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Realistic or Modern Louven High.cs.

rebel major wip
Kehlani Keenan !

Appearance n Personality

face claim
voice claim
noelle renee bercy
distinguished features
light brown.currently dreadlocks
eye color
clothing style

Kehlani has the nonchalant type of attitude. She does love to have fun but she doesn't show it in her expressions all the time. She'll smile in your face but they're mainly fake smiles you will rarely see her crack a real smile unless you are someone she cares for and that list is really small. She's known to be a misanthrope and a dichotomy--blunt and unapologetic but she does have empathy for her friends and family. She's not the type for bullshit so don't even think about throwing it her way. I guess you could say she's immune to it?? She doesn't like expressing her feelings especially sadness, she refrains from crying for she finds it to be a vulnerability. Her stubbornness is deadass 12/10.
There are days where she justs want to keep to isolate herself from others including her friends. And then there are days where she wants to be surrounded by friends the entire day. Kehlani can literally give no fucks if you don't like her or you become upset over something she's done. She has made peoples days go from happy to gloomy with just one comment and she could care less.
Kelahni only lets a few people inside her personal life. She does have feelings but she would rather keep them locked away then express how she truly feels. She regrets doing a lot of things in her life but her pride won't let her admit what she's done was or is wrong.
Kehlani does have a soft side for things that make her happy. She just struggles to try to make through the rest of the week. She has her own demons to battle. She is very optimistic and loves seeing her friends and family happy even if it means tossing her own feelings to the side. Her generosity is there you just have to find it.
If you can crack the shell that she has protected around herself then you got yourself an amazing friend.
chews on her writing utensils.yawns without closing her mouth.rolls eyes over everything.has a notebook she draws in when bored.scratches her hair when thinking
basketball.tea.sunrises.sunsets.full moons.smoking.
liars.kiss asses.pressure.know it alls.slow drivers.pink.large crowds.
never finding love.losing family.being a disappointment.letting her father down

Kelahni Keenan
december 12th.sagittarius
pansexual demiromantic
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuerecubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.

code by pasta pasta
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/coded by allure/


name: Marceline Kempinski
nickname: Marcie
age: 16 (Junior)
birthday/zodiac: December 1, Saggitarius
gender: Female (cis)
orientation: Lesbian

The New Girl
"Wait, really?"

face claim: Pasha Harulia
voice claim: Barrett Wilbert Weed
ethnicity: Polish American
distinguished features: Her trademark short hair, ears that stick out a little, and a burn scar over her left wrist (from a coffee related incident).
mods: None. She doesn't even have pierced ears.
height: 5'4
weight: 110lb
build: Quite average, really. Thin, but not shockingly so, with only slight muscle tone and curves. The only notable thing about her build is that she has long arms and legs, which make her look a bit taller and thinner than she actually is.
hair: A warm, dark brown in color, straight and of average thickness for its type.
eye color: Grey-green
clothing style: Surprisingly classy for a high-schooler, but with sort of a fun flair. Marcie is fond of blouses and tennis skirts, dress shoes, peacoats, and scarves. She absolutely loathes bright colors and almost always dresses in white, grey, or muted blues and greens.


Marcie is a go-getter, something of a mercenary, and a diehard realistic optimist. Everything she does, she does on her own terms, often disregarding the input of others entirely (even when it would be to her benefit). She enjoys a balance of spending time with others and spending time alone, and though she isn't one to get lonely, she is one to get bored. If someone can keep her entertained with corny jokes,entertaining banter and the occasional argument, Marcie will be a friend to them for life. If not, she doesn't get too hung up about leaving people in the dust. She pledges allegiance to no one.

Marcie is neither organized nor particularly driven one way or the other. If she starts something, she rarely feels obligated to see it to fruition. She sticks with things only as long as they hold her interest. "There's a certain healthy level of quitting," She often alleges. "you don't have to be, like, a nihilist about it, but what's the point in getting hung up on all this shit, you know?"

She's honest to a fault, and expects the same of others. She doesn't believe in white lies at all... she maintains that the truth will always hurt less in the long run, even if it isn't pretty. Besides, if someone feels the need to lie, she believes that it's probably because they aren't that interesting to begin with. She's a sucker for drama, though she rarely takes sides in it, but she loves to be on top of the latest gossip. Even if it's about her, which it often is, since she has a distinct tendency to piss certain people off. Marcie is like broccoli: you either love her or you hate her, with very few folks in between.

habits: Marcie is a caffeine junkie, rarely seen without tea or coffee in hand. She always ties her shoes with three bow loops, plays with her hair when anxious, and talks quite fast. She also uses a lot of "filler words" (like, you know, really, etc.) As if always a little more sarcastic than she intends to be.
° Coffee lattes
° Big cities
° Swing music
° Warm, rainy days
° Climbing things (trees, buildings, random structures...)
° Cherries
° Friends who don't rely on each other too much
° Ice cream
° Puns

° Cliques (she has no desire to be loyal to a group)
° Promises
° Cheesy inspirational quotes.
° Whiny, pity-mongering people
° Pessimists, defeatists and nihilists.
° Oranges and orange-flavored things
° Bright colors, especially red and yellow.
° "Party drugs". She's fine with a little alcohol, but weird pills are not her thing.
° Questions about her sexuality, especially in regards to her appearance.
fears: Deep water. Marcie will never willingly swim out to a point where her feet can't touch the bottom if need be, recoils at the thought of getting water up her nose, hates boating with a passion, and is generally not fun to be around in the ocean.


