Magical Girl RP! Witch Girl Warriors! [Inactive]

Vi started at all the meats, she only had meat maybe 1 times in her life because of her living standard so naturally she did not know what it was. She ran pass Hanibal and grab a chunk of volvidon meat. It was way heavier than any vegetable or fruit she had seen. And it was not clearly could not be bread. Still her stomach moan, and instinctively she bit into it. Now the meat was not cooked so the taste was awful. She dropped it and instinctively ran to Hannibal while crying and rubbing her face on his shirt,

"Bad food, rotten food, I'm hungry papa, where all you."

Her tears rained from her eyes with most of them absorbing into Hannibal's shirt. All she could think about was the day the two men took her away from her father.
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"That meat was chilled to make you cool down." Hannibal said. " the meat you want is arzuros meat, cooked just right for everyone."
"Meat is a food that makes you stronger, it comes from dead animals and comes witht the nutrients we need to survive and be strong." He said. "And if you cook it with the right spices, it tastes wonderful."
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Violet stopped stopped crying completely and was not fully focus on Hannibal. "Papa never said anything about meat... Whats cooking, and spices... I wanna eat tasty food," she smile at the idea, thinking about the green apples her father would sneak off the orchards and give her, "Will it taste like granny apples from Mr. Adam orchard."
"not unless you cook them on." he said. "meat has its own flavor, and can be improved by other ingredients and foods." he smiles.
Violet started tugging his shirt, "Cook some tasty meat please, I want to taste it and be strong like Papa."
"Alright little one." he said with a chuckle. "follow me to my dorm and i can show you how to cook and other things." his fur and back spikes stand on end as he felt a draft and felt something was not right, he grabbed violet and sprints on all fours to his dorm. 
he sets kara on his bed, and locked the door. "Somethin' isnt right around here." he said to violet.
Violet grabbed her stomach, "Your right Mr, I'm still hungry." She looked at the door and rested her head on a wall while asking in a weak voice, "Where are the adults, and where are we?"
"I do not know." He said. "But i can make some rabbit legs if you want." He said as he started the oven in his dorm.

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"Not the small and cute ones, the big and mean lagombi is what i meant." He said. "It is not a creature worth keeping as a pet because it will try to rip your head off. I know this because i had a friend who died by one." He said.

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