Main RP.


Messiah of the New Night

Tampa, Florida

Saturday, October 14th, 3:25 PM


All was calm in the bustling metropolis of Tampa. The people were satisfied. The Buccaneers made it into the Playoffs, and many assumed they would go on to win the Superbowl. The museums and skyscrapers, as well as the amusement parks stood proudly as Tampa's emblems of tourism. Crime went unheard of for at least a week now, but the incident of last week, the theft of several museum artifacts and 7 murders of security personnel, that was still fresh on everyone's minds. The murderous thief was still on the loose somewhere, and there was no telling when he would strike again.

Rallying across the streets in small bands of 10 were Loser's Clique protesters; raising a fuss over some nonsense about raises at work. Typical American behavior, wanting more money for less effort. In the same vein though, it was how these gaggle of outcasts could manage to be social. Their uniting force, the enigma DM, had encouraged these peaceful protests. Only reminding them to "not get too rowdy". 

In a small diner, a man of the Loser's Clique was enjoying a sandwich. He was particularly happy, for he could get a booth, which was always better, and to top it off, it was near the window! He glanced outside, watching the protesters go by. Maybe after he finished eating he'd go join them.

This guy wasn't much of a looker. Easily 20 pounds overweight, with thick glasses, pink skin, unkempt stubble and hair tied into a ponytail. In truth, he used to be about 100 pounds overweight, but participating in protests had helped him shed a massive amount of weight. He kept his eyes on the outside, watching people walk by and walk in the diner.


@Nenma Takashi






@Have You Ever Tasted Sand



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Albert was walking by the streets when he happened to see some protesters that seemed to belong to Loser's Clique. He had no real thoughts about the group and thought about how amazing it was that a bunch of people could rally together like this. Especially via the internet. In any case he would walk on by as he ordered a nice little hotdog from one of the stands and stood there eating it. He looked back on the theft and murders which occurred just last week and wondered what could happen next in Tampa. London didn't have crimes like that but in America it seems to be just as rare. 

"Things are lookin a bit crazy lately. Hope nothin happens around here," he says with his British accent. He took a look upward towards the sky and really began to think about life here in America. It wasn't exactly the kind of life he expected, but it was a nice place than most countries. Still he looked back to the protesters and wondered why they would ask for raises when the minimum was already as good as it is now. Asking for more would probably start killing off the economy more than it already has. In any case, Albert stands there as he eats his hotdog. 
Yukari walked down the sidewalk a glare in her eyes. She had been a plane for hours and now that she was here she already hated the place. She noticed a bunch of fellow Loser's Clique members in the middle of a protest. "Lame who'd stand around waving a sign around thinking that'd help. But I guess if DM said it'd work their must be some reason?" She found herself bumping shoulders with some guy glaring at him as she did. "Watch it jackass." She said over her shoulder as she passed him even though she was clearly at fault.

But Yukari wasn't one to attempt to her mistakes at all, she heard her stomach growl and began looking around for some sorta food place. As she held her stomach she bumped shoulders with another person. "Oi everyone in this place blind or some shit!" She yelled at the guy looking at him she scoffed. "Geez lucky I don't like fighting girls." She then turned to the guy who owns the stand. "Oi let me get a hotdog." The man nodded and got her a hotdog but as she reached for her money she felt her pockets where she kept her wallet was empty. "No no come on!" She yelled checking each of her pockets for the wallet. 

Yukari walked down the sidewalk a glare in her eyes. She had been a plane for hours and now that she was here she already hated the place. She noticed a bunch of fellow Loser's Clique members in the middle of a protest. "Lame who'd stand around waving a sign around thinking that'd help. But I guess if DM said it'd work their must be some reason?" She found herself bumping shoulders with some guy glaring at him as she did. "Watch it jackass." She said over her shoulder as she passed him even though she was clearly at fault.

But Yukari wasn't one to attempt to her mistakes at all, she heard her stomach growl and began looking around for some sorta food place. As she held her stomach she bumped shoulders with another person. "Oi everyone in this place blind or some shit!" She yelled at the guy looking at him she scoffed. "Geez lucky I don't like fighting girls." She then turned to the guy who owns the stand. "Oi let me get a hotdog." The man nodded and got her a hotdog but as she reached for her money she felt her pockets where she kept her wallet was empty. "No no come on!" She yelled checking each of her pockets for the wallet. 


