Main Rp Thread

am i at my best
dive in
or am i just here surviving?
/ zenter; hunter

Sibyl was frankly surprised at the speed with which Max paid attention to the newcomers. He usually wasn't quite so... attentive. But the deed was done; she had delivered the two to her leader, which meant she was now off the hook. But for one reason or another, Sibyl lingered, something in her soul forcing her to discover the fate of the twins. She wasn't invested in them, was she? There was no way she would mother these two, not when it was time to get things around.

Her feet remained still, however, as Max address first herself, then the two behind her. She bowed her head at his compliment, letting out a rather stony "just doing what needs done" before stepping backward. The man - Sibyl realized she hadn't gotten his or his sister's names - had done his job, carrying the deer to camp, so she supposed she ought to take it from him. As Max spoke, Sibyl tucked her hands beneath the carcass's stomach and lifted it from the young man, shifting it to her own shoulder.

There was no other reason to stay there. Sibyl forced herself to turn and walk away, her steps a little heavier because of the burden. The weight itself was no problem; the hunter had done this sort of work her whole life and so had built up muscle in her upper body. No, it was the thoughts in her head that slowed her down. Where would the twins go? Would they stay? Would Max let them leave if they chose to? And if they did stay, how long would it take them to find their place?

Ah well, their problem. There was no way Sibyl would lead them around like baby chicks.

code by pasta pasta

Sibyl was frankly surprised at the speed with which Max paid attention to the newcomers. He usually wasn't quite so... attentive. But the deed was done; she had delivered the two to her leader, which meant she was now off the hook. But for one reason or another, Sibyl lingered, something in her soul forcing her to discover the fate of the twins. She wasn't invested in them, was she? There was no way she would mother these two, not when it was time to get things around.

Her feet remained still, however, as Max address first herself, then the two behind her. She bowed her head at his compliment, letting out a rather stony "just doing what needs done" before stepping backward. The man - Sibyl realized she hadn't gotten his or his sister's names - had done his job, carrying the deer to camp, so she supposed she ought to take it from him. As Max spoke, Sibyl tucked her hands beneath the carcass's stomach and lifted it from the young man, shifting it to her own shoulder.

There was no other reason to stay there. Sibyl forced herself to turn and walk away, her steps a little heavier because of the burden. The weight itself was no problem; the hunter had done this sort of work her whole life and so had built up muscle in her upper body. No, it was the thoughts in her head that slowed her down. Where would the twins go? Would they stay? Would Max let them leave if they chose to? And if they did stay, how long would it take them to find their place?

Ah well, their problem. There was no way Sibyl would lead them around like baby chicks.
Reis looked over the younger woman as she explained her reason for ending up here and all the circumstances throughout.
She half heartedly smiled towards her unable to not feel somewhat sorry for dredging up memories that possibly should've stayed hidden.
Reis stood and placed a gentle hand upon her shoulder.
"I do...more than you know, but never be sorry for how you feel. It's the one thing others cannot take away from you"
The older female replied before releasing her comforting grip on Celeste and turning whilst dropping the towel and beginning to change.
Her clothes were being mended still by a seamstress so for now she wore a simple dress which was not her idea of comfortable.
Pulling it on she pulled her hair out from the back and ran her hands through it a couple times surprised at just how long it had gotten.

"Its been ages since I've even thought about how i look?"
She voiced aloud thinking to herself wondering if Bar would still love her with long hair. Of course he would was the answer that came to mind instantly.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Tyler Ren|16yrs|Retiz Group: Healer|Pet: Hogo|Power: None
Tyler nodded slowly to Bailey, "Only thing that worried me was a very eerie screech...sounded like a Drima way off in the distance. Not sure if it was dying or not but I didn't plan to stick around and find out." He glanced over to their leader, "If this means we will be land bound for a while then....well if we plan to send people out to find somewhere for us to stay then I might want to come along. If I can find a store of some sort with more gauze and stuff that'd be even better than torn up clothes." For some reason he found sea drima to be easier to deal with, maybe it was because they had to get on the ship first or through it. But on land, well all you had to do was accidentally walk up on one.
Freydis Freydis _Exodus_ _Exodus_ Senor_Fluffy Senor_Fluffy

