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Fantasy Love With No Bounds [MAIN]


gon be a lil inactive


Welcome to a land sickened by war between angels and demons.

Finding soulmates in this world works by eye colors. You're born with two eyes. One is your eye color, the other matches your soulmates'.

Inter-species soulmates are incredibly rare. When it happens between and angel and a demon, the world is almost forever changed.​
Location: Back Ally
Form: Humanoid
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Callum stood alone. He lightly tapped his foot. Waiting and listening. But for what? For whoever's poor soul will wander over to the strange boy lurking in the shadows. Of course, that poor soul might not be human. It could be another Demon or even an angel for all he knows. Not that he has the intent to kill currently. No, currently his intent was to learn and inquire. It's been years since he was actually able to roam freely. Recently Callum's been kept on a short leash, due to a sudden power spike which causes his wrath aspect to become very unstable. And, as much fun as it would've been to let him loose and see how much trouble he could cause, it was very dangerous. It seemed at that time he wasn't sure who was a friend or foe, he could've slaughtered fellow demons along with angels causing them to have a lower number for this war. Sure it would've helped the damned thing finally end quicker. But alas, they didn't want to lose. So they kept him locked up, waiting for him to adjust to the new form.

But after too many long years, Callum was allowed out again. It felt good t be able to roam the mortal plain again. It didn't seem to change much, just seemed a bit more trashed and ruined than he remembered. Well, no. This place seemed fine, other places he had been seemed horrible. This is one of the better and not as ruined places he's been in a while. Especially considering he has been locked up for a few hundred years.

There came the footsteps. Callum glanced up seeing the Form of a small male wander in. He seemed of demonic blood.
"What'cha need squirt?" Callum spoke raising a brow as he looked the other up and down.
No reply.
"You really not gonn' answer me?" He pushed himself off the wall and walked closer. "Is that really what'cha gonna do when an Arch speaks to ya?"
The other smiled. "Sorry sir, I didn't come for chit-chat, I came to request a fight."
"Tryin' to dethrone me ya mean? Damn dude, I just got back in the field. You can't just say that to me"
The other shrugged and stepped closer. "Yeah but if I waited I knew I would have a greater chance of losing"
Callum rolled his eyes and places his hand on the others head. "You'll lose no matter what, you're just a baby punk. You ain't a threat at all. I smell it in ya blood"
The other swiped at Callum's hand. "Y-you can't just talk down to me like that. I'm here to fight you!"
Callum shook his head. "Nah, I decline your fight, you ain't my type to fight anyway," He grinned pushing the male aside. "plus like I said, you're a baby. You'll die if you fight me. And I'm not allowed to kill other demons unless I needa."
He shoved his hands in his pockets and left the ally. "Maybe talk to me again in a few hundred years." He laughed leaving the area.

Walking down the almost empty street was odd, seeing faces of people again. Normal faces of people again. Not the Twisted ones of demons. Normal looking faces, of people rushing places. It was peaceful to see the living. But, peaceful for the living as well, until he got his bearings and began doing the thing he loved. Causing trouble. Until then, he'll live as if he's a mere mortal again, occasionally causing issues for the mortals. His grin grows wider the more he thinks of being able to cause trouble again. Running a hand through his hair as he steps into a small cafe.
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Evangeline smiled at the barista that walked towards her. "Can I have a medium iced coffee, please?" she asked gently. She handed him the money and moved to lean against the counter. He took a little while, but she was understanding and reassuring to him. Taking her coffee and grasping it with both hands, she took a sip of it and smiled, savoring the taste. It had been a while since she had coffee, what with the war and everything. She hadn't been here in a while. She enjoyed seeing all the human faces, children and adults, who were smiling and laughing with one another. Young children sat with milk and juice coating their upper lip, their parents trying hard to wipe it off despite their child's squirming. She laughed quietly as she grabbed a newspaper, pulling it open and scanning her bright blue eyes across the papers.