Albert had just finished his hot dog when he noticed someone else who seemed to lack any money to get a hotdog. Feeling obligated to help someone in need, Albert would walk up to Yukari and says, "Here I'll pay for you if you don't have any money." He gives the man at the hotdog stand the money needed to pay for the hotdog and then waits for the hotdog to be made. 
Albert had just finished his hot dog when he noticed someone else who seemed to lack any money to get a hotdog. Feeling obligated to help someone in need, Albert would walk up to Yukari and says, "Here I'll pay for you if you don't have any money." He gives the man at the hotdog stand the money needed to pay for the hotdog and then waits for the hotdog to be made. 

Yukari looked at the guy who had paid for her hotdog. Then to the man taking the hotdog she looks back to Albert sighing. "Oi what the hell do you want?" She asked she figured he paid for her hotdog cause he wanted something from her. What that was and if she'd pay him back was on dependent on what he said, she took a bite of her hotdog. Taking note that while this place sucked the food was pretty good. 
Yukari looked at the guy who had paid for her hotdog. Then to the man taking the hotdog she looks back to Albert sighing. "Oi what the hell do you want?" She asked she figured he paid for her hotdog cause he wanted something from her. What that was and if she'd pay him back was on dependent on what he said, she took a bite of her hotdog. Taking note that while this place sucked the food was pretty good. 

"Huh oh no I really didn't want anything. I'm just helping out. Sorry if you thought I wanted something back," he said trying to be polite as he looked at her then towards the Loser's Clique protestors again. 

"Those protestors are really at it. Though I think it's pointless to try and get a raise. Minimum wage is already good enough as it is."
@Nenma Takashi


As Albert spoke about the protesters, as though on cue, the sound of a ferocious motorcycle engine going far beyond city speed limits zoomed in on him and Yukari. The speeder aboard the motor bike was a shirtless male whom had an entire upper body coated in tattoos. Traces of his dyed purple hair peaked out from under his helmet, and in his right hand, held up high, was another sign protesting minimum wage's seemingly low standard. The sound of the engine going by was groundshaking, but due to his speed, the motorcyclist was gone as quickly as he arrived, leaving Albert and Yukari to deal with the shakes and ear-ringing his loud ass bike wrought. It affected the protesters, too. They all covered their ears and cringed up as the motorbike guy passed them by.

"The nerve of that guy!" the hot dog vendor grumbled as got the dog cooked up and bunned. It was then wrapped up and handed to the purchasing customer: Albert. 

"Thank ya kindly." he spoke with a smile, sitting back down in his fold-up chair.
@Nenma Takashi


As Albert spoke about the protesters, as though on cue, the sound of a ferocious motorcycle engine going far beyond city speed limits zoomed in on him and Yukari. The speeder aboard the motor bike was a shirtless male whom had an entire upper body coated in tattoos. Traces of his dyed purple hair peaked out from under his helmet, and in his right hand, held up high, was another sign protesting minimum wage's seemingly low standard. The sound of the engine going by was groundshaking, but due to his speed, the motorcyclist was gone as quickly as he arrived, leaving Albert and Yukari to deal with the shakes and ear-ringing his loud ass bike wrought. It affected the protesters, too. They all covered their ears and cringed up as the motorbike guy passed them by.

"The nerve of that guy!" the hot dog vendor grumbled as got the dog cooked up and bunned. It was then wrapped up and handed to the purchasing customer: Albert. 

"Thank ya kindly." he spoke with a smile, sitting back down in his fold-up chair.

"Ugh christ... what was that?" He asked before looking to the man. "Your welcome." He then gave the hotdog to Yukari. 

@Nenma Takashi
Yukari took the hotdog taking a bite out of it she glared at the direction the man went. "Well whatever I got something I wanna take care of." She turned walking in the direction she saw the biker drive. 'That idiot giving us a bad name, who the hell does he think he is!' She thought to herself as she took another bite of the hotdog. She asked around for where he had gone and eventually she found the man again. "Oi jackass the one with the lame ass bike! What do you think you're doing going around causing all this damn noise! Stop giving us Loser's Clique a bad name, or else I'll have to really hurt ya!" She threatened cracking her knuckles. 

