feet in the air, it contacted the creature's head. The resulting explosion was huge, far greater than any normal explosive lacrima should have been able to produce. Looking up to check on his work, Tommy smiled again and turned to his impromptu teammate. Zeke seemed to be going just fine: he'd scored hits far sooner than Tommy had. Or that was Tommy's best guess as to what happened; for the life of him, the bearded man couldn't actually see Ezekial. Brow furrowed, he twirled his knife in his hand.

"Zeke, you okay? Need any help?"

Still cautious of attacks from the plethora of other roaming goblins, never mind rogue mages, Tommy glanced around.


Adrianne Harrow

BlackknifeVane said:
"Alright ...I think I have a plan. Well...I have most of a plan. Like 60% of a plan. Ok, 40%. But that's not important right now! What is important is that we take care of that giant ass monster. I'm gonna need you to use your magic to send some of Marcella's arrows at that thing. Then, I need you to change the course of the arrows at the last second. Make the monster think he's going to get hit, then send the arrows to me.
"Uh, Gravity Magic doesn't actually work like that..."

But Adrianne's answer went unheeded, best as she could tell. Bailey leaped into action, leaving the Seer standing somewhat incredulous at the foolhardiness of the young man. Not that she could have taken action if she'd had direction or even some semblance of a plan: from seemingly out of nowhere, Ken Xen appeared, left Millie with her, and took off again. Headed for Marcella, it looked like. Somebody needed to talk to that guy. He might always have a plan, but it would sure be nice if he'd let others know what it was. Shaking her head, Adrianne looked down at Millie, who was still braced against the taller woman. She might have been concerned, too, for the young archer, but she knew good and well that Asher at the least could take care of her. And that emo kid wouldn't do too badly, either.

"Well, looks like you're with me. Drake has just gotta do his hero thing.

"Anyway, how about we get ya someplace safe?"

As if to emphasize the Seer's point, a goblin jumped down at them from a nearby balcony. Its snarling jagged maw and its flexed readied claws told a clear take: it meant to shred both of them. But just as the creature had left its perch, Adrianne's eyes had flashed white in a momentary flash of Insight. She spun around and gestured at it. Two Gravity Magic circles appeared in response, one on the ceiling and the other directly below it on the floor. And the creature's trajectory took it right between them. Its movement suddenly stopped, and it growled, a thoroughly confused look on its face in response to it finding itself suspended midair. Its limbs splayed unexpectedly and it spun sideways, an arm and leg each pointed at the ceiling and floor: Adrianne's gravity trap had grabbed the beast's limbs, and not the beast itself. Her face emotionless, Adrianne dropped her arm. At that instant the circles darkened, pulling hard. Caught as it was, the goblin split, bifurcated as it tore down the middle. Its constituent pieces fell, black filth going everywhere. Without awaiting an answer from her younger guild mate, the Seer picked Millie up in a fireman's carry and walked her pointedly towards the front door, ignoring for the time the chaos about them as she saw to Millie's safety.

Interacted with: @Ivory Witch

Mentioned: @Sergeant Sass, @BlackknifeVane, @Peaceswore
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Aden Bourne

Aden breathes a slightly nervous sigh of relief as his guildmaster's grip on his shoulder loosens. As A'den jokes about his opinion on things, Aden chuckles along. He turns his attention to two girls that his guildmaster had just begun to talk to and before he knew it, he was shoved in front of them. He wanted to greet them, but couldn't. Something was keeping him from speaking. He then noticed that he was staring at one of the girls and began to blush. She wore a blue and white robe and had the most beautiful blue eye's Aden had ever seen. The rosy pigment in his cheeks quickly dissapears as he hears a threatening voice. A chill runs up Aden's spine as the voice speaks, threatening him not to even think about harming one of them. The voice fades away just as soon as it had spoken. Aden was almost certain abut who it was that was speaking, and knew immediately that it was in his best interest to go along with what was said. The girl in blue suggested that they sit, and Aden did just that, blushing once more. He was pretty thankful that the girld didn't notice him blushing, as they were fairly busy talking. Then the other girl with magenta hair turned to him and asked him which guild he was a part of. "Oh. I'm part of Silver Phoenix." Aden said this while raising up the back of his left hand to show his guild mark. "I actually joined not too long ago."

Aden wasn't able to say anything else as the Chairman of the Magic Council began to explain why they had been called here. Upon hearing that news reports were involved, the wizard begins to listen a bit more intently, a he doesn't usually listen to or read the news. His eyes widen as the Chairman begins to list the assassinations that a serial killer had committed. After some more speaking, Aden was horrified to see the Chairman murdered in cold blood, right in front of him. So many people were mutilated and killed in only a few short moments, he could barely move.

Suddenly the young wizard stands up and yells to his guildmaster, seeing him engage in the fight. "Guildmaster A'den!" Unfortunatly he is cut off as a large, shadowy creature crashes into the bench that he and the two girls had been sitting in. Jessie and Aden are thrown to the ground, being seperrated from Vaiya. He scrambles to his feet and sees himself and Jessie standing face to face with the beast.

"Sea Requip: Saw Shark Sword!" A magic circle appears at Aden's right hip. He reaches into it as if he were unsheathing a sword and pulls out a chainsaw-like sword. He assumes a fighting-ready stance, revving up the sword.

@DreamBeat @Lexielai

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