Luxor Academy: Begining of Something New (Second Semester)

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Aiko walked out of her shower drying her hair with a towel and she yawned putting on some sleeping clothes and sitting down on The couch as she cleaned her camera lenses and scrolling through the numerous lewd shots she took and sold them online on a secret website. She opened her laptop and plugged her camera in and started to set prices based on how lewd the photographs are. She then closed her laptop and read a book.
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Cadri Willingston

Cadri cut his conversation at the garden short. Taking one last moment to breathe in the scent of the flowers, he recited a motto he always said to himself every time he knew a fight was coming; "Always remember, any fight can be your last." He had said this phrase previously in over 50 different languages, 45 of which are now dead or defunct, and he never let himself forget it.

He stepped out of the garden and went looking for the professor in charge of the monster hunting class. Unfortunately, he had no clue which teacher even led that class. He decided to try and find out on... whatever the device he was given was. He pressed random buttons on the front and sides until it turned on.

"Uh... EVE... was it? Who teaches monster hunting? And... where are they?"

Soon after he uttered those words, he heard thundering footsteps behind him...

Oh great one Kisaki

Mentioned: Obsidian, I think?



(Professor Hundun & Ratatoskr)(Location: Classroom #347 - Monster Hunting)(With: Ayen)

“Ugh, i’m either still suffering from a hangover or these students directional impaired.” Hundun sunk further back into his comfortable instructor’s seat behind the embellished mineral encrusted desk, referring to the mass of students in the institution not arriving to his homeroom on time. Ratatoskr gave him a cheeky facial expression as he scampered across desk to desk before making a final pounce onto the midpoint of his desk, letting out a squirrelish cackle while seeing the annoyance exhaustively carved into Hundun’s painstaking gaze. “Ha, maybe they’re afraid of you abandoning them in a crumbling castle, you kind of have a habit of doing that. Especially when it comes to me.” Ratatoskr chuckled, still giving Hundun a bit of a difficult time for abandoning him in his time of need which he responded with a simple huff of his exasperated breath, suddenly transitioning his vision towards the end of the room as he observed the view to the busy corridor widening as a student managed to squeeze himself through the doorway before attempting to give it a courteous knock. The instructor’s brow leisurely rose as the figure divulged his presence within his fixated sight, closing the distance between him while presenting an embarrassed look on his face which was quite noticeable from his reddened cheeks.

The creature standing before him was of Elven descent, those known for their expert craftsmanship and intelligence instead of their overall brute aggression in combat. This should prove interesting, Hundun thought as the elf went about introducing himself with possibly the most nervous mannerism that he’s ever witnessed, stuttering on each initial letter of every word. This pliable excuse for a creature called himself Ayen Crane who went on to extend a hand out to Hundun, hoping to establish the average student/teacher bonding between both of them. “Heh, sculpting you into something that even resembles a warrior shall bode an interesting experience. I respect your courage to approach me even if you’re too terrified to look me in the eye.” He accepted the offer of kindness and shook Ayen’s hand with a rather strengthened grip that was pulsating with a forbidding energy, not trying to wrench his hand but showing only a hint of his devastating capability.

“You too, will obtain amazing feats of power and will, only through time and practice. Feel free to take a seat, also this is er. The class pet? Ratatoskr, he’s going to be staying here for quite sometime just to help observe some of the students” Hundun released his clasp onto the elf’s hand, ascending his other hand and pointing in the direction of the surprisingly exquisite seats that complemented the array of lighting which shined down upon it. “Hey there buddy! Nice to meetcha, don’t be too afraid of him, he’s a bit of a jerk sometimes but he’s a big softie when you get to know him!” Ratatoskr says to Ayen after leaping onto his shoulder and swishing his tail as it dangles off the side of him.


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IMG_0027.PNGSmoke realized it was getting dark. No it was dark, but that made no sense, a second ago it was noon. 

'What the hell? Hmm...' Smoke thought to himself. Suddenly a story that his grandmother told him came to mind. A story of a beast. Sif the great grey wolf. A beast who could change day to night, a beast who was bigger than a titan. Swords began to rise from the Earth as if some ungodly force was calling them.  Smoke drew his battle axe and shield. He heard the growling and smelled the rotten flesh before seeing the larger than life shadow. He slowly turned around to see the beastly wolf.