The first thing to know about Marcie is that she was born and raised in the painfully boring town of Chelsea, Massachusetts. One of those places that people drive through to get to Boston, but not much else ever happens. When you live in places like Chelsea, you're left with little else to do but to craft your own fun and adventure. Which is exactly what Marcie did for the first few years of her life.

She was homeschooled up until 9th grade, which gave her a lot of free time to do as she pleased, bike around the neighboring towns, set brush fires, make friends with the drunk people holding signs outside the corner store. She became something of a neighborhood menace, but in her own right also kind of popular. Just... not the kind of popular that other kids were used to.She had become effectively completely isolated from the normal school heirarchy, to the point where when she was finally introduced to it she was far past the point of being inoculated into it. But that said, her first two years of high school were still fucking terrifying.

Marcie walked into her freshman year completely unaware of what to expect, and ended up being completely torn apart by her peers. Someone must have found out she was gay, or maybe she pissed off the wrong clique, or some combination thereof, but in a matter of months she'd gone from a free-spirited independent to a social pariah. And, not knowing any better, she did the exact thing everyone tells you not to do: she bit back. Everyone who gave her shit, she'd confront them about it face to face. She never learned any of those catty gossip tactics until almost a year later. She would make any and every conflict into a full-on altercation without any regard for the consequences, and.... yeah. That was a mistake. It was a mistake that got her put into a remedial program for bullying, the very problem she was trying to address. Anyway, rather than let herself be boxed into anger management, she transferred to a different school in her area. And, ironically, she wound up only being there for a month before her father got offered a job position out-of-state. Which would have been amazingly convenient if it had happened, like, two months earlier.

But, regardless, she moves on to school number three, in a completely different social pool where she's learned a whole lot of lessons that she intends to put to good practice. Whatever happens, the second half of her high school career should take some new and interesting turns.

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"Cheerleaders are angels. We're the only humans who can fly."
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"I am not a shopoholic. I am helping the economy!"
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"Life isn't perfect, but your outfit can be."

name: brenna byers
nickname: bb; bren
age: 17
birthday/zodiac: august 27/virgo
gender: female
orientations: heterosexual
grade: junior
role: cheerleader

face claim: candice accola
voice claim: candice accola
ethnicity: caucasian
distinguished features: her laugh, loud and bubbly
mods: ear piercings; belly piercing (she takes out for cheering)
height: 5'5
weight: 137lbs
build: athletic
hair: blonde
eye color: hazel
clothing style: stylish; x x gif

habits: wearing a hair tie on each wrist (unless she's competing/cheering at a game); talking very fast when she gets excited
likes: cheering; socializing; parties; little dogs
dislikes: popcorn; bees; getting trashy wasted; losing
fears: gaining weight; losing out on a cheering career; being alone

Brenna is your typical cheerleader. She's loud, bubbly, and always wants to be in charge. Being head cheerleader, she usually is. She can yell like the best of them, and sometimes yells at her friends without meaning to. She talks very fast when she gets excited, and uses her hands and everything. She's a motherly figure, always wanting what's best for those she cares about and scolds them when they do something stupid. She's the first to point out when someone is doing something that can hurt them, and has been described as uptight. She loves parties more for the socializing aspect rather than the drinking aspect-- she rarely drinks, in fact.

She's very active in her school life-- there's a dance? She's probably in charge. There's an event of any type? You can bet Brenna is gonna be there. Outside of school, she's rarely home to just sit and veg in front of the TV. She's either cheering, volunteering, or with her friends.

Brenna's parents were two entirely different people from the jump. Looking back and hearing stories, Brenna wonders how her mom ever fell for a man like her dad. Brenna takes after her mom in the fact that she'd head cheerleader and is very active both in school and her community, whereas her dad is more like a couch potato. They split when Brenna was a child. Her dad loves to crack open a beer and sit in front of the TV, and can do so for hours. When Brenna was young, she visited him alot, and more often than not ended up bored and finding something to do herself. Now that she's older, they don't talk as much.

She's kept pretty busy with school and volunteering and whatnot, but she always makes time for her friends. Its her junior year of high school, and college looms in the distance. She wants to get a cheering scholarship and become a professional cheerleader for one of the NFL teams. She doesn't personally care about football so it doesn't matter to her which one, but it's what she wants to do. She usually steers clear of the 'bad' kids in school, not wanting them to 'taint' her good image.

