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Fantasy ~Magistone: Conversation Campfire~

Alright, the @PicaPirate : I will see to your form shortly, just gotta go do the ironing #WhyAmISuddenlyAnAdult?

But immediately I noticed one of your tabs is deaded and you might wanna fix it
SkyGinge said:
Alright, the @PicaPirate : I will see to your form shortly, just gotta go do the ironing #WhyAmISuddenlyAnAdult?
But immediately I noticed one of your tabs is deaded and you might wanna fix it
Did you do the dishes dear? ;)
@PicaPirate : My dad did the dishes, thankfully ;P I'm just slowly being trained in the art of housework so that I don't flounder come university in the Autumn :P
Haha understandable.

Also the dead tab is the sites fault. It for some reason duplicates a tab outta nowhere, since when I go into the code it only has the tab code for that once. Blame the site >:(
I've had enough trouble with tabs to be able to say I think I know how to deal with them rather well. I'll use my mighty GM powers to fix it up for you in a second.
O.o im sure I closed them all lol ah well *facepalms* all that checking and I didn't see I missed a slash.
@SkyGinge Question: How big is Valia? As in, how long would it take to cross from one side to the other on foot or on horseback? Sorry if this is already in the lore/overview somewhere, but I seem to have missed it.
Well Ethan's done I'll post Aurora as well if you want Sky though since she's more an extra dunno if we need to?

Still interested in that old idea we had with her?
@PicaPirate @Quill @The Wizard @Larry and anybody yet unseen working on a form...

Ack! It seems I forgot to put a category on the form! It's quite an unorthodox one, but something funky for my database :')

The section is called
Tagline, and basically, it's how your character would describe themselves in five words or less. Like a little catchy slogan for your character. For example, 'The Restless Warrior', 'The Dangerous Doctor', 'The Woman of the Shadows', etc. Have fun with it; the form has just been updated so that you know roughly where to put it :)
Woops! Just realised I forgot a bit of Skyre's form! Better go edit that now.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to write all the 'lore' category stuff up tonight! This will give greater insight into folklore and politics for those who want it, though will be an optional tab; you won't need to definitely read through it before joining. I've also just finished compliling the database so far
NP Sky I gave you a quick update for her but I'll wait on her since we didn't know how it'll develop in this continuation (fresh start).

Can't wait though already loving the new characters ^_^ !

Adding Tagline now
@PicaPirate @TheDragonMoon @Sincerely Me @IceQueen @Larry @grey987 @cojemo @Rerri @Aviendha and any other silent lurkers~

First off, thanks for taking an interest in my RP! This RP is my baby, and though I can be very strict with certain elements of it, it is solely for keeping things as they should be and ensuring things work out for the best. I hope you've all got plenty of ideas of what you want to be doing with your characters. All the forms so far have been great, and I'm really looking forward to starting things up on Sunday!

Apologies for the delays on completing the Lore section; I've just been very busy with a ton of on-site stuff. I don't see it being completed now until about Friday, but I will notify you all for sure then.

In the mean time, I've very minorly updated the 'Magic Trivia' in the Mechanics tab with a few smallish details! Take care, and I look forward to reading through the characters yet to be submitted!
No problem, @SkyGinge! Also, my character should hopefully be finished either today or tomorrow after I've had time to think more and write about his overall traits and such
-wipes sweat off of forehead- Whew, almost done... Just the appearance details, personality and background left to write, and then I should be good

Been hard at work for the past few hours writing my sheet up

@Semblance No. Freaking. Way.

I was gonna have my character use fire and light magic too! xD

(I don't plan on changing that, though)
grey987 said:
-wipes sweat off of forehead- Whew, almost done... Just the appearance details, personality and background left to write, and then I should be good
Been hard at work for the past few hours writing my sheet up

@Semblance No. Freaking. Way.

I was gonna have my character use fire and light magic too! xD

(I don't plan on changing that, though)
ahahahah really?? great minds think alike!

can I ask that you don't make them too similar tho? I spent a lot of time coming up with the stuff for my character :)
Don't worry, they still should be two different characters in terms of their personality and such

I was already like, more than three quarters through the sheet anyway

@IceQueen Well, for the moment, it seems fairly balanced in terms of all the magic types currently being put to use

Unless there are other returning characters who use fire that I'm not aware of, it should be fine for the time being
IceQueen said:
Well then, I see we are going to have a lot of fire mages, crap
maybe do something that we lack? i know we have no ice, no nature, 1 water, and 1 earth magic

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