Main RP.

The punk only briefly glanced back at the newcomer to his and Yukari's little scuffle. Rather than answer him directly, he leapt onto the hood of the nearest car, bringing up Slayer like a guitar. He'd make this message clear.

"Uuuuooooohh..." he cleared his throat, getting it to sound grungy, like a death metalhead. Then, he violently strummed upon Slayer's strings, which began to volt violently with electricity.

"Lester and Slayer are taking the protest to the whole city! Stirrin' up the masses for the message of ANARCHY!" he sang in his harsh metal melody. The lightning bolts from Slayer erupted towards the sky, and seemed to leave behind some sparks, which streaked across his whole body. Then, he smirked, gripping Slayer like an axe.

"That make the message clear enough for ya, 'sir'?"


@Nenma Takashi

. . .

That bolt of lightning, which erupted towards the sky, would definitely be heard by other Stand users in the area. If it was any indication, lightning, and the booming thunder it could produce, was incredibly loud. There was certainly something fishy happening.. though it'd be up to them to decide if it was worth looking at.





"What the-? Lightning? But... something's up. There's clearly lightning but it seemed to have been from the ground not above." He was curious and felt that something was wrong, so he decided to head toward the scene of the lightning eruption to go check it out. So now he would head towards where the punk and Yukari are. As he does he thinks about the strange events that have been occurring in Tampa and wonders if something is behind it all. It sounds like a conspiracy theory but it's just intuition for him. When he gets there he notices Yukari and the punk as well as Slayer.

"What the? It's the girl I met from before and... that motorcyclist! But is he holding a guitar like an axe? What's going on here?"

@Nenma Takashi
"Cameo Lover," Aladdin plainly stated, an arm appearing around his waist. It was inhuman, lithe and stone in nature. It caught and reflected light from the veins of metal running up and down its marble limb. Spindly, pointed fingers delicately wrapped around Aladdin's midsection. The torso was obscured by its User, allowing only its veiled face to be seen behind him, along with its other arm, which pointed at the car that the punk stood on.

Aladdin, unphased, instructed, "Get down and move on. I've used Cameo Lover on the car."

The hood of the car trembled.

Maybe it was the gas tank? The smell of gas was heavy in the air.

Though he tried not to reveal much about his Stand outside of a few specific individuals, its effect was going to start becoming very clear soon. "Something" was going to happen.

Every little shift of the tires under the punk's weight was magnified tenfold. If there was a trap under the frame, certainly weight would be enough to set this thing off.

Aladdin wasn't going to say what, nor would he try to guide people towards understanding it, but it was very clear that "something" had happened to the car and everything within 50 meters knew it instinctively. 

The Stand remained partially hidden behind him, pointing silently as if to direct attention. Aladdin removed his sunglasses and greeted the other newcomer, "Aladdin Sane, nice to meet you. I would introduce these two but I'm afraid that we've only just met as well."

Aladdin took a long drag from his blueberry slushy.


@Nenma Takashi

"Cameo Lover," Aladdin plainly stated, an arm appearing around his waist. It was inhuman, lithe and stone in nature. It caught and reflected light from the veins of metal running up and down its marble limb. Spindly, pointed fingers delicately wrapped around Aladdin's midsection. The torso was obscured by its User, allowing only its veiled face to be seen behind him, along with its other arm, which pointed at the car that the punk stood on.

Aladdin, unphased, instructed, "Get down and move on. I've used Cameo Lover on the car."

The hood of the car trembled.

Maybe it was the gas tank? The smell of gas was heavy in the air.

Though he tried not to reveal much about his Stand outside of a few specific individuals, its effect was going to start becoming very clear soon. "Something" was going to happen.

Every little shift of the tires under the punk's weight was magnified tenfold. If there was a trap under the frame, certainly weight would be enough to set this thing off.

Aladdin wasn't going to say what, nor would he try to guide people towards understanding it, but it was very clear that "something" had happened to the car and everything within 50 meters knew it instinctively. 

The Stand remained partially hidden behind him, pointing silently as if to direct attention. Aladdin removed his sunglasses and greeted the other newcomer, "Aladdin Sane, nice to meet you. I would introduce these two but I'm afraid that we've only just met as well."

Aladdin took a long drag from his blueberry slushy.