Code by apolla apolla
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Bad Boy wip​

Manolo Carrillo
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"Someday, you'll make a mistake. And I'll be waiting!"

Manolo Carrillo



November 1st / Scorpio




Bad Boy

Face Claim:
Clay Cook

Voice Claim:
Ansel Elgort

Mexican American

Distinguished Features:
His cocoa coiffed and styled hair, his deceitful but charming smile, and his gentle copper-colored eyes.





Cocoa Brown

Eye Color:
Light Brown

Clothing Style:
Hipster Punk Chic

1-2 paragraphs

2-3 paragraphs

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Tyrona Avery Corsair​


an accordion​
information here
| Tyrone Avery Corsair |

| T, Ty, Clutch by his team |

| 17 |

| October 27th |

| Male |

| Heterosexual |

| Junior |

| The Quarterback |
Face Claim
| Saquon Barkley |

Voice Claim
| Michael B Jordan |

| African American |

| 6'4 |

| 200 lbs |

| Athletic, Muscular |

| Black |

Eye color
| Brown |

Clothing Style
| Wears NFL jerseys and hats often. |
Tyrone is a pretty typical jock. He only hangs out with the popular kids and gets along with all of them well. He's nice to those who he deems worth being friends with and brushes others off. While he doesn't go out of his way to bully others...If he sees it happening or someone gets on his nerves...I mean come on. It's high school. His father always told him it was a dog eat dog world after all. Of course he acts like the perfect gentleman whenever his mom is around. Speaking of his mom he's a complete momma's boy. T cares greatly for both of his parents and if you really want to piss him off, go after his parents. People tend to gravitate towards Tyrone because of his natural ability at being a leader. Especially his team. He can almost always be seen hanging out in his little group if he's not with any of the other popular kids.

While Tyrone is happy go lucky on the outside he's a pretty big wreck on the inside. The weight of all the expectations tear him up. His family, coaches, teammates. It all gets to him sometimes. That's why he's such a party fiend. Tyrone goes as hard as possible at parties. Some might even say it's reckless. He'll challenge anyone to a drinking contest and take on any dares at a party. If you ask him he'll just say he loves parties but maybe a slight part of him is just looking for an excuse to drink the worries away. At any rate after any party and a night of drinking you can bet you'll find Tyrone in the gym. He's a gym rat and anytime he does anything remotely unhealthy he gets this nagging feeling that won't go away until he works out. He's a big advocate for personal health and is always happy to help anyone willing to take that first step to getting healthy.

| Tossing a football back and forth. Helps him think. Works out when nervous. |

| Football, Parties, Getting wasted, Cold Weather, Working Out |

| Fatty Foods (Except when he's drunk), people that get in the way of his dream, people with no passion for anything |

| Not reaching the NFL, Letting his whole family down |

Tyrone had what he would call a pretty stereotypical upbringing. Both his parents got along alright, whether or not it was just until Tyrone was out of the house no one could tell. His father was always pushing him to be big on football. Thankfully T actually enjoyed the sport so it wasn't a big deal. If anyone were to pay attention however they would easily be able to tell Tyrone's dad was living vicariously through him. Because of this since a young age Tyrone had been forced to play quarterback. He was incredibly good at it even in middle school. Many high schools were begging Tyrone to enroll there, some even going so far as to offer to pay for the family to move. The Corsair family eventually settled on Louven however.

Since his first freshman game the coaches knew Tyrone was something special. He was a natural at the game and it wasn't hard to see. Tyrone led the junior varsity team to two regional titles. However at the championship his father was absent. T immediately knew something was wrong as his father hadn't missed a game since he started way back with touch football. Tyrone got the call shortly before the game began that his father had been rushed to the hospital. His father was a garbage man. Nothing special but the man worked as hard as any other. He'd fallen off the truck and damaged his spine. T's father would never walk again. The news quickly spread and it became the storyline for that championship. Tyrone wasn't even there to celebrate. As soon as the clock hit 0, Tyrone was on his way to the hospital.

Now bound to a wheelchair, his father is unable to work. If Tyrone's dad's dreams weren't big enough for him before the injury, they were massive now. Tyrone was to be the first generation in his family to go to college like most black athletes. However he would have to take a full ride scholarship because his family was barely scraping by. This decision weighed heavily on Tyrone as did the expectations from his parents. If Tyrone under preformed on the varsity team he might not get into a good enough college where scouts would even think to look for him.
Code by apolla apolla
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Kaden J. Raeken

Kaden J. Raeken | 17 | m | bisexual | Libra |
Senior | 187 lb | 5' 9"| black hair

name: Kaden J. Raeken
nickname: Kade, KJ
age: 17
birthday/zodiac: October 11, Libra
gender: Male
orientation: Bisexual
grade: Senior
role: Popular Boy

face claim: Cody Christian
voice claim: Cody Christian
ethnicity: Italian America
distinguished features: His eyes are very blue, almost impossibly blue
mods: He has a couple tattoos, the most prominent one is on his forearm.
height: 5'9"
weight: 187
build: Muscular
hair: Brown
eye color: Blue

habits: He tends to social smoke, which is something he works to stop all the time.
likes: Parties, Dogs, Martial Arts, Soccer
dislikes: Ignorance, Bullies
fears: Heights, Drowning,
Kaden is a very happy and bubbly individual, typically the optimist of the group, and always there to pick someone up when they are feeling down. He cares, which isn't common among the kids in the school. He likes to think of himself as the glue that holds his friend group together. Although Kaden is this bubbly individual, he knows when to be serious and he knows when to be a pessimist. He knows when to fight and when to defend himself. He doesn't let his happy go lucky attitude make him also come across as someone who can be easily pushed arounds. He fights for what he knows is right.