@YoungX @DemetrioMachete
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Yukari took the hotdog taking a bite out of it she glared at the direction the man went. "Well whatever I got something I wanna take care of." She turned walking in the direction she saw the biker drive. 'That idiot giving us a bad name, who the hell does he think he is!' She thought to herself as she took another bite of the hotdog. She asked around for where he had gone and eventually she found the man again. "Oi jackass the one with the lame ass bike! What do you think you're doing going around causing all this damn noise! Stop giving us Loser's Clique a bad name, or else I'll have to really hurt ya!" She threatened cracking her knuckles. 

@YoungX @DemetrioMachete

Albert, not really sure of his next action, decides to speak with one of the Loser's Clique protestors.

"Um excuse me. I was wondering why your protesting for raising wages? I'm just curious."

Yukari's search would take her to the parking lot of a convenience store, not too far from Albert. The biker was leaned against his bike, helmet off, smoking a cigarette. His face was rather ghastly to look at: pale, pasty skin, and serpent-like features. As Yukari came by, yelling at him, he took one last puff of the cigarette before tossing it to the side, and glaring at the girl.

"You got a fucking problem tomboy?" he spit out at her rudely.

"I hate it when entitled bitches like you try and act tough. Me? I'm a believer of equal rights: you fuck with me, man or woman, I'll leave you drooling blood on the pavement." He raised himself off the bike, acting as though he was raising his fists.. though on his back, something unusual appeared. It looked like a purple guitar, with really sharp features. Thst bloody thing could be used like an axe.

"Come get some, girly."

. . .

As the protesters were approached, one of them stepped forward, passion melting off his expression.

"America's minimum wage isn't nearly enough for us to pay all of our bills, feed our children, pay for our homes and stack even more onto our insurance! $8.25 an hour, for 48 hours a week, and I can't afford anything better than canned soup, grilled cheese and fruit for my son and daughter! We want the minimum wage rate raised to $11.75 an hour!" behind him, the other protesters rallied behind with a single cry of "Yeah!"

"Mister DM was kind enough to help me with budgeting.. but I still barely make ends meet every month! I want to do better for myself and my kids!"

@Nenma Takashi ((...tmw you piss off a Stand User. o:))
Yukari's search would take her to the parking lot of a convenience store, not too far from Albert. The biker was leaned against his bike, helmet off, smoking a cigarette. His face was rather ghastly to look at: pale, pasty skin, and serpent-like features. As Yukari came by, yelling at him, he took one last puff of the cigarette before tossing it to the side, and glaring at the girl.

"You got a fucking problem tomboy?" he spit out at her rudely.

"I hate it when entitled bitches like you try and act tough. Me? I'm a believer of equal rights: you fuck with me, man or woman, I'll leave you drooling blood on the pavement." He raised himself off the bike, acting as though he was raising his fists.. though on his back, something unusual appeared. It looked like a purple guitar, with really sharp features. Thst bloody thing could be used like an axe.

"Come get some, girly."

. . .

As the protesters were approached, one of them stepped forward, passion melting off his expression.

"America's minimum wage isn't nearly enough for us to pay all of our bills, feed our children, pay for our homes and stack even more onto our insurance! $8.25 an hour, for 48 hours a week, and I can't afford anything better than canned soup, grilled cheese and fruit for my son and daughter! We want the minimum wage rate raised to $11.75 an hour!" behind him, the other protesters rallied behind with a single cry of "Yeah!"

"Mister DM was kind enough to help me with budgeting.. but I still barely make ends meet every month! I want to do better for myself and my kids!"

@Nenma Takashi ((...tmw you piss off a Stand User. o:))

Albert looks to the protestors and thinks about their protest. 

"Well... I get that and all but wouldn't it just end up hurting the economy due to employers having less for the business? I mean I'm no expert but what jobs do you guys expect to have increased minimum wage?"
Yukari glared at the guy clenching her fist she moved forward. "Boy?" She completely blanked out on the rest of his sentence all she heard was him say boy, and assumed he was calling her a boy. "You snake faced, biker wannabe I'll fucking crush you!" She then saw the guitar on his back and smiled. "Think your little toy can help ya?" She reached into her back pocket taking out three small poles and screwing them together they made a staff. "Well I'll just have to smash you and it!" As she said that she brought out her stand Pirate Jet it floated above the ground behind her. "Oi just so you know no matter how much you beg, I won't stop hitting."