Serria Howlhoth|19yrs|Loner|Pet: Kiylo|Power: Fire
Serria smiled she could hear more animals move in, but she didn't know what they were. "Kiylo? Is there really a unicorn here?" "Yes, want me to lead you to him?" Serria shook her head, "N-no....I'll find my way." She couldn't help her smile, even though she saw nothing but blacks and greys the brightness of the unicorn stood out. Almost as if she could see it without using her powers. However the ground and surroundings was another matter, she moved tripping over a rock. Ki was there in a heartbeat grabbing her by the back of her clothes to stop her fall. "Please just let me..." She shook her head, "I want to do this on my own...that won't happen again." Kiylo nodded letting her go, she closed her eyes using her powers once again. This time she saw several other wolves and a smaller dog being that she figured was a fox, along with another deer. The brightest though was the outline of the unicorn. She stopped in front of him, not reaching out to touch him. Seems how it was a unicorn she could talk to him, " you mind?" She asked softly finally opening her none seeing eyes once more. Kiylo stood behind her closely should anything try to harm Serria.
Freydis Freydis

Zack Teltin|26yrs|Kalith Rebel Group:Fighter
Zack nodded quickly walking over and grabbing a bucket, he did his best not to look over at Rayne. He imagined she would want at least a semi bit of privacy, and seems how he wasn't the one treating the wound there was not reason for him to look. Even though all the scars on her body had him a bit curious as to what she had been through. "I have an extra bucket of water in my room I can go get if that will help?" He said glancing to Sheba, "I can also get see if anyone else has any they can spare. Oh should I have someone cook something up for when she comes to fully. No doubt we need to get food into her." He wasn't a hundred percent sure about the whole food thing, but he imagined he was about right. Thunder's fur had finally went back to normal only to bristle up once again as he saw the one person they didn't want heading this way.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
StellerJay StellerJay

Pet: Thunder- Pet's Power: Lightning
Thunder glanced to Gabriel, "Your the boss though,so I mean unless he magically has some sort of emergency he should listen to your orders. Or at least that's how it should be, maybe the wolfish side of me though." He sat growing queit as Theo got closer, it wasn't true that Theo was an enemy. But right now there was a large wolf within their camp that did not need to go on a rampage. So for now Theo was an enemy who would need subdued if he didn't listen.
Will_0121 Will_0121 FireMaiden FireMaiden

April Felon|20yrs|Loner|Water Manipulation
April looked around as she walked Tenti's watery shield stopping the slowing rain from touching her. She wondered why the tent type set ups seemed familiar. Not that she could think o what they were, she was more surprised that they were slightly bright colors here and there. "Doesn't make for a very good way to stay hidden..." "My lady be careful..." April smiled softly, "I'll be okay, if Silvana says this is a good place to go to then it should be fine." She looked around wondering where the leader to this place was, or if it even had a leader. Her eyes landed on a tavern looking building it was a bit of a surprise to see a building in such good shape compared to the ones she had seen. Heading for it her hand rested on one of her katanas, as she opened the door. Her eyes landed on two people and one girl with rabbit ear? She blinked a couple times wondering if she was seeing wrong, "Um....excuse me...I have been traveling for a very long time I was hoping this was a place I could stay...I was looking for your leader if you had one."