Kaden has lived in a couple different New Hampshire towns, before he and his mom settled in Newcrest. He was born in Concord, New Hampshire to Tanya and Timothy Reaken, where he lived until he was about 11. His father passed away when he was very young, and Kaden has very few memories with him. It was still hard, especially the transition from a two parent household to a single parent household. He was actually teased about not having a dad as he grew up and things, specifically socially and financially were rough for a while, but Kaden never cared, he was there making sure his mom was doing okay, and not focusing on any of the bad things or how bad things had gotten. There was even a point where they were on the verge of being homeless. Kaden doesn't really talk about it much. When brought up he typically just brushed it aside and moves to the next topic.

It wasn't till Kaden was starting sixth grade that things started to improve. His mother got a promotion at work and this caused them to move to a small town in New Hampshire called Nottingham, where she was in charge of the creation of a new branch of the company. That became sort of her job and it caused them to move almost every year. Kaden and his mom finally settled into Newcrest at the beginning of his sophomore year. Which is daunting to any new kid, due to the cliques that had formed, but soon he settled in and found his niche among some like-minded people.

code by pasta pasta
Also as a side note, I'm from New Hampshire, so my character will probably talk about actual places​
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atarah freeman

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[div class=wcontainer0][div class=window0Close][div class=windowX]X[/div][/div][div class=window0][div class=scroll0] name: atarah genesis freeman
nickname: tara
age: 17
birthday: april 8th
zodiac: aries
gender: cis-female
orientation: heterosexual, heteromantic
role: popular girl
grade: senior


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face claim: sabrina o'neal
voice claim: isabella pedschardt
ethnicity: 1/2 african american (mostly west african) 1/2 caucasian (mix of french and spanish)
distinguished features: her stature (she's hella tall and thin. it brings attention to her), her intense stare
mods: double ear lobe piercings, belly button piercing (she hides from her parents)
height: 5'10"
weight: 119
build: slim, athletic, slight curves
hair: khaki brown hair, waist length, natural waves, v-shaped, layered, balayage treatment down (naturally gets lighter towards the bottom, highlights blended in)
eye color: hazel
clothing style: trendy, girly, slightly upscale (name brands) xxxxx

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personality: atarah has a calm, cool, quiet confidence about her that people look up to. she's alluring and stands out in a crowd. you want to be her, and she seems to have everything- a perfect body, perfect grades, a perfect wardrobe. she's someone you want to hate, but at the same time, be best friends with. no one really knows the true atarah. her peers just see her ice cold bitch exterior that rules the halls of louven high. this makes her seem moody, blunt, and irritable. out of respect, people part the halls to let her through to her locker. the queen of louven high makes sure no one crosses her. she is not afraid to be a bitch if she needs to and could get whatever she wants, and everyone knows it. she's only a bitch if you mess with her or someone who is helpless, though. she's a huge feminist and is extremely woke, so she stands up to bullies, cat-callers, misogynists, and basically anyone who's a dick or an asshole in a calm, regal manner. you do not want to mess with her.
tara is quite reserved, and it might come off as being stuck up, but she just does't like to open up to many people. she has plenty of friends and followers, but she has trouble trusting others because she knows there are always people out there that are trying to take her down or want her spot. this fear is one of the reasons why she has her ice queen facade. she would rather have people fear her and admire her than be vulnerable and have them know her weaknesses and secrets. there are already plenty of rumors about herself and her love life which she doesn't mind because they aren't actually revealing her inner self. however, if you prove yourself trusting enough, you'll get to know the real tara. she'll open up to you about her real self, letting loose and having fun. she's actually quite sensitive and compassionate, maybe even a sweetheart, which is why she sticks up for others, but she won't let most people know that. she'd rather be feared and known as a bitch.
she has an image and reputation that her parents and the student body count on her to keep up, so she does what is expected. she's very competitive, athletic, and intelligent. she was always told to be the best, so that's what she is in everything she does. she's ambitious and goal oriented. tara is involved in sports during all 3 seasons at school- volleyball, basketball, and lacrosse. she's captain for all of them, and she does theater, dance, and sings on the side. she's also very active and involved in community, volunteering, and the social scene. while she makes an effort to show up to the hottest parties to maintain her status, she never let's herself gets too wasted to keep up her reputation.
habits: twists and plays with the rings on her fingers when nervous, bites lip when thinking, taps her manicured nails on a hard surface when she's bored, chews gum in class, plays with her hair when bored, doesn't get much sleep from all her activities
likes: winning, sports cars, working out, shopping, caffeine (tea & coffee), parties (lies to her parents when she goes to them), animals, listening to music (em, pop, rap, r&b), bad boys
dislikes: losing, social climbers, meat (she's vegan), the rain, cakey foundation, liars, cheaters, country music, frappuccinos
fears: not succeeding, losing, not finding love, losing her friends, disappointing her parents