"All entry level jobs." the speaking protester replied. "If we had more money, we could pay all of our bills, still having some money left over. We save that up, and we can contribute to the economy better by buying the consumer products they want us to buy; like American cars, brand merchandise, computers! Right!?"


"All entry level jobs." the speaking protester replied. "If we had more money, we could pay all of our bills, still having some money left over. We save that up, and we can contribute to the economy better by buying the consumer products they want us to buy; like American cars, brand merchandise, computers! Right!?"



"But if employers can't manage to pay employees wages due to wage increase, the  employees would be laid off. Then employees would be unemployed and would start to look for new jobs. Meanwhile said employer may not be able to sustsim business with increased wages and it goes from there. So if all entry level jobs increased in minimum wage, then wouldn't there be more negatives?" Albert was just saying what he was thinking.
The snake faced biker saw the Stand behind her.. it made him bite his lip. 

"Of all my luck, you happen to be another junky Stand user!" he snarkled, taking up his guitar into his hands. It crackled with electrical energy.

"You said earlier I was givin ya a bad name, yeah? You a Loser like me? DIDJA GET YOUR STAND FROM HIM!?" As he started shouting, he began strumming the strings of his Guitar Stand. His hands grew coated in purple electricity. "My Slayer and I will rock your world, lady!" with gritted teeth, he hit the final cord, as an electrical shockwave launched itself at Yukari and Pirate Jet.

@Nenma Takashi

. . .

"Those blokes in charge of our place of employment have more than enough money to afford a $3 increase in wages! They're millionaires! Billionaires! They keep on profitting on America's consumerist mentality every day! They won't miss a darn thing!" The speaker kept gaining support from those behind him. People not part of the protest were walking by, staring as though they were strange.

Yukari stuck up her middle finger to the guy when he called her a junky stand user. "Yes the DM gave me power because he thought I was good enough. These powers are our gifts from him, and I won't let you soil his name by prancing about like an idiot!" She jumped up back to dodge the shock wave and sent Pirate Jet at him. The stand went past the man hitting his bike's wheels but not hard enough to brake them. "Rock my world? Well guess I'll send your's spinnin!" Then the wheels began to spin and moved the bike it shot forward aimed at the man's back.

The snake faced biker saw the Stand behind her.. it made him bite his lip. 

"Of all my luck, you happen to be another junky Stand user!" he snarkled, taking up his guitar into his hands. It crackled with electrical energy.

"You said earlier I was givin ya a bad name, yeah? You a Loser like me? DIDJA GET YOUR STAND FROM HIM!?" As he started shouting, he began strumming the strings of his Guitar Stand. His hands grew coated in purple electricity. "My Slayer and I will rock your world, lady!" with gritted teeth, he hit the final cord, as an electrical shockwave launched itself at Yukari and Pirate Jet.

@Nenma Takashi

. . .

"Those blokes in charge of our place of employment have more than enough money to afford a $3 increase in wages! They're millionaires! Billionaires! They keep on profitting on America's consumerist mentality every day! They won't miss a darn thing!" The speaker kept gaining support from those behind him. People not part of the protest were walking by, staring as though they were strange.


"Well alright." Albert wasn't really sure what would happen if wages did increase but he does have to wonder how they are referring to when they speak of millionaires. Of course fast food is such an example.

"Won't minimum wage hurt the marginalized groups though? Plus it'll convince people to not go to college to get a higher paying job. So won't higher minimum wage make us lazier?" Albert wasn't even debating. He was just curious of their opinion.
"... ugh, Again with those protestors." 

Warren's dad grumbles as he drives along. 

"I dunno what they're even protesting about..." 

Warren sat in his seat checking his watch to be sure of the time. 

"I think it's some members of this website called looser cake or something. I'm not really sure."

"oh I've herd of that. Mixed things all around, very iffy."

Warren Looked to his right as they drove past... "W-what?!" 