She read of new ruins, new issues, destroyed cities, missing people. She felt a sense of loss, though she knew no one on the list, she felt for the humans who did. They would be grieving, worried, terrified for their loved ones. She hoped they could be found. She searched the cafe, but everyone seemed cheerful, including the barista who ran back and forth making coffees. She sent him a reassuring smile as he stressed over the orders.

She turned back to the newspaper as the bell on the door rung, signaling someone else had entered. She looked up to see a man in black jeans, a red flannel and a hat. She figured it was another boy as she read the comics section of the newspaper. She truly enjoyed the humans' sense of humor. It wasn't just another boy, that much she knew from the energy coming off of him. Evangeline turned back to the paper, attempting to lay low.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Upon stepping into the building Callum was greeted by the wonderful sent of coffee. A smell he really did miss in his years locked away. Aside from the amazing smell of Coffee and baked goods, he smelled something else. He took a few steps inside the cafe before slowing his space slightly trying to look at everyone there. Someone wasn't exactly human here. But he couldn't place who. Too man people all crammed into one building. But they had to be closer to him rather than further away. He looked around a bit more. Maybe he shouldn't be so worried about finding them. Not like they'll fight him in such a public place right? He bit his lip for a second before lightly shaking his head. They wouldn't find him, their blood smelled more of angelic descent so he was safe in a public area.

Stepping up the oddly short line at the counter/bar he pulled out a phone and began just looking at the news. Even though the news never concerned him. Sometimes it was just pleasant to read up on and see any more possible damage his kind has done, or to see how bad of shape the world is in. Between scrolling and the occasional step forward, the time quickly passed and next thing he knew, he was at the start of the line supposed to be ordering.

"Medium Dark Roast, thanks" He spoke pulling out a wallet and paying for the drink.

Oddly enough, he felt human again. Going to Cafe's, reading up on the news. It was something that always felt familiar and that he had enjoyed doing. The wait for his coffee was short and sweet, personally, he adored the service here. As it was always top tier. He gave a small smile and took his drink away to sit at a table where he could view most people of the cafe. He took his seat and looked around. Still, he wondered who wasn't sure. The scent was weak on this side of the room, meaning they were far away from him. Callum hummed lightly as he took a sip of his coffee.

Who was the Angel in Disguise?
Evangeline sunk lower down, not scared of the creature that had come in, but wary. She sprayed a light dose of Victoria’s Secret perfume onto her wrists and neck. She knew it wouldn’t mask anything completely, but there wasn’t enough time to try anything without making herself obvious. She peered around the paper at the creature.

He seemed human. She wondered if it was a human who’d gotten too close and retained the scent. She shook her head and took another sip of her coffee.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Callum's eyes fall upon a girl spraying perfume in a public area? That's a little rude. Obviously, she's ignoring the risk of it possibly getting into someones food or drink. And other health issues that it could cause. He shakes his head and studies her more. Why is she putting on perfume anyway? Maybe she doesn't like smelling like cafe's or coffee. Maybe she's not meant to be somewhere like this. Or she's on a date. Coffee Date's were something he's seen many people do. Maybe her perfume wore off and her date still hasn't arrived. She's lucky to have met her soulmate he thinks. What he would give to meet him and see what the universe wanted to give him. He placed a hand near his right eye. A Demon with someone's eyes who wasn't like his. How unlucky was that? He figured it was a mortal. But even if it weren't and it was an angel, he didn't care. Sure love was not his top priority in life, or in death obviously. But he wouldn't mind being able to meet them and hold them close. He smiled to himself, moving his hand away from his eye.

He took another sip of his coffee and looked at the girl some more. He let his eyes drift to showing his natural color just a bit more than normal. See if he could get the Angels Attention. He looked around the cafe more.