Pet: Ina|Power: Healing & Light
Ina sighed slightly, "Men will be men..." Sahking her head she too focused back on the mission at hand. "Let's see, I know we have a few people with flying pets. So they will come in handy, as for the cold conditions we will make sure the people on their pets are well dressed. Now we will want to strike from both sides at the same time. I'd use my light to blind our opponents, but unfortunately I would blind our guys as well. So we will have to figure out how exactly everything will go down. I'll think on it later and have a meeting with our hunters and fighters. You'll be our lead through this hiking trip, so I'll also keep a healer up front with us. Our guide can't be getting hurt or sick." She tapped a nail against the old wood of the table, "I just hope this rain passes quickly if not then we won't be moving out just yet." Ina turned as a voice spoke up behind them, "Excuse me, but what makes you think you can just waltz in here and ask to see the leader." April was a bit taken aback, then again these were the first people she had come across since losing her memories. "Look I dont mean any harm but if you go to attack me then I wont go down without taking one of you with me."
littleberry littleberry
Freydis Freydis

Maximus Laverna|21yrs|Zenter Rebel Group: Leader
Max walked over looking at the two, "So are you two wanting to join or did you just get too close to camp and get caught? Sybil is by far one of our best hunters so I'm not surprised she found you." He said with a slight chuckle, "If you want to talk out of the rain then follow me to my tent or to the tent made for the cooking." He glanced to the deer over the man's shoulders. "Ah yes I suppose introductions would be a good idea, I am Maximus Laverna....the leader of this group... The big guy here is Botoru, Second in Command to the group. So you are lucky to have us both here as the same time." He watched as Sybil took the deer from the man and headed for the tent, he was more so interested in these two for what they could bring. If they were going to be moving soon then more people with powers would be good for them.
Copper389 Copper389
boo. boo.
Onset Path Onset Path

Ginger Martez|18yrs|Powers: Camouflage|Selhime Group: Hunter
Ginger nodded, "Yes ma'am....I'll back track to where i encountered the Drima though if i had to guess..." She crossed her arms over her chest in thought, "I'd say it was about a mile out. So not so close as to worry immediately, but definitely something to be aware of." She bowed her head to Arebelle before walking away, "I'll head out now, decide what your going to do with the rabbit Jasper and Loki can track me afterwards." She stopped short though when she almost walked into a deer? Man? She took a couple steps back staring at the person, she had seen some odd mutations but this had to be the oddest. StellerJay StellerJay FireMaiden FireMaiden boo. boo.

Celeste - 18yrs - Power:String contact
Celeste shook her head slowly, "A small part of me always hopes that he will change, but I dont think that will ever happen. But I would still lay my life down for him..." She turned as Reis got dressed, her hand went to her back as thoughts of Max filled her mind. When he had saved her from a terrible lashing for not obeying the ringleader. "Anyways, your probably want to get some rest after you eat..." She smiled softly before turning back to Reis, "I'll see you later."
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

wanna find the things
upside down
that can't be found
/ loner

Tau almost bolted as the blonde in the group spoke out, obviously shocked and yet confused as to what he was. That was odd; back in the day, cervitaurs hadn't been common, but they weren't unheard of. Everyone knew they existed. In fact, the other two with the blonde seemed just as confused, staring at Tau with wide eyes and uncertain expressions.

"Tau," he blurted out, unsure of how to properly introduce himself. "I'm Tau. I... This is Bonnet." He slowly rose a hand to stroke the bunny-parrot on his shoulder, where it was burrowing itself into Tau's rugged hair. It had grown past his chin now, but the cervitaur had managed to braid small locks of it, involuntarily creating a sort of tribal look. He probably looked filthy, but the rain was helping a little. At least he had managed to bathe in a stream not long ago. Hopefully, he wouldn't scare the three off with his scent.

"I... Can you tell me where I am? It's been so long since I've seen anyone, and I-"
Tau cut himself off, feeling something salty stinging the corners of his eyes. He couldn't get emotional over this - Who cared if he hadn't spoken to a proper being in two years? Who cared if he had been wandering the wilderness with no answers and questions without end?

Tau crossed his arms over his thin chest, not in defense but in an attempt to warm himself. He was so cold, but at least he wasn't lonely.