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biography: atarah freeman was born into a loving, wealthy, upper middle class family. from the day she was born, her parents have wanted her to be something great. atarah means crown in hebrew, so it's no wonder her christian parents treat her like their little princess. her father, an ex-nba player who's now a pastor on the weekends, and her mother, an ex-news anchor, have always spoiled her with whatever she wanted. they made sure she was always groomed and dressed to perfection, had the best nannies and toys, had the best tutors, and had the best coaches, so that she'd excel in anything she did. her parent's had always had high expectations for her- always wanting her to work hard, and they'd already made a name for themselves in the town they lived in. they always pushed her to succeed. as soon as she was able to walk and talk, they had signed her up for sports and the arts.
as tara grew up, she realized that she fell into the popular crowd. she rose to popularity and realized the power she had over her peers. noticing everyone's admiration, she began ruling school. no one dared to challenge her, and everyone was worshipping her. she liked her power, and she wasn't a bad ruler- always knowing how to be fair, but she did knew how to use it to her advantage. she was soon attending all the parties in town and being the subject of all gossip. however, she had to keep her reputation at school hidden from her protective and slightly conservative parents. she somehow managed to juggle her grades, extra curricular, and social life. the pressure to get straight a's while participating in 3 seasons of sports, leadership (she's asb president), clubs, the arts, community volunteering, and the social scene began to weigh in on her, and she's overly concerned about college applications. she's becoming bitchier and moodier the longer she's been in high school. she's been battling with severe depression, in which she hides from everyone, and she gets around no sleep.

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uxie, back at it again with another messy cs code
(why do u only do cs codes)
i can't really say i tried something that new this time but i've been slowly figuring it out. this one only took me like, what, 5 hours? haha. ): the layout and general aesthetic (is there even one) is credited to my good friend /u/roommate. her ideas r fresh and great and good for me bc im uncreative af
ive been harassing her 2 give me layout ideas as of late bc she's p new to coding while i am (???) not. so it's fun.

she's getting p good at it actually monkaS

anyways, as always, this code is free to use as long as you keep this cool little thing here. notice i always do this 4 the ones i spend way too much time on lol. it might be a bit laggy when ur editing it bc there's so much text oops. have fun with it, try not to edit too much it might break? i hope not. i've been trying to get mine to break less • ͜ > •
for the background i lit just googled vaporwave background LOL
palette used (w/ a few edits from me ofc)

disclaimer: this code isn't mobile friendly nor tablet-friendly (bIG SAD) bc the dimensions are way too big!! the stuff itself might not fuck up, but a lot of things'll be cut off, so it's recommended it only be viewed on pc. then again, you couldn't see this part if you were on mobile or tablet, i'm p sure ?



[class=container] height:450px; width:500px; background:url('http://paperlief.com/images/california-palm-trees-tumblr-background-wallpaper-2.jpg'); background-size:160%; background-position: 40% 20%; margin:auto; position:relative; [/class] [class=bigimage] height:250px; width:350px; background:url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d8/3a/3b/d83a3b61162c0b2e260888c90c3bc4a5.jpg'); background-size:100%; border:8px solid #c773d1; [/class] [class=bigimghover] height:250px; width:350px; background-color:#8795E8; position:absolute; opacity:0; transition:0.8s; [/class] [class name=bigimghover state=hover] opacity:0.8; transition:0.8s; [/class] [class=wcontainer0] height:140px; width:290px; position:absolute; top:270px; left:100px; [/class] [class=window0Close] height:17px; width:17px; background-color:#e53d3d; position:absolute; top:2.3px; left:274.5px; z-index:6; border-radius:1.8px; [/class] [class=window0] border:5px solid #d5d6f2; border-top:22px solid #d5d6f2; height:120px; width:280px; border-radius:1.5px; 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wip party animal
queer jamaican boy
but actually the purest human to have ever existed
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Rebecca Thompson
Miss Hipster


Full Name: Rebecca Lynn Thompson
Nickname: Rey, Reba
Age: 17
Grade: Senior (12th)
Gender: Female (cis)
Sexuality: Demisexual
Zodiac: Sagittarius, December 13
Role: Hipster


Face/Voice Claim: Taylor Swift
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Features: Haircut with thick bangs and soft waves, charming smile
Mods: Ear piercings
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 124 lbs
Body Type: Slim Athletic Build
Clothing Style: Vintage inspired // x x x