Show yourself he thought to himself.
Evangeline felt his gaze land on her. She sat up straight, hiding was not needed anymore. She set the newspaper down and smiled his way, her bright white teeth shining and her bright blue eyes meeting his. She blinked and looked back down towards the newspaper, her thick, long lashed sweeping across her cheeks. She slowly sipped her iced tea again, wondering if he thought she was human.

She doubted it. It was quite obvious, with her bright blue eyes, sharp white teeth, and long, silky blonde hair. No human radiated as much power, grace, beauty, on confidence as Evangeline did. Her iced tea was empty, much to her distaste. She slowly rose from her chair, the white blouse she wore hugging her narrow waist and hips. She walked back up to the barista. "Can I get another iced tea, and a chocolate chip muffin, please?"

She was hungry, and was grateful when he handed over her order. She took a bite out of the muffin, enjoying the soft taste of it. She sat back down, the creature's eyes seeming to still be on her. She silently dared him to come closer.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid, with true eyes.
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Callum grinned when she smiled.
"found you~" He muttered out.

He carefully continued to watch her from a distance. The perfume was to hide from him. Though perfume won't hide the scent of her blood. He just continued to grin and chuckle to himself. She truly was an angel. Elegant and beautiful alright. Callum took another sip of his coffee. One of them is going to have to come in contact with the other. Though as much as he wants her to do it. It is only proper for a male to introduce himself to the lady. Plus based on how she was reacting, she must've wanted him to come her way. Why else would she make another order and take place at the same table as before? None the less, Callum stood grabbing his coffee and made his way to her.

The closer he got, the more he was able to smell. Her blood of was angelic descant alright. But not normal angelic descent. Maybe she was a Seraph. Or he's just really bad at smelling angel blood. Though the thought of him being able to meet a seraph got him excited. He showed her a smile and let his eyes fully fade away to his true ones. He took a seat across from her.

"Come 'ere often Angel?" He spoke softly putting his drink down and then resting his chin on his hand. "I'm personally disappointed with how long it took me to notice it was you."
Evangeline smiled softly. "Indeed." She looked into his eyes, the color bright and startling. "And it should've taken you a while to find me, though maybe you're just untrained." She said, raising her brow to the man. She blinked, her eyelashes flowing back and forth.

"Can I help you with something?" she said, placing both hands on the table, her white nails glowing in the light from the cafe. She could smell the demon in his blood, but she wasn't worried. It was difficult to harm a seraph, and very frowned upon in most communities. Her legs swayed back and forth under the table, creating a gentle breeze as she sat.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid, with true eyes.
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Callum rolled his eyes. "untrained is one way to put it" He finished up his coffee. "Bein' locked up for far too long is a'nother" He did a soft inhale exhale before speaking again. "What if i don't need help? Can I not greet beautiful women?" He smoothly said, looking at her hands.

He chuckled to himself, placing a hand next to her hers and looking into her eyes. So this is what a real-life angel was like up close and person, without them trying to kill you. It was pleasant not to be fighting one for once. And, personally, he adored how angels smelled. Considering most of his world smells of actual death and rotten bodies. Smell something that smelled alive and like flowers was a very nice change.

"Well, maybe you can help me. And tell me what a pretty little angel like you are doin' 'ere? Shouldn't you be up hidden away with ya wings tucked away? Aren't you angels afraid of us big bad demons?"
Evangeline smiled. "I'm allowed to freely roam, and besides, I like the iced tea here." She enjoyed the company of someone who wasn't a seraph or archangel. It changed her perspective, in a way. She glanced at him and back to her drink.

"As for afraid?" she laughed. "Not a chance. I'm not worried in the slightest." She sighed softly, her breath smelling of fresh mint and tea. She adjusted her shirt, pulling it down so it slightly covered her stomach. She had gone for a crop top and shorts, not wanting to wear a dress or gown in sight of humans. Blending in was not easy for someone of her beauty, but she did well anyways.

