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Fantasy LOTRS- CS Sheet & Species Descriptions


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧crying over fictional lesbians (╥︣﹏᷅╥)

Species List

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Spirit Users

01. Spirit Users.full.jpg

" A wolf can disguise themselves as a sheep all they want, but sooner or later one of the flock will notice…. And when that happens the wolf will be completely outnumbered. "


It was the shape-shifting animals who first felt the change, those such as wolves or tanuki's who'd taken on the illusion of human form thanks to the spiritual power that flowed throughout the land heard its cries as their abilities grew weaker, their ability to keep up their disguise growing more and more tiresome as time passed leading to some slipping out before humans eyes and causing both confusion and panic to those who were witness to such an event, the race who'd until now been rather well hidden amongst the townsfolk and villages now needing to be wary of how long they use it for.

These 'Spirit Users' are rare within the animal species and often occur only when someone else in their bloodline possess the ability as well. Though loosing a decent portion of their animal capabilities in human disguise they still retain certain features, such as bears retaining a superior natural strength or a wolf retaining more highly-tuned senses in the way of smelling or hearing (They also retain most of their animalistic instincts, such as getting easily tempted at the smell of food or bears becoming sleepier during winter when they'd normally be hibernating). Another thing to note about this species is that thanks to their connection with the spiritual flow they have an extended lifespan much closer to that of an average humans, though they still don't live quite as long they can reach anywhere from thirty to fifty years of age compared to their otherwise much shorter ones. Some may choose to live most of their life in their original animal form and only don the appearance of a human much later where as others may have -up until the recent changes- spent most of their time since birth as a human being.

//When in human form no animal traits can bee seen, e.g. no tail or ears. But these features may appear very briefly if they become tired or too unfocused in retaining the human form, the switch itself between animal and human is quick and they have differing levels of control depending on their experience/skill with it.//

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02. Kitsune.full.jpg

" A coat that shimmers ever so beautifully in the rays of sun that seep through the trees and eyes that seem to stare into the very soul itself, a creature so mysterious and so magnificent….. So why does it always appear to be so lonely? "

Next it was the kitsune who, much like the animal shape shifters gained their power from the spiritual flow, even the greatest of foxes being able to only produce the smallest of flames and their ability to manipulate the minds of humans being all but lost in the process. This was troublesome for the fox-like race as it meant they could no longer simply erase the memory of themselves from any humans mind who happened to see their more animal-like features or were witness to their creation of flames. They grew slightly jealous of the spirit users at this, seeing it as they had lost much more in this recent change as they were at more danger of being discovered as they couldn't hide their features other than under a hood or cloak.

This race is known to be mischievous and manipulative, rumoured to easily capture the hearts of men and ladies alike with their powers over human minds and then eat their livers, though it is exactly what it states and no more, a rumour. They have the ability to produce quite impressive blue flames of which many cause trouble for the villagers by burning patches of their crops -or at least they could before the recent changes- now these flames are small and disappearing after only a short time. They can transform between their fox form (Which is slightly bigger than that of an average fox) and human along with possessing any number of tails between one and nine depending on their age. Though it is less prominent they have eyes that when in darkness will glow and allow them a certain level of night vision, most kitsune having faster reflexes and speed than a human too.

These immortal beings have no known end to their lifespan, none yet having died of reaching a certain age, the only thing seeming to do so is being killed by more- unnatural causes. The oldest and wisest of the Kitsune tell stories of the time the demons took over this land and they were perhaps the first to come to a possible conclusion for what these recent changes were caused by, even if not the first to notice.

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03. Humans.full.jpg

" Humans greatest strength lies not in their physical abilities but instead in that of their minds. "


The humans were the last to sense something was wrong, only picking up on it when crops began to give bad harvests at random, the forrest's growing less lively and instead an eerie silence filling them though nobles of the land having little idea of what to tell their people. The only ones to take any action at these events where the samurai and swordsmen, wether it be because they were brave enough to take action or perhaps sent on a job to do so by one of the higher-ups.