Habits: Tends to hold her hands to her face when thinking/stressed (ex), Bounces her foot/feet when she sits still for too long
Likes: cats, old books/records, eating whipped cream straight from the can (ex), singing, playing guitar, christmas, poetry, coffee, thunderstorms and rain
Dislikes: energy drinks, being lied to, murky days with no rain, too-hot days, leaving pens unclicked/uncapped, pencils, intolerance, cigarette/marijuana smoke
Fears: claustrophobia, staying in her home town forever, letting her mother down
Other: Rey has asthma

Rey is a kind-hearted and ambitious, but naive and sensitive person. Even though she's been burned before, she keeps her heart open and runs head-long into things without always thinking; especially relationships. Because of her open nature, she tends to be rather expressive when she does... anything, wearing her heart on her sleeve, but opting to say nothing over expressing her opinions loudly. She learnt over the years that many people disliked her for her self-confidence and would say horrible things to her even if she had said nothing. She can be rather blunt without meaning to if she isn't in the best of moods, or if she doesn't pick up on others' feelings and gives direct advice instead of comfort. Her caring nature knows no bounds however, as she will move heaven and earth for those she considers friends and family. And, while she can sometimes miss hints of someone being upset, her friends like to come to her when they are upset because she will not hesitate to help them feel better any way she can, which usually involves some bad jokes and dancing around a room with any music she can get/create.


Rey never knew her father, and according to her mother he was killed in a car crash just a couple of months after Rey was born. Her mother doesn't like to talk about her father, so Rey stopped asking a long time ago, as with a father or without her childhood was rather good. Her mother's most important lesson for her daughter was to always be herself, and Rey followed her words to a T all the way through her childhood doing as she pleased weather it was what everyone else was a fan of or not. While she wasn't unpopular, Rey never had many close friends, and still doesn't, finding that she doesn't feel a connection with many of her peers. Though, it might be from a lack of trying to create a connection, after a bad few experiences with bullies over the years.

She discovered her love for music when she was 12, and her mother helped her to save up the money to buy a guitar that christmas. Though it was challenging to learn to play without any formal teacher, Rey was determined and would play for hours until her fingers had blisters and her mother had to force her to stop so that she could bandage them. As she entered high school, Rey discovered that those who bullied her tended to leave her alone if she didn't openly react to them, so instead she wrote her feelings into songs. This habit only increased when she began dating, and went through partners left and right. While she does not have a reputation as a mean person, she has gained one of a heart-breaker unintentionally because of the string of hearts she's left behind. Rey never means to hurt anyone, she just truly hopes to find a connection with someone.

coding by: diaphanous
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[div class=holder] [div class=colorname]Sonia El Khoury
[div class=little]. The Hipster [div class=little style="top: 5px;left: 0px"]. March 12/Pisces
[/div] [div class=button]+ Add[/div] [div class=2holder] [div class=smallestword]AGE [div class=biggerword]17[/div] [div class=smallestword style="top: -36px;left: 45px"]GENDER [div class=biggerword]F[/div] [div class=smallestword style="top: -36px;left: 60px"]ORIENT [div class=biggerword]Hetero[/div] [div class=smallestword style="top: -36px;left: 60px"]GRADE [div class=biggerword]Jr.[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div]
[div class=imageholder][div class=image]
[div class=extrawords]Sonia El Khoury [div class=extrawords2]as [div class=colorsmallwords]The Hipster. . .[/div][/div][/div] [div class=infobox][div class=scroll] [div class=title]Appearance [div class=textbox][div class=scroll style="line-height: 12px"]Face Claim: Hannah Kleit

Voice Claim: Dana Hourani (xxx)

Ethnicity: Lebanese-American

Distinguished Features: Her signature blunt bob hairstyle, her RBF

Mods: Ear piercings, a few stick-and-poke tattoos

Height: 5'9

Weight: 130 lbs

Build: Sonia is lanky but athletic, with long, slender arms and legs. She doesn't have many curves, but she does have some defined muscle despite being quite thin.

Hair: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Clothing Style: Sonia's style is really simple, but mostly consists of dark and neutral colors. She often wears jeans, crop tops (when it's warm), hoodies, oversized shirts, and sneakers. (123) [/div][/div][/div] [div class=wideimage][/div] [div class=title style="top: 200px;"]Personality [div class=textbox style="height: 190px"][div class=scroll]Habits: Picks her nails when she's nervous, smirks slightly when amused, furrows her eyebrows when she disapproves of something, takes walks when feeling stressed

Likes: Warm days, coffee and tea, writing, large bodies of water, nightlife, "urban aesthetic", drizzling rain, animals

Dislikes: Wintertime, pouring rain, humidity, bigotry, radio music, stuck-up people, being ignored, chaos

Fears: Dying young, never fulfilling her dreams

Personality: Sonia is very individualistic, yet she does not pride herself in being different. She just is, and she's more than fine with that. She is unapologetically herself, which means she is very straightforward and independent with everyone. She doesn't change for anyone else, even her friends. Sonia has her own mind and doesn't conform based on what others believe. She could honestly care less about the popular opinion, which makes her condescending at times.

