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One x One lychee's ocs {closed, no posting!!!}


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♡ 001 ; pandora isabelle savvas

❤ 002 ; dimitri sebastian mikhailov


♡ 003 ; kiana isabelle fawcett
♡ 004 ; gaia suzuki
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B A S I C S :

Name: Pandora Isabelle Savvas
Nickname (s) : Frigid Bitch
Date of Birth : December 23rd, 1810
Place of Birth : A small farm in Greece
Date of Death : N / A
Age : Actual: 207 || Physical: 20-25
Species : Vampire (can be modified to be a demon, succubus, or other immortal entity)
Sexuality : Bisexual

F A M I L Y :

Mother: Hemera Savvas (deceased)
Father: Timo Savvas (deceased)
Sibling(s): Adelfa Savvas (sister, deceased) ; Kephas Savvas (brother, deceased)
Significant Other(s): Unnamed traveling businessman (deceased) ; Eliseo Carbone (alive, whereabouts unknown, no longer in contact) ; more to be added

B I O G R A P H Y :

Pandora Isabelle Savvass was born December 23rd, 1810 to a family of poor farmers living on the outskirts of a major Greek city. Life was fairly normal for the girl until the age of eleven, when Greece began its fight against the Ottoman Empire for Independence. Their home was thrown into disarray when her older brother, Kephas, left to join the war. While the family prayed for a safe return, her younger sister insisted that he was not going to survive. Ever since she was little, Adelfa had experienced visions of the future and had claimed to be able to speak to the spirits of the deceased. The abilities were forced to be forgotten, as her mother claimed it was witchcraft. Nothing could stop the premonitions, though, and as the days dragged on, Adelfa grew more and more withdrawn from their family. Three months after their brother's departure, Adelfa did not return home from her usual trip to the market. It was Pandora that stumbled across her lifeless body, laying face down in a large body of water, a week after her disappearance. Some said it had been a terrible accident, others ruled it a suicide.

Being the only child now, Pandora was constantly doted on -- something that she hated. There was never a moment in her young life where she had been left alone for longer than an hour. Her mother became increasingly paranoid while her father became unbearably protective. When she became of age, she was unwillingly married off to a traveling merchant that had been a long-time family friend. The man was much older than she, and was never home due to his job. Pandora was grateful for that, as she disliked his company and the way he handled her. Loneliness was her only companion during that phase of her life... until she met Eliseo.

A nighttime stroll had introduced them to each other. Eliseo was everything that her current husband was not... and then some. The way he listened to her thoughts, her dreams, her past, it was as if she was the only person in the entire world in those moments. There was an intensity to him that no other could match. Never had she met somebody so enthralling. The moon did not shine as brightly as he did, the stars could never match the twinkle in his eyes. And, oh, how she longed to dance with him the way that the wind danced with his hair.

The two continued their nighttime meetings, growing more and more daring with their interactions. It was on a warm autumn evening that Pandora confessed her love, receiving a confession in return. Eliseo, however, denied any of her advances to take their relationship further. Though he loved her, he did not wish to take her as a bride or to start a family of their own.

Stricken with grief over Eliseo's refusal, Pandora did what any love-struck young woman would do in those days: she threw herself from a cliff. Eliseo, having been stalking her, came across her barely conscious body. It was there that he gave her his immortal kiss. When she awoke to her new life, Eliseo explained everything to her: his status as a vampire, the reason why he did not return his feelings for a mortal woman, and so much more.

The two lived together for many decades after that, never inseparable.

One spring night, Pandora awoke to find Eliseo gone. That was not out of the ordinary. What was strange was the fact that he had not returned. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, months into years, and he still did not return.

Rumor spread that he had been hunted down by a pack of nearby werewolves, others spoke of him committing suicide. There were even whispers that another vampire gang had claimed his life. Pandora, heartbroken yet again, accepted that he would never return to her. Even so, she spends her existence searching for any clue of his existence -- or lack thereof. Her heart is closed off for the most part but she is open to the idea of loving again; it would take somebody very special and interesting to catch her attention.

P H Y S I C A L :

Faceclaim (s) : Beatriz Mariano.

Eye Color : Icy blue
Eye Shape : Round, long lashed
Makeup Style :

Skin Color : Pale white // Blue veins are visible under her skin
Skin Tone : Fair with cool undertones
Skin Imperfections : A long scar down the underside of her right arm ; A tiny slit through her eyebrow
Distinguishing Marks : See above.
Tattoos? : No.
Piercings? : Lip. Vertical Labret.