These are the people who have at the very least some talent to do with combat or fighting skills, they are those who have been tasked with ridding the towns of the newly discovered kitsune and transforming animals and hunting them down. Those who have been sent to take down anything that may put the settlements in danger…. But perhaps you are not one of these swords for hire, maybe you are but a traveller who happened to hear the whispers being passed around, maybe someone who just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

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04. Half-demons.full.jpg

" Born in both the darkness and the light, to which side someone eventually chooses is up to them, after all, there is no such thing as someone who is pure evil nor is there such as thing as someone who is pure good. "


In the time since the seal had first become to grow weak a few of the smaller and less dangerous demons had slipped out here and there, not causing too much trouble- not yet. No they had instead only caused slight havoc within a few of the villages far from the towns or the nobles rule, consuming spiritual energy slowly in attempts to not alert others of their presence. There were cases of people going missing every now and again at these villages, children or woman would mysteriously vanish in the night, captured by these 'monsters' in order for them to continue to feed, that or simply amusement as the creatures saw fit, the humans seeming like such weak creatures to them. This was not true for all who disappeared though, some were able to warm the hearts of these demons, falling in love and starting families together, most were hunted down once discovered, the children of these people exiled and cast out without a second chance. Much is still not known about these half breeds…. Some claim they have claws and fangs, others that they have skin of which no blade can cut, some say they have the ability to create and manipulate fire and others the same but with shadows.


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05. Demons.full.jpg


Little is known about these creatures except the fact that they are rumoured to be the embodiment of darkness itself, soulless beings who only care to feed on the spiritual energy of the land and will destroy anything that may stand in their way without a second thought. No one claimed them to be dumb however, many have the same intelligence as humans and use it to their advantage, they seek pleasure in capturing humans for their own entertainment and being rid of them once bored, they have a never ending desire to continue to feed, to keep growing stronger for a reason of which they themselves may not truely know. An instinct one might call it, something that's been hammered into them in order to survive. Their forms are twisted and like that of the monsters of nightmares as depicted in some works where as others showing them not that different from humans…. They have the ability to manipulate certain elements and manifest illusions of their opponents fears, they say anyone who sets eyes on a demon will forever be hunted by the most gruesome of nightmares.
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code by Nano Nano


CS Sheet- (*= Optional)
This will be the all of the necessary information for your character. You may edit and add anything you like (BBCode, Sexuality, Goals, Fears, etc.) But this information must be included in the finished project.

First Name:

(Place your image anywhere you like.)

(Your character's full name. Yes, FULL name. Plus any nicknames they may have, please include these in [Whatever nickname goes here] )

(How old they are. Cannot be unknown.)


(What are they?)

Appearance description/extra details:
(It's rare that an image can perfectly capture what we imagine our characters to look like. Any differences between the image and the character needs to be written here.)

(No 2D characters. Make your creation unique and fleshed out. Everyone has good and bad parts of the persona. So does your character. A short paragraph is fine here.)

(What are they capable of //Magic, sword skills? or any other physical abilities// What are their strengths? Where do they succeed where others fail?)

(There is no such thing as a perfect being. Everything has flaws. So does your character. As many strengths as they may have, write an equal amount of weaknesses. Personality weaknesses are not allowed. (Things like "Can control space time but is esstupih" are not acceptable.) Please make real shortcomings.)

(If your character is hundreds of years old, then they must have been through a lot during their lifetime. So the older and more powerful a character is, the more detailed I expect the history to be. A 20 year old human and a 400 year old demon should not have similar length in history.
Remember, this is everything that has happened to them up until this point. Should be no shorter than one well-written paragraph. More for older, more powerful characters.)

(What they packin' ??)

(Anything extra you would like us to know about your character. The more fleshed out and alive your character is, the better.)

*Quote & Theme Song:
(Finally, add a quote from somewhere that you feel sums up your character. And/Or a song you feel pictures them.)

// Sheet Made/Provided By shadowz1995 shadowz1995 //

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First Name:


Urzul Ryuulea Glasha
She has been known to strangers to be called Urzul. If she's on more familiar terms with them, she may be called Ryuulea.



Orc. I suppose in this roleplay it'll be under demons!

Appearance description/extra details:
Ryuulea is short for a Orc, perhaps only 5'9 in height. Her skin is a pale green, eyes tilted at an extreme angle, with glistening blue eyes. Her hair is blonde and cropped short, as so her foes cannot use it as leverage if it comes to hand to hand combat.