While she is full of self-will and determination, Sonia is most well-known for her laid-back attitude. She's calm and collected in most situations and it's rare to see her blow up about a certain situation. In a way, she can be a bit of a "kumbaya hippie", simply wanting everyone to get along and be happy. She takes things lightly and doesn't let what people say about her get to her head. However, she can be on the lazy side, reluctant to "stand up for herself" and just letting people say whatever they want about her.

When you get to know Sonia, she honestly won't seem different at first. She's the same calm and collected Sonia. The difference is thst, at times, she can be a bit closed off with strangers - or at least she won't talk to you much and will seem a little cold. If you are closer to her, then this coldness will not be so present and she becomes much more open.[/div][/div][/div] [div class=title style="top: 410px;"]Biography [div class=textbox style="height: 230px"][div class=scroll]Sonia was born into a wealthy family living in California. Her parents were Lebanese physicians from Brazil who immigrated to the United States when she was 2 years old. She was always very different from other girls - in fact, she was very much a tomboy. Sonia enjoyed the outdoors, sometimes too much, bringing worms and bugs inside. She would name them and hide them from her parents, though they always foiled their daughter's little "schemes".

Sonia's life was generally "chill", but the hardest part was the fact that her parents weren't always around. In fact, they were abent quite often, and although she sometimes speaks about it lightly, it still hurts. They were doing their jobs and left her with a nanny most of the time. However, they didn't do a very good job of connecting with their daughter, which left a void that young Sonia tried to fill by hanging out with the wrong crowd.

She tried smoking with them, which she hated the first time and never tried again. Sonia would sneak out to parties and steal small trinkets just to please them. She was only 11 at the time, but when she was 13, everything seemed to change for the better. She made the hard decison to leave those friends and searched for new ones. Unfortunately, she didn't really make any "real" friends after that. Her "cool girl" status was still alive and well, even after she left those other friends. She went through high school, not entirely caring if she passed or failed a test. She simply did what she must and had a carefree attitude about everything. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div] [class=holder] position: relative; margin: auto; top: 310px; height: 110px; width: 210px; padding: 10px; background: #4D482C; opacity: 0.95 [/class] [class=colorname] position: relative; display: inline-block; color: #c2baa2; font-size: 18px; [/class] [class=little] position: relative; top: 10px; left: 10px; height: 30px; width: 110px; font-size: 10px; color: #fff; word-spacing: 0.5px; letter-spacing: 0.1px [/class] [class=2holder] position: relative; top: -5px; left: -5px; height: 35px; width: 210px; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=smallestword] position: relative; left: -10px; display: inline-block; font-size: 8px; color: #fff; letter-spacing: 0.2px; text-align: center [/class] [class=biggerword] position: relative; top: -5px; font-size: 18px; color: #c2baa2 [/class] [class=button] position: relative; top: -18px; left: 130px; height: 20px; width: 50px; padding: 5px; border-radius: 3px; background: #9d906a; text-align: center; color: #fff; font-size: 13px; transition: 0.7s [/class] [class name=button state=hover] cursor: pointer; background: #323720; [/class] [class=imageholder] position: relative; top: 10px; height: 80px; width: 95%; padding: 10px; [/class] [class=image] height: 70px; width: 70px; display: inline-block; background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/236x/15/21/f5/1521f509605c948df76456c6beb62f25.jpg); background-size: 135%; background-position: 50% 20%; border-radius: 50% [/class] [class=extrawords] position: relative; width: 100%; top: -60px; left: 90px; font-size: 15px; color: white [/class] [class=extrawords2] position: relative; top: -5px; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; word-spacing: 0.5px [/class] [class=colorsmallwords] display: inline-block; color: #c2baa2 [/class] [class=infobox] position: relative; top: -40px; height: 300px; width: 220px; padding: 10px; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=scroll] height: 100%; width: calc(100% + 15px); overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; padding-right: 40px; text-align: justify [/class] [class=title] position: relative; height: 30px; width: 100%; font-size: 18px; color: white [/class] [class=textbox] position: relative; top: 5px; height: 175px; width: 220px; font-size: 0.57em; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=wideimage] position: relative; top: 190px; height: 65px; width: 218px; background-image: url(https://78.media.tumblr.com/761b183e64bdab780a7c4d3ff1c215a2/tumblr_oyhty615ii1w1yp8do2_500.png); background-size: 100%; background-position: 47% 60%; filter: brightness(90%) [/class]
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/coded by allure/

faceclaim: tashi rodriguez
voice claim: none
ethnicity: puerto rican
distinguished features: dark eyes, curls, cheekbones
mods: n/a
height: 5' 7"
weight: 130lbs
build: tall, slim
hair: dark brown/black, curly
eye colour: brown
clothing style:


name: elizabeth "lizzie" kabaka

age: 17
birthday/zodiac: july 28 (leo)

gender: female
orientations: bisexual

grade: junior
role: popular girl


Oscillate yourself tonight
When you're in your bed
Assimilate the dopamine
Passing through your head