Open for interaction.IMG_0291.JPG

Cinn Amon

Cinn quickly grew bored with the relative silence in the cafeteria. Sure people were bustling and doing their own business but there just wasn't enough of a mess. Aiming another underpowered Windblast, a blast of wind scattered the contents of a nearby table, scattering food and splattering some of it to other students who were quick to retaliate by throwing more food back at the innocent students. She quickly finished her meal with a smile and began to quietly leave as some random student yelled out the words she had been wanting to hear. 


Sending a last Windblast and flipping another table's worth of food onto random students, she quickly left the cafeteria, satisfied that she had caused. "I suppose it's time to head into class...wonder what that's going to be like. Better not start us at slimes, anyone can handle slimes." She muttered as she made her way to the Monster Hunting Classroom. "Better not be boring." She entered the classroom with a manic grin. "Alright! Who's ready to kill things!" She said in a loud voice. @Obsidian(entered the classroom)


(Professor Hundun & Ratatoskr)(Location: Classroom #347 - Monster Hunting)(With: Ayen, Cinn)

Before he could even make his way back to his seat Hundun noticed from out of the corner of his eye a young woman outfitted in a crimson colored set of light armor which had an abnormal rapier dangling itself from the sheath strapped to her side. Just by the way she entered, maniacal smirk and shouting about slaughtering creatures as soon as she entered the room. Hundun realized that this one would prove to be a bit more enthusiastic for his tastes although it was obvious that she had vigorous blood coursing in her veins, each single drop of it sung wildly and yearned with the anticipation of battling countless foes and seeking adventure wherever she may wander. Despite the juvenile features of how she looked, it was unmistakable that this female disciple of his had already slain a couple of enemies during the heat of conflict. “Hm, you’ve done this before haven’t you?  The determination in your eyes says it all. Let me inform you that most of the creatures that you’ve faced in your past will often differ greatly from the anomalies that you’ll going against in my classroom. You have the heart of an ambitious hunter, looking for their next prey! Although you might just be too eager. A headstrong attitude will make you grant you death especially when you underestimate whom you may face.”

Hundun’s embarks back towards the spot he was formerly at, being within a few feet away from Cinn, placing his rough hand near his face and cupping his chin to observe energy surrounding this woman’s very nature. “I see. So that’s how you’ve survived for so long, interesting. As for your comment earlier, don’t worry yourself as you’ll be able to unsheathe that blade of yours today except we’ll be doing something a bit more practical at first to avoid another one of our students succumbing to an unfortunate fate.” Taking a few steps backwards and ending the conversation, Hundun situated his posterior upon the front edge of his desk, awaiting to greet anymore students that may arrive.

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Aiko stands up and walks towards her window and opens it setting up her tripod and Camera lenses as she waited for something to happen having food and drinks to her left and an empty plastic bottle to her right. She aspired to join the newspaper club so she had to take pictures worthy of getting to school headlines. And so, she waited her Lens occasionally wiping the lens. She saw a bunch of people but nothing interesting that could make headlines or make money. She fixed her glasses and opened a packet of sweet bean bread and started eating.
Luxor was amused by their distress . He wasn't very difficult to keep a straight face.

"Not many teachers including myself are busy." He looked to Mei who shook her head. Rize could be option, he thought.  

"If you can find a teacher willing to take you then you can change. For now,  try to keep your hands to yourself. It isn't difficult you know." He took the pile of papers from the desk and walked out.  "Thank God! I thought I had to become a babysitter ." Mei sighed in relief. Mei was about walk put of the room until Rize tapped her shoulder.  "What?" she asked. Rize pointed to the messy room. "I have to clean this? I didn't make this mess"

Rize smirked and patted Mei's head. "Start cleaning. "

@Pumpkin Spice Cyanide

(Just woke up , but here's a quick reply)