@Nenma Takashi


"Albert McQueen... pleasure to meet you. The thing you just summoned... it reminds me of something similar that I have. What is it?" He asks this because he has no actual meaning to describe the things nor did he know that they were stands. For now he was just surprised that he just met someone with a similar being like his Record Boy.
The amount of amusement that interfering with the sign brought him was great. He barely held in a laugh when he watched the protesters bemusement. It would not be wise to draw too much attention to himself after all. He was thinking about what he should do next when an intruding voice had came from seemingly nowhere. Turning his head, he analyzed the strange looking man. He was rapidly approaching middle aged and it showed on his face. He took note of the sign he carried and could not help but ponder what a loser you'd have to be to be using loser's clique at that age. "I was not asking for your thoughts. Nor does such a sign concern me." He stated harshly, putting his laptop back in to his bag and standing from his position. He needed to gain some distance on this weirdo...

It was then that a bolt of lightning jolted in to the sky. Curious and with nothing better to do, he decided to step towards it. Maybe they were shooting some sort of movie? It was definitely a busy day in that case. When he arrived he made out the shapes of several people and was more than confused. He was curious now, but not curious enough to step within their sight. So he merely hid as carefully as he could and watched on.
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Junior Senior took notice that lightning had struck not too far away from here.  However, despite there being no rain or any clouds in the sky, he just assumed it was starting to rain.  It was obvious that he hurt the boy's feelings.  Feeling bad, Junior Senior followed him at a reasonable distance, hoping to find a way to make up for it.  As he followed him, he began to get the impression that maybe this kid didn't have a father figure in his life.  Maybe just for the day, he could pretend to be his father so he wouldn't feel so angry all the time.  Putting a hand on his shoulder, unaware that he was trying to hide, Junior Senior forced a laugh and said, "Come on Son, how about we go get some ice cream?  My treat!"  In all honesty, Junior Senior had no idea how he should act towards this teenager, as he rarely ever gets to talk with his own son.  Regardless, he would attempt to be a role model for this young, impressionable lad no matter how vain it may be.  "Maybe after we can go see that new movie!  You know, the one with the explosions!  Am I doing this right..?"

"Haha! I was right! These people do have Stands! Ohhh my god oh my god oh my god! What do I doooo!?" 

Warren strangely paced around, excited he could have found the people who Kidnapped his friend. That was highly unlikely- but Warren was way too naieve to figure that out. 

"O-okayyy... umm. It would be stupid to just go up there stands blazing... mine quite Literally... so what if I..." 

warren summoned September 21st. And stood up against the wall eyeing everyone 

"and now we wait... maybe someone will come up when they notice my stand... that's when I strike!" 

With Warren's flawed plan in action, he observed the other stand users. 

"Huh...looks like I have some competition...

But I can't back down now!" 
With an exasperated and aggressive growl, Lester hopped off of the car's hood. He wanted to glare at Aladdin, but if he took his eyes off of Yukari, she might attack.

Then this new guy showed up. Now Lester was getting claustrophobic. A blue vein began to swell on the punk's head as he backed away, until everybody was in his line of sight.

"For a parking lot brawl, the lot of you are a pretty cornering audience." he scoffed at Aladdin and Albert. "Couldn't just stand like 20 feet away? Pull out your phones?" a thought hit him, as he pointed to Yukari. "Is it because she's a girl? Unless they're meth heads a date ain't as easy as stepping in to fight for her. This ain't the 1800's!" Slayer seemed to riff on its own as Lester readied to play again.

"If you two don't back up, my Stand, Slayer, is going to fry you worse than any electric chair could. I'll rephrase it, so I can get my point across! Back the hell up unless you wanna die with this chick!"



@Nenma Takashi
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With an exasperated and aggressive growl, Lester hopped off of the car's hood. He wanted to glare at Aladdin, but if he took his eyes off of Yukari, she might attack.

Then this new guy showed up. Now Lester was getting claustrophobic. A blue vein began to swell on the punk's head as he backed away, until everybody was in his line of sight.