"Is this Elevim?"

code by pasta pasta

Tau almost bolted as the blonde in the group spoke out, obviously shocked and yet confused as to what he was. That was odd; back in the day, cervitaurs hadn't been common, but they weren't unheard of. Everyone knew they existed. In fact, the other two with the blonde seemed just as confused, staring at Tau with wide eyes and uncertain expressions.

"Tau," he blurted out, unsure of how to properly introduce himself. "I'm Tau. I... This is Bonnet." He slowly rose a hand to stroke the bunny-parrot on his shoulder, where it was burrowing itself into Tau's rugged hair. It had grown past his chin now, but the cervitaur had managed to braid small locks of it, involuntarily creating a sort of tribal look. He probably looked filthy, but the rain was helping a little. At least he had managed to bathe in a stream not long ago. Hopefully, he wouldn't scare the three off with his scent.

"I... Can you tell me where I am? It's been so long since I've seen anyone, and I-"
Tau cut himself off, feeling something salty stinging the corners of his eyes. He couldn't get emotional over this - Who cared if he hadn't spoken to a proper being in two years? Who cared if he had been wandering the wilderness with no answers and questions without end?

Tau crossed his arms over his thin chest, not in defense but in an attempt to warm himself. He was so cold, but at least he wasn't lonely.

"Is this Elevim?"

FireMaiden FireMaiden StellerJay StellerJay BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Jasper McAlister|Selhime|Fighter| Powers:Teleportation and Psychokinesis| Pet:Loki the Azeban(fox) |Pet Power:Fire|

Jasper huffed as Ginger said they could join her later knowing she wanted him to eat but being the stubborn man he was he hated being taken care of which at times could cost him and get him into trouble but as the deer man stepped out he spun ready to fight back but he seemed more lost and scared than anything he chuckled "No this is Selhime camp… what exactly are you?"

Sheba Martin| Kalith| Healer| Powers:Elemental Healing and Forcefield| Pet: Eir the Caladrius(White Owl) |Pet power:healing properties
Sheba nodded a little bit glancing at him as he offered a bucket of water "Oh yes please that would be very helpful" she said and turned examining the wounds on the girl in front of her carefully to determine just how badly she was hurt

Zack Teltin|26yrs|Kalith Rebel Group:Fighter
Zack sat the bucket down, making it easy for Sheba to go from it to Rayne. He turned, "I'll be right back with that amd then I'll see if I can get my hands on any others." Walking out of the healers tent set up je made his way to his tent passing Thunder and the others on his way. His just nodded to them before vanishing in the distance. He glanced around, it had been pretty quiet around here so he guessed it was bout time something happened. Though an injured woman was not his idea for entertainment. He grabbed the bucket of water pausing to glance over at one of his old larger shirts. He didn't know if She a would have any extra clothes for the girl or if they'd even fit. He grabbed it, "Better safe than sorry I guess..." Then he was back on his mission to get Sheba more water. He stopped by tent that we're they did all the cooking and asked someone to make up a decent meal and bring it to Sheba's tent. They nodded and he headed back, he saw Theo but hoped their leader would indeed keep the man under control.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
StellerJay StellerJay

Ginger Martez|18yrs|Powers: Camouflage|Selhime Group: Hunter
Ginger held back a small laugh as the guy asked if he was on Elevim, "Buddy I don't know why you'd think your on Elevim. I don't think anyone has used those gates since the last failed mission....and that was like years ago...." She looked him over, "Well it was nice almost walking into you Tau, was it? See ya later if Boss let's you stick around I'll cook you up a decent meal!" She said with a small smile before turning and seemingly vanishing as she camouflaged herself once again. StellerJay StellerJay FireMaiden FireMaiden boo. boo.
Jasper McAlister|Selhime|Fighter| Powers:Teleportation and Psychokinesis| Pet:Loki the Azeban(fox) |Pet Power:Fire|

Jasper huffed as Ginger said they could join her later knowing she wanted him to eat but being the stubborn man he was he hated being taken care of which at times could cost him and get him into trouble but as the deer man stepped out he spun ready to fight back but he seemed more lost and scared than anything he chuckled "No this is Selhime camp… what exactly are you?"

