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Fantasy ~Magistone: Conversation Campfire~

It should still be fine to keep them that way

Sure, four users for one magic type seems pretty big when there's about an average of two for each category, but you really shouldn't let that deter you anyways

Just do what you want to do

There... Finally finished...

I may edit the backstory a little bit at some point later
Announcement Time!

Hello all! So far, @PicaPirate
@grey987 @TheDragonMoon @Kyte have created characters that have either been accepted, or are waiting on only a few edits and have already been added to the database. Similarly, I know that @Larry @Kharmin @cojemo @Sincerely Me are all working on a character each, whilst @IceQueen is working on two, and that's not even counting anyone yet unseen who may be joining. Hence, that'd bring out total characters up to 16, which, whilst absolutely great (and it's an honour to get so much interest :D ), I fear would be too hard to manage with us all together. People would be having to keep up with tons of posts, and I envision people getting left behind and hence quitting really early on.

Hence, I have decided to make the decision, as I said I might in the Character Sign-Up section, to split our characters into
two groups. One will be in the eastern desert as stated, whilst the other will be on the western cliffs. These groups will be entirely separate for the first two chapters, but then they will become one by the third. I still need to do some thinking about exactly how this will work, as obviously it's supposed to take several weeks to get from one side to the other, but rest assured I will have everything planned out well in advance of that point. No group will be 'better' than the other; I hope to provide interesting and fun scenarios for either one.

Hence, I now need everybody to fill in another new category on their forms (sorry for the hassle, folks!) called 'Prefered Starting Group'. Your options, obviously, are East or West. All characters
from the last version of this RP will be starting in the East: so that's @SkyGinge 's Skyre, @Effervescent 's Rederik, @The Wizard 's Ethan and @Kharmin 's Desiree. Otherwise, it's up to you guys to specify; and obviously, you'll need to make relevant backstory changes to reflect on your group. For some characters, it would make more sense to be in one place than the other, so please be smart. I will also be creating a second character shortly to be in the West. Generally, I'd prefer it if people with multiple characters split their characters up, so that one is East and one is West. I will be updating the database shortly too to show who is in which group.

Secondly, I discovered yesterday that I will likely have no wifi for the second week of my holiday, which starts on
1st August, about seven days into the RP. This is obviously going to be frustratingly problematic for all my site stuff, but Magistone will be my priority should I find myself without frequent internet. I will still be writing up responces and checking the thread whenever I can, but it'll probably slow down for a week then. I've had numerous bad experiences in the past where the moment an RP slows down, people just up and leave, so please do not do that this time. I will be hoping to resume back up to speed the following week :)

Thank you all for your applications; they have been very fun to read and I look forward to creating a wonderful story with you all~ The Character Sign-Up thread has been updated accordingly, and I will be scanning it when I can to update the new database category
:) If you don't mind either way which group you want to be in, then I'll just decide for you looking at your form!

I have edited the forms of all returning characters to reflect on their being in the Eastern Group :)
Thanks so much for the info!

If @PicaPirate doesn't mind, I'll have Rone start where Acro Shadowstalker starts, since his motivation to try to persuade Acro to help him master his out-of-control Dark powers gives a selfish prat like him a legitimate reason to stay with the group and helps him advance his goal. Jvala would then be on the other side, if that works.
Acronomicon will logically start from the East so I'll write that in. If you want to RP him meeting Acro and discuss it and we'll see what happens from there that'd be cool.
PicaPirate said:
If you want to RP him meeting Acro and discuss it and we'll see what happens from there that'd be cool.
Will do. I think it could be an amusing moment, since Rone is a chatty extrovert and Acro doesn't look to be a particularly loquacious type :)
He'd probably look at him blankly and think he's a nutter xD plus all the typical phrases people have will fly by him much like Drax does in guardians of the galaxy.

Seeing as at current he's also the most powerful in a single magic, holy bejesus I'm kind of scared now of the event that's gonna boost all their magic xD
Since my character grew up near Western Valia, I edited to put that as his preferred starting area. Can't wait for this to begin!
My second character is up! Should prove a complete contrast to my first, and I'm looking forward to playing him! The dynamic should be especially interesting with @Kyte 's character, as Joachim was just the kind of criminal Holland would have been out to stop!

For those who have noticed the 'rankings' I have been giving the magics in the database, that is simply to give a rough idea of how good each character is at their element. I took it from how things were described in the forms. I said I didn't want anybody to be a master, and rank V would be master level; Pica's character is only rank V because he has to channel part of that energy constantly into compensating for his blindness. Oh, and man, we really need some more female characters
xD It's a pity three of the four forms I've had to reject have been female :P
"As ever, you should try to 'hear' his voice as a British accent!"

I find this really amusing because in a RP site skype group chat I'm in, people do exactly this with my writing in that chat due to calls in the past. Brings a smile apparently xD

And yes along with hearing etc. honed due to blindness, a lot of his sight comes from the darkness. Thus fully spending his energy banks leaves him somewhat more blind than normal.
Hello everyone, I just got around to reading through this out of character thread.

If you missed my post in the introduction section, I am new to the site and have never participated in a online role-play before. But I am willing to learn and think I've got the gist after reading the site rules and everything. Im excited to start this and see where it goes. My character will be Holland Campbell, whose character sheet has now been accepted and will be starting in western Valia.

While I have never participated in a written rp before, I have a lot of experience with improv theatre LARPing and look forward to seeing the similarities and differences…see you all in Valia ;)
I am coming with two females and I will send the finished version of them before I post because it's better that way
Welcome Kyte and all the same just enjoy yourself, writing and RPing will come easy if you have a good imagination and time. So be patient and have fun!

^_^ as always though if you need help or questions just ask <3
if we still need more females by the time we start, I can make another one :)
Alright folks! Only one day until we start! When exactly tomorrow, I'm not sure; it's supposed to be wet here so we might not be going out in the afternoon, hence I might be around to start things in the European afternoon/American morning, but failing that, it should be started in the evening my time, and hence afternoon American time! If you're working on a form, try and get it up today so that I can see to it before we start! @Sincerely Me @cojemo @IceQueen @Kharmin @Larry
Yay Kharm :D

I've finally updated the Lore section to have some funky informations if you guys want to check it out! And shortly, I will be starting to write up the first posts ready to launch tomorrow! Hype-hype-hype!
I would like to let everybody know that I'm going to be unavailable on Monday. Tuesday, and possibly Wednesday. I will for sure be able to post on Thursday. It's sort of annoying for when the roleplay just starts, but this was something already planned out, so it is what it is. (But I can get a post in on Sunday)
Mine will be up hopefully in 12 hours from now!

Sorry, I have this bad habit of not starting much until I find the right picture or am satisfied with my character's appearance :P

P.s. I think I found the right pic..
@TheDragonMoon : Thank you for informing me! It's important that folks keep me up to date, so everybody else, make sure you tell me in advance if you've got anything happening!

I've just requested the second IC tab, and made the relevant edits in the current IC and Overview threads to reflect this change.
No problem. I was wondering if the two groups were going to meet up sometime in the roleplay or are they just going to stay separate the whole time? Also, is there going to be a posting order?

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