She has a somewhat petite build, but get no misconceptions here- Ryuulea can deal out some intense, damaging blows. Her face is tatted with war tattoos.
Ryuulea is often found wearing armor, but occasionally you can find her in a more common outfit. She can be seen wearing a simple bra, and loincloth.

(No 2D characters. Make your creation unique and fleshed out. Everyone has good and bad parts of the persona. So does your character. A short paragraph is fine here.)

She's quite well when it comes to hand to hand combat, but her real strength comes from her two-handed weapons. Ryuulea has great combatant instincts, honed by her tribe back at her home land- don't expect an easy victory from her.
She doesn't bother with magic under any circumstances, but her ability is health regeneration. It's a slow process, so she'd have to evade for a while for this to regenerate.
Ryuulea is pure determination. She'll never admit defeat, and will fight through any wound for victory. She will never give up, she is too prideful.
Don't mistake her stubbornness for stupidity. Ryuulea is smart, but stuck in her ways.

Ryuulea is slow, and doesn't bother with shields- she's very stubborn in her ways. Though she can throw a human rather easily, she can have hard time catching up to them.
Ryuulea has minimum patience with stealth- she'd rather charge out and fight them. She finds hidden, stealth related attacks like assassination, which has no honor in her eyes.
Ryuulea does not use magic under any circumstances. This can be rather stupid in many views, but she'd rather focus on her instincts.

Ryuulea was born on another continent, far away from here. A land dominated by orcs, honor, and battle. There was no peace, only bloodshed. And for her, that was home.
She had a loving family. Her father was chief of the tribe, so he was often in combat, and she remembered, as a child, she wanted to be just like him. And she also knew, even at the age of six, to be like him, she'd have to kill him in rightful combat and gain the Tribe for her own.
She began to train- and her father trained her. Ryuulea was sure that he knew her intentions, but he trained her with a loving hand. After a few trials and error, he found her strength and weaknesses. She sucked with bow and arrows, and had quite a temper. Not only this, she hated stalking and hiding, creeping up on people to kill them. He soon figured she'd be much more suited for outright battle.
From this point on she trained while she could. It wasn't until she was 16 that she could rival him. He was much wiser than her, and had years of experience on her shoulders. That being said, she could defend herself, but could never land more then a few hits before being destroyed. Her temper was her worst enemy, it clouded her vision. But it also aided her, boosting her strength.
She realized she'd have to leave and learn to fight better, without a teacher, to trust her instincts. Ryuulea went on her first quest and left everything she knew to become better.
Around several months of living in the wilderness and attacking anything that came her way, she became better. Her instincts sharpened, and having no one to rely on gave her a sense of independence. She learned to better control her temper, and her combat skills grew considerably. Where she was once taking down bears in the woods, she began to take down mammoths and such- not only this, did she grow a considerable bounty by killing may officials and clearing out entire towns.
However, she knew she could do much more with a partner- and sought one out. She finally ran into a male that, though could not defeat her in combat, came pretty close, and didn't die, which was more than anyone else did. She quickly enlisted him, and the single became a duo of considerable strength. It was good to have a partner.
He began to court her after some time, but she brushed him aside. Yes, he was strong, but she had priorities- like defeating her father and having a tribe of her own. Having the tribe would give her full command over it's warriors, and she could lead them in war- the look on their faces as she slayed their leader would be nice, and finally overcoming her father would be even better.

After some time, she knew it was time to return. It had been two years, and she was of age to take an Orc for a mate. Again, she had things to do first. Taking a mate would be beneficial, because she would be able to fight him and his mate with her own, increasing the odds of victory. Ryuulea began debating with marrying the male by her side morning and night. He had proved his worth and loyalty. She didn't love him, but love was hard for someone to conjure raised without love in their life, like trying to define a word without knowing the definition.

Ryuulea returned with her partner by her side, and with a newly acquired war hammer from her travels, she challenged her father with a battle cry.
She was a site to behold. Grown and developed, she had climbed the walls of the tower and let out a fierce cry to alert her people of her coming, and dropped to the ground.
"It is I, Urzul of Vangerbath, and I challenge your leader to a battle of honor! Bring out Leshandergough." She chanted, banging her hand on her chest. There was grave silence, and one of her elders approached.
Orcs have great respect for those who survived for over 70 years, and she dropped to ground and dipped her head, a sign of upmost respect- especially as she was royalty.
"Leshander was slain in battle by a newcomer by the name of Juleaza. She is in her tavern as we speak. You must challenge her there. But be warned, daughter of the deceased. She is strong, stronger than Leshandergough. You must be wary."

