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Fantasy Lost World RP


Picked Clean
Default character creation template (Feel free to create your own one if desired.)



Age: (If measurable due to race)

Gender: (If applicable to race)

Powers:(If applicable)

Personality: (If wanted)

Remarkable traits or points: (If wanted)

Languages spoken:(If desired)

Description/picture: (Picture or word description are both acceptable)
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Name: Shunubi

Age: 19

Race: Human (Esper)

Gender: Male

Powers:Able to read minds, and leave suggestive/persuasive thoughts in others

Personality: A very intervert style person who prefers to keep close to himself due to his lack of social skills

Remarkable traits or points: Is never found without his pen or trusty book on his person, even here in the new world.

Languages spoken: English


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/large10.jpg.c005d604966a185b17fc921d7cfcb228.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/large10.jpg.c005d604966a185b17fc921d7cfcb228.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Sakura Kimura

Race: shifter

Age: (If measurable due to race): 20

Gender: (If applicable to race) Female

Powers:(If applicable) can turn into a singular animal shape (raven) but she keeps her raven wings in human form; telepathy (speak to others through link to mind);

Personality: (If wanted) She can be very cold or very kind. There is no true medium ground with her. If she likes you, she likes you. If not, you're out of luck. She is gentle to all animals

Remarkable traits or points: (If wanted) the raven wings growing out of her back

Languages spoken:(If desired) English and can understand some animals

Description/picture: (Picture or word description are both acceptable)

Nylana said:
Name: Sakura Kimura
Race: shifter

Age: (If measurable due to race): 20

Gender: (If applicable to race) Female

Powers:(If applicable) can turn into a singular animal shape (raven) but she keeps her raven wings in human form; telepathy (speak to others through link to mind);

Personality: (If wanted) She can be very cold or very kind. There is no true medium ground with her. If she likes you, she likes you. If not, you're out of luck. She is gentle to all animals

Remarkable traits or points: (If wanted) the raven wings growing out of her back

Languages spoken:(If desired) English and can understand some animals

Description/picture: (Picture or word description are both acceptable)

Approved! Welcome aboard and enjoy

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c616962aa_StampofApproval.jpg.1693d16a61f1a6fc5bf62ec7c79b8f12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c616962aa_StampofApproval.jpg.1693d16a61f1a6fc5bf62ec7c79b8f12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Race: Siren (half)

Age: 15

Gender: female (but any pronoun shes fine with)

Powers: her singing can control others for a very short period of time, because of her age her powers are weak.

Personality: Childish and playful, always tries to spice things up and likes to tease

Sexuality: Bi

Remarkable traits or points: can hold her breath underwater for more then 5-7 minutes and is terrible with physical sports.

Languages spoken:English and a little spanish

Description/picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/siren.png.641b3167d34d36950801b4a9b1597b13.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/siren.png.641b3167d34d36950801b4a9b1597b13.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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RedRosesrp said:
Race: Siren (half)

Age: 15

Gender: female (but any pronoun shes fine with)

Powers: her singing can control others for a very short period of time, because of her age her powers are weak.

Personality: Childish and playful, always tries to spice things up and likes to tease

Sexuality: Bi

Remarkable traits or points: can hold her breath underwater for more then 5-7 minutes and is terrible with physical sports.

Languages spoken:English and a little spanish

You're in! Feel free to start RPing whenever you feel ready.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c636a0bdc_StampofApproval.jpg.f28d7b68cb20b973342702d475095cff.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90719" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c636a0bdc_StampofApproval.jpg.f28d7b68cb20b973342702d475095cff.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Leo Baskerville

Race: Human (Gifted)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Powers: Chain-Jabberwocky (An mythical creature he can summon in tragic situations)

Personality: Brave, Stubborn, Unsettled, Violent, Calm Demeanor, Kind, Spirited, and Smart

Remarkable traits or points: Leo always carries weapons and swords in his outfit depending on where he is at

Languages spoken: English


Name: Mary Churchill

Race: Elemental

Age: 15

Gender: Female



Mary is a Psychic elemental, she can make objects move around, read minds and twist objects into completely different objects (Turning a stone into a spear)

Personality: Mary is a prankster and teaser, though she grows extremely flustered when she herself is teased, but she is a kind young lady that is friendly to strangers and proven friends.

Remarkable traits or points: Psychic abilities

Languages spoken:English and French (Native language).