Warren yelled out- louder than he wanted. 

"What? What's wrong?!"

"oh no it's nothing... thought I... saw a bug."

"ugh. Sissy." 

After his dad dropped him off where he was meant to go- he decided to check out that protest. From what he saw... it could have been a stand. 

Warren stood from afar, watching the crowd. 

"It's going to be a looong day for me..." 
Ever since what happened to him a few days ago Joziah has held an aversion to visiting the Loser's Clique website. On a day like this, he would normally be trapped inside of his room browsing the internet. But, his mind was too clouded by his own thoughts for such an event to be appealing, hence why he was wandering the streets aimlessly.  A few indistinguishable voices had reached his ears, and they had grew louder and louder as he stepped forward. Soon he had witnessed a full blown protest. What made the whole thing worse is that they were protesting from the losers clique. Even the mention of that websites name brought a chill down his spine.

Joziah was not socially adept in the slightest, so to be suddenly surrounded by so many people had made him anxious. His palms had gotten all sweaty as he tried to push his way through the crowd, bumping bodies with several strangers whilst doing so. Each time someone else's skin rubbed against his own, his skin crawled. The smell was not pleasant either, hygiene was not exactly a priority to many of the members of Loser's clique...  The boy scrunched his nose whilst he cut through the denser parts of the crowd.

Finally he found a vacant spot that allowed him to rest and catch his breath for a few moments. He stood upwards to wipe the sweat off his head when he saw an electric billboard display. A devilish grin had crossed his face, deciding how he would get revenge for this infraction. He found a nice spot to sit at, and took his laptop out. A mechanical, rusted robot and materialized behind him, adorning a similar mischievous expression. Soon thereafter a cable had been released from the robots wrist and it went directly to the Ethernet port at the side of his laptop.

The robots eyes flickered a rainbow of colors, before it uttered a single phrase, "take over complete." Afterwards the electronic bill board flashed off, displaying a neutral black screen for a few moments before it flickered back on. The billboard then displayed a picture of a morbidly obese man squeezed in to a small bathtub covered in chicken tendies and sweet and sour sauce, the caption at the top had read, "your average losers clique member."  Joziah smiled when his worked was complete. Slowly, people had started to taken notice to the changing billboard and the reactions were quite mixed to say the least.
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The biker could only laugh at Yukari's words. "And why do you think DM gave me one, huuuuh!? I'm just doing exactly what he told me to, and I quote "stir up a little anarchy." He gave me a free pass to do whatever the fuck I want!"

As Pirate Jet slammed into his bike, he was understandably irritated. That was HIS, after all. He was planning to use it after beating up Yukari. He was about to play out another electric melody when he saw his bike's wheel spinning out of control, he turned around, bringing up Slayer to bat the tire out of the way. He could feel the screeches of rubber spinning against metal as he moved to evade it. His grip on Slayer had changed, as a result. Now he gripped it like a weapon.

@Nenma Takashi

"It's not like we can afford to send our kids to college, anyway! It's far too expensive! And have you heard about those Financial Aid and free pass programs? They're way more harmful to the economy, because with them, the colleges are losing money, too!"

Someone else, a woman, began to speak her part to Albert.

"A complete reform on how our economy works would fix all of this. Raise wages, make college affordable, do away with free rides and Financial Aid. Colleges and corporations can have the mone we don't spend on bills, taxes and food, we keep the economy afloat!"



The band of protesters didn't see Warren approach, for they were too occupied with spreading their message... in particular, trying to explain to an Englishman why their way of seeing it was for the sake of economical efficiency.


When the protesters caught wind of the billboard, they fell silent. They looked at each other, at themselves, and back up at the billboard. A hoarse, high-pitched voice broke their silence.

"I don't look like that at all!" their voices again erupted into protest, marching towards the billboard itself.

The biker could only laugh at Yukari's words. "And why do you think DM gave me one, huuuuh!? I'm just doing exactly what he told me to, and I quote "stir up a little anarchy." He gave me a free pass to do whatever the fuck I want!"