Ryuulea was consumed with rage, but it was the way of the Orc. Tribe leaders lived on the line, and could not back down from a challenge for chief. And it was always a fight to the death. It was to be expected.

Ryuulea smiled, and a voice came from crowd.
"Get off your knees. It is not becoming of a future queen and chief." A deep voice said, and she turned. It was her partner, and she smiled. Her eyes traveled over his defined jawline and pale skin. She was not one to judge beauty, but she saw the person he was within. A fierce combatant, with loyalty he had proven time and time again. He was mate material, and she understood, when this was over, she wanted no other male by her side. True, he was no orc. He was merely a human, but strong enough to nearly defeat her, and good enough for her.

Ryuulea touched his face in a rare display of affection, and his brilliant smile stunned her in that moment, she felt something flutter in her chest.
"If I die in combat, don't stay by my side, it is pointless. Nor avenge my death- if you kill her, without being an Orc, it will incite war." She said, and without another word, strode towards the chief cabin. Typically before a battle of this scale you asked the gods for a blessing, but Ryuulea wished to do this alone.

She kicked down the door, and entered the room, weapons in hand, so the intent was clear. The woman who turned was not was she expected. She looked like no warrior, how could she defeat her father?

She was of great beauty, and had a slender build, and took great care of herself. Her skin was a pale green, almost human, with full lips and small fangs, eyes more human than her own. Her eyes were a brilliant violet, and her hair was a deep brown, long and thick, a slick cascading river. Jewlery lined her body and glinted in the light, and she had no weapons to be seen. This was no warrior. Filled with disgust, Ryuulea spit on the ground.

"I do not know how you defeated my father, but it was not in honor. You must be filled with trickery and lies to defeat him. And I challenge you in honorable combat." She said deeply.
The female orc laughed.

"Child. In days like these, there is no such thing as honor and respect. Those are fantasies. But I will accept your challenge, and grind you to dust beneath my feet." The woman said, and pushed her aside, leaving the room.

Within minutes, a ring had been drawn, and the people gathered around. To her surprise, the woman did not put up her hair, and Ryuulea gritted her teeth at her blatant disregard and confidence. All Juleaza had was a simple sword, and no armor to display. Such arrogance enraged Ryuulea, and she slammed the head of the hammer against the ground. The blue stones glinted in the light, and cracks appeared in the pavement.

"Urzul Ryuulea Glasha, daughter of Leshandergough." She said.
The woman grinned. "Ah. I thought you seemed familiar. You are the daughter of the coward, who I defeated single handedly in battle."
Rage filled her chest, and red swarmed her vision, but she remained calm.

"I am called Juleaza Saphieza Vandulagh, and my elders do not matter." The woman said, and there was mutterings in the crowd.

And, letting out a cry of rage, Ryuulea raised her hammer and attacked- but she was thrown back by a burst of light- and she shook her head with disgust. This Orc practiced magic, a cowardly skill in her eyes. However, the warrior in her made her stand and attack once more.

It was a brutal fight- the woman was fast, and fought dirty. However, Ryuulea overcame and topple over the leader- but not without many wounds. Many times it looked as if she would die, but she stood up, despite her wounds, and continued on. The battle ended when she landed a power attack against the female's chest, breaking past her magical defenses with her pure strength. The shield cackled and cracked, and she busted through, shattering the female's chest.

Ryuulea stood over the gasping female, desperately attempting to heal her chest, gasping for air as her hands flickered with red magic.
"You were not honorable. But I will put you out of your misery. I wish you the best in your next life." She said, and brought down her hammer on the woman's face with all her might.

After the ceremony of inheriting the tribe, her newly married spouse tended to her wounds. From this point on, for the tribe experienced great victory under a new leader. They dominated many other tribes- and whenever that happened, the other tribe joined them, as was tradition. Their numbers grew. New blood made stronger offspring- all was well.