"You mistake my intent.", Astral said stoically. "I simply gave the most logical approach to the scenario you presented me with. Logic means very little in this existence as you have come to make me realize.", he spoke looking at his right hand in it, beneath a layer of unknown material used like a skin laid the galaxy they were currently inhabiting. Along with it was the rest of the cosmos strewn about his form like a human shaped snow globe holding all that is real. 
"We spent the last few cycles reversing the damage done by the events the called the Tenebrism through means nothing short of magic.", he moved closer to Chronos getting right in her face and up against her. "Through powers bestowed upon you by The Void, The Creator, you "reversed time"......this is like traveling negative distance.", he grabbed her by the shoulders. "That's. Not. Possible.", he asserted, shaking her slightly. 
"At any rate, this is all moot to begin with..", he said backing away from her. "Our preordained course of action was clear and concise; Observe and intervene only when absolutely necessary, preserve the order among the chaos and vice versa. No mingling with the lesser lifeforms and no deviation, certainly not as a result of some psychotic break. Remember your place. We are independently relative, but together...we are absolute. I cannot undertake the task of maintaining the balance of imbalance without you.", Astral placed a single hand on Chronos' shoulder breaking down and absorbing her physical form through his palm, leaving only her essence. 
"I long for simpler times, on the fringes of reality staring out into the endless staring back.", he commented almost to himself as he brought his palm up to his face(?)
"We will excuse this disturbingly mortal behavior of yours this once.", he decided closing his hand into a fist. "It will not be tolerated again, I assure you.", he threatened in a tone that almost made it seem like he'd be doing her a favor in offering no second chances. 
Just as quickly as he'd become grim he reverted to his typical mien, his form fading as if carried by a gust. 
"Have you ever seen a tetra-star solar system comprised almost entirely of red dwarves? Incredibly peculiar.....and violent, in late stages.."

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Axel took out some brooms and moops and smiled at the two women and simply said " just clean a little bit I'll have it like new in a few hours " and then Axel took out his tablet and smiled "Eve Chan can you call my personal maids and constitution crew to have the meeting room rebuild and furnish please and thank you" then Axel looked at them " they should be here in ten minutes do you two need anything else before I shadow hundun in today's lesson oh and before I forget you did look misogi down right" said Axel helping then clean a little 

 Eve sighed and pulled out a digital phone. "All maids to the meeting room . I repeat all maids to the meeting room " she announced on the phone.

She threw the phone in the air then let it disappear.  "All done!"

"Thank you eve ohh and that favor you asked about the you know what (your human body) is almost done just making sure you can move freely and be a normal super girl like everyone else" Axel then dusted off his suit and smiled heading towards the Hunting grounds " Rize and Mei do you two need anything before I leave "

"A body! This is going to be awesome."she squealed . The screen cut off after that.  Rize shook her head,  "No , we are fine. I'll have to help prepare for Monster hunting ."she said. Rize turned into a crow and flew out a open window. Mei quickly dropped her broom and ran out the room. She was happy that the maids were cleaning instead of her.

Alex was walking towards the mess hall, or where the map said it was, and when he entered, he did not expect to see what he did. Students, and on the students, he had walked into a food fight, "oh boy, this is going well" he said to himself, moving his head to the right as a glop of...something, came flying at him. Alex quickly made his way towards the end of the mess hall, having to dodge food along the way, he remembered that the map had also held directions to the main office, where he would also be assigned a dorm...he hoped, "yes, a dorm would be nice...then I can call dad and get him to send my things, as I'm a bit tired of all this fumbling about" he thought, now making his way to what he hoped wouldn't be an empty main office.
Smoke was thrown about for a bit by the gigantic wolf. Every time he died he simply woke up at his bonfire and kept fighting the large wolf. Eventually the wolf began to run out of steam and eventually gave up. 

Smoke took this opportunity to slay the dog! Wait no, he didn't, he pet the dog. The dog nuzzled him despite his nose being the size of the 7'0 knight.

open for interaction 
Akemi could see something was off with the child... But ignored it. "Aw... He's cute!" Cody said and pat the kids head gently. Akemi smiled at Kagami. Then she grabbed her tail and played with it cutely.


@Storm Guardian


"He's adorable...but he can be creepy at times" she pulled the boy away from the professor.  

"You may have a competition with Crow since both you are too cute." she said. In a few seconds the school bells ring. A announcement from EVE was told over screens that hanged on the wall. "Come on students. Get your gear ready for some monster hunting" she announced.  Kagami sat up from her seat and bowed. "I guess I have to go. Professor Troy, I'll make sure Crow won't do anything bad. "She then turned to Cody " I'll see you in class."she smiled and walked away with the younger boy in her arms.
"He's adorable...but he can be creepy at times" she pulled the boy away from the professor.  