"For a parking lot brawl, the lot of you are a pretty cornering audience." he scoffed at Aladdin and Albert. "Couldn't just stand like 20 feet away? Pull out your phones?" a thought hit him, as he pointed to Yukari. "Is it because she's a girl? Unless they're meth heads a date ain't as easy as stepping in to fight for her. This ain't the 1800's!" Slayer seemed to riff on its own as Lester readied to play again.

"If you two don't back up, my Stand, Slayer, is going to fry you worse than any electric chair could. I'll rephrase it, so I can get my point across! Back the hell up unless you wanna die with this chick!"



@Nenma Takashi

"Stand? So that's what people call it... Alright I got it now," he says then he looks to Yukari. "I think I understand who the enemy is though I don't understand the situation." He then takes a few steps forward to Lester. 

"Record Boy," and suddenly his stand would manifest in front of him. "The Third Wheel: Midnight Shadow," and suddenly the two tires that are located at the shoulder of Record Boy would change it's shape entirely into what seems to be purple throwing stars of some sorts. It would then proceed to continuously throw small purple throwing stars that look like the tires at incredible speeds at Lester as well as his Stand. 

@Nenma Takashi
Yukari glared at Lester as she cracked her neck in frustration. "Oi bastard you think I'm some kind of damsel in distress I don't give a damn if he put you up to this. I'll crush you for one simple reason! You pissed me off!" Yukari had Pirate Jet get ready to attack but she saw the new guy throwing ninja star like tires at Lester. Getting an idea she punched the tires before he threw them. "Help me beat the crap out of this punk and I might pay ya back!" She said making the tires spin at greater speeds.

@DemetrioMachete @SubstituteHero @YoungX
Yukari glared at Lester as she cracked her neck in frustration. "Oi bastard you think I'm some kind of damsel in distress I don't give a damn if he put you up to this. I'll crush you for one simple reason! You pissed me off!" Yukari had Pirate Jet get ready to attack but she saw the new guy throwing ninja star like tires at Lester. Getting an idea she punched the tires before he threw them. "Help me beat the crap out of this punk and I might pay ya back!" She said making the tires spin at greater speeds.

@DemetrioMachete @SubstituteHero @YoungX

"Sounds like a plan to me," he says with his British accent showing. For now his Stand performs it's action while Yukari performs her action. If the third person would join in then Lester would probably have no chance at victory.
"Ah!," Aladdin piped up, shaking his hands and becoming leagues less serious than he seemed before. "Ahh, how do I put this? No, no, I'm sort of gay, it doesn't really work like that! Umm. I guess that I'm trying to say is...."

His expression hardened and he walked towards Lester, "Although it may be unfair, this is the easiest way I can change things. I guess it bares mentioning, but I'm after a different world than He is having low lives like you create. If we're going to start somewhere, a cretin like you can be my first step towards gaining control of this monster. Even if I have to live in the shadows after your sacrifice."

"Cameo Lover!," Aladdin announced, his Stand shifting position to lead his confident stride forward. He was never one for playing fair, not when the price of failure was this high. If he was going to change the Loser's Clique from within, Aladdin needed to gain support and start drawing lines between people. Lester wasn't going to be part of his new order.

He focused Cameo Lover's Stand power onto Lester. He tied himself to Lester, alerting one another completely of each other's presence. Their senses, their focus, every ounce of attention, would be tied to one another. Even though he knew of the effect, even Aladdin had to admit that it wasn't easy to escape the tunnel vision effect that it created. If he was lucky, this was going to pull enough of Lester's focus away from the other two's attack to make sure it landed successfully. In the mean time, he just had to put up enough of a fight to make sure that Lester was occupied without killing him.

Cameo Lover advanced to about 5 meters ahead of Aladdin, fists blazing in a nigh-unstoppable assault. It wasn't quite as strong or as fast as other Stands that he was aware of, but Aladdin played his accuracy to his best by focusing all attacks in a singular area.
So now it was a three on one? Lester grew anxious. Even with the electrical shocks and raw weapon power his stand possessed, having to deal with three opponents at once, and all Stand users at that, was not optimal. As the shuriken tires came at him, Lester brought up Slayer to deflect them. Slayer was an incredibly hard Stand.. Lester recalled how he would try to break the guitar like a rockstar would; only for what ever was in Slayer's path to get smasbed instead. The shurikens bounced off of the guitar harmlessly, though the added spin from Pirate Jet almost made him lose grip.