Sheba Martin| Kalith| Healer| Powers:Elemental Healing and Forcefield| Pet: Eir the Caladrius(White Owl) |Pet power:healing properties
Sheba quietly thanked him and took the water bringing it directly next to the bed and set it down she sighed and poured a cup of the water over the girls wound and set her hand over it speaking quietly as if walking herself through the steps and part of the wound began to heal she repeated this and smiled softly as it began to work and close up the wounds
Zack Teltin|26yrs|Kalith Rebel Group:Fighter
Zack made his way back to Sheba, "Hey I brought you some more water and someone is coooking up fresh food. Also..." He rubbed the back of his neck, blushing slightly as he held out one of his clean shirts. "I...uh...wasn't sure if you had any extra clothing or if they'd even fit her so I brought this so you could know cover her up." He said looking at the ground, he really wasn't good at this kind of stuff. After all fighting was his specialty and he still didn't have plans to get super close to anyone which did tend to make him a bit awkward.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
StellerJay StellerJay
Jasper McAlister|Selhime|Fighter| Powers:Teleportation and Psychokinesis​
| Pet:Loki the Azeban(fox) |Pet Power:Fire|​

Jasper huffed as Ginger said they could join her later knowing she wanted him to eat but being the stubborn man he was he hated being taken care of which at times could cost him and get him into trouble but as the deer man stepped out he spun ready to fight back but he seemed more lost and scared than anything he chuckled "No this is Selhime camp… what exactly are you?"

Sheba Martin| Kalith| Healer| Powers:Elemental Healing and Forcefield| Pet: Eir the Caladrius(White Owl) |Pet power:healing properties
Sheba worked on her wounds glancing up when Zack came back in and smiled taking the water then could not help but chuckled a little at his awkwardness "Thank you Zack I am sure it won't hurt for her to wear a shirt that is a bit looser as her wound will still be tender I can help with the pain and actual wound but the soreness will unfortunately stay" she said taking the shirt from him and then set it down going back to work "That is very sweet of you"
Zack Teltin|26yrs|Kalith Rebel Group:Fighter
Zack's blush deepened, "It's...its nothing just trying to think ahead of things so you don't have to worry as much." He said still rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I'll go check up on that food, if it's done I'll bring you it hopefully she'll wake up in time for it to still be warm." He turned and headed back out for the tent they cooked in, he wasn't if things were going to be okay for the girl. But if Sheba was healing her and keeping attention to the girl's wound then she'd be fine.
FireMaiden FireMaiden
StellerJay StellerJay

Blake Maze|22yrs|Loner|Pet: Ceriz|Power: Shadow Jumping
Blake sighed stretching as they walked through a more wooded part of a forest. "Sir I dont think we will have much porblems here with drima..." Ceriz said his blue eyes looking around carefully. Blake nodded, "Yeah I know it smells pretty clean around here...which is pretty surprising." He leaned against a tree relaxing for a bit, "It's kind of a nice change for once not smelling death or those things..." Ceriz nodded, "Yes unfortunately that smell if still there...."
N Nonexisting (Sorry its so short....)​
"See you"
Reis replied back as Celeste left the room leaving the basket of various fruits for her. The female sighed and finished drying off before taking the supplies to the father of the home who accepted them graciously and with much thanks.
Once that was done she headed outside to assist the little girl she had saved with the laundry.
Even as the child asked many questions Reis only half heartedly answered her mind was on other things and even more on the choice that Celeste had posed.
Should she stay? For the baby and is that what Bar would want?
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
eve sangfroid