Yoghurt said:
Name: Mary Churchill
Race: Elemental

Age: 15

Gender: Female



Mary is a Psychic elemental, she can make objects move around, read minds and twist objects into completely different objects (Turning a stone into a spear)

Personality: Mary is a prankster and teaser, though she grows extremely flustered when she herself is teased, but she is a kind young lady that is friendly to strangers and proven friends.

Remarkable traits or points: Psychic abilities

Languages spoken:English and French (Native language).

Boom! Welcome aboard!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c638543e4_StampofApproval.jpg.866adeb9cd2b8786402cbd54bafba2cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c638543e4_StampofApproval.jpg.866adeb9cd2b8786402cbd54bafba2cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Matilda (Tilly) Aversome

Race: Demon

Age: Unmeasurable though she appears to be about 17

Gender: Female

Powers: Pyrokinesis and ferrokinesis. She cannot use both at the same time and they greatly tire her out.

Personality: Quiet, cold, fiery temper when pushed too far.

Remarkable traits or points: Skilled in meelee combat.

Languages spoken: Multiple languages including forgotten languages. Due to this she tends to use multiple languages in one sentence if she is not careful.



Name: Spike Halloween

Race: Nightmare

Age: He has been in existence for about three years though physically he is much older.

Gender: Both, though prefers a male form.

Powers: He can shift from a male human to female or into a shadow form.

Personality: Playful, often tired. He likes to scare people and play pranks.

Remarkable traits or points: Nothing much.

Languages spoken: English, Latin, Greek.


Female form:


Male form:

Demmy said:

Name: Matilda (Tilly) Aversome

Race: Demon

Age: Unmeasurable though she appears to be about 17

Gender: Female

Powers: Pyrokinesis and ferrokinesis. She cannot use both at the same time and they greatly tire her out.

Personality: Quiet, cold, fiery temper when pushed too far.

Remarkable traits or points: Skilled in meelee combat.

Languages spoken: Multiple languages including forgotten languages. Due to this she tends to use multiple languages in one sentence if she is not careful.



Name: Spike Halloween

Race: Nightmare

Age: He has been in existence for about three years though physically he is much older.

Gender: Both, though prefers a male form.

Powers: He can shift from a male human to female or into a shadow form.

Personality: Playful, often tired. He likes to scare people and play pranks.

Remarkable traits or points: Nothing much.

Languages spoken: English, Latin, Greek.


Female form:


Male form:

Both characters 100% approved! Welcome aboard the Lost World RP train!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6394a525_StampofApproval.jpg.5a1c647c9d6cc354171efe389b2bf237.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6394a525_StampofApproval.jpg.5a1c647c9d6cc354171efe389b2bf237.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Stratos katsuchia

Race: child of oblivion

Age: 18 (human years) 100 (demon years)

Gender: male

Powers:Aether manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate Aether, a powerful and unique "Celestial Element" that flows through the Universe. There have been many claims/theories made by alchemists, natural philosophers, and very early modern physicists that confirm Aether's power. One claim is that it was the pure essence that the Mythological Gods lived and breathed in the same way humans did with air. Another claim is that Aether is the force used by God himself to create the Universe. Another reference would be the Hermeticist book "Kybalion" that not only explain its nature but the plane it comes from. As mentioned in the Astrology page, Aether is from the "Ethereal Plane", a Physical Plane that exists between the ones of both matter and energy. However, although it can partake in the nature of either substances, Aether is neither of these things.

Despite its title as "Life-Force", Aether encompasses more than the essence of living things. Users of this power will realize that Aether exists in Elemental, Cosmic, and Spiritual forces. This is also proven by the Kybalion's entries. According to the texts, there are at least three levels of both matter and energy each with Aether at the middle. The first level of matter comprises the common forms of matter like solid/liquids/gases. The second level consists of matter that is more high level, and subtle. The third level is comprised of the most subtle, and tenuous forms of matter that scientists don't even know about. Concerning energy, the first level consists of the common forms such as heat and light. The second level consists of "Nature's Finer Forces", higher forms of energy that is undiscovered by scientists. The third level consists of energy that is unrecognizable by human beings, and available only to beings of the Spiritual Plane. This form of energy can be considered as "the divine power" with the users considered "gods".

With this stated, each level of matter/energy refers to the one of the three mentioned forces. The first level means the elemental forces because the text refers to common forms. The second level means cosmic forces as they are referring to higher forms of matter/energy. The third level refers to spiritual/divine forces because the text referred to forms of matter/energy that is unrecognizable by mortal men and only available to transcendent life-forms. This is supported by the fact that spirits are believed to be ethereal beings that are basically made of Aether. Needless to say, users of this power will be extremely powerful, and essentially invincible.


