• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Mafia's Princess


Queen of Hell
Don Alphonse Costello happens to be the head of one of the world's most notorious crime organizations in New York City, the Italian Mob. As the years went by, the stakes in the business got higher and higher. With the Fed's breathing down his neck and a rival Family invading his territory Costello shut down any and all ways to get to him. Determined to put Costello through hell the rival family only has one way to do so, targeting Alphonse Costello's only child and heir to the world's largest organized crime family....

His daughter.

Set in modern day Brooklyn NYC, it is your task to guard her with your life. You may use any and all means at your disposal in order to protect her.


Brooklyn/Manhattan NYC

  • No one-line/word replies write at least four sentences minimum
  • Obey all RpN rules
  • Have fun ;)
  • No God modding. Have characters and actions completely realistic. If Jimmy doesn't die after getting shot in the head....let's just say I'm going to have to get a new keyboard.
  • Cursing is fine

Put "wise guy" somewhere on your character sheet if you have read all of these.
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I would like to submit a request to join. 
Do you have a skeleton in mind or shall I just improvise?

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