As Pirate Jet slammed into his bike, he was understandably irritated. That was HIS, after all. He was planning to use it after beating up Yukari. He was about to play out another electric melody when he saw his bike's wheel spinning out of control, he turned around, bringing up Slayer to bat the tire out of the way. He could feel the screeches of rubber spinning against metal as he moved to evade it. His grip on Slayer had changed, as a result. Now he gripped it like a weapon.

@Nenma Takashi

"It's not like we can afford to send our kids to college, anyway! It's far too expensive! And have you heard about those Financial Aid and free pass programs? They're way more harmful to the economy, because with them, the colleges are losing money, too!"

Someone else, a woman, began to speak her part to Albert.

"A complete reform on how our economy works would fix all of this. Raise wages, make college affordable, do away with free rides and Financial Aid. Colleges and corporations can have the mone we don't spend on bills, taxes and food, we keep the economy afloat!"



The band of protesters didn't see Warren approach, for they were too occupied with spreading their message... in particular, trying to explain to an Englishman why their way of seeing it was for the sake of economical efficiency.


When the protesters caught wind of the billboard, they fell silent. They looked at each other, at themselves, and back up at the billboard. A hoarse, high-pitched voice broke their silence.

"I don't look like that at all!" their voices again erupted into protest, marching towards the billboard itself.


Ever since what happened to him a few days ago Joziah has held an aversion to visiting the Loser's Clique website. On a day like this, he would normally be trapped inside of his room browsing the internet. But, his mind was too clouded by his own thoughts for such an event to be appealing, hence why he was wandering the streets aimlessly.  A few indistinguishable voices had reached his ears, and they had grew louder and louder as he stepped forward. Soon he had witnessed a full blown protest. What made the whole thing worse is that they were protesting from the losers clique. Even the mention of that websites name brought a chill down his spine.

Joziah was not socially adept in the slightest, so to be suddenly surrounded by so many people had made him anxious. His palms had gotten all sweaty as he tried to push his way through the crowd, bumping bodies with several strangers whilst doing so. Each time someone else's skin rubbed against his own, his skin crawled. The smell was not pleasant either, hygiene was not exactly a priority to many of the members of Loser's clique...  The boy scrunched his nose whilst he cut through the denser parts of the crowd.

Finally he found a vacant spot that allowed him to rest and catch his breath for a few moments. He stood upwards to wipe the sweat off his head when he saw an electric billboard display. A devilish grin had crossed his face, deciding how he would get revenge for this infraction. He found a nice spot to sit at, and took his laptop out. A mechanical, rusted robot and materialized behind him, adorning a similar mischievous expression. Soon thereafter a cable had been released from the robots wrist and it went directly to the Ethernet port at the side of his laptop.

The robots eyes flickered a rainbow of colors, before it uttered a single phrase, "take over complete." Afterwards the electronic bill board flashed off, displaying a neutral black screen for a few moments before it flickered back on. The billboard then displayed a picture of a morbidly obese man squeezed in to a small bathtub covered in chicken tendies and sweet and sour sauce, the caption at the top had read, "your average losers clique member."  Joziah smiled when his worked was complete. Slowly, people had started to taken notice to the changing billboard and the reactions were quite mixed to say the least.

"Umm... what in the world is that?" Albert looks at the billboard which looks very insulting to the Loser's Clique. Still looks like they were now prioritized on the billboard itself. 

"What a strange day it's been. Honestly I'm not sure where to start on this whole thing. In any case," he decides to walk away from whatever is going on and went off on his own down the street. There wasn't much to do today though he could just go back to his garage. Still it wasn't often that he got to do his own thing without having to do some work so it was sort of like a day off or something. It was a good thing he was his own boss though. 
"Ah. Huh."

The man stood in the parking lot of the convenience store, drinking from a massive cup of bright blue frozen drink. He looked totally out of place walking into a brawl, dressed in a pink checkered button-up and well-pressed slacks. Even his hair and sunglasses looked expensive. The broad man glanced between the two of them, and mentioned, "I mean, I'm pretty unclear as to what's happening here, but isn't the protest supposed to be in the city?" 

He took a long drink from the convenience store slush and waited. He didn't look particularly intimidating, nor did he really react to the Stands being displayed. Aladdin glanced over at the bike and back at the colorful individuals, in no particular rush to have to walk past the warring Loser's Clique.