[*]Magic: Users can focus the fifth element into all forms of the "Arcane Craft".

  • Alchemy: Gain mastery over the art of transmutation, and chemicals.
  • Astrology: Master the art of interpreting the ethereal bonds in celestial bodies.
  • Destruction: Control forces of destruction that surround the universe.
  • Divination: Gain information via supernatural means.
  • Healing: Repair high amounts of damage sustained by the human body.
  • Mysticism: Mystically interpret the ethereal bonds of the spiritual bones.
  • Necromancy: Magically control the forces of death. (Make zombies, skeletons, souls and such?)
  • Subjective Reality: Control the boundary between fantasy/reality to make realistic illusions.

Personality: (If wanted) Stratos is a very goofy, playful person much like the clowns but has a more serious side to him when he's pissed, The thing is he isn't a so called 'evil thug' or a 'good cop' he's just a neutral person, he is typically cocky and ruthless.

Remarkable traits or points: (If wanted)




Languages spoken: English and heartless (backwards text)

Description/picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.5f1ddfeb599a67dbb7656c34972cc11e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/image.jpeg.5f1ddfeb599a67dbb7656c34972cc11e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • Name: Mithiel ([Mith-ee]-

    Race: Elvish

    Age: (physcial and mental maturity): 18 (actual years lived): 34

    Gender: F

Extra: WHOOP!! Go BBcode! ^-^
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"Just call me Glen, okay?"


"Sometimes, I can't remember how it happened."



"Only 119."

Looks about 25




"I just love to climb."

Is swift on his feet and is able to climb anything he sets his mind to. The drawback? Glen might just be the clumsiest vampire on the face of the Earth.



"Just call me Vladdy..."

Vladimir Vitali Hayes




Human (Possessed)


25 (Unknown)


Both are Male


"If I had powers, I'd want to be able to read minds."

Snipe is apart of a species of demon-like creatures that take host in humans and feed off of negative energies either made by the host or by surrounding humans. It is harmless to both the host and the humans around them. Vladdy is a psychiatrist who specializes in phobias.

Remarkable traits or points:

"Your fear fascinates me."

Vladdy was raised in the family to be a psychiatrist just like his mother and father. He knows he is possessed but doesn't talk about it. Snipe is able to talk to Vladdy, but not able to talk to other humans without leaving his host. If Snipe was able to leave his host he would have done it a long time ago. Only death can permanently separate the two of them.
ayumukatsuchia said:
Name: Stratos katsuchia
Race: child of oblivion

Age: 18 (human years) 100 (demon years)

Gender: male

Powers:Aether manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate Aether, a powerful and unique "Celestial Element" that flows through the Universe. There have been many claims/theories made by alchemists, natural philosophers, and very early modern physicists that confirm Aether's power. One claim is that it was the pure essence that the Mythological Gods lived and breathed in the same way humans did with air. Another claim is that Aether is the force used by God himself to create the Universe. Another reference would be the Hermeticist book "Kybalion" that not only explain its nature but the plane it comes from. As mentioned in the Astrology page, Aether is from the "Ethereal Plane", a Physical Plane that exists between the ones of both matter and energy. However, although it can partake in the nature of either substances, Aether is neither of these things.

Despite its title as "Life-Force", Aether encompasses more than the essence of living things. Users of this power will realize that Aether exists in Elemental, Cosmic, and Spiritual forces. This is also proven by the Kybalion's entries. According to the texts, there are at least three levels of both matter and energy each with Aether at the middle. The first level of matter comprises the common forms of matter like solid/liquids/gases. The second level consists of matter that is more high level, and subtle. The third level is comprised of the most subtle, and tenuous forms of matter that scientists don't even know about. Concerning energy, the first level consists of the common forms such as heat and light. The second level consists of "Nature's Finer Forces", higher forms of energy that is undiscovered by scientists. The third level consists of energy that is unrecognizable by human beings, and available only to beings of the Spiritual Plane. This form of energy can be considered as "the divine power" with the users considered "gods".