Lip shape : Full, pouty
Lip Color : Normally painted black or a bloody red. If she is free of makeup, they are a dusty rose color.

Hair Color : Pandora likes the option to change her hair color. It is mostly dark brown or ebony. However, certain decades call for more flair. In those times, she likes to dye it silver or white.
Hair Length : This also varies, depending on the decade and how she is feeling at the moment. It usually ranges from her shoulders to her elbows. Nothing ridiculously long.
Hair Texture : Normally, it is rather curly. Pandora prefers to straighten it.
Hair Style : Pinned away from her face. Bangs. Always sleek and straight.

Height : 5'5
Weight : 120 lbs
Build : Petite


P E R S O N A L I T Y :

Personality Type : INTJ
Alignment : Lawful Neutral

Positive Traits : Loyal, romantic, enjoys the little things in life, good listener, realist
Negative Traits : Distrustful, vain, superiority complex, comes off as cold, has to be in control

Likes : Space, forests, literature, science, magic, animals, nighttime, classical music, bugs
Dislikes : Being treated differently for being a woman, being talked back to, meat, any loud or sudden noises, cold temperatures
Hobbies : Stargazing, studying and practicing witchcraft, writing poetry, singing

Fears : Fire, crabs, small spaces
Phobias : Thalassophobia (Fear of the sea / deep water)

F A V O R I T E S :

Color : White / Gray
Food : -
Beverage : -
Fruit : -
Animal : Black Cats
Scent : Cinnamon
Season : Spring
Book : Romeo & Juliet
Poet : Edgar Allen Poe
Time of Day : Evening

T H I S O R T H A T ?

Optimist or Pessimist? Pessimist
Leader or Follower? Leader
Dom or Sub? Dom
Cats or Dogs? Cats
Pop or Rock Music? Rock
Day or Night? Night
Text Message or Call? Text Message
Book or Movie? Book
Tea or Coffee? Tea
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
Sunshine or Rain? Rain
T-Shirts or Sweaters? Sweaters
Sweet or Sour? Sour
Spicy or Mild? Mild

S E X U A L I T Y :

Position : Dominant / Top but can also switch
Sexuality : Bisexual with a preference for women / Biromantic with a preference for women.

Post color : #7B4F4C
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B A S I C S :

Name: Dimitri Sebastian Mikhailov - Amsel
Nickname (s) : Dee, Baby Brother
Date of Birth : December 13th, 1901 / Transformed : April 24th, 1924
Place of Birth : Outskirts of Russia
Date of Death : N / A
Age : Actual - 116 ; Physical - 23 - 27
Species : Vampire (Can be played as a human)
Sexuality : Heterosexual

F A M I L Y :

Mother: Tatiana Mikhailov - Birth Mother - Deceased
Father: Kirill Mikhailov - Birth Father - Deceased
- Zia Mikhailov - Birth Sister, Younger - Deceased
- Elias Amsel - Coven Brother, Oldest - Alive
- Antoine Amsel - Coven Brother, Second Oldest - Alive
- Santiago Amsel - Coven Brother, Middle - Alive
- Ansa Amsel - Coven Sister, Middle - Alive
- Quinn Amsel - Coven Brother, Second Youngest - Alive
Significant Other(s): Elias Amsel - Creator

B I O G R A P H Y :

Dimitri had a relatively normal childhood, as normal as one could be growing up in the arctic north of Russia. He got along with his mother and his younger sister (who he adored). The only real problem he had was with his father ; Kirill often projected his own dreams and desires on to his son. He wished for Dimitri to join the army and serve their country, something he had done before becoming severely injured and considered disabled. This caused a few problems between the two, and they often butted heads or got into heated arguments. Despite that, he grew up into a healthy and strong young man.

As a teenager, Dimitri taught himself to hunt. In the beginning, he was not very skilled at it. As the years flew by, though, he became better and better -- so much so that he used his skill to provide for his family during famine.

Dimitri adored his sister more than anything in the world. She was a beautiful little thing, with silky brown hair and big, doe-like eyes framed with long lashes. His overprotective nature came from chasing boys away from her. When she passed away at thirteen from pneumonia, Dimitri took it the hardest. Nothing his mother or father said could set his mind at ease.

He turned to hunting a lot in the years following. It was no longer used as a way to provide for his family, but for an outlet of his anger and frustration for the world. Eventually word got around of a poacher on the land. The owner of the forest took it upon himself to hunt Dimitri down. When it was found, an arrow was shot into both of his legs and he was left out in the snow to die. Miles away from home, he had no other choice but to attempt to drag himself back.

