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Realistic or Modern love at first sight // open


falling for you™
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

i couldn't help myself

Welcome to my partner search! The holiday season left me in the mood for watching a lot of dramas and such, so I've been inspired by those love stories, despite them being dramatic haha. I really just want a good romance with angst, fluff and loads of drama!

ღ I am a detailed writer so I'm looking for someone who can write a minimum of two paragraphs per in-character post with good grammar and spelling.
ღ I use only realistic face claims and normally prefer a more realistic setting
ღ I prefer to double and am fine with any romantic pairing (mxm, mxf, fxf)
ღ I really have a lot of inspiration for female characters in mxf, but I will play males obviously
ღ I normally use Discord or PM for roleplays, but I am fine with threads
ღ Please be open to chatting, I love chatting outside of the roleplay lol
ღ I'm down for pretty dramatic roleplays, as long as they are still somewhat believable
ღ I primarily use East Asian face claims and settings/locations but I don't have to if you don't want to
ღ If you have any ideas or cravings, don't be afraid to let me know
ღ PM me if you are interested in roleplaying


‣ It was a tragic love story. Muse B had fallen for Muse A when their best friend introduced them. Muse C was Muse A's older brother and very protective of the younger. Still, the three of them played together all the time as children and were very close. Muse A and Muse B often joked that they'd get married, though Muse C would complain about it. They were inseparable, until one fateful day. Muse B and Muse C were passengers in a car as Muse B invited the male to the movies. They got into a really bad accident which resulted in Muse C's death. It's been ten years since that day and Muse B constantly blames themselves. Muse A didn't blame them though and continued to like them, but their relationship was never the same. WIll it change though?

‣ Muse B fell in love at first sight. They didn't understand how it was possible, but it happened. If only they had fallen for a better person. Muse A was very different from their persona, they weren't perfect at all. In fact, they had a bad attitude at times and tended to tease Muse B just for fun. Oh how fate likes to play games with us.

‣ Their first kiss had been stolen by the player Muse B. It was horrible. They wanted to cry because their precious lips had been dirtied by a total player. They didn't even know why it happened. They had been walking to class and suddenly Muse A was grabbed and pushed against the wall, then they were kissed. It was utterly awful. Not only that, but Muse B found it to be the perfect excuse to 'befriend' Muse A and pretend to date them so they could throw off one of their obsessive fans.

‣ Bad to the bone, that's what Muse A was. There was nothing good about them. They partied till the early hours of the morning, drank, slept around, and was rumored to be involved with a gang. Yet, for some reason, Muse B couldn't stay away from them. They thought that they knew Muse A and they were a good person. Even though it was only a game for Muse A, it wasn't for Muse B. Love is twisted and cruel, especially when you experience it for the first time.

‣ A single parent is a difficult thing, especially when you don't have a family to back you up. This is how it was with Muse A. They had a child that was six years old and it was becoming increasingly difficult for them to take care of them and earn enough money at the same time. They struggled to pay the bills on time and they were barely able to stay awake from the long hours at work. Muse B came in like an angel in disguise though. They offered Muse A a way out. It was a simple contract, one where they agreed to pretend to be Muse B's fiance/spouse and Muse B would pay Muse A enough money to keep their child in school and afford a better apartment. There was just one rule, they couldn't fall in love with each other.

‣ Bets were things that this trio of friends did all the time. They didn't really think much of it, even though they broke hearts and cheated to get money from people. They were untouchable though. They were rich and powerful childhood friends that did everything together. There was tension between them though, as Muse A and Muse C seemed to be in love but never admitted it. In a state of anger and jealousy, Muse C gave Muse A their new assignment. They were to make their rival in school, Muse B, fall for Muse A and then break their heart. It was easy enough, Muse A had done it countless times, but they never expected to fall for B...

‣ Muse A was the CEO of a big company, which earned them a lot of respect in the business world, as their company got bigger and bigger and they expanded. They had everything they ever wanted, but after meeting one of the new employees, it was hard for them to admit that their life wasn't perfect. Their perfect dream of a life had been seen through by Muse B, a spirited new secretary for the CEO, and they had little interest in Muse A. Why were they so infuriating yet perfect?

‣ They had been rejected by Muse B in high school for not being attractive enough, and it had crushed Muse A. Everything that they had thought about the student body president had been a lie it seemed. They weren't perfect, they were just like any other popular kid, selfish and self-absorbed. Years later, Muse A had become their own ideal person and was living the good life until they ran into Muse B again. Despite the fact they hated them, they couldn't help but find them a little more appealing now that they were able to talk. But Muse B didn't recognize them. Was this a chance to start over with the new Muse B? Or was it a chance for revenge?

