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Realistic or Modern Mafia Wars + Cops Remake IC (Always Accepting)

Amanda walked off and drove back to the cafe where the car was wrecked, there wasn't a car there anymore but she needed that security footage to be deleted, well at least the part with her in it. She walked back to her car and got her laptop out, she hooked the security camera to her laptop and looked through the footage. She got out her phone to text Nikki, 'Hey, do you need a coffee or something?' She it took her at least half an hour to find the footage and delete it. "That was one hell of a morning....." She packed up her things and got in the car feeling like someone was watching her but drove off to the cafe a little suspicious that there were no cop cars around so she tapped into their system again and looked at their recent out calls.

Monster Lady Gay-Gay Monster Lady Gay-Gay
animegirl20 animegirl20
A young lady comes out with three doctors from the back she had two diffrent hair colors pink and black she was wearing a very expensive dress but what stood out was she was short and she just guestured to nikki to bring in romoe they had a room ready for her and just simply said" i heard from boss they know what to do or else their medical scams are over. Said the beautiful women then she smiled and looked around" where is boss he was shoot too right" said Neo while looking over at nikki " i had a job today in the casino but the shooting and kidnapping scadel" she said really softly while looking tired
animegirl20 animegirl20
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~Paine Lynch~
Paine never did leave the Police station. She remained at her desk, scrolling through information about what little they knew of the Mafia groups. She sighed, looking back at her radio as she bit her bottom lip. 'Merui is out there...' she thought to herself, but she pushed her best friend out of her mind. The girl could handle herself, but then again, the cops and the Mafia in one building? Definitely not a good sign. She looked back at her computer screen, typing away at it as she ignored the light sting in her dark hues. After a moment or so, she cursed under her breath as she forced herself out of her seat. Whether or not she was needed at work, Paine needed to know for sure if the girl was alright. Despite her personality, Paine did care for few people-- and by few she could only think of Merui. She sighed bitterly as she slipped her jacket on, about to pick up her radio until she heard that all cops needed to report back to the station. "Ah, shit." She muttered, huffing slightly as she fell back into her seat until a certain thought crossed her mind-- technically she wasn't even supposed to be at work today. She was supposed to be shown around, which the police station failed to do. No wonder hardly any crime gets shown any justice. The place had gone to hell, and the police were helpless to do anything about it. It was all just too damn easy.

She snickered to herself for a moment before getting up in her chair, leaving a note behind explaining that she would start her first day tomorrow since everyone was too busy that day to show her the 'ropes'. She shrugged it off as she picked up her phone, sending a text to Merui. {•Hey, the department seemed to be busy today. I think there was a whole bunch of commotion at the Casino, are you alright?•} She then slipped her phone away, taking her radio with her so she could listen in on the Cops. She went out of the station, deciding whether or not she should head on over to the casino looking the way she was currently or as her alias Silver... She grimaced. It was too soon to see the Mafia like that, but she couldn't risk showing her civilian self to them at all. The Mafia was tricky business, and one slip up could mean a bullet in her skull. She shuddered at the thought. No, she wouldn't fail. She had already made it to New York, and she wouldn't be failing so easily.

animegirl20 animegirl20
Nikki looked at Neo and her dress. She always thought neo was very pretty and the was she dressed to. She Often wondered what Axel thought about her. She snapped out of her thoughts. "Huh? Where's Axel?" She looked around seeing he hadn't come yet. She let Romeo lean on the nurses. "I'll go see what he's doing. Probably drinking something." While she was walking to the car she got a text from Amanda.

No, but thanks for asking. Boy what a morning.
kenchin kenchin
boo boo
T That_Irish_Person
Axel was looking at his phone that its been ringing " tch its annoying i wil need to head towards his office if he dosen't pick up hmm i got three wounds and one may kill me tch i need a drink maybe three bottles" then he looked at the rearview mirror and says" what is it Nikki i thought neo got you to the doctors" said axel getting out of the car" i may need to go visit my brother"

animegirl20 animegirl20
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"He's already with the nurses also your not going anywhere. We need to stay away from the casino for the rest of the day. We don't need him thinking that craziness was our fault. Come on you need to go in to that wound looks bad." She held out her hand to help him out. "Come on don't make drag you in here cause I will." She said smiling.
kenchin kenchin
Axel getting dragged out of the car and hearing nikki telling him to get checked" look i was their you where their if they saw romoe and knowing that kid he may have picked a fight they already belive it was our fualt and i aint going to lie it may have been our fualt but i sure in hell aint taking the blame lets just blame it at a crazy cop that just wanted to take out my brother because he is going crazy obssed for him" said axel while he held his right side near his liver" i may have gotten hit more than twice hehe" said axel looking a little to relaxed