Around this time, however, she recieved a vision from one of the gods, telling her to come here, and that it would bring great fame, justice, and blood to her people. Ryuulea left her mate to watch over the tribe at home and came here.
  • Two sided battle axe. It has a obsidian color, the blades a light grey, but the edges of the blade are a deep ruby.
  • A giant war hammer- her favorite weapon. Easily the length of a small human, it has great distance. The real damage is all in the fifty-pound head of the hammer. Combined with her strength, it can be lethal, and at least break a few bones.
  • wolf_hammer01_by_artbychien-d9sj95t.png
  • A few necklaces. She isn't one for jewelry but these have sentimental value.​

She's very picky about potential mates. They must be strong. She doesn't care about appearance at all. In her eyes, they must be able to fight alongside her in her battle. That gains her respect.

Once she loves you, she'll always love you, until you hurt her to the point of no return.

She has no problem abandoning those who hurt her. Likewise, she has no remorse for dropping people of no use.

Ryuulea isn't the best at following orders, but will do so to help out her team. She'd much prefer leading then following.

Quote & Theme Song:

"Dying is not repaying a debt!!! That's not what he saved you for!!! Only weak men would die after someone spared their lives!"

"We are people, not fish. We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realize what you are. That's what death is, don't you think?"

"Winning is about making your opponents lose, making them taste defeat, crushing a fallen opponent, kicking them when they're down, rubbing salt into a gaping wound. Winning is about trampling over corpses. It's not beautiful, it's brutal. And that is what makes it beautiful."


"I'm not territorial like some beast, I'm just jealous. Because when you're territorial you just want to protect what's yours, but when you're jealous you want something that's not."

First Name:

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Himejiki Ruruki Umatsu Kasaru. As for nicknames just about anything goes though 'Ay you ya stupid foxy?!' Is pretty common amongst farmers in her animal form, her personal favourite nicknames or both that of her last name, Kasaru or a shortened version of her first, Jiki.

254 (Born just before the great war took over the part of the country where she lived, the chaos reaching its peak just as she neared what a human would reckon as adulthood though for her species but a toddler really.)

Female (Clearly)

Kitsune (Foxy-Lady~)

Appearance description/extra details:
She has a small fox mask tattoo on her left shoulder hidden always by her kimono however scandalous it may appear at first glance, some might think the symbol to be of taste of pride- though it is in fact something much more sinister and a marking that will haunt her for all eternity, that of her clan.

Hair colour:
Purpleish Silver (As Above)

Eye colour:
A dark shade of magenta almost purplish hints within the pink. (As Above)



Hime is not exactly what most would consider your typical high up and conservative kitsune, even by her young and child-hood age standards. Though not as mischievous as others she's quite the troublemaker for any nearby village or particularly farm, not too mention she's a bit too keen on mucking around with the humans of such settlements under guise of hood and messing with their daily lives or plans, making married men glance twice at her ever lustrous body or making cheating boyfriends tempted until straight up coming out of hiding in their acts by accident to chase after the beautiful woman who always seems to disappear just like a fox into the bushes. She can be stubborn or envious easily, such is a foxes nature and the saying does go they're never to be trusted. But despite all this the female does have a good heart and soul, even without playing on her instincts she is rather absentminded or rather cunning? She's one who you can never quite tell what the real act is. An acquaintance of many but rarely a friend would be a good way to describe her actions, though through no fault of others and instead by choice of herself. The burden of immortality and foresight to a word the elders predict is something not all should seek and praise like that of the 'foolish' humans. She believes there's ways to write your own reality, and to change the stream of time, she wants peace and chaos at the same time, she's witnessed so much and yet memories hold little strength in a Kistune's mind…. Accept for those truely special.

Kitsune Abilities- Small spirit flames of blue fire (Used to be able to produce quite large ones but due to the recent events such has dwindled), Night vision, Enhanced speed, Enhanced hearing, Incredibly agile, Moderately flexible (Certainly more so than human standards), Battle trained, Manouverable tails (Yes they can in fact be used in battle to an advantage though not a common kitsune tactic in cases other than blocking and even then almost unheard of due to the creatures remarkable pride in their fluffy appendages), Sharpened nails which are in fact more claw like upon closer inspection (Though some Kitsune shave these down to avoid accidentally injuring others including herself most of the time), Great reflexes, Basic illusion level magic, Animal shooting to that of a peculiar and slightly larger fox type creature (bearing the same eye colour as their human-like form and generally unique and unnatural coats, some of them even remain with extra tails in such a form.)