When Cameo Lover advanced, and the effect took hold, Lester was too out of stance to defend himself. The punches connected, pressing into his naked torso and face with enough force to bruise and draw blood. But...! The electrical aura Lester had created when he shot lightning towards the sky! Now Cameo Lover, coming into contact with it, wojld subject Aladdin to the sensation of being tazed all over his body, particularly his arms.

With a strained grunt of pain, Lester fell back about 2 meters from Cameo Lover's assault. He tumbled back, scraping his naked back against the road's gravel before he ended up on his feet, one knee buckling from the pain. His face was bleeding.. from the eyes, his nose.. even his ears.

"You.. you sons a bitches." Lester strained out, rather painfully.

"Man.. this sucks. You all.. you'd dare strike at me? Even though I am just doing what DM told me to do? Heh.. heh.. heeeh. The whole lot of you aren't fit to be true losers at all!" Slayer was brought up once more, the strings already being plucked as an intense riff worthy of a death metal band spilt out onto the sound waves.

"I hate everyone equally! But DM gave me power! He gave me freedom! I owe him enough to stop you gremlins from ruining his dream! What ever it is!" Lightning emanated from Lester and Slayer's very beings.. he was readying a massive thunderbolt, no doubt. The electricity surrounded him like a barrier of wild energy.



@Nenma Takashi
So now it was a three on one? Lester grew anxious. Even with the electrical shocks and raw weapon power his stand possessed, having to deal with three opponents at once, and all Stand users at that, was not optimal. As the shuriken tires came at him, Lester brought up Slayer to deflect them. Slayer was an incredibly hard Stand.. Lester recalled how he would try to break the guitar like a rockstar would; only for what ever was in Slayer's path to get smasbed instead. The shurikens bounced off of the guitar harmlessly, though the added spin from Pirate Jet almost made him lose grip.

When Cameo Lover advanced, and the effect took hold, Lester was too out of stance to defend himself. The punches connected, pressing into his naked torso and face with enough force to bruise and draw blood. But...! The electrical aura Lester had created when he shot lightning towards the sky! Now Cameo Lover, coming into contact with it, wojld subject Aladdin to the sensation of being tazed all over his body, particularly his arms.

With a strained grunt of pain, Lester fell back about 2 meters from Cameo Lover's assault. He tumbled back, scraping his naked back against the road's gravel before he ended up on his feet, one knee buckling from the pain. His face was bleeding.. from the eyes, his nose.. even his ears.

"You.. you sons a bitches." Lester strained out, rather painfully.

"Man.. this sucks. You all.. you'd dare strike at me? Even though I am just doing what DM told me to do? Heh.. heh.. heeeh. The whole lot of you aren't fit to be true losers at all!" Slayer was brought up once more, the strings already being plucked as an intense riff worthy of a death metal band spilt out onto the sound waves.

"I hate everyone equally! But DM gave me power! He gave me freedom! I owe him enough to stop you gremlins from ruining his dream! What ever it is!" Lightning emanated from Lester and Slayer's very beings.. he was readying a massive thunderbolt, no doubt. The electricity surrounded him like a barrier of wild energy.



@Nenma Takashi

"Are you alright?!" Albert asked Aladdin with concern. He then turned to Lester. "DM? He is the leader of the group, Loser's Clique yes? Though I'm afraid you have one detail wrong. I'm not a part of that group. I am a car mechanic of sorts." He then looks at Lester who has electricity surrounding him like a barrier. Attacking him now was not optimal but lightning would come no doubt about it. 

"Electricity...," he turned to Yukari. "Tires have rubber so if you were to use your stand to send out rubber then maybe we have a chance to bypass the electrical field."

@Nenma Takashi @SubstituteHero
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Aladdin couldn't hear the others past Cameo Lover's effect. He simply stated, "You've been too talkative. DM doesn't need you in his world, and I certainly don't need you in mine."

Cameo Lover's arms showed only a little bit of the damage, but Aladdin had the forethought to keep his own body hidden behind his Stand. The electricity had done a number on him, and his own arms looked like they had been fried to a crisp. He kept his hands in his pockets, letting his sleeves cover the damage to the rest of his arms. He had to maintain composure despite the pain; he had to be someone that Lester's sort feared.