Along the way, he encountered a starving bear. The two fought each other but fatigue and bloodloss eventually led to Dimitri's surrender.

Unbeknownst to him, the entire standoff had been observed from afar. It was when Dimitri was on the brink of death that the figure made himself known. The bear was easily chased off before anymore damage could be done. Without his consent, the being leaned down and bit into the underside of his arm. There was a flash of extreme heat, and then extreme cold, before intense pleasure mixed with pain wracked his entire body.

When Dimitri returned back to consciousness, it was to an entirely new world -- and to an entirely new family.

Elisa Amsel had turned him into a vampire and had inducted him into his coven. He now belonged to a family of five, and was now the youngest of the bunch. Here, he spends the rest of eternity with hatred in his heart, both for the world he lives in and for the creature that cursed him with this immortal gift.


P H Y S I C A L :

Faceclaim (s) : Ben Dahlhaus

Eye Color : Hazel / Blue
Eye Shape : Hooded
Makeup Style : N / A

Skin Color : Tanned
Skin Tone : Warm Undertones
Skin Imperfections : A faint set of teeth marks on the underside of his right arm where Elias bit him
Distinguishing Marks : His scar ; Facial hair ; Long locks
Tattoos? : None
Piercings? : None

Lip shape : Downturned
Lip Color : Dusty pink

Hair Color : Dirty Blone / Brown
Hair Length : Can be down to his shoulders or cropped short
Hair Texture : Straight
Hair Style : Unkempt

Height : 6'1
Weight : 170 lbs
Build : Muscular

P E R S O N A L I T Y :

Personality Type : INTJ - The Architect
Alignment : Chaotic Evil

Positive Traits : Adaptable ; Bold ; Creative ; Decisive ; Focused ; Honest ; Independent ; Intelligent ; Loyal ; Mature ; Observant ; Passionate ; Simple ; Talented ; Witty
Negative Traits : Antisocial ; Apathetic ; Cocky ; Controlling ; Disrespectful ; Grumpy ; Haughty ; Impatient ; Judgmental ; Morbid ; Nosy ; Obsessive ; Pretentious ; Rebellious ; Selfish ; Temperamental ; Uncooperative ; Vain ; Withdrawn

Likes : Classical Music ; Nighttime Walks ; Nature ; Art ; Teasing Others ; Writing ; Interesting Stories ;
Dislikes : Loud Sounds ; Obnoxious People ; Being Disobeyed ; Being Woken Up ; Chess
Hobbies : Playing Piano and Violin ; Gardening ; Poetry

Fears : Sunlight ; Bears
Phobias : N / A

F A V O R I T E S :

Color : Forest Green
Food : -
Beverage : Blood
Fruit : -
Animal : Fox
Scent : Anything spicy and musky
Season : Autumn
Book : To Kill A Mockingbird
Poet : Robert Frost
Time of Day : Nighttime

T H I S O R T H A T ?

Optimist or Pessimist? Pessimist
Leader or Follower? Follower
Dom or Sub? Dom
Cats or Dogs? Cats
Pop or Rock Music? Rock
Day or Night? Night
Text Message or Call? Text Message
Book or Movie? Book
Tea or Coffee? Coffee
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Sunshine or Rain? Rain
T-Shirts or Sweaters? Sweaters
Sweet or Sour? Sweet
Spicy or Mild? Spicy

S E X U A L I T Y :

Position : Extremely Dominant - Has Control Issues
Sexuality : Was Bicurious as a human but decided against it due to experience

Posting Color : #3C3E1A
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B A S I C S :

Name : Kiana Isabelle Fawcett
Nickname (s) : Kee, Belle, Fawn
Date of Birth : March 11
Place of Birth : England
Date of Death : N / A
Age : 16 - 20
Species : Human
Sexuality : Confused

F A M I L Y :

Mother: Sage Fawcett - Alive
Father: Bailey Fawcett - Alive
Sibling(s): Peter Fawcett - Alive
Significant Other(s): N / A

B I O G R A P H Y :

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sollicitudin bibendum ante, sed condimentum ligula. Curabitur fringilla sagittis mauris, in interdum mi placerat et. Pellentesque purus massa, finibus in odio id, luctus ullamcorper felis. Praesent venenatis vel nibh quis bibendum. Praesent dapibus, diam eu molestie pulvinar, massa libero consectetur ante, et condimentum nisl justo quis leo. Nullam placerat maximus porttitor. Etiam interdum lectus tristique, cursus elit iaculis, pretium quam. Maecenas id lacus nec felis ultricies congue et a nisl. Donec at porttitor arcu. Etiam malesuada ipsum lorem, sed ultrices metus varius non. Vestibulum condimentum nulla eget urna efficitur euismod.