Purified water, Uncontrolled blazes of fire, Heavy or blunt force, Weapon mastery or usage, Inability to easily consume human foods (A common Kitsune trait which is where the motto in these lands come from with if ever to invite a stranger to your house, make sure to offer a hefty meal of beware of the fox, their actual diets mainly consisting of infrequent raw meats and fish), Easily intoxicated (Kitsune are known for although loving to drink and bad temperament and resisting getting drunken very easily in most cases especially off that of higher quality fine sake.), Water soaked (Being doused completely in water can nullify or at the very least dull the Kitsune's flame abilities, though they themselves once activated are water proof it actually still takes a spark form the foxes hand to ignite them.) Cutting off a foxes tail(/s) (Both extremely painful a fox who looses all her tails will return to being a wild beast and no more than a common animal, one who looses a tail and keeps the remaining portion will be significantly weakened and by their standards unable to perform at a normal standard, essentially crippled.), Instincts.

[Magical GM power of secrets, WOOSH. Sorry but this character has some very juicy details I'm not quite ready to reveal to ya'll playin' along in this rp, you'll just have to wait an see I suppose!]
Brief: Raised in a peaceful small village by her parents living in the forrest on the outskirts with the rest of a fox clan, war strikes, devastation, betrayal, heartache, recovery, traumatisation, love, desperation, rebellious, cold, forgiving, warm hearted, current.

Nothing but a few gold coins, an old hood she occasionally carriers about but willl often abandon at some tavern in chance of a new old coat (Yes I do understand the irony) the clothes on her back and a hair accessory given to her by someone- precious.

She plays a very important part in the plot, though Iw ould say it'll make it a lot more fun with an equal share of people on her good and bad side. ( :3 fufufufufufu~ )

Quote & Theme Song:
Quote, Featured at the start of CS. As for a song it depends on the mood and scene I'm writing though any emotional yet soothing instrumental music compilation might fit I suppose? (//>w<"//)



Yasashi Akuma


Specifically Onryõ

Appearance description/extra details:
Yasashi is of a rather lean, yet athletic build. Standing nearly six foot tall. Her Hair is a raven black in color and she usually keeps it in a flowing ponytail that cascades unto her lower back.
Her eyes are a steel grey.
She's rarely seen without her mask for it hides her rather grotesque facial features. (I'll add a picture once I finally draw it >_>)
She's got eight fang-like teeth that resemble a traditional Oni mask and her cheeks are covered in small scale-like patterns.

Usually seen wearing a Kimono to hide her rather haunting appearance as her spine is covered in demonic plating. When she does enter a more demonic form her skin turns a pale white and scale-like plating extends from her spine outwards.

Despite her demonic heritage Yasashi is a gentle spirit, never actively seeking conflict but a slave to her own demonic heritage. Due to her being a descendant of an Onryõ, a demonic spirit that empowers itself on human emotion, primarily hatred and vengeful desires, she tries avoiding staying in the same place for long and does not feel comfortable in larger groups.

Despite this Yasashi is a rather sociable person, usually engaging in banter, joking or simply socializing with those close enough to her to call "friend". Rather cynical and sarcastic when threatened or simply influenced by her demonic side, Yasashi does not hesitate to speak her mind, sometimes coming off as rather rude or overly blunt.
In the end her presence is best enjoyed outside of town, among a smaller group of associates.

Trained by her father, a fully fledged Onryõ, Yasashi is a master of the Katana, having a very precise, elegant fighting style that you wouldn't expect from a vengeful spirit.
-Survival expert
Living mostly in the woods and places outside of human civilization Yasashi is capable of surviving on her own, able to read traces, signs of impending rain and other rather useful skills needed to survive in the wilderness

-Onryõ Powers:
Onryõ's are demonic vessels for human emotions, serving almost as an echo of human desires, resonating those notions and empowering them. The strongest, most primal urges like hatred, vengeful thoughts, despair and other cravings can empower Yasashi, giving her the ability to feed on them and make her stronger. (Works really well in tag-team like circumstances)
She resonates these notions herself, on a battlefield where hatred for the enemy and the will to survive reign supreme she could draw enough power to become nigh-invincible
On the flipside, it makes her act on these urges, thus rendering her unable to stay in a densely populated place for long in fear of acting upon them