Luckily, his effect had done wonders against Lester. The man didn't notice the car right behind him, the very same one that he had previously been standing on. Aladdin was ready to press his advantage and let that car act like an extremely conductive wall. Aladdin maintained Cameo Lover's spell on Lester, hoping that he could close the distance enough to rely on his admittedly shoddy plan. The ranged Stand quickly retrieved a tire from the car, leaving its metal touching the asphalt. Cameo Lover picked back up the attack, using the tire's rubber to create distance and hopefully enough of a shield to keep Lester in place. He could feel the heat and power of the lightning; if this attack didn't work then Aladdin knew he was subject to at least a heart attack in the best case scenario. 

He didn't think that Cameo Lover could beat the guitar's apparent toughness, but he did hope that their battle would give the other two enough time to do something big.
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"Alright!" It seemed as though Lester's heavy grunging had reached a climax. Slayer was completely coated in lightning, and the intensity made his long hair flow and flutter chaotically.

"GET! THUNDER STRUCK!" he screamed, thrusting Slayer into the ground. The asphalt parted before the guitar, and the lightning dispersed with a boom! The shockwave would encompass the whole parking lot, surely to knock down all present with the boom, as well as tipping over the cars and shattering the lights of the tall poles. This assault, however, was not finished. From above, Slayer's thunderbolts rained down on the three, in only moderate quantity. Any struck by these thunderbolts would realize they were only as strong as a police taser...

@Nenma Takashi



[SIZE= 48px]Tranquility(Serenity) Alabast / Deric Alabast[/SIZE]



This was the first time both Serenity and Deric had left their home country, let alone to the US on their own. Serenity was charged with taking care of her little brother and making sure that he was safe and she would do so. She would see him grow into a fine young man to take up their family name. She took her little brother's hand in her own as they stepped out of the hotel they were staying at to go sight seeing for their first visit to the United States. It seemed like a nice enough country. Far more advanced than their own and Serenity was quite taken aback and her little brother just marveled at the place. They knew that they would be learning about new technology but still, all this was a bit overwhelming, even for what is seen as her country's prince.

DM had invited them to the states for a visit as the young Deric had a lot of potential to become a Stand User just like his older, brave sibling. They were surprised to have received the invitation but eagerly accepted. Serenity had to abide by the rules her step-father set forth but now that they were well away from his prying eyes and controlling hands they had room to breathe and be themselves for a bit.

The two siblings walked down the streets hand in hand smiling at the beautiful day. Little Deric looked up to his elder sibling with a bright smile, "Do you think we'll actually meet Mr. DM?" he asked and Tranquility just looked down at the little boy with another smile and replied, "I don't know. It's very possible. Mr. DM was very interested in getting us here for a meet and greet or something to that effect so it is very likely, but for now, let's just enjoy our day of freedom from father's terrine. So where would you like to go first?" she asked. It wasn't long before they were passing by the Loser's protest line. Not being from this country, Serenity thought that it was not their place to say weather or not things changed or remained as they are and their opinion would not be appreciated. Especially considering that they would only seem like a teenager and a child and they didn't know what it was like to work like a normal person. She didn't think increasing the minimum wage would do any good as it would only create more problems than it would solve. People were so greedy. Perhaps if they just lowered the price for goods, rather than increase the wages things would get better. A little welcome relief for the homeless would be better served. After all, it was the common people who create supply and demand. It's the people that pay what they are willing for goods and supplies, though landlords and bill collectors are very greedy people and are not to be trusted lightly as they will take you for all you are worth if given the chance.

They continued on their way but giving a supportive smile to them and a wave, just wanting to be normal people for a day or so. Serenity, though was never able to be truly normal. She was dressed like a boy with her hair tied back in a low pony tail. Her elegant features were nearly a give away but with the body bindings she was able to hide her true form under the lose men's clothes she looked like a very beautiful 16 year old boy.

Little Deric thought long and hard about where he wanted to go first. He had heard a lot about these American toy stores and wanted to see if they were really as magical as he had heard. Serenity nodded her head and walked with her little brother down the packed streets to the nearest toy store to sight see and then after that they would get lunch until they were contacted by DM or one of his underlings or something like that. She didn't know that things would get very exciting very soon.

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