animegirl20 animegirl20
"What?" She looked at where his hand was. "Axel! That's serious!" She ran to the back doors. "Could nurses please take him now!" The nurses quickly ran over to get him and lead him inside the hospital. It was only now just the afternoon. She couldn't believe how much she had to deal with. "What the heck is even happening........Zena his ass started all of this. If the cops weren't there then we could have gotten Romeo and made it out totally clean. I swear when I see that guy. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind." She decided not to got into the hospital yet instead she stood there letting her nerves of the morning calm down.
kenchin kenchin
Reiia silver Reiia silver - mentioned
Alex yawned as he stepped out of the airport, stretching his hands far into the sky. He was just back from a vacation in Hawaii, and as such, he was wearing the usual Hawaii tourist attire; floral patterned buttoned up shirt, with a white shirt underneath, sandals (with socks), a festive Hawaii hat, shades, and some sunscreen across his nose. He also carried the tons of luggage he brought and/or bought from the vacation. He had heard that there was trouble afoot yet again, and had to be called back ASAP. I thought I could leave my team to handle this, He thought to himself as he adjusted his backpack Ah, well... I guess I can't have a real break. He checked his phone to see if he could get an uber back to his him, but upon looking at his bank account on his phone, he almost jumped 10 feet into the air. "ONLY FIVE?" he exclaimed in terror. He sheepishly dialed Double A's phone, and waited for her to answer call. If he couldn't convince her to do it for free...he could always pull rank.
boo boo
Ariana/ station

Ariana was groaning to herself, it had been a long and painful day. Nothing had gone right, though it seemed like they had managed to stop a kid napping. Her phone rang and she answered, "what do you want."
gogojojo331 gogojojo331
"HEY, Ari chan~" Alex said in a cheery tone. "How've you been! I'm at the airport right now, and I....er..." He had to think of a reason for her to come, so it didn't sound too mean. "I got you something! Wanna come over and get it? It's really nice!" Crap....Alex thought to himself, Now I gotta spend the last of my money...
boo boo
Walter woke up from his desk where he had been dreaming, and right there and there to go on holiday. He booked a plane ticket to New Zealand, and hopped into his car and drove home to pack and then drove to the airport. He bumped into someone as he walking into the terminal who looked like he'd just come from Hawaii. "Oh my god I'm soo sorry" As he said that he remembered he was still in NYPD Uniform with a suitcase. 'Well, at least I get first boarding'. But he decided to call Ariana after he checked in. He checked in and then called Ariana and waited for a reply. When that didn't work he called the new Cheif of Police and waited for a reply.
boo boo
gogojojo331 gogojojo331
Amanda looked at her watch and packed her things up, she was late for her next contract and it took at least 40 minutes to get to the airport. Her payer had said the he was getting off a plane, she simply had a picture of him and had to try and spot him. Amanda used to have this feeling when she killed people, sort of a wave of guilt but it soon faded and she just wanted to get it over and done with, she parked her car on the side of the road and climbed up on one of the closer buildings to the main one. She set up her sniper rifle and laid there looking through her binoculars for the victim, she ended up seeing the cop that she had rescued from the car wreck earlier, and not too far away from him was the man. She moved to her rifle and lined up the shot within a few minutes waiting for the right time to pull the trigger, it was rather frustrating, but with $10,000 coming into her bank she was more than willing. The man must have been somewhat important, though didn't look it with a bad sun burn and horrible looking shirt. Without any hesitation she pulled the trigger and was quick to start packing up her things running across the top of the building and down the ladder and got to her car.

She would find out who he was a little later on the news if they decide to investigate, Amanda drove off and realised she had to do a shift at a local strip club tonight so she headed to her apartment where she set up her laptop and bank account and called up her payer. "Okay, you have five minutes to transfer the money into my account before I trace this call to your location and shoot your brains out," She waited a couple of minutes and saw the money transfer had completed, a smirk spreading across her face "Pleasure doing business with you." She ended the call, Amanda had a way of being nice to people who gave her what she wanted. She thought with this money she didn't need the extra money as a stripper, so she grabbed her keys and drove to the strip club she usually worked at end quit her job without any hesitation.