"You may have a competition with Crow since both you are too cute." she said. In a few seconds the school bells ring. A announcement from EVE was told over screens that hanged on the wall. "Come on students. Get your gear ready for some monster hunting" she announced.  Kagami sat up from her seat and bowed. "I guess I have to go. Professor Troy, I'll make sure Crow won't do anything bad. "She then turned to Cody " I'll see you in class."she smiled and walked away with the younger boy in her arms.

Cody and Akemi got up, "Come on Akemi." he said and went to his dorm to get his gear... Once there he gave her a tour, "...You can... You can use a friends bed... She's... Not with us anymore. " he said sadly as he changed his clothes and got his peppers. Akemi looked at the bed and smelled a hint of dog, and girl. She must have been a sweet person. He tapped her shoulder and started to walk to the class
Axel changed into some work out cloths and headed towards the hunting grounds and while he walked into the direction of hundun he looked at all the kids and simply smiled haha these is where I met kori and the people"

Crow looked at kagami and simply said to her " one chan you sure you don't want me to help with the monsters" he said smiling like he wanted to kill and feel the fresh feeling of blood down his body"

@Kisaki @_Misguided Neko_ @Obsidian
"My memory's failing me," Roy said, "Maybe he and I never met," he frowned at that thought, then said, "Well, whatever the case, I do all the chaos that ensued. RIP Nurse Auriel. I didn't even know her, all I knew was from the name on her computer." he shook his head, then jumped as the tablet on the countertop buzzed. He checked it, "It says that Monster Hunting class is starting soon. We better hurry." He put on a bit of leather armor from his backpack, then put on the black lab coat that he seemed to always have hanging around, "Are you coming?" 

@Destructus Kloud
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Aelius "The Bull" Taurus

— and —

Cadri Willingston


"Agh... agh! Stop dragging me!"

"I will not allow cowards like you to avoid Monster Hunting class, Cadri!"

"I wasn't 'avoiding' anything, you blundering hunk of metal, I was asking EVE where Monster Hunting class was!"

"A likely story, runt!"

"Alright, fine, would you at least not drag me by my hair?"




— Twenty Minutes Later... —

Thunderous footsteps approach the Monster Hunting classroom, as a suit of armor over eight feet tall drags a man in a black long coat by his arm. The armor speaks in its powerful, authoritarian voice, "Cadri Willingston and Aelius Taurus, present and accounted for, sir!"

"Yeah... what he said..." the man in the coat said.

@Obsidian @anyone else in the classroom

(I'm trying a new format, what do you all think?)
Alex was walking, when what he thought was originally stained glass lining the halls blinked alive, and a girl appeared, talking about a monster hunting class. "hmm, well then...that's unexpected" Alex thought, changing direction and heading towards where the map had labeled "monst. class", hoping to finally meet someone not throwing food at him. While Alex walked the halls, he thought of how odd it was that an announcement was made for EVERYONE to be at this "monster hunting" thing, "i don't see why everyone would have to be there, and what monsters are we hunting anyways" he thought with curiosity, mind full of wonder.


Alex was now in front of the door to the classroom he was supposed to be at, "well, here goes nothing", he said, as he entered the classroom.

@Obsidian (since you seem to be the teacher of this class)






"That was easy......too easy."
Satie said a little astonished that Luxor would just grant them freedom to choose their "wardens", before squinting slightly in suspicion. "He knows something.." 