@Nenma Takashi

Ever since what happened to him a few days ago Joziah has held an aversion to visiting the Loser's Clique website. On a day like this, he would normally be trapped inside of his room browsing the internet. But, his mind was too clouded by his own thoughts for such an event to be appealing, hence why he was wandering the streets aimlessly.  A few indistinguishable voices had reached his ears, and they had grew louder and louder as he stepped forward. Soon he had witnessed a full blown protest. What made the whole thing worse is that they were protesting from the losers clique. Even the mention of that websites name brought a chill down his spine.

Joziah was not socially adept in the slightest, so to be suddenly surrounded by so many people had made him anxious. His palms had gotten all sweaty as he tried to push his way through the crowd, bumping bodies with several strangers whilst doing so. Each time someone else's skin rubbed against his own, his skin crawled. The smell was not pleasant either, hygiene was not exactly a priority to many of the members of Loser's clique...  The boy scrunched his nose whilst he cut through the denser parts of the crowd.

Finally he found a vacant spot that allowed him to rest and catch his breath for a few moments. He stood upwards to wipe the sweat off his head when he saw an electric billboard display. A devilish grin had crossed his face, deciding how he would get revenge for this infraction. He found a nice spot to sit at, and took his laptop out. A mechanical, rusted robot and materialized behind him, adorning a similar mischievous expression. Soon thereafter a cable had been released from the robots wrist and it went directly to the Ethernet port at the side of his laptop.

The robots eyes flickered a rainbow of colors, before it uttered a single phrase, "take over complete." Afterwards the electronic bill board flashed off, displaying a neutral black screen for a few moments before it flickered back on. The billboard then displayed a picture of a morbidly obese man squeezed in to a small bathtub covered in chicken tendies and sweet and sour sauce, the caption at the top had read, "your average losers clique member."  Joziah smiled when his worked was complete. Slowly, people had started to taken notice to the changing billboard and the reactions were quite mixed to say the least.

A middle-aged man wearing a grey suit had been passing by just as a nearby billboard had changed into what could only be described as offensive propaganda.  The man had stopped right next to a teenager who was wearing a sinister grin, which creeped him out more than a little bit.  The man, A.K.A Junior Senior seemed to have unintentionally snuck up to the kid, most likely because of his naturally quiet footsteps coupled with the feeling of unimportance he gave off.  Taking another look at the billboard, Junior Senior quietly said, "Gee, that's pretty mean, I think.."  The white-collar worker was holding a Loser's Clique picket sign, it had been shoved into his hands by one of the other protestors after he let it slip that he was apart of the Loser's Clique.  Not actually wanting to protest, Junior Senior had snuck off to go sit on a bench for a bit, taking the sign with him for some reason. 

He didn't like complaining about stuff, mostly because his wife couldn't stand whining, it made her really annoyed.  No doubt attracting the attention of the young man, Junior Senior looked at him with a worried expression, did he hear him say he thought the billboard was mean?  There was no way he didn't hear him, he was standing right next to him.  Panicking, Junior Senior began apologizing with a worried expression, "I-I'm sorry, maybe it isn't that mean after all..  I shouldn't have said anything..  Please, just ignore me.."
The punk only briefly glanced back at the newcomer to his and Yukari's little scuffle. Rather than answer him directly, he leapt onto the hood of the nearest car, bringing up Slayer like a guitar. He'd make this message clear.

"Uuuuooooohh..." he cleared his throat, getting it to sound grungy, like a death metalhead. Then, he violently strummed upon Slayer's strings, which began to volt violently with electricity.

"Lester and Slayer are taking the protest to the whole city! Stirrin' up the masses for the message of ANARCHY!" he sang in his harsh metal melody. The lightning bolts from Slayer erupted towards the sky, and seemed to leave behind some sparks, which streaked across his whole body. Then, he smirked, gripping Slayer like an axe.

"That make the message clear enough for ya, 'sir'?"


@Nenma Takashi

. . .

That bolt of lightning, which erupted towards the sky, would definitely be heard by other Stand users in the area. If it was any indication, lightning, and the booming thunder it could produce, was incredibly loud. There was certainly something fishy happening.. though it'd be up to them to decide if it was worth looking at.





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