-Emotional Vessel
Yasashi's Onryõ powers work both ways.
It might allow her to grow in power when feeding on human emotion but those same emotions can overcome her and put her in a trance-like state where she may try fulfilling the cravings those notions provoked.
An overwhelming amount of emotion, be it just multiple sources or one overbearing one can also make her lose control completely and become a fully fledged Onryõ: A mere spirit that's just an echo of a human longing

-Inability to blend in with humans
Both on a mental and physical level due to her monstrous traits and inhuman abilities

-Spirit presence
Other demons or spirit users can feel her presence, often in form of an empowered emotion, be it fear or affection

Powerful emotions were what drew Yasashi's father to her mother, the last shrine maiden from a long bloodline. Her village's connection to the spiritual world, overseer of burial rites and other spiritual matters. Her shrine lay far from the village, up on the slope of a mountain stream, a temple where those plagued by their own demons came to seek guidance.

The Onryo fed on them, observing the humans, first from far away, then closer, every time he lay eyes on these mortals he met the gaze of the Shrinemaiden, but unlike the other humans she saw him. And unlike the last humans he encountered her eyes weren't filled with disgust or fear, but her lips blessed him with a soft smile that was enough for him to always return.

Townsfolk started to finally act upon their desires, as love and prosperity seemed to reign in the small village, all thanks to the shrinemaiden's smile that made the demon resonate feelings of joy and longing.
After months of lurking in the shadows he finally revealed himself to her...
And he found acceptance, no, even love...

And so it was that out of nowhere the townsfolk noticed the Shrinemaiden's belly swell, seeing it as a gift from the good-natured spirits that watched over the village.
Yet the child she bore was not one blessed with divine beauty, nor spirituality, instead the child's skin resembled a lizard's, pale white with red scales.
But the Shrinemaiden saw past that, she was her daughter, and she knew she would be a gentle soul, thus naming her Yasashi.
Hiding her from the prying eyes of the townspeople the Shrinemaiden and Onryo raised her with kindness and virtue. While her father taught her to understand her demonic side he also knew that the townsfolk would never fully accept her like the Shrinemaiden did accept him. Knowing she might have to protect herself he taught her the way of the katana, while both her parents taught her to accept herself.

But the town's prosperity soon turned into suspicion and distrust. Less people started to visit the shrine, telling tales of a demonic force and a deformed child sired by demons. Soon enough her father felt their influence, tormented by negative emotions as he grew restless and cold, starting to leave their home for extended periods of time...
Suspicion turned to hatred as the townsfolk' emotions were amplified by the presence of two Onryo's, making them fight each other and beget sinful acts. Their deeds only caused more hate and distrust to bloom like poisonous flowers as soon enough a mob of townsfolk arrived at the Shrine's doorstep, demanding the demons to be banished, threatening...
They broke into the shrine, found Yasashi, now almost a grown woman and brought her forth, having found the demon that caused their town to sink into madness...

But just as they tried to kill her, her Father arrived... or rather the warped image of him, corrupted by the overbearing hatred that filled the shrine he tore through the mob, their blood watering the earth as both child and mother were forced to watch...
And yet her parent's teaching were what avoided the slaughter as Yasashi came to wrap her arms around her father, allowing the negative emotions to flow through her too, easing the burden off her father's shoulders and reverting him to his pure form...
But it was too late.
Redeemed by his daughter he was able to say his last goodbyes to his family, for the townsfolk' negative energy had been enough to wear him out, tearing at his body and making his being a fading image of what it had been...
And as his form dissolved into a crimson mist his spell was taken off the townsfolk, ridding them off their hatred and making them see the fruits of their distrust...

Fearing it could happen to her too, corrupted by those very emotions sired by her very existence Yasashi set out into the world, trying to find her calling.
Be it allowing a shy boy to find love by giving him courage, or to urge a young soul to explore the world, her demonic influence could be felt wherever she went...
But sometimes issues had to be answered with steel and blood...

Her father's Katana
A Kimono and a wide-brimmed bamboo hat
A talisman to ward off evil spirits and repress her own demonic powers if need be

Yasashi loves food, usually wandering and avoiding human civilization makes it hard for her to get a decent meal, thus she'll gladly take any chance to indulge in some feasting

Her own emotions can be amplified too, if she's flushed and if they're spontaneous.

