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Fantasy ~Magistone: Conversation Campfire~

Cheers, that's a good answer. Another question (I know, I'm full of them!), I can assume we can make warrior-type characters and the sort? I've already a name in mind.

I'm presuming you mean a magicless fighter-style character, like a knight or a brawler something like that? In which case, yes, that's fine :)
Maybe not magic-less, but just restrained; his magic control is awful erratic.

Good inspiration is if you ever bother to read the previous Magistone RP, I controlled a brawling character (Warren Davis) who covered his arms in rock and smacked them in the face. Magic use itself was only to augment his fighting. Also incredibly brash.
Ysmir is going to be my bucko's name; I think I'll have him be versed in Fire Magic but because he has such little control over it, he'd prefer his weapons.


He'll be looking like that I reckon.

;) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c36e085dc_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_templar_by_odobenus-d4wa4tv.jpg.ad2961e7ee7281a7d10dcd169fd03760.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c36e085dc_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_templar_by_odobenus-d4wa4tv.jpg.ad2961e7ee7281a7d10dcd169fd03760.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Well I've finally finished all of today's character challenge milarky, so now the next thing on my agenda is my character form here! XP
@SkyGinge Ok so I have camp this week, till Friday so my posting will be limited from 9 am to 4 pm pacific time zone, so I will be working hard on my pair of sisters, but just know I won't really be able to post at this time
I am so excited about this world & premise! :D I'm not accepted yet & I might not be at all, but I just wanted to pop in to express my anticipation for seeing how this plays out. I'm not a very experienced roleplayer but I really want to learn more, so feedback and asking me to make edits are expected and welcomed.

Also, @SkyGinge, it's pretty inconvenient, but I do not yet know if I will have regular access to the Internet between 28 Jul and 7 Aug, so my posting will be more sporadic during that period, just as a caveat to my application, which is coming up in a little bit :)
@Quill : Thanks for the appreciation and the forewarning :) I look forward to reading your CS! :D

@Larry : On the topic of CS's, mine is now up, if you wanna use it as an example as you suggested :)
Ah Ginge, you're some man for one man! I'll get onto that as soon as I get a chance on the computer.

Doing it on the phone would be killer!

Man talk about opening a closet of memories I am having to recall the arc and growth of Ethan and Aurora ^_^ dam you Sky its like a brain-freeze but you can't stop eating the ice cream! lol

I'm literally taking multiple hours just for the damn story of this shaman I'm making but I think I've got it somewhat nailed and should be done in not too long.

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