‣ They had been hired by Muse A's parents to keep an eye on them, updating them the entire time. They began to date Muse A, who was, in fact, a very wealthy person and expected to someday run their parents' company, but instead, they were living a normal life in a normal apartment, with a normal job and normal friends. The lies built up and it became difficult for Muse B to not get emotionally attached to their assigned lover, Muse A.

‣ They didn't want to fall in love. It was a painful and dangerous thing. They both knew that, yet they couldn't stop themselves. Muse A was the one that reminded Muse B about their agreement, and although their voice was stable when they ended it, their eyes were filled with tears. Who knew that love would be the thing that hurt the most?

‣ An arranged marriage, that's what it was. Two very important people had been set up by their parents, despite the fact they had no interest in it. Muse A already was dating someone and Muse B was so invested in their job that they didn't want the distraction. Of course, things don't always work out that easily. Falling for each other didn't seem to be possible, but after a 'romantic getaway' trip their parents arranged, it seems that it may just be a possibility...

‣ Classical music and pop music have always been separated in terms of taste and style. At this particular performing arts college though, it's practically life and death. There were two distinct groups of students from each department that were constantly going head to head at festivals, and it doesn't seem to change when students graduate and new ones take their place. Muse A is a very talented classical musician and is very vocal about their opinion of the pop 'band' that often competes with them. The lead singer of the band is Muse B, and they are someone that doesn't back down quietly. Rivals, that's what they are, but perhaps opposites attract in their case.

‣ Newlyweds
‣ Exes
‣ Best friends
‣ Arranged marriage/date
‣ Boy/Girlfriend for hire
‣ Model x Photographer
‣ Model x Model
‣ Idol x Fan
‣ Actor x Actor
‣ YouTubers
‣ Barista x Favorite Customer
‣ Matchmaker
‣ Rivals
‣ Gangs


Welcome to my partner search! The holiday season left me in the mood for watching a lot of dramas and such, so I've been inspired by those love stories, despite them being dramatic haha. I really just want a good romance with angst, fluff and loads of drama!

ღ I am a detailed writer so I'm looking for someone who can write a minimum of two paragraphs per in-character post with good grammar and spelling.
ღ I use only realistic face claims and normally prefer a more realistic setting
ღ I prefer to double and am fine with any romantic pairing (mxm, mxf, fxf)
ღ I really have a lot of inspiration for female characters in mxf, but I will play males obviously
ღ I normally use Discord or PM for roleplays, but I am fine with threads
ღ Please be open to chatting, I love chatting outside of the roleplay lol
ღ I'm down for pretty dramatic roleplays, as long as they are still somewhat believable
ღ I primarily use East Asian face claims and settings/locations
ღ If you have any ideas or cravings, don't be afraid to let me know
ღ PM me if you are interested in roleplaying


‣ It was a tragic love story. Muse B had fallen for Muse A when their best friend introduced them. Muse C was Muse A's older brother and very protective of the younger. Still, the three of them played together all the time as children and were very close. Muse A and Muse B often joked that they'd get married, though Muse C would complain about it. They were inseparable, until one fateful day. Muse B and Muse C were passengers in a car as Muse B invited the male to the movies. They got into a really bad accident which resulted in Muse C's death. It's been ten years since that day and Muse B constantly blames themselves. Muse A didn't blame them though and continued to like them, but their relationship was never the same. WIll it change though?

‣ Muse B fell in love at first sight. They didn't understand how it was possible, but it happened. If only they had fallen for a better person. Muse A was very different from their persona, they weren't perfect at all. In fact, they had a bad attitude at times and tended to tease Muse B just for fun. Oh how fate likes to play games with us.

‣ Their first kiss had been stolen by the player Muse B. It was horrible. They wanted to cry because their precious lips had been dirtied by a total player. They didn't even know why it happened. They had been walking to class and suddenly Muse A was grabbed and pushed against the wall, then they were kissed. It was utterly awful. Not only that, but Muse B found it to be the perfect excuse to 'befriend' Muse A and pretend to date them so they could throw off one of their obsessive fans.