Monster Lady Gay-Gay Monster Lady Gay-Gay
People were flooding out of the airport much like ants flooding out of their hives, everyone screaming, some crying, and some completely unaware of what had happened. The man that had been shot was still alive though, barely, "Help..." That was all he got to say before his body went limp, and his head tilting to the side. Finally the medical team had ran to the body going through dozens of procedures and started CPR. The man was announced dead and was taken away, the pool of blood still left on the floor.
Amanda felt slightly bad after shooting him, she usually never thought about her contracts but she was left to think about this one, did he have a family? Did he have a wife? A dog? A job? She walked into her apartment and straight into the kitchen grabbing the bottle of Jack Daniels and a can a Coke Zero, despite the time she needed to drink. She needed to forget about what had happened, Amanda sat on the couch and turned the TV on and scrolled through Netflix
"Check that security camera, I need to know." Walter asked, he saw that he was shot from behind and from up high, "Cameras in the car park" "There, person with a gun, 2nd floor" Walter checked the tag on the car, came back to an Amanda, 20 minutes later Walter was knocking on her door, to ask her a few questions. "NYPD open up!"
T That_Irish_Person (I'm trying to get the ball rolling)
(Can tell ahaha)
"Sh*t..." Amanda took her phone out and tried to call Nikki, she didn't pick up so she left a message. "Nikki, I have the cops knocking at my door I need you help." She moved onto texting Zena, 'Zena I need your help I have the cops at my door.' She remained silent, she had to take the right steps otherwise he would know she was home. She opened the window to her fire escape and started to climb down.
Monster Lady Gay-Gay Monster Lady Gay-Gay
Walter had assumed the worse and had sent an officer down and a few around the building, after getting no response, he heard shouting from outside and ran around the fire escape, where a women had shoved someone else out of the way, he yelled "NYPD, STOP" and drew his gun, and then gave chase.
"Ha I love a good chase..." She murmured to herself, she smirked and ran off taking one of her guns out and checked to see if there was any ammunition in it. She didn't really want to shoot him because she knew that she wouldn't miss, she turned around and saw that it was that cop that she had pulled from the car wreck at the cafe. "Oh f*** no... Well at least he doesn't know me." She kept running and pulled down a garbage bin and ran out across the paths of a few cars.
"F**K, go after her" He said and ran back to his car, giving chase he slightly remembered her from the car wreck, he quickly caught up to her and gave her a nudge by opening her door, he hopped out and yelled "NYPD, STOP, AND DROP WHATS IN YOUR HAND"
She knew she couldn't run for much longer, she was out of breath and needed to take a moment to breathe. She slowly crouched down and placed her hand gun on the ground never losing eye contact with the cop. "If you had eyes you would clearly see that it was a gun you pig." She smirked a little, two things were going through her mind, run more and give up a bit more of a fight, or go with the cop. Amanda rose slowly before bolting again, there was no chance that she was going to go with them. Several cars beeped their horns at her but she kept running grabbing another gun, she never got to change out of her outfit that she wore earlier that day.
'Bloody Hell' Walter thinks to himself before finally going on foot, catching up to her he follows quickly, the gun was drawn, and she moves to grab something he fires a warning shot, that hits someone next to her, but he continues running. Eventually, he gives up and and yells "You keep running your going to be shot, ok, make that decision now!"
Okay, so get shot or go with the pig. She noticed a little pocket where a door to a Chinese shop was and slid in there, "Is there another option? Maybe we could go for a drink sometime?" She smirked and shot purposefully missing, the bullet chipping the brick wall. Flirting with a pig while he threatens to kill you, great work Amanda, great work, 10/10.
'Great, she's a good shooter, and a flirt' "Your a real flirt honey, now come out with your hands up, or I will have given you a shot, of gunpowder in the arm, chest, or anywhere" Walter fires 3 more shots, as he does this more officers turn up, and once again, mass panic begins, people running, screaming, filming. "Hey, at least CNN will have something to film" He shouts.
She pissed herself laughing at his comment about CNN, among the screaming and talking and that there is a loud laugh and snort coming from down the alleyway. Amanda stop f***ing snorting dammit! They're going to think you're a pig too! The laugh ended up dying down and then started back up, she didn't even know what was so funny about it. "Quieres hacer algo esta noche?" Spanish echoed down the alleyway, Amanda heard more cops and shot one of them in the shoulder, the other in the leg and another in the leg while shooting closer to the cop's head.

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