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Fantasy Mahou Shoujo KiraKira Roleplay Characters


School Idol
Name: Takashori Aika

Magical Girl Name: TBD (Suggestions are welcomed..)

ge: 20

Gender*: Female


{Imagine it normal anime style and not chibi...}

Color scheme: Pale Blue and white

Brief Background: Aika was your typical girl. Her life changed when she was scouted to become an idol. She isn't very well know and only just starting out. She does have a few fans but thats about 10...

How did your character become a Mahou Shoujo:
Aika wanted to do more for her fans and she looked outside her window one night as a shooting star passed by. She wished she could do more for her fans and what better way to do more than to protect them from the clutches of evil.

List your attacks and describe them:
Hearty Heaven's Bite - This attack let's Aika deliver a powerful punch.

Flying Neko Hurricane - This attack summons a whole ton of cats and Aika's sends them flying causing the cat's claws to come out and scratch the enemy

Springtime Seifuku Songstress - This is Aika's finishing move. She uses her singing to extract the memories and the memories will form sakura petals and return to their owners.

{* Male Mahou Shoujo's are welcome}
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