Eve continued to walk with his smaller companion in his arms with a exhale. Shivering,the male breathed out again puasing. He sniffed the air. He could smell people close by but,it seemed that they were more than one area. Perhaps he could convince them to let him take shelter with them for the night. Eve was lacking on some of his supplies let alone a place to rest thanks to someone having destroyed his den. The hybrid needed somewhere warm to sleep knowing he couldn't let his body get too cold. Eve wasn't too worried about drima as they usually didn't seem to bother with him and often times would mistake him for one of their own.After a few moments he decided to pick a random direction,heading that way and shortly paused again looking across to see the other male of whom of which was leaning against a tree. Eve tilted his head out of curiosity and started to pretty much stare at him with a somewhat blank expression. he wasn't sure what to make of him but ended up growling lowly in caution. "who are you?" he growled in a rather feminine voice. he sounded like a territorial female but he looked dirty and was covered in blood and soaking wet.

(basically i'm tagging everyone cuase i don't know who all is nearby that i can interact with)
Copper389 Copper389
boo. boo.
Onset Path Onset Path
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
FireMaiden FireMaiden
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
Will_0121 Will_0121
Senor_Fluffy Senor_Fluffy
littleberry littleberry
Freydis Freydis
StellerJay StellerJay
_Exodus_ _Exodus_
Blake Maze|22yrs|Loner|Pet: Ceriz|Power: Shadow Jumping
Blake turned slightly as someone spoke up, the person sounded female, though his eyes found a guy...or was that a female after all. "That must be were that scent is coming from..." Ceriz said his feathers ruffled slightly, but he didn't move. Blake shrugged, "Probably, but seems like a normal person...must of had a bad run in with something" Pushing off the tree he walked slowly towards the person, "I'm just a person passing through and you happen to be a person who smells like blood. Are you hurt or is the blood of something you killed?" Ceriz walked behind Blake just in case the person tried to attack. "They smell odd, like reptilian..." Blake stopped now only a short distance away from the person and he chuckled, "Yeah i know and I smell like a feline, your point?" Blake turned his attention back to the person, "Names Blake, though I usually get other people's names first." Ceriz didn't really understand why Blake was even bothering to entertain someone else who had just appeared.
N Nonexisting
eve sangfroid
eve tilted staring directly at Blake groweling again as his tail poked out behind him flicking side to side. "And what's so wrong about it? I was eating. I have to eat too you know. " he told him with a huff and shook his head cuasing his hood to fall down exposing his head. His small horns showed now, his face was now more visible. He gave a snake like hiss. "You better not be lying...i already lost my home I don't need anymore problems." His companion coco then nudged at him getting eve to calm down. He exhaled deeply and looked at Blake in a unsure manner. "It's eve,this is coco.he is my faimly." He anwsered gesturing to the banana serpent. The serpent flicked his tongue out. "Indeed,my brother and I were looking for a warm nest. Our den was destroyed by some rather unwelcome guests..."coco added.