Although she's a wanderer she does enjoy human company, sometimes even spying on humans if she can't allow herself to get close

Likes helping out children with her powers

*Quote & Theme Song:

"Emotions make us human, denying them makes us beasts."
First Name:


Khaoul the Infernal Devourer
The Immortal Devil

(Probs 2k or something)

Apache - Male

Full Demon

Appearance description/extra details:
A field of black mist obscures his real features until he uses his powers. His real image is this:

Khaoul is supposedly soulless in the eyes of mortals from the human realm and perhaps that was not so far from the truth. Khaoul cares very little for life and simply exists to consume. If he were a sin, he would be gluttony for his incessant craving to consume more flesh, more people. He will stop to no end in order to kill and consume anything that is not a demon in order to sustain himself. Khaoul is also a bit of a loose cannon when it comes to teamwork, often causing destruction for everyone and having no problems eating his friends in pursuit of further power. When he begins to fill up on food, his intelligence finally starts to kick in. Becoming less of a savage beast, Khaoul becomes capable of strategy and tactical thinking, even using his abilities for more devious plots. Indifferent to the other demons and their "society", Khaoul respects power and those who can provide him food. If someone else can, it's possible to gain his loyalty, even if it is only temporarily.

Mind Over Matter -
Khaoul has the power to completely manipulate his own body to meet his own needs. Be it to create weapons of bone and flesh, to regenerate wounds, change his appearance or to simply grow into a titan of a monster. To this end he may also harden his flesh to become as strong as steel, to which it will take on a blackened/burnt appearance.

Dark Veil - A black smoke/mist constantly shrouds Khaoul at all times. It only ever goes away when he uses his powers or wills it to leave him. It can be cancelled out by being struck by divine or magic-cancelling magic or weapons.

Sacrificial Blood Magic - Khaoul has an innate passive blood and sacrifice magic ability that activates when he consumes other beings. He can spend the soul or blood of a person or several persons for varying effects. These effects range from buffs to his own body and powerful attacks. The power/amount of these effects depend on that amount of souls/blood that is consumed.

Immortalised Demonic Body -
Khaoul is extremely difficult to kill as he can easily produce more flesh and bone to supplement his own body, however he is not actually immortal. His steel skin ability can only be used on the area of two body parts at once. This includes two limbs at once, just the torso or just the head and one limb at once. On the same note, repeatedly striking at one point of his hardened skin would be enough to damage it. An overwhelming attack that destroys his entire body or having his heart pierced with a divine or magic-cancelling weapon will kill him for good. On top of all of that, if he goes without food/flesh to eat for long periods of time, he will grow considerably weaker until he simply dies. As such he must eat constantly to ensure his powers remain as powerful as they are.

Divine Weakness - Anyone with a form of "divine sight" such as clairvoyance or otherwise can see past his Dark Veil. Equally, weapons imbued with divine magic do more damage to his body and cause him more pain with noticeable effect.

Demon Impurity Seal - Khaoul's passive blood and sacrifice magic does not work with demonic souls and blood, so he cannot simply use his own life, his minions' life or his own flesh and blood to power his attacks.

Just one of them demons to have gotten sealed away.

The Flesh Render -
The sword on the left of his hip with a red gem is one of his two Demonic Life-Takers. Wounds created by this blade will not heal by normals means, requiring advanced healing magic or divine healing magic to purge the curse placed upon it. Powerful attacks generated through his passive blood and sacrifice magic can be channeled through this weapon for an increased output. The blade of this weapon has gnarled teeth running along its edge and cannot be broken.

The Soul Reaver - Despite not being able to output massive damaging attacks like its savage counterpart, this slightly longer twin blade with a black gem on the right of his hip causes no bleeding or organ failure when it wounds a person. Instead, their magical energy bleeds from the wound. As such, it can absorb magical energy and even mitigate/negate magical spells. This blade has an incredibly sharp and slender edge but is breakable as it does not hold up against heavy attacks or incredibly dense or hard defences. Those suffering from its effects will become mentally drained until all their magic is gone and they become hollow husks. Intermediate magic or any divine magic can heal these wounds.

He prefers the flesh of the innocents than those hardened by battle. However he still enjoys killing those with great combat proficiency.

*Quote & Theme Song:
"I hunger... Come, feed me. I await your death."​
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