"Either that or he's an idiot... I'm gonna go ahead and call that human teacher.", Star said backing up off the table. 
"I don't know who thought that was a good idea..", she sneered placing her heads behind her head and beginning to make her way to the exit. 
"Ah, ah, ah..not so fast there, redskin.", Satie said grabbing for Star's tail to immobilize her. 
Satie grabbed hold and pulled off a fake, papier-mâché tail. 
"Haha! I'm wise to you game!", Star stated as Satie looked at the faux tail in bewilderment. 
"What the-?", she asked breaking the tail in half, inspecting it. "Where's your tail?" 
"I dunno..", Star giggled as she backed up to the door closing it and tapping it and then opening it again. The door now led to the cafeteria where she'd sensed the human professor to have been. Star turned away and bolted through thw door shutting  it behind her, tail swaying playfully as she did. 
"Hey! I'm serious the mortal is mine!", Satie yelled taking off after her, blasting through the door into the hallway outside.  
"Damn!", Satie cursed stepping over the debris. She ran down the hall to the nearest door and tapped on it, opening another door to the cafeteria. She ended up in the kitchen and saw Star stuffing her face with raw meats. Like a scene out of National Geographic Star and Satie made brief eye contact before Star bolted through the kitchen, jumping over tables and dodging workers.
They tore out from behind the lunch line and into the dining room.
Satie had just caught Star and wrestled her to the floor when were interrupted, mid-brawl, by an announcement being broadcast across the school. 
"Monster hunting?", Satie and Star queried in unison, Star muffled from Satie pressing her face against the floor.  

Satie released Star's head while sitting above her. 
"Wanna kill stuff?" 
They burst into a ball of flames and vanished leaving only a burned floor and flaming remains of a table. The inferno erupted back in a corner of Hundun's classroom, the flames charred the radius. 
"We're here for the carnage!", Satie announced as the room looked in their direction. 
Star's smile turned to look of discontent as she feigned clearing her throat and nudged Satie as she nodded her head in the direction of who was teaching the class. 

"Aw, wtf...", Satie groaned making eye contact with Hundun again, this time just a tinge less hostile. 

"About f*kin time....", Bel groaned lifting her head up from off the table she had been sitting at. "I had started to get my hopes up that you two weren't gonna show up." 

Satie and Star shot a confused look at her. She wanted to go monster hunting? 

"We'll looks like the gangs all here!.....again!", Star cheered. 
"Let's get this slaughter airborne!" 



@other people in the monster hunting class

(Soooo soo sorry for the crappy format. I'm kinda busy and had to type this from my phone.)

Aelius "The Bull" Taurus

— and —

Cadri Willingston

As any reasonable man would, Aelius reacted to the sudden destruction in the classroom. "You..." he growled under his breath. He dropped Cadri, and drew his Holy Avenger.

Cadri hit the ground with a thud and a grunt. Cadri turned up slightly from the ground, raising one arm into the air. "Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man!" Cadri said in an overly-dramatic voice, quoting Mercutio from Romeo and Juliet.

Aelius pointed his blade towards the red-skinned demon. "We meet again. Interesting choice of host, but I know it's you all the same."

@Pumpkin Spice Cyanide

(Pointing a blade at them isn't grounds for them to be allowed to fight me, is it? Plz no)

(Also do tags work if they're added in an edit?)
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Cinn Amon

Cinn had taken her seat once she was given an impromptu assessment by the teacher. She wasn't exactly surprised at what he said, it wasn't like she was hiding the fact that she's killed plenty of creatures, even if it was for the sake of learning more magic. She did have to wonder what he meant by 'that's how you survived for so long.' She was curious on what he saw that would cause him to say that. Cinn leaned back, quietly waiting on more people to enter the class.

She raised at brow at the sudden burst of flame and the appearance of two people. Then a third approached then...wait...a keen eye gazed at the armored could sense the magic in the armor. Soul magic? Interesting. Maybe she should hit him up and learn soulbinding, it'd be interesting to be able to make possessed armors...or better yet, dragon ghost no, even better, eldritch possessed armors. "Ice Wall." A wall of ice rose between the armor and the red demon.

Her blood sang as she stood up, urging her to fight. She ignored it as she stared at the two. "Both of you quit it. Whatever beef you have with each other take it somewhere else sometime else." @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide @Sizniche
[SIZE= 22px]           U already kno who it is[/SIZE]

"Jeez, who pissed in your ale?", Star said putting her hands up in surrender as the blade halted inches from her neck. 

"Meet again? Star, you know this tinman?", Satie said gripping the blade with her armored hand and pushing it away. She stepped between them and glared at Aelius. 

"You did....when you decimated his troops and vaporized him...", Bel interjected, sitting in the distance. "Remember? The Order of something or another.", Bel continued as she began twirling a strand of her hair. 

"Oooohhhh........ehh, I got nothin.", Star said absent-mindedly. 


(Nah but I found it anyway)
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