Nullam egestas, ligula quis aliquet iaculis, ex lacus vestibulum massa, vel ultricies diam nulla laoreet turpis. Quisque interdum nisi pellentesque mauris consequat ornare. Etiam scelerisque dui augue, at lacinia sem pellentesque ut. Ut eget sem fringilla, scelerisque diam eget, hendrerit nisi. Aenean efficitur accumsan lacus eget fringilla. Curabitur posuere nulla tincidunt posuere mollis. Praesent ultrices leo justo, ultrices cursus nisl tincidunt sed. Curabitur non justo vehicula enim pharetra vestibulum feugiat non neque. Nunc dictum est sit amet maximus malesuada. Quisque ultrices lectus et diam imperdiet tincidunt.

Ut efficitur aliquam vehicula. Vivamus lacinia suscipit neque, euismod mattis tellus semper vel. Morbi imperdiet neque et risus fringilla, at euismod sapien scelerisque. Suspendisse commodo nisl eget massa dictum euismod. Donec placerat justo a risus congue aliquam. Maecenas elementum a neque ac luctus. Vivamus accumsan mi a sem pretium, nec posuere magna pharetra. In lacinia varius porta. Phasellus quis urna ligula.


P H Y S I C A L :

Faceclaim (s) : Kae Serinuma

Eye Color : Teal
Eye Shape : Doll-like
Makeup Style : Natural

Skin Color : Pale
Skin Tone : Cool
Skin Imperfections : Freckles
Distinguishing Marks : N / A
Tattoos? : None
Piercings? : Ears

Lip shape : Heart
Lip Color : Pale pink

Hair Color : Burgundy
Hair Length : Shoulders
Hair Texture : Wavy
Hair Style : Split between her shoulders

Height : 5'4
Weight : 120
Build : Skinny, petite

P E R S O N A L I T Y :

Personality Type : ESFJ - The Protector
Alignment : Lawful Good

Positive Traits : Loyal ; Protective ; Ambitious ; Caring ; Funny
Negative Traits : Clumsy ; Childish ; Loud ; Reckless ; Ditsy

Likes : Caring for others ; Dreaming big ; Keeping busy ; Dolphins ; Flowers
Dislikes : Being yelled at ; Feeling discouraged ; Being without her backpack ; Angry people
Hobbies : Gardening ; Cooking ; Reading

Fears : Losing her family ; Losing herself ; Not achieving her dreams ; Not having money
Phobias :

F A V O R I T E S :

Color : Lavender
Food : Pizza
Beverage : Strawberry milk
Fruit : Kiwi
Animal : Bunnies
Scent : Coconut
Season : Spring
Book : Romeo and Juliet
Poet : -
Time of Day : Late afternoon / Early evening

T H I S O R T H A T ?

Optimist or Pessimist? Optimist
Leader or Follower? Leader
Dom or Sub? Sub
Cats or Dogs? Cats
Pop or Rock Music? Pop
Day or Night? Night
Text Message or Call? Text message
Book or Movie? Movie
Tea or Coffee? Tea
Coke or Pepsi? Coke
Sunshine or Rain? Sunshine
T-Shirts or Sweaters? Sweaters
Sweet or Sour? Sour
Spicy or Mild? Mild

S E X U A L I T Y :

Position : Sub
Sexuality : Bicurious / Confused

Posting Color : #9365B8
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I've murdered half the town / Left you love notes on their headstones / I'll fill the graveyards until I have you

B A S I C S :

Name : Gaia Suzuki
Nickname (s) : Dead Eyes ; Zombie ; Emotionless
Date of Birth : September 20th
Place of Birth : Naples, Italy
Date of Death : -
Age : 16 - 20
Species :
Human (Primarily used for Yandere roleplays)
Sexuality : Omnisexual / Pansexual

F A M I L Y :

Mother: Liliana Bianchi
Father: Haru Suzuki
Sibling(s): -
Significant Other(s): Senpai / Kohai


Stranded in this spooky town / Stoplight is swaying and the phone lines are down / Floor is crackling cold / She took my heart, I think she took my soul

B I O G R A P H Y :

There isn't much known about Gaia.