She slid her hands back from the table and into her lap, holding them together. "I could ask you the same questions, hm?" She raised and eyebrow questioningly.
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Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid, with true eyes.
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Callum rocks his head side to side listening to her speak. Her voice was soft and he rather liked hearing it. "never had the iced tea, too girly for me"

And she wasn't afraid of him. That was kind of sad. But at least he knew he could bring any game to her and she'll become frightened. How long had it even been since the world saw him? A good few hundred years at least. Just thinking about it made his skin crawl. The chains and shackles, the smell of burning skin and rust. He shook his head lightly freeing himself from that memory.

He noticed her hands move away, was she afraid to touch a demon, scared he'd taint her? "I'm 'ere 'cause I like gettin' coffee. Plus, cafe's smell nice" They smell even better with her there, but he won't add in his weird adoration for how angels smell.
Chelsea smirked at his comment. "Iced tea isn't girly, but whatever you say." She took a sip, watching him.

"But coffee is fine too," she added, noting his comment. Cafes did smell nice, the coffee beans, foods, and sweets sending delicious aromas to her nose. She sniffed, and sighed slowly. "Excuse my rudeness, I didn't catch your name." She smiled slowly, her teeth bright in the light.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid, with true eyes.
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Callum shook his head, before showing off his own smirk. "Nah, it's totally girly, like its tea, and iced? what is kinda guy gonna drink that shit, Coffee is way better in my opinion"

He paused for a moment taking in her actions and words. And the smell of her blood, he still rather enjoyed it. Well no, he just enjoyed the smell of an angel. But she did have one of the best smells so far.
"well, I didn't throw it, my name at least." He pointed to his snapback, above the brim a word was written. CALLUM. "but take a wild guess an' you're gonna have to give yours in return," he paused for another moment. 'though, it ain't my real name obviously."
She hummed a reply. "Eva. Not my full name, close enough though."

She debated shaking his hand, but didn't. "What brings you here? Other than your love of coffee, of course." She sighed and leaned back in her chair.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid, with true eyes.
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Eva. He said it a few times in his head. Short and sweet, and elegant. Perfect for an angel. "even if it ain't your full name, it seems pretty fitting for someone of your bloodline" He chuckled a bit.

Why was he here? He wasn't here for destruction for anything for once. He wasn't here to be a demon like normal. He's actually here to be normal. To pretend to be human until he feels like causing trouble again. He just got back from hundreds of years being locked away. He's going to live normally until he feels like putting his new skills to work.

"No other real reason. I just like coffee"
Evangeline nodded, smiling gently. "I see, I see." She sipped her tea, the straw sucking up air as she finished and sighed. "I'll be right back." She stood to throw out her cup, walking to the other side of the cafe and tossing the cup into the trash. Her small waist moved back and forth as she walked, her feet soundless on the tiled floor.

"So, where do you come from?" She didn't want to reveal she was a seraph, and decided to make small talk instead.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid, with true eyes.
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Callum just starred. Angels truly were something amazing. Is this how Lust Felt all the time? Constantly admiring others and just liking the things they did even the simple things? He shook his head stopping from watching her walk and to change these thoughts. Lust is not like this now that he thinks about it. He gently puts his palm to his face when Eva returned.

He blinked a bit tilting his head to the side. Where did he come from? Would Hell be wrong to say? Should he be cheesy with a pickup line? Wait, what pick up line would even work here. "Eh ya know, places. Been movin' most of my life, wha' 'bout you though."
"I see." Evangeline leaned back in the chair, her lively blue eyes wandering around Callum and the cafe. She quite enjoyed looking at him. "As for myself, I've traveled so far for so long I'm not sure, to be quite honest." She smiled.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid, with true eyes.
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

That smile. What is what pretty girls and having the best goddamn smiles in the world. Callum couldn't believe how alluring she was, and the fact he adored looking at her and hearing her speak. No, not from a lustful perspective, more of an adoration perspective. Though when he thought about it, the element of wrath shouldn't be getting caught up in the looks of some girl. Some angel to make it sound a lot worse. Frick.