Copper389 Copper389
boo. boo.
Onset Path Onset Path
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
FireMaiden FireMaiden
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
Will_0121 Will_0121
Senor_Fluffy Senor_Fluffy
littleberry littleberry
Freydis Freydis
StellerJay StellerJay
_Exodus_ _Exodus_
Blake Maze|22yrs|Loner|Pet: Ceriz|Power: Shadow Jumping
Blake broke into laughter, "I get the whole not trusting people...but setting there and telling me youve lost your home? Have you looked around? We've all lost our homes, people that we care for no need to get mad at some random person." "I think he was just talking about in general Blake..." Ceriz glanced to the two of them, "Yeah..yeah...Well we don't really have a camp set up. we just planned to na out like so." He changed into he large lionish form, "If you don't mind sleeping around someone like me then by all means you can, Ceriz and I were going to go hunting her soon." Ceriz nodded, "If you just ate then we wont have to worry about feeding you." Blake shrugged, "They'd be helping us hunt other wise...I don't plan babysit someone." Ceriz sighed slightly, Blake was still being cold to those he met.
N Nonexisting
Last edited:
eve sangfroid
Eve clicked his tongue brushing back some of his silver-blue hair away from his face still staring at blake in a rather intense manner. the hybrid was tired and cold. he just wanted somewhere warm to sleep without dealing with others. "tch, don't speak as if i am some human. and i'll have you know things were fine until you bloody humans showed up,some of you had half the mind to destroy my den." he answered before gesturing around and pointed over to a little ways away where the area would smell like ash. he exhaled shaking his head before making a small hiss sound. he was beyond irritated and didn't take well to strangers. coco in turn shook his head flicking out his tongue. "now,now stop being so feisty,eve..this one doesn't know. he smells like cat beast and less like human..." coco scolded for all to hear now. eve glared at coco biting his own lip with a huff like a pouty child. "still.." he muttered with a hand on his hip. when the male had changed into a large feline eve nearly jumped taken by surprise as his face became somewhat flushed pink.
the change had surprised eve and he wasn't entirely sure what exactly to make of what he was looking at. this male known as blake was assumed to be somewhat human by eve and it was assumed that the cat scent had been coming from blake's companion. he hadn't even thought of the possibility that blake was like eve himself to any extent. he had been caught off guard even though eve had been so on edge. eve gave him a bewildered look and tilted his head to the side in confusion. "what exactly are you? you don't see like a my kind can change like me? "​

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Blake Maze|22yrs|Loner|Pet: Ceriz|Power: Shadow Jumping
Blake shrugged, "I'm whatever this is, I mean I used to be human but then all that crazy crap happened and well now... As you can see I'm less human and more animal.." Blake glanced to Ceriz, "You stay with him if he is looking for warmth then..." Ceriz nodded expanding his wings, "You two want warmth then come here and I'll tuck my wings around you." Blake turned getting ready to head out and grab something for him and Ceriz to eat. He paused turning back to the two newcomers, "If you try to attack Ceriz you won't come out unscathed and I will hunt you done and finish the job." Ceriz sighed, "Just go out us food you gumpy cat!!" Ceriz turned his blue eyes back to the two, "Don't mind him much ever since his sister's death he has been this way... honestly I'm lucky to even have gotten as close to him as I am."
N Nonexisting
Jasper McAlister|Selhime|Fighter| Powers:Teleportation and Psychokinesis​

| Pet:Loki the Azeban(fox) |Pet Power:Fire|​

Jasper huffed as Ginger said they could join her later knowing she wanted him to eat but being the stubborn man he was he hated being taken care of which at times could cost him and get him into trouble but as the deer man stepped out he spun ready to fight back but he seemed more lost and scared than anything he chuckled "No this is Selhime camp… what exactly are you?"

Sheba Martin| Kalith| Healer| Powers:Elemental Healing and Forcefield| Pet: Eir the Caladrius(White Owl) |Pet power:healing properties
Sheba smiled and gently and took care of the injured girl and as the wounds closed up she took a feather from Eir and placed it over the wound and watched but as the gash turned into a thin white line where the feather had been and she sighed moving away to let her rest
eve sangfroid

Eve crouched down as his silverish-bluish colored hair fell down his shoulders like a soft river of silver and looked at him with his iridescent pink eyes."i am a demon..more specifically, i am a reptilian blood."
eve sniffed the air,tilting his head up a bit before looking down at the ground. he traced a finger over the ground in a circle over the earth. breathing out he then rose up to his feet, pointing out in the distance. "that direction would be your best bet,also you might want to be careful. there's other drima nearby." he told blake simply and exhaled softly. eve then turned away going to sit letting the griffen moves it's wings around them. he pulled up his hood shivering. hearing blake's words he hissed. "i would have killed him already if i had something in mind,you too!" he responded and coco nodded. "yea, i can vouch that he is not lying. " coco told them. coco tilted his head. "ahn, i can't say the same about,eve. he's always been the way he is, he's more of a beast than i myself."
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

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