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Realistic or Modern Love and War (Closed)



♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ 
Maxx Maxx Koinu Koinu

RP Thread for Love and War! I've attached the OOC and Character Threads to this!

Set in a shoreside city full of crime and corrupt police, this plot follows one of the many gangs in this city. Muse A is the ruthless leader of a gang, making quite a name for themself in the city as someone not to be crossed. At their side is Muse B, the right hand of Muse A and a longtime friend. They have an odd relationship that has always teetered on the edge of something more, but never quite there. They both know this, and have fallen into a strange routine: Occasionally, a person will come into both of their lives, and they begin an unspoken game. They attempt to gain this new person’s affection in a bid to make the other jealous. This ‘game’ goes until they get bored or the person leaves. This plot follows the question of what happens when their game becomes too real and one of them begins to develop actual feelings for another person? Typically the third party of their games tend to be another criminal or someone working with them temporarily, but this time it’s Muse C. Muse C is an average civilian who seems like an upstanding civilian. However, they have managed to obtain information on another gang that would be very useful for the gang of Musa A and B. Muse C seeks them out in order to make a deal: The information for a task done for Muse C. This is where the plot begins, as Muse C catches Muse A and B’s eyes, and Muse C is sucked further into the criminal world than they originally expected.

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