‣ Bad to the bone, that's what Muse A was. There was nothing good about them. They partied till the early hours of the morning, drank, slept around, and was rumored to be involved with a gang. Yet, for some reason, Muse B couldn't stay away from them. They thought that they knew Muse A and they were a good person. Even though it was only a game for Muse A, it wasn't for Muse B. Love is twisted and cruel, especially when you experience it for the first time.

‣ A single parent is a difficult thing, especially when you don't have a family to back you up. This is how it was with Muse A. They had a child that was six years old and it was becoming increasingly difficult for them to take care of them and earn enough money at the same time. They struggled to pay the bills on time and they were barely able to stay awake from the long hours at work. Muse B came in like an angel in disguise though. They offered Muse A a way out. It was a simple contract, one where they agreed to pretend to be Muse B's fiance/spouse and Muse B would pay Muse A enough money to keep their child in school and afford a better apartment. There was just one rule, they couldn't fall in love with each other.

‣ Bets were things that this trio of friends did all the time. They didn't really think much of it, even though they broke hearts and cheated to get money from people. They were untouchable though. They were rich and powerful childhood friends that did everything together. There was tension between them though, as Muse A and Muse C seemed to be in love but never admitted it. In a state of anger and jealousy, Muse C gave Muse A their new assignment. They were to make their rival in school, Muse B, fall for Muse A and then break their heart. It was easy enough, Muse A had done it countless times, but they never expected to fall for B...

‣ Muse A was the CEO of a big company, which earned them a lot of respect in the business world, as their company got bigger and bigger and they expanded. They had everything they ever wanted, but after meeting one of the new employees, it was hard for them to admit that their life wasn't perfect. Their perfect dream of a life had been seen through by Muse B, a spirited new secretary for the CEO, and they had little interest in Muse A. Why were they so infuriating yet perfect?

‣ They had been rejected by Muse B in high school for not being attractive enough, and it had crushed Muse A. Everything that they had thought about the student body president had been a lie it seemed. They weren't perfect, they were just like any other popular kid, selfish and self-absorbed. Years later, Muse A had become their own ideal person and was living the good life until they ran into Muse B again. Despite the fact they hated them, they couldn't help but find them a little more appealing now that they were able to talk. But Muse B didn't recognize them. Was this a chance to start over with the new Muse B? Or was it a chance for revenge?

‣ They had been hired by Muse A's parents to keep an eye on them, updating them the entire time. They began to date Muse A, who was, in fact, a very wealthy person and expected to someday run their parents' company, but instead, they were living a normal life in a normal apartment, with a normal job and normal friends. The lies built up and it became difficult for Muse B to not get emotionally attached to their assigned lover, Muse A.

‣ They didn't want to fall in love. It was a painful and dangerous thing. They both knew that, yet they couldn't stop themselves. Muse A was the one that reminded Muse B about their agreement, and although their voice was stable when they ended it, their eyes were filled with tears. Who knew that love would be the thing that hurt the most?

‣ An arranged marriage, that's what it was. Two very important people had been set up by their parents, despite the fact they had no interest in it. Muse A already was dating someone and Muse B was so invested in their job that they didn't want the distraction. Of course, things don't always work out that easily. Falling for each other didn't seem to be possible, but after a 'romantic getaway' trip their parents arranged, it seems that it may just be a possibility...

‣ Classical music and pop music have always been separated in terms of taste and style. At this particular performing arts college though, it's practically life and death. There were two distinct groups of students from each department that were constantly going head to head at festivals, and it doesn't seem to change when students graduate and new ones take their place. Muse A is a very talented classical musician and is very vocal about their opinion of the pop 'band' that often competes with them. The lead singer of the band is Muse B, and they are someone that doesn't back down quietly. Rivals, that's what they are, but perhaps opposites attract in their case.

‣ Newlyweds
‣ Exes
‣ Best friends
‣ Arranged marriage/dating
‣ Boy/Girlfriend for hire
‣ Model x Photographer
‣ Model x Model
‣ Idol x Fan
‣ Actor x Actor
‣ YouTubers
‣ Barista x Favorite Customer
‣ Matchmaker
‣ Rivals
‣ Gangs
Last edited:
Plot eight and twelve please!
Lets make it happen pronto wonto! PM me whenever you're able ^^
6 and 12 plus

‣ Arranged marriage/dating
‣ Boy/Girlfriend for hire
‣ Idol x Fan
‣ YouTubers

Also I'm into soulmates if that's your thing!
I really like a few of these so I’d love to chat with ya about them if you’re still looking for people
Would you be interested in a a high school rich and snobby x the mid clas new kid who has a dark past

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