Magicae Knights

I'm not sure how to join in the RP as of now, as I am a collared mage and there are no Magicae Knights left without one. Is it possible for a Knight to have two collared mages, or should I wait until someone new comes up?

I've been doing a butt load testing this week and totally lost track of time, as well as sleep. =.=

I tried to get on yesterday, but Chrome kept crashing, and internet was just being slow overall. It still is at the moment as well. (Using my phone right now) I'LL TRY TO GET A POST UP AS SOON AS POSSIBRU
Dammit, there's like, a lot of Rogue Mages. Where are the others Magicae Knights? It's like me and Legendless are the last ones active :o
Kareem killed them all using his ability to GODMODE

I think the force interaction between collar and MKs are slowing down the progress of The MKs

because if you look at it, legend cannot post until her collar responds, and she is the GM of this rp...

while us rouge mages just do what ever the hell we want. If we interact we interact but we are not force to be around each other.
This is true. But still, too many inactive characters. There's people who only posted in the first page, and stoppe, even with response. There's more collared mages than knights, I'm actually thinking in having two collared mages xD

We need more knights :(
If desired, i will make a knight, i dont mind playing 2 toons?

Also i think your character will be more troublesome to us mages with 2 collars... YOU SHOULD DO IT...
Gah. I wish I could help. ;-;

I'm in two other roleplays at the moment, and I don't think I could handle a fourth character. v.v

I'll see if I can recruit more people.

Also, the number of pages in the roleplay may be keeping other people from clicking on the link to join.
ZombieDesu said:
If desired, i will make a knight, i dont mind playing 2 toons?
Also i think your character will be more troublesome to us mages with 2 collars... YOU SHOULD DO IT...
Yeah, I guess you could make a knight character, after all, it's allowed to have two on the rules if they're from opposite sides. And hell yeah, I will have two collared mages if Legendless allows me to xD
I said each person would be allowed to have one of each (one knight, one rogue and one collared) but I can let it go for now.

Also sorry for my lack of posts. Been stressed and when stressed I lose my muse. I WILL be posting tonight once I organize all my thoughts.
Activity in my other roleplays seem to have, uh, died down. I think I might be able to make a knight. c:

If I do make another character, should the knight be another female to try and even things out? o
Yes if you want to.

It also seems that both Bella and Brendan have lost their respective Mage/Knight so they are back open. I much preferred Brendan gets an owner again.
Alrighty then, I’ll make someone up as soon as I get back from tomorrow’s errands. Brendan’s about to get his new owner. Bwahahaha. C:<
Sorry about the delay, I've been studying like crazy due AP testing and have been spending my free time catching up on sleep.

I'm probably going to still be pretty busy until at least next Tuesday, so bear with me here. Dx

I might be more active, however since it's a weekend.

I'll get my posts up today!! Promise!
Well this looks fun 
why is the character posting be such a hard ass 
Do you need someone as a owner(Someone in the Rp) to make a collar mage.
is everyone still alive...

kareem need to blow up that factory

and neil needs to repent for her sins

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