The general public knows that she is biracial -- her mother was Italian while he father is Japanese. She has no siblings. Her father spends most of his time overseas on business trips. At the age of ten, Gaia lost her mother after a long battle with cancer. She was extremely close to her. It is likely due to that loss that she has become the emotionless shell she is today.

Gaia is extremely studious and intelligent and prefers to spend her time away from others and within the quiet walls of the library. She is a loner, an outcast, the odd one out.

P H Y S I C A L :

Faceclaim (s) : Yumeko Jabami - Kakegurui
Voiceclaim : Mizore Shirayuki - Rosario Vampire

Eye Color : Dull Red
Eye Shape : Round
Makeup Style : xxxxx

Skin Color : Pale / Neutral Toned
Skin Imperfections : Scar through her left eyebrow ; Faint scratch marks on her upper thighs
Distinguishing Marks : -
Tattoos? : -
Piercings? : -

Hair Color : Black
Hair Length : Lower Back
Hair Texture : Straight
Hair Style : Long ; Straight across bangs ; Longer bangs on sides

Height : 5'6
Weight : 132 lbs
Build : Top heavy ; Hourglass figure

P E R S O N A L I T Y :

Personality Type : INFJ - The Protector

Positive Traits : Adaptable ; Independent ; Intelligent ; Introverted ; Loyal ; Mature ; Obedient ; Passionate ; Persistent ; Protective
Negative Traits :
Antisocial ; Apathetic ; Impulsive ; Jealous ; Manipulative ; Morbid ; Paranoid ; Possessive ; Reckless ; Self-Destructive ; Selfish ; Timid ; Vindictive ; Withdrawn

Likes : Her Senpai / Kohai
Dislikes : Being away from her Senpai / Kohai ; Being ignored by her Senpai / Kohai ; Not entertaining her Senpai / Kohai ; Others taking her Senpai / Kohai ' s attention
Hobbies : Studying ; Painting ; Writing ; Stalking

Fears : Losing her Senpai / Kohai
Phobias : -

F A V O R I T E S :

Color : Black
Food : Whatever her lover likes
Beverage : Whatever her lover likes
Fruit : Whatever her lover likes
Animal : Penguins
Scent : The natural odor of her lover
Season : Winter
Book : -
Poet : -
Time of Day : Nighttime

S E X U A L I T Y :

Position : Switch
Sexuality : Not particularly picky ; Likes whoever makes her feel something

Posting Color : #B8312F
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“Oh Lestat, you deserved everything that's ever happened to you. You better not die. You might actually go to hell.”​

B A S I C S :

Name: Lestat de Lioncourt
Nickname (s) : The Brat Prince ; Louis de Valois ; Wolfkiller ; The Damndeat Creature ; The Rule-breaker ; Les-Dot with a French flair
Date of Birth : November 7th, 1760
Place of Birth : Auvergne region of France
Date of Death : N/A
Age : 258
Species : Vampire
Sexuality : Bisexual

F A M I L Y :

Mother: Gabrielle de Lioncourt
Father: The Marquis
Sibling(s): Augustin (eldest brother) ; five unnamed older siblings ; unnamed sisters-in-law ; several nieces and nephews
Significant Other(s): Nicolas de Lenfent (fledgling/lover) ; Louis de Pointe du Lac (fledgling/lover) ; Claudia de Pointe du Lac/de Lioncourt (fledgling/daughter) ; Magnus (maker)


“I'm Gentleman Death in silk and lace, come to put out the candles. The canker in the heart of the rose.”​

P H Y S I C A L :

Faceclaim (s) : Emil Andersson
Voiceclaim : Tom Cruise

Eye Color : Light Blue

Skin Color : Alabaster
Tattoos? : N/A
Piercings? : N/A

Hair Color : Blond
Hair Length : Shoulder
Hair Texture : Wavy
Hair Style : Loose and down

Height : 6'0
Weight : 150 lbs
Build : Waifish

P E R S O N A L I T Y :

Personality Type : ENTP - The Debater / Chaotic Good

Positive Traits : Bold, altruistic, imaginative, seductive, poetic, musically inclined
Negative Traits : Defiant, narcissistic, materialistic, vain, lazy, dismissive

Likes : Hunting, talking about himself and his past experiences, pure blood, anything French, acting on instinct, doing as he pleases
Dislikes : Broodiness, those that ruin the party, feeling powerless, being questioned
Hobbies : Playing the piano and violin, stalking his prey, partaking in fashion and art exhibits

Fears : Being alone
Phobias : Fire, death

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