"Eh? you too huh? Stickin' in one spot isn't any fun. You'll get tired of how the world looks there and then you'll be up and gone again lookin' for something fresh an' new, at least; that's how it goes for me"
Evangeline nodded, agreeing silently. "Indeed. I prefer to spend my times on the coast, California, Florida, Virgina." It explained the warm tan to her skin, and the light freckles that coated her nose, cheeks, and collarbones. "Surfing and swimming's always fun."

She remembered back to the last time she had been in California, the bright sun warming her stomach, the sand, and the seawater as she slowly stepped into the water and relaxed. She missed the water, but lately she had been residing in the city. She hadn't been home in forever. She smiled. "The city's been my home for a while, a couple decades now, I believe." She studied the man across from her with her bright blue eyes, lively and curious.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid, with true eyes.
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback.

Callum nodded. Has she been here for Decades? He's only been out for a few weeks. Man, she was lucky to get to be able to roam freely so much. He lightly shook his head along with the thoughts.
"so you like warm places? Well no, Virginia ain't that warm. If it were I'd probs be there more personally" East Coast, where Callum grew up in life. He didn't remember much of it, but from what he did it was nice and always the way to cold. He should go back some time, see how the world changed in his absence "The city is nice though, sure it's busy all the time. But for me; the noises are peaceful" He spoke, took a quick pause and looked around. "You wanna get outta 'ere? Stayin in one spot for too long with other lurkin' ain't always smart for someone of you're bloodline."
Evangeline pondered over the question, a slight tilt to her head like a lost puppy. She knew he wouldn't do any harm to her, even if he was able to. She shrugged, standing up and nodding towards him. Her shirt had ridden up, her tan stomach slightly exposed but she didn't notice. Her legs were long and model-like, and they moved gracefully as she followed Callum out of the cafe. "Where to?" she said calmly, her hair blowing gently in the soft wind and her eyes wide as she looked around the city.

She hoped they'd head for a store, though she knew with a man she wouldn't be heading to Victoria's Secret anytime soon. She took a deep breath, and relished in the familiar scent of the town, smelling food, coffee, people, and demons. She pulled her phone out and checked the time before turning back to Callum.
Location: Cafe
Form: Humanoid, with true eyes.
Outfit: Red Flannel; Buttoned up, Blank Skinny Jean, Red Converse, Black and Red Snapback, that hangs from a belt loop.

Upon stepping out of the cafe Callum moved the snapback that sat on his head to now hang from one of his belt loops. He ran his finger through his hair making sure it stayed as it normally was pushed back slightly in an almost greaser type of style. Outside the world looks peaceful. The streets still remained mostly empty but outside the Cafe, the smell of Coffee still lingered a bit from the opening and closing of the door for constant people walking in and out.

"Where to?" she said calmly.

Callum glanced at her and moved his hand that was tangled in his hair to the back of his neck. "Not sure, pick anywhere. I don't really care" He gave her a small grin, that softened to more of a smile. "jus' wanted to go somewhere else"

Seeing Eva out in the light made her an even better site. And that outfit choice. He hadn't noticed it before, but it fit her nicely. Not like in a sexual way, he thought of it more in a fitting in a style type way. Considering she liked warm places Callum should've excepted an outfit similar to that.
Eva chuckled and smirked. "I'd say Victoria's Secret, but I'm an angel and I believe that that type of cruelty is very frowned upon." She scanned the street, and her eyes zeroed in on a small soft pretzel stand. She gasped and quietly squealed, grabbing Callum's hand and pulling him across the street and towards the stand. She let go as she approached the stand, her hand feeling as if she had been shocked, in a way.

She smiled at the man selling food, and asked for two pretzels, politely handing over the money and telling him to have a great day. "Sorry, I love these," she said, her tone carefree. "Want one?" she asked, holding out a pretzel towards him.

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