With this stated, each level of matter/energy refers to the one of the three mentioned forces. The first level means the elemental forces because the text refers to common forms. The second level means cosmic forces as they are referring to higher forms of matter/energy. The third level refers to spiritual/divine forces because the text referred to forms of matter/energy that is unrecognizable by mortal men and only available to transcendent life-forms. This is supported by the fact that spirits are believed to be ethereal beings that are basically made of Aether. Needless to say, users of this power will be extremely powerful, and essentially invincible.


[*]Magic: Users can focus the fifth element into all forms of the "Arcane Craft".

  • Alchemy: Gain mastery over the art of transmutation, and chemicals.
  • Astrology: Master the art of interpreting the ethereal bonds in celestial bodies.
  • Destruction: Control forces of destruction that surround the universe.
  • Divination: Gain information via supernatural means.
  • Healing: Repair high amounts of damage sustained by the human body.
  • Mysticism: Mystically interpret the ethereal bonds of the spiritual bones.
  • Necromancy: Magically control the forces of death. (Make zombies, skeletons, souls and such?)
  • Subjective Reality: Control the boundary between fantasy/reality to make realistic illusions.

Personality: (If wanted) Stratos is a very goofy, playful person much like the clowns but has a more serious side to him when he's pissed, The thing is he isn't a so called 'evil thug' or a 'good cop' he's just a neutral person, he is typically cocky and ruthless.

Remarkable traits or points: (If wanted)




Languages spoken: English and heartless (backwards text)

Description/picture:View attachment 203104
A powerful but good looking edition to the thread. Welcome in! Also more pictures of Accelerator <3

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b1f8ed_StampofApproval.jpg.78a005deab1baa565117f087fd4d733f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90934" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b1f8ed_StampofApproval.jpg.78a005deab1baa565117f087fd4d733f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Spazzycat101 said:

  • Name: Mithiel ([Mith-ee]-

    Race: Elvish

    Age: (physcial and mental maturity): 18 (actual years lived): 34

    Gender: F

Extra: WHOOP!! Go BBcode! ^-^
The first elf to arrive to the thread. 100% approved!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b2433b_StampofApproval.jpg.97aa80bda8b6111d619dc197f93e622f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b2433b_StampofApproval.jpg.97aa80bda8b6111d619dc197f93e622f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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papachan said:


"Just call me Glen, okay?"


"Sometimes, I can't remember how it happened."



"Only 119."

Looks about 25




"I just love to climb."

Is swift on his feet and is able to climb anything he sets his mind to. The drawback? Glen might just be the clumsiest vampire on the face of the Earth.



"Just call me Vladdy..."

Vladimir Vitali Hayes




Human (Possessed)


25 (Unknown)


Both are Male


"If I had powers, I'd want to be able to read minds."

Snipe is apart of a species of demon-like creatures that take host in humans and feed off of negative energies either made by the host or by surrounding humans. It is harmless to both the host and the humans around them. Vladdy is a psychiatrist who specializes in phobias.

Remarkable traits or points:

"Your fear fascinates me."

Vladdy was raised in the family to be a psychiatrist just like his mother and father. He knows he is possessed but doesn't talk about it. Snipe is able to talk to Vladdy, but not able to talk to other humans without leaving his host. If Snipe was able to leave his host he would have done it a long time ago. Only death can permanently separate the two of them.
#Teamvampire. Approval granted, welcome to the party \o/

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b2774c_StampofApproval.jpg.06297c0808f39565c5098f058d6ac738.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b2774c_StampofApproval.jpg.06297c0808f39565c5098f058d6ac738.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Evelyn Crimson Rose

Race: Hybrid; Vampire & Demon

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Powers: Can summon a crimson black sword from anywhere, has blood red crimson wings but usually hides them,

Personality: "Loves to be feared hates to be adored" Always wants fear to be around her never loves to be adored or looked up to, even if it means killing an entire family to be hated she will do anything for it

Remarkable traits or points: Learnt to be able to block his emotions so she is a pure killing machine, killed her own brother to prove a point that she will kill for anything, why she never wants to be cared for or loved is for the reason she wants to never feel emotions, "for if purest blood can live for eternity they must sacrifice something of much need to them" To her this was emotions

Description/picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b3673c_Evelynexceptrighteye.jpg.b53610301bcb9e100c6de959c05ef1ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90937" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b3673c_Evelynexceptrighteye.jpg.b53610301bcb9e100c6de959c05ef1ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Wings are hidden and right eye is meant to be teal, soz it's so huge) Both eyes turn crimson when she needs blood



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venomslayer said:
Name: Evelyn Crimson Rose
Race: Hybrid; Vampire & Demon