When you get back on a Saturday night
And your head is caving in
Do you look like me, do you feel like me
Do you turn into your effigy?
Do you dance like this?
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.name: adam john miller
.nickname: A
.age: 18
.birthday/zodiac: 5th of June, gemini
.gender: male
.orientations: homosexual
.role: party animal

.face claim: adam gallagher
.voice claim: tyler hoechlin
.ethnicity: caucasian
.distinguished features: his trimmed beard and silver looking eyes
.mods: has his ears pierced but rarely wears any earrings
.height: 6'1
.weight: 170 lbs
.build: muscular
.hair: brown
.eye color: grey/silver
.clothing style:





you can explain adam’s lifestyle in one word. lavish. adam loves to live his life the fullest. this means for him that he throws and attends as many party as he can and for adam that are many parties. adam is known for his energetic appearance. he can never sit still, much to the annoyance of his classmates sometimes. he loves to have fun and spent time with his friends, he really hates it when he is alone.
for many people adam comes across as very strong and self-assured, however beneath the shell of the party animal is a soft and friendly person who cares a lot about his friends. adam has also his own insecurities like any other teenager.

.habits: coffee is the first thing he drinks in the morning before he does anything else; starts each party with a shot of vodka
.likes: coffee; music; partying; alcohol; spending time with friends
.dislikes: drugs; boring people; reading; sitting in the classroom;
.fears: being drowned; snakes; having a bad trip


adam was born in the capital of the Netherlands to a dutch father and an american mother. his mother had met his father when she was working in amsterdam. adam grew up in the most liberal city of the world with the famous red-light district and the many coffeeshops. adam went to elementary school when he was four years old. when he was eight years old his mother wanted to go back to american and his father wanted something more quiet to live. they decided to move to new crest in new hampshire. he enrolled in the local school and quickly made friends. the language barrier was little since adam knew already some english because his mother had taught him that and at school he had learnt english when he started.

when adam was about to start in middle school he experienced his first party and thought is was amazing. the joy, happiness and music made him feel very happy and alive. since that party he started to go to more and more parties. it heavily affected his previous good grades and had to do his best to pass each year. during puberty he found out that he liked guys more than girls. he told his parents right away and they were fine with it. adam didn’t felt the need to tell it to his friends.

when highschool started adam thought it would be time to host his very own party. his sent his parents away and invited many people from his school over. some older friends from school had managed to buy lots and lots of drinks. halfway the party he started dancing with this guy he had a crush on since a few months now. after some more drinks and talks they kissed and all his friends were shocked but after a few seconds they started to cheer. they didn’t mind it at all. the night continued and the next morning he found himself waking up next to two guys without remembering what happened. since that party he became officially known as the party animal and his parties were named the best of the village

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[class=container]height: 350px;width: 350px;overflow: hidden;background-color: transparent;[/class][class=textbox]height: 350px;width: 350px;overflow-y: scroll;padding-right: 20px;padding-left: 17px;[/class][div class=container][div class=textbox]

Rorke Wilkes
the fuck up

Rorke Venus Wilkes
rory, rv, venus, venny, wilkey
6 december 2000 : sagittarius
straight : demisexual : bicurious
the fuck up

face claim: avan jogia
voice claim: avan jogia
egyptian : arabian
full lips : dimples :
daith ear piercing : septum : floral and raven feather tattoo on left arm
6 feet; 2 inches
184 lb
skinny : slightly muscular
black : long : wavy
light brown w/ specks of green
dark, comfy, skinny jeans, sweatpants

Rorke is very reserved, keeps to himself while the world goes on around him. He has few friends that are associated as stoners, but he doesn't care for labels so he doesn't identify as anything. But he does skip class often ending him with a shit ton of detention and smokes weed. Despite his poor school performance, he isn't stupid, he's got no grade in the homework category but he gets A's on all his tests and finals. He hates working with groups and keeps away from them, 'groups get you in trouble, and I am already doing that to myself.' He says that, but he is very uncomfortable with talking to people, the truth being that he was diagnosed with anxiety at 15.
When Rory is able to get past his social anxiety, a lot of sarcastic comments and witty jokes are made. He is a good person at heart and tends to care too much about people at times. His fights and arrests are usually because of that. He is the fuck up because he tends not to care for certain things that other kid shis age care about and also the fact that he smokes and drinks.
Runs his hand through his hair when frustrated
Bites his lip when he is nervous
Tends to ramble when really nervous, usually around a romantic interest
smoking +
science +
his little half brother and half sister +
cheaters -
liars -
bullies -
most popular people -
authority -
Losing his siblings
Getting arrested for the last time
being killed

I will have this done soon. I am writing off-site cause shit don't like to save for me. WIP
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