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Powers: Can summon a crimson black sword from anywhere, has blood red crimson wings but usually hides them,

Personality: "Loves to be feared hates to be adored" Always wants fear to be around her never loves to be adored or looked up to, even if it means killing an entire family to be hated she will do anything for it

Remarkable traits or points: Learnt to be able to block his emotions so she is a pure killing machine, killed her own brother to prove a point that she will kill for anything, why she never wants to be cared for or loved is for the reason she wants to never feel emotions, "for if purest blood can live for eternity they must sacrifice something of much need to them" To her this was emotions

Description/picture:View attachment 203246 (Wings are hidden and right eye is meant to be teal, soz it's so huge) Both eyes turn crimson when she needs blood
Seems all good! *Opens the doors* Aboard the RPcopter when you're ready!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b3afe6_StampofApproval.jpg.c7c13aef068d09b3b14388aefdb6a0c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="90938" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c63b3afe6_StampofApproval.jpg.c7c13aef068d09b3b14388aefdb6a0c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(needed to be finshed.)


Hanujo arrimas Shi


Found out in Rp










Remarkable traits or points: (If wanted)

Languages spoken:(If desired)

Description/picture: (Picture or word description are both acceptab
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Hi guys i am totally new to this website and ive probably joined at a really awkward time in the middle of everyones rps so if i could join someone's rp that would be great!~

Name: Azuna

Race: Angel

Age: Around 236...

Looks 18

Gender: Females

Powers: Can heal people to some extent (e.g. can't bring people back to life) the side effects are that she gets very tired.

Can numb someone's pain however the side effects are she feels the pain for herself.

She can make herself invisible or bring out her wings whenever she wants although sometimes her wings will come out if she is very angry.


- Kind

- Caring

- Sensitive

- Friendly/Happy/Bubbly

- Easily embarassed

Remarkable traits or points: N/A

Languages spoken: Cannot speak the languages for herself but she can understand all the languages in the world if someone speaks them to her.

(has dimples when she smiles)
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Name: Kamisko Valania

Race: human

Age: 22

Gender: female

Powers: fire mage, healer

Personality: She is a stern woman. She doesn't tolerate nonsense. She likes to help others who are in need, such as someone injured. If she is around someone long enough, it's likely she'll grow emotionally attached, though she will try not to show it.

Remarkable traits or points: She can use her fire powers offensively, and healing powers to help others but not herself. It takes a lot to make her emotional, but when her temper rises, it's explosive to where her fire powers become uncontrollable. Such a state doesn't last very long, as she can regain composure under most circumstances, however the damage she causes can be quite high if she's not careful. Her healing abilities also come from within, but must have help to channel them effectively. If she has no help from a magic channeling asset, her healing powers might not flow strong enough to fully heal someone. Her earrings help channel her healing powers, but no one would know this unless she directly told them. They look like normal earrings otherwise.

Languages spoken: english


She has bronze armor that covers her whole body, except her head and hands. She has light pink hair, dim purple eyes, and medium toned skin. Her eyebrows are small, oddly looking circular due to their shortness. She wears a green cloth headband given to her by her parents that holds high emotional value. She wears small blue earrings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6404a3e9_Firemage.png.f5319b435ed7cdddb83cb5d9309dfbd4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91137" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6404a3e9_Firemage.png.f5319b435ed7cdddb83cb5d9309dfbd4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Domxx said:
Hi guys i am totally new to this website and ive probably joined at a really awkward time in the middle of everyones rps so if i could join someone's rp that would be great!~
Name: Azuna

Race: Angel

Age: Around 236...

Looks 18

Gender: Females

Powers: Can heal people to some extent (e.g. can't bring people back to life) the side effects are that she gets very tired.

Can numb someone's pain however the side effects are she feels the pain for herself.

She can make herself invisible or bring out her wings whenever she wants although sometimes her wings will come out if she is very angry.


- Kind

- Caring

- Sensitive

- Friendly/Happy/Bubbly

- Easily embarassed

Remarkable traits or points: N/A

Languages spoken: Cannot speak the languages for herself but she can understand all the languages in the world if someone speaks them to her.

(has dimples when she smiles)
Kawaii angel <3 Also Access granted! Welcome in!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6423aff5_StampofApproval.jpg.a4d51d09d1e1e79d85b3883dc639a6ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91207" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c6423aff5_StampofApproval.jpg.a4d51d09d1e1e79